Thursday, October 11, 2018

Maxine Waters The Preferred Democrat Role Model? Has College Become Intellectually Passe?

Independent feminists respond:

Kemp tries to set the record straight and refutes Abram's efforts to lie. (See 1 below.)

Stacey's male radical cohort is running for Governor in Florida.

I would like to think rational voters will reject Sander's political, social and economic nonsense that is seeking to infect the south.
Will/can a black rapper deliver segments of the black vote that, rationally speaking, should be Trump's?

If employment still has currency more of the black vote should be Trump's.  However, if  Democrats have broken the back of black voters desire to be independent and government entitlements have left the black community bereft of any vestige of self-respect, then West and Trump will continue to be swimming upstream. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the threat of black voters casting for Trump is causing justified panic among Democrats because, until Trump, the black vote was a sure bet.

For decades, Democrats sold black voters on the myth they are unsuited for embracing conservative values because they are incapable of educating themselves, being self-reliant and will never achieve independence without government assistance and only Democrats care for their victim hood plight.

Thus, any black who defies Democrat hypocrisy is deemed an Uncle Tom because independent thinking threatens the Democrat hold on the black voter. Tom Sowell, Justice Thomas, Walter Williams are all Uncle Toms in the eyes of Democrats. Democrats hold up Maxine Waters as the preferred role model. (See 2 and 2a  below.)

I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh on a consistent basis but when I am in the car I sometimes turn him on because I believe he is clever and is a thorn.  More importantly he is mostly right - in more than one way.

I also read articles sent to me by several tennis buddies who worship The NYT's. I have read several books by Tom Friedman and though, I seldom watch  CNN and MSNBC, late night comics, as I did when Carson was on, or SNL, when it was new and fresh etc., I do read a lot of articles by op ed writers whose views I diametrically oppose so when I hear criticisms of FOX etc. by those who admit they never listen to, I just shake my head.

I can mostly tell you why I disagree with those I do but most of my liberal friends do not like those they never listen to and/or read because they have been drinking Kool Aid and are busy repeating what they hear others say.

You should not go to college and become a sponge nor should you become concrete. You should be something in between if you went to college. After all you paid a lot of money to be exposed to ideas but, I guess, though the cost of college has soared,intellectually, speaking, college has become passe. (See 2b and 2c below.)
1)Tonight, as Hurricane Michael bears down on our state, Stacey Abrams and the Democratic Party of Georgia have convinced the media and their supporters of something that is absolutely false. They are lying and they know it.

In the Secretary of State's office, we have 53,000 Georgians with voter registration forms that are pending. Stacey Abrams' dark money voter registration group, New Georgia Project, is largely to blame. This is the same shadowy organization that refuses to disclose its donors despite repeated calls for transparency. New Georgia Project refuses to use Online Voter Registration because paid activists are more concerned with making money than accuracy. It's no surprise that 17 of them are under investigation by the Attorney General's office.

Thankfully, these new registrants can cast their ballot this fall. I repeat: The 53,000 Georgians on the pending list can vote in the November 6th election.

Clearly, Stacey Abrams is afraid to run on her record. She's too extreme for Georgia. Instead, Abrams manufactures outrage off a "problem" she created.  Abrams uses fear to fundraise and liberal billionaires continue to bankroll her corrupt enterprise.

If you want someone who will do whatever it takes to earn a vote, then vote for Stacey Abrams. But if you think our state needs honest leadership, I ask for your vote and hope you will share this message with your family and friends.

Brian Kemp Signature
Brian Kemp

Don't underestimate Kanye (and Trump) – Rapper could successfully deliver for forgotten black communities

By Patrice Lee Onwuka

Rapper Kanye West meets with President Trump Thursday to discuss manufacturing jobs and job opportunities for former inmates. This is what black political leaders fear and why black elites now hate him. By working with the White House, West may successfully deliver opportunity to black communities that have been left behind.

Black pundits and media have already ripped into this meeting. On Don Lemon’s CNN show, Democratic commentator Bakari Sellers pointed to Kanye as an example of “anti-intellectualism,” while right-leaning commentator Tara Setmayer called him another “token Negro of the Trump administration.” A columnist for the black news site The Root panned the meeting as “what is sure to be the lowest collection of IQs in a 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue room since George W. Bush cuddled with Millie, his puppy.”

