Thursday, October 25, 2018

Just Another Day In Beautiful Portland. Judicial Watch. Turning More Positive. Campus Diversity Discussion on Religion - Informative. BOCCE Win! Optics.

< Just another day in one of America's beautiful and liberal  cities:, 


A political observation from a family member:

"A Governor who doesn't wish to be held accountable? Blasphemy.
In a country this big, a two party system apparently means each party will be many things to many people, ready to abandon one deeply held conviction for another in the penultimate fight for political power. There is no innocence in politics. 

Jobs not mobs seems just ridiculous enough to be a catchy social media age slogan. And, our dear President seems just the man to coin it. "


BREAKING: National Media Identifies Chief Suspect In the Bomb Case

It is a shame the media never wanted to have these conversations about culpability based on angry rhetoric after James Hodgkinson attempted a mass assassination of members of Congress. Frankly, it is stuff like this that leads many in this country to tune out the press because of clear double standards and self-interest.
I actually agree about the President's rhetoric and have said so for some time. But the press and left don't seem to care when the left uses the same sort of rhetoric about Republicans and conservatives. Read More
I am a modest contributor to Judicial Watch because Tom Fitton and his staff try to keep the political crooks from destroying our republic. 

There is nothing more sacred than the right to vote and have fair elections.  This is why radicals are so interested in creating distrust and attacking the sanctity of our voting process.(See 1 below.)
For it's interest: Since 1974, only four market corrections have become bear markets,

I am turning a bit more positive because the downturn  is more emotional than fundamental.
We attended a discussion on religious diversity at one of the local colleges last night. Represented were Judaism, Catholicism, Islamism and Black Protestantism.  It was an informative presentation and was good to see pro-active efforts, on a college campus, to ward off ant-Semitism as well as potential restrictions on free speech etc.

Attendance was too small but at least no disruptive radials were present .
Optics may not be good for progressives but they can always solve that by stealing elections as they have often been accused of doing. (See 2 below.)

Build a wall with a surrounding moat filled with gators. 
Yesterday our BOCCE (Botch A Me Ah) Team had an outstanding win over The High Rollers.  Score 15 - 6.  

All participants did well and we shocked ourselves into believing we are better than we are. Even I helped our team.
IRONY? (See 3 below.)
One day we will get back to real hot wars but for now we will have terrorism, cyber attacks , money flows, "fifth column" type intrusions  dictating events.  Pence suggests Venezuela is funding the "war"caravan marchers and probably with laundered funding.
Dear Mr. Berkowitz,

We have all heard about voter fraud and attempts by liberal media organs like The New York Times and leftist politicians to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem.

But voter fraud is in fact real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can and does decide elections. It also drives honest citizens out of the democratic process and breeds distrust in our government.

I, like most Americans, believe that voting is a highly valued right and serious responsibility of American citizenship. And clean, accurate voter registration rolls, as well as commonsense laws requiring voter ID help stop voter fraud and voting by individuals ineligible to vote.

That’s why Judicial Watch’s filed lawsuits against the states of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky that resulted in those states agreeing to comply with that National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) by cleaning their voter rolls.

But there’s more to do. You see, there are many other states that have not been cleaning their voter rolls as required by law and we’ve issued notices to a dozen of them that they need to comply with the law – or perhaps face a lawsuit from Judicial Watch.

And that’s why I hope you will help Judicial Watch now as we expand our 
fight for clean and fair elections.

Lawsuits are costly, especially when we’re fighting the government! But this is
indeed a critical battle for the rule of law, and for the future of our nation. And
that’s why your support of our work is so important.

Please make your best donation now to Judicial Watch so we can fight for 
clean elections and carry out our work fighting government corruption.

Thank you!


Tom Fitton, President


2)Midterm Optics Are Bad For Progressives

For progressives, the looming midterm elections apparently should not hinge
on a booming economy, a near-record-low unemployment rate, a strong stock
market and unprecedented energy production. Instead, progressives hope that
race and gender questions overshadow pocketbook issues.

The media is fixated on another caravan of foreign nationals flowing toward
the United States from Central America. More than 5,000 mostly Honduran
migrants say they will cross through Mexico. Then they plan to crash the
American border, enter the U.S. illegally, claim refugee status and demand
asylum. Once inside the United States, the newcomers will count on a variety
of ways to avoid deportation.

This gambit appears mysteriously timed to arrive right before the U.S.
midterm elections - apparently to create empathy and sway voters toward
progressive candidates supporting a more relaxed immigration policy.
Border Melodrama

Open-borders advocates and progressives assume that if border-security
officials are forced to detain the intruders and separate parents who broke
the law from their children, it will make President Trump and Republican
candidates appear cold-hearted and callous.

