Friday, October 26, 2018

Good, Fast Law Enforcement. Trump Blamed Again. Savannah Doings!( Wrote Before Pittsburgh Tragedy.)

God bless those who have called and/or e mailed re our kids.. I was coming back from playing tennis when I heard on the radio and called Daniel but was concerned that he might not pick up because it was Shabbes but he did. They are fine. 

Sad times.
John Pinette - I'm Starving - The Gym - YouTube

John Pinette is hilarious.
The arrest of the nut case, who was mailing bombs, is behind us, in all likelihood, assuming he did not have accomplices. Good/fast work by law enforcement.

The bomber's distemper seemed to focus on those who have been attacking Trump so I understand what ticked him off but one can only think he carried his angst a bit beyond sanity.

Like Trump said, the ballot box is preferable to bombs.  I found The Attorney General's comments interesting because he pointed out acceptance of the vote underlies our way of life  and we know that has been the last thing Hillary and her minions have been able to accept.  That said, there is no justification for what this Floridian nut case chose to do.

Meanwhile, the mass media lefties could not applaud law enforcement without first blaming Trump for causing all the angst and incivility. They must not have listened to Waters, Hillary, Brennan and all the other verbal"bomb" throwers who have defiled Trump etc.  Just more hypocrisy that we have learned defines them.

I hope all the mass media and lefty bias, the "caravan soldiers", the Kavanaugh hearings and all those parading under various Democrat banners will energize conservatives to get out the vote, hold The House, increase their numbers in The Senate and send the true haters another deserving message. Radical progressives have been stirring the political pot for decades and their despicable commentary and acts did not begin with Trump and/or Biden's comments about how Romney would put blacks in chains etc.
This memo is purposefully a brief one, does not cover a range of topics and simply wishes you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

There is a lot going on in Savannah this weekend. I am told there is a gay pride march, the "Shalom Ya'll" kosher food festival and the beginning of The Savannah Film Festival, which my wife and our sister -in-law attend the entire week. Speaking of movies I would again like to recommend the Netflix , IFC film production of "5 To 7." One of the best, below the radar films, I have ever watched. Great acting, sophisticated lines delightful humor.

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