Wednesday, October 10, 2018

No Way Wray! Holder's Sick Brand of Civility. Stunning Melania - What A Beautiful Credit To Our Nation. Market Comment.

Comment from very dear friend and fellow memo reader:

"Tonight, after you had gone to bed, I heard Capri Cafaro, former minority leader (Democrat) in the State of Ohio on Fox.  Her family has been Democratic for years.  It goes way back to her grandfather.

Anyway, she was brilliant in chastising the D's for their actions and attitudes.  I couldn't believe it, but she did it, and she was very good.  I wish that they would have given her more time to speak, as she had it all together.  She was very definite in her disappointment in the Democrat's behavior.  Refreshing!

She's a bright girl...graduating from Stanford at 18 and then getting a degree from Georgetown.  Her family is steeped in politics but also, always, in trouble.  When her dad built his house (35000 sq. ft), he put on a suite for Tip O'Neil.  They were in the mall business, second only to Edward J. DeBartolo, in size and scope.  I've know them for many years since Capri (formerly named Janee) was a little girl.

Loved the Whopper idea for Hillary.  She could finally be Queen.  But, who can/will spill the beans on Coons? M------"
Is FBI spying on Trump and Director refuses to answer. (See 1 below.)

Has America become the land of "Big Brother?"


Hilary's civility comment has been picked up by another liar, the former Attorney General. He turned Michelle's comments around and said about Republicans: "When they go low we should kick them." What a sick brand of civility.

The Democrats no longer know who they are because Trump has them so on the defensive and the radicals among them have taken over the party's reins.
I recently came across an e mail that showed pictures of what Melania wore during her recent African Tour and some extra shots of her attire at various functions etc.

Because of her modeling past she is absolutely stunning and has exquisite taste. Were there not such hatred towards her, the mass media would be cooing about what a beautiful person she is and what a fabulous, stylish, charming and dignified representative she is for our country.

If feminists really want something to "bitch" about they would be complaining about Melania's lack of appropriate coverage by our mass media dolts. Wherever she goes she lights up the surroundings and we should be so proud to have her representing us.

If memory serves me correctly the mass media went gah gah over Jackie and noted what beautiful French she spoke.  I take nothing away from Jackie.  She too was a wonderful First Lady and a far better wife than her husband was to her.

That said, Melania speaks many languages and can more than  hold her own when one thinks about the many First Ladies we have had when it comes to physical beauty, sophistication and instinct.
Finally, the market has a whole new scenario facing it now that the economy has recovered, leading to a rise in interest rates, employment and wages.  Add to this the issues of trade sanctions and the path for the market is now littered with different concerns and hurdles.

I see no evidence of recession though some of the indices have weakened.  The recent substantial decline was probably overdue. I remain positive now that we are in the beginning of an earnings period which will prove good but not equal to the previous quarter.

I still favor energy, energy equipment, less aggressive on health care. Still like value and income stocks like IBM, KO, SO and T.  Selective Technology still seems ok like AAPL, QCOM, INTC.
New idea risky long term speculation CRSP.
1) FBI Director Refuses to Answer ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL Trump Question
  • by: AAN Staff

FBI Director Chris Wray refused to answer a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as to whether or not the FBI or NSA are monitoring the phone conversations of President Trump. (Law & Crime)

Senator Rand Paul Tweets:

The question was posed by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) during a Senate committee hearing on national security issues. The Kentucky Senator asked, “Do you think that it’s possible that the president’s conversations with international leaders are in the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] database?”

To which Wray replied, “I’m not sure there’s anything I could speak to in this setting.” Just after the hearing, Paul tweeted about the interaction:

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