Celebrities aren’t pleased either. Beyonce and Jay-Z reportedly have severed all ties with Kanye and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, over Kanye’s vocal support of President Trump and Kim’s visits to the White House to discuss criminal justice reform. Comedian D.L. Hughley compared this meeting to that of a black slave and his white master.
It’s not surprising that these influential black figures malign any kind of outreach to the Trump administration. Perhaps they fear what these two forces together might accomplish for the black community: greater economic success and recognition by black America that its allegiance to progressive politicians has outlived its usefulness.
Already nationwide, blacks have been gaining in the workforce. The national black unemployment rate stands at 6 percent – the second lowest monthly rate in recorded history, just behind May of this year.
However, Chicago’s uneven economic prosperity demonstrates why more needs to be done to boost opportunity for blacks where despair persists. West recently announced that he's moving back to his hometown of Chicago.
Illinois had the nation’s highest black unemployment rate in 2016. In the Chicago area in 2017, the black unemployment rate was 15 percent although the city’s overall unemployment rate had fallen to 3.3 percent. Even worse, a third (37 percent) of 20-to-24 year-old black men in the city were out of work in 2016, compared to 9.3 percent for all men that age.
High unemployment is especially concentrated in certain blacks areas – particularly the south and west sides of Chicago. But this was not always the case.
The South Side of Chicago was once home to the steel industry and other industrial plants. In its heyday from 1900 to 1970, blacks benefited from employment at mills, as well as jobs generated by a manufacturing-driven economy, from waitressing to construction.
When major steel companies started to close in the early 1980s, economic blight followed and persists today.
The editorial board of the Chicago Tribune explained: “Manufacturers left long ago. There are few retail and restaurant jobs. All the economic activity is located miles away in the Loop and elsewhere in metropolitan Chicago. Too many young people have inadequate job training and … nothing to do.”
West aptly recognizes that the return of manufacturing and skills training would provide real opportunity for the young black population in Chicago.
President Trump is the right person to get it done. Domestic manufacturing is experiencing a resurgence as the economy has added more than 325,000 manufacturing jobs under this administration. Manufacturing optimism is at an all-time high thanks to tax cuts and tax reform.
At the same time, under Ivanka Trump’s charge, the administration has made workforce development (from apprenticeships to retraining) a priority, leading big-name employers to commit to training 3.8 million workers over the next five years.
Despite this sustained high level of optimism, manufacturers say the lack of skilled workers to fill an estimated 500,000 unfilled manufacturing jobs poses significant challenges to growing their businesses. This is where government, the private sector, and the education system can come together to help out-of-work people gain the skills they need to secure work and a better life.
If manufacturing returns to places like the South Side of Chicago, and the black workforce has access to the training necessary for those jobs, workers will be able to look forward to real careers. The economic prosperity that has eluded poor neighborhoods for over a generation can return.
Kanye West is not an economist, academic or community organizer. -- He has aligned with President Trump to create opportunity for left-behind black communities. This makes him unacceptable to the black patrician and celebrity class. But if he’s successful, he will be a hero to those who just want a chance.

2a) Limbaugh: Hillary Just Admitted Everything I've Been Saying About The Left
By James Barrett
There's nothing Rush Limbaugh enjoys more than a Democrat publicly proving him right, especially a pantsuit-wearing Democrat who lost an unloseable election to a former reality TV star who pollsters said had no shot in hell of winning. On Wednesday, Limbaugh got a chance to riff on Hillary Clinton doing "her best Maxine Waters impersonation" and admitting that her party has enthusiastically embraced incivility.
"Hillary Clinton went out the other day in an interview with Christiane Amanpour and pretty much admitted everything I have been trying to warn people of about the American left and the Democrat Party," said Limbaugh. "She went out and, in her best Maxine Waters impersonation, she was encouraging people to be uncivil, and she was saying that it was justified being uncivil, given the opposition, the Republicans."
Limbaugh then pointed out what many others on the right have noted: "In all of this crazy, deranged, unhinged behavior of left-wing activists, I haven’t heard one elected Democrat denounce it. I haven’t heard one elected Democrat attempt to distance himself or herself or the party from it. I haven’t heard one elected Democrat suggest to these deranged protesters to dial it back. I haven’t heard one. They are all encouraging it."
Rush then got to his central point: "This is who they all are — and with Hillary Clinton now advocating this incivility. What did I tell you yesterday? We’re not in a battle of ideas anymore. We’re not in an argument over ideas. ... They’re not even looking at any of this as about ideas. They see America today as flawed and illegitimate and, therefore, in need of a new set of defining values that will serve to unify the people who want to be part of America. Not anything to do with our founding. Not the Constitution. Not the Declaration. That’s out the window ’cause all that’s tainted. All of that was written by a bunch of privileged white guys who were setting up a system for themselves and their families and their descendants."
Limbaugh added that despite all the pro-minority and pro-disenfranchised posturing from progressives, the truth is Hillary and co. don't actually care about those they say they're defending. In the end, this is simply about doing whatever it takes, and using whoever it takes, to stay in power.
"It’s okay to be uncivil," said Rush. "It’s okay to claw at the doors of the Supreme Court and try to get in to stop the swearing-in ceremony of Brett Kavanaugh."

