Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hillary Book Review. Looking In The Mirror. New Ga. County. Slings and Arrow of Cherokee Nation Rejection. Wamp-Em. More Fifths.

Subject: Hilary Humour: Reviews For Her Book
A bit of Humour - Reviews of Hillary's New Book   

"Hillary Clinton's 506-page memoirs has come out.
So much of her personality shines through, that in the end, 
you, too, will want to sleep with an intern." ~ Craig Kilborn

"In Hillary Clinton's new book 'Living History,' Hillary details 
what it was like meeting Bill Clinton, falling in love with him, 
getting married, and living a passionate, wonderful life as 
husband and wife. 

Then on page two, the trouble starts." ~ Jay Leno

"Hillary Clinton, our junior senator from New York, announced 
that she has no intentions of ever, ever running for office of 
the President of the United States. Her husband, Bill Clinton, 
is bitterly disappointed. He is crushed. There go his dreams of
 becoming a two-impeachment family." ~ David Letterman

"Last night, Senator Hillary Clinton hosted her first party in her
 new home in Washington. People said it was a lot like the 
parties she used to host at the White House. In fact, even the 
furniture was the same." ~ Jay Leno

"CNN found that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in
 America. Women admire her because she's strong and 
successful.  Men admire her because she allows her husband
 to cheat and get away with it." ~ Jay Leno

"Hillary Clinton is the junior senator from the great state of 
New York. When they swore her in, she used the Clinton 
family Bible - the one with only 7 commandments." ~ David 
I have thought long and hard why most New Yorker's I know, 
even family members, hate Trump.  

First, it is because, being from New York, they have had plenty
of opportunities to know and to read about him.

Second, I guess when they look in the mirror they see 

Trump remains buoyant despite efforts to cripple him. 

But, when an entire nation rejects you that has to sting:

Cherokee Leader Rebukes Warren's Claim of Native American Ancestry

Cherokee Leader: Warren's Continued Claims 'Undermine' Tribal 

If Princess Warren runs, she intends to  intends to "Wamp-Em."
Just another day:

Portland Mayor's Weak Response Fuels Violence

What the country needs desperately at this moment is an act of political courage.  

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Makes Up a County in Georgia

Stacey Abrams wants to be Georgia's Governor, but can't seem to get the counties straight.  

BREAKING: Saudis Getting Ready to Admit that Jamal Khashoggi Was Killed

The country is preparing a report that the journalist died in a botched interrogation.  
Read in browser »
Another ally of Hillary decides taking the 5th is preferable to spilling the beans.

Fusion GPS co-founder, Glenn Simpson, could find himself in "real legal jeopardy."

Glenn Simpson was an absolutely essential figure in launching the entire Russia collusion
hoax,” a Republican congressional staffer told The Washington Times.

Mr. Simpson decided to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights during the same week that
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein balked at testifying. Republicans want information
about his May 2017 meeting with then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He said in a
memo that Mr. Rosenstein talked of secretly recording the president, The New York Times
Vizualize the world. (See 1 below.)

Visualize the Entire Global 

Economy in One Chart

Last week President Trump announced a landmark new trade agreement replacing NAFTA, a deal 
that he thinks will pour “cash and jobs” into the US economy. We don’t want todebate the merits 
of Trump’s approach to trade, but the world should always pay attention when the leader of the 
world’s largest economy starts talking about tariffs. Our newest visualization highlights exactly how 
big the U.S. economy is compared to the every other country in the world.
Our visualization neatly slices the latest 2017 GDP numbers from the World Bank, released on 21st of 
September 2018, a few different ways. The underlying idea is that GDP is not a zero-sum game, 
meaning the pie can continue to grow for every country in the world and not just a few. Each slice 
represents the total economic output, or GDP, of a country in 2017, the latest year for which definite 
and complete data are available. The color corresponds to its geographic location, and we included the 
percentage of the world’s economy each country makes up for easy references. This lets you i
mmediately see which countries and continents dominate the world economy, and which ones lag way 

Top 10 Biggest World Economies by GDP

1. United States - $19.39 trillion
2. China - $12.24 trillion
3. Japan - $4.87 trillion
4. Germany - $3.67 trillion
5. UK - $2.62 trillion 
6. India - $2.60 trillion
7. France - $2.58 trillion
8. Brazil - $2.05 trillion
9. Italy - $1.93 trillion
10. Canada - $1.65 trillion
An interesting way to understand these numbers is by comparing them to a previous visualization we 
did last year on the relative size of economies using the same underlying dataset from the World 
Bank. There are in fact a few changes to note. Looking at the top ten countries overall, 
India’s economy surpassed France to become the 6th biggest in the world. The UK was the only 
economy to shrink among the top ten, dropping from $2.86 trillion to $2.62 trillion, not adjusting 
for inflation. The U.S. is still the biggest both in overall terms and as a share of the global economy 
(24.32% last year vs. 24.40% this year). China is continuing to rise as a global economic power, 
accounting for 15.4% of the world’s GDP, up from 14.84%. In short and in general, the world’s 
heavyweight economies continue to reign supreme.
So how big are they? The combined GDP of the top four countries in the world (U.S., China, 
Japan and Germany) is greater than the entire rest of the world. The most obvious conclusion is 
that the U.S., Europe and Asia collectively control an enormous swath of the global economic order, 
totaling over 87% of the globe’s GDP. As you can see, the Global South barely makes it onto the 
visualization. Hundreds of countries contribute so little to the world’s GDP that we simply lumped 
them together into one uncategorized bucket, otherwise the visual would become too crowded.
That’s why every time President Trump threatens to increase tariffs on Chinese goods, the world’s 
markets take him seriously. He’s not talking about small economies where trade deals have a only 
ripple effect around the world. Tariffs worth hundreds of billions in annual revenue would have a 
serious impact on the global economy. Whether you think the impact would be net positive or net 
negative is another matter altogether.
Data: Table 1.1

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