Earlier this year, a similar border melodrama became sensationalized in the
media and almost certainly dropped Trump's approval ratings. But this time
around, the optics may be different.

The new caravan appears strangely well organized. The marchers, many of them
young men, do not appear destitute. They do not seem to fit the profile of
desperate refugees whose lives were in immediate danger in their homeland.
For many Americans, the would-be refugees may seem presumptuous in assuming
that they have the right to barge into someone else's country. Most
Americans realize that if an organized caravan of foreigners can simply
announce in advance plans to crash into the U.S. illegally, then the
concepts of a border, citizenship, sovereignty or even a country itself no
longer exist.

A number of other events on the eve of the midterm elections also may have
the opposite of the intended effect on voters.
Kavanaugh Circus

The Supreme Court nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh ended up as
scripted melodrama. Protesters disrupted the Senate on cue. They screamed
from the gallery. Democratic senators staged a walkout. They filibustered
and interrupted the proceedings.

Their collective aim was to show America that male Republican senators were
insensitive to the feelings and charges of Christine Blasey Ford, and
therefore callous and sexist.

Ford had alleged that Kavanaugh 36 years earlier had sexually assaulted her
at a party when they were both teenagers. But she produced no corroborating
testimony, physical evidence or witnesses. Many of her assertions were
contested by other people.

Many Americans finally concluded that there was no reason to deny
Kavanaugh's nomination to the court. To find Kavanaugh guilty of Ford's
charges, Americans were asked to suspend the very ideas of due process and
Western jurisprudence.

The furious demonstrations that followed Kavanaugh's confirmation only made
the optics worse.

Republican senators were confronted at their offices and on elevators.
Protesters broke through police cordons and beat and scratched at the
Supreme Court doors, apparently in vain efforts to break in and disrupt the
swearing-in ceremonies.

Liberal icons such as Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder
and Sen. Cory Booker seemed to encourage the incivility and disruptions.
Did the ongoing chaos work to change public opinion in their direction?
Perhaps not.

Most Americans do not want frenzied shriekers scratching at doors on Capitol
Hill. They are turned off by shouters popping up in Senate galleries. Few
are comfortable with efforts to bully or intimidate senators rather than to
persuade them.

Warren's DNA

In yet another misreading of the public, Sen. Elizabeth Warren produced the
results of a DNA test to prove she had properly claimed advantageous
minority status on the basis of her alleged Native American family history.
But the test only confirmed that Warren might be 1% (or less) Native
American, and probably not from a tribe in the continental U.S.
If Warren's video emphasizing her DNA claims was intended to be persuasive,
it sadly ended up confirming her farce. Most Americans could claim a
similarly minuscule bloodline but would not do so to game the system for
careerist advantage.

On the eve of the midterm elections, progressives believe that these public
spectacles showcasing feminist, immigrant and identity issues trump the
booming economy and might galvanize independents and fence-sitters to vote
for liberal candidates.

Yet the caravan, the Kavanaugh hearings and the Warren fiasco remind voters
of the very opposite of what was intended.

Every country requires a border and the rule of law. Due process cannot so
easily be thrown out in a moment. There can be no Senate without safety and
calm inside its halls. Powerful, privileged Washington officials should be
the last to game a system designed to help the underprivileged.
Americans know all that. Strangely, progressive activists don't.

*       Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, and the author of the soon-to-be released "The Second
World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won," to appear in
October from Basic Books.



Oh the Irony

According to the United Nations, it is Israel’s aggressive approach to security 
that is one of the primary obstacles to peace in the Middle East.

So, it was with some surprise that Israelis learned last week that the United 
Nations had contracted out security for its personnel and assets in Africa to none 
other than Israeli security companies.
UN peacekeepers in Africa are regularly the targets of deadly violence. In fact, 61 
UN peacekeepers were killed in Africa just last year, the highest annual death toll 
for the organization in 25 years. In light of this escalation, the UN put out a 
notice that it was looking to hire outside help. Of the five security firms that were eventually interviewed, three were Israeli, a clear indication of confidence in 
Israel’s ability to effectively deal with such threats.
UN PeacekeepersIt was Israeli security firm MER that ultimately won the contract, worth $8 
million, to protect UN peacekeepers in Africa for the next three years, with an 
option for a further five years.
The UN also signed a deal, worth $42 million, with the Israeli company Odis, 
which develops and operates water treatment systems.
Given the usual tension between Israel and the UN, most people are unaware that
 the world body nevertheless is a regular customer of the Jewish state and its
 innovative start-ups. Israeli companies sold $52 million worth of goods and 
services to the UN last year alone.
Clearly, the UN doesn’t think so badly of Israel as the voting records of the 
General Assembly, the Security Council, the Human Rights Council and UNESCO 
might suggest.

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