Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"That Dog Could Bite You." Hillary Get A Job At "Burger Queen." Wild Eyed Feminists - How Pathetic.

I know I promised no more Kavanaugh cartoons but could not resist.
What goes around could come around and like Georgia's great deceased humorist (Lewis Grizzard) said: " That dog could bite you."  In Sen. Coons' case it could be a hound variety. (See 1 below.)
I caught the 6 PM news last night and saw Hillary from England say that if the Democrats win in November, America can return to civility or words to that effect.

My God!  This from the women who called half of America "deplorables."  This from the Party that accused a man, without evidence that held water, he was a rapist.

If you repeat a lie often enough Democrats think it becomes believable but is that the case when the lie is a "Whopper?"

Hillary should get a job at The Home of The Whopper  (Burger Queen) flipping burgers.

Meanwhile the "long knives of hypocrite feminist civility" are out to gut/defeat Sen. Collins and the "wild eyed" have raised $3 million to do so.  Collins will defeat them because she was courageous and made a beautiful speech but then you never know when dealing with a "feminist scorned."  How totally pathetic.

The radicals never learn their behaviour turns off more than are energized and those who start a worthy caused are eventually booted out by the passionate nut cases.

Meet the new Democrat Party:


The few remaining rational Democrat Senators are being intimidated by the extreme nut cases who have taken over the Democrat Party and who live in Radicalville and I am referring to Spartacus and that female Senator from Hawaii, Schumer, among a host of others.

They proved recently, for political reasons, they are willing to disregard the basis of our legal foundation that you are innocent until proven guilty.  To be proven guilty evidence , believable evidence, must be submitted and believed by your peers in the event of a public trial.  If these "fascists" are willing to disregard this basic legal tenet, because an aggrieved woman is willing to come forth with an unsubstantiated allegation, what is next?  Will they simply say all the remaining Bill of Rights have no basis?  These same fools are attacking the right to bear arms, freedom of speech  and they do so through intimidation and attacks on citizens enjoying their rights not to be accosted, for enjoying their liberty and freedoms. They feel free to threaten the very safety of their fellow citizen

If this is the nation Democrats want America to become because they are afraid to stand against tyranny or because power is supreme over our constitution I want no part of their party.

When Democrats are forced to live by the rules they impose  and/or interpret to suit them and then, when the shoe is on the other foot, they find the shoe pinches because they lost an election that is the way the political cookie crumbles in a democratic society.

If they find this objectionable they are the ones out of step, they are the "deplorables" not the other way round.

If the behaviour of the Democrats in the recent Supreme Court Hearings does not turn many off then I seriously doubt our republic has a much longer life.

Rot often begins from within.
1) Kavanaugh Critic’s Dark Past

Sernator Chris Coons, instrumental in delaying the Kavanaugh vote for a week, has had his own high school past brought back to light. Big League Politics reports:
Senator Chris Coons threw parties at which cocaine was present in addition to wild drinking and petty crime, according to two former classmates of the Delaware Democrat.
Coons attended the wealthy Tower Hill prep school in Wilmington, Delaware, where he graduated with the class of 1981. Coons’ mother married the Gore-Tex waterproof clothing magnate. After moving into a massive ten-thousand square foot mansion, Coons’ mother and stepfather would head to Europe while Coons would host “wild ragers” with “booze kegs” and “white powder.”
“Women were everywhere in bikinis,” recalled a former Tower Hill classmate of Coons.
Coons gave an interview with the newspaper at his alma mater, and remembers: “Going to football training camp the summer before my freshman year was a harrowing experience—it was a new school, a new culture, a new group of guys—but some of my closest friends through high school, college and into today came out of that experience.”
Although this is all just hearsay with no physical proof, it does show that no one should throw stones in glass houses, especially inn this day and age where the presumption of innocence is on thin ice.

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