2b) Alexa Smith, a student at the University of Michigan made the following graphic after having to sit through a mandatory art lecture that featured a slide comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.
The University of Michigan has been accused of having an anti-Semitism problem after at least three separate incidents involving Jewish students on campus.
Last week, during a mandatory lecture for art students, Emory Douglas, who was the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party decades ago, showed an image of Adolf Hitler next to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, with the words “Guilty of Genocide!” across his face.
At the time, the university defended the guest lecturer, who featured the image alongside other depictions supporting BDS and showing pro-Palestinian propaganda.
Alexa Smith, a senior at the public school who exposed the incident on Facebook, wrote: “In what world is it ok for a mandatory course to host a speaker who compares Adolf Hitler to the Prime Minister of Israel?
“As a Jew who is proud of my people and my homeland, I sat through this lecture feeling targeted and smeared to be as evil as the man who perpetrated the Holocaust and systematically murdered six million Jews.”
The lecture was sandwiched in between two incidents where instructors rejected letters of recommendation for students wanting to study in Israel.
Earlier this month, it emerged that anti-Israel professor John Cheney-Lippold, who was recently tenured, refused to write a letter of recommendation for student Abigail Ingber, because she was wanted to study in Tel Aviv, citing his support for BDS [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement].
Cheney-Lippold rejected the notion his actions were anti-Semitic, but the university disciplined the digital studies professor and called it “inappropriate” behavior.
Ingber’s father wants the university to fire him, calling the move “manipulative” given that Cheney-Lippold agreed to write the letter, received tenure, and then rejected his daughter’s letter after he was essentially immune to punishment. Cheney-Lippold was subsequently told he won’t get a merit increase for the next academic year and cannot go on his planned sabbatical in January or another one over the next two years as punishment.
On Tuesday, it was revealed that a second student, Jake Secker, had his letter of recommendation rejected by his graduate student instructor, Lucy Peterson, in what appeared to be a carbon copy of the Cheney-Lippold message.
Smith and Secker met with university officials who apologized to them and said they are “cautiously optimistic."
“At this university, there is still no policy dictating what is considered anti-Semitism,” Smith wrote in a Facebook post. “Today, myself and several fellow Jewish students met with Gunalan Nadarajan, the Dean of Stamps, and Dr. Robert Sellers, the university’s chief diversity officer, to demand that the University of Michigan adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Anti-Semitism.”
UM President Mark Schlissel and Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Martin Philbert, addressed the growing controversy Tuesday.
In a joint letter, they wrote: “Recent events on our campus have raised important questions around issues of personal beliefs, our responsibilities as educators, and anti-Semitism.
“We want everyone in our Jewish community and beyond to know that we are committed to upholding an equitable and inclusive environment where everyone is given a chance to succeed and pursue the academic opportunities they have earned.”
The provost has also created a panel of faculty members to address the situation.
Last year, the University of Michigan ranked as the worst school for Jewish students on an annual list compiled by the Algemeiner, which covers Jewish and Israeli news.
The list referred to “a dozen anti-Semitic incidents on campus” including a swastika found at the school hours after the student government passed a divestment resolution targeting Israel. A freshman said many Jewish students were “afraid to walk around campus.”
The Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies also sponsored a lecture by former professor and BDS activist Steven Salaita who lost his job for anti-Semitic statements accusing “Zionists” of “transforming ‘anti-Semitism’ from something horrible into something honorable since 1948.”
Schlissel responded to the ranking with a letter titled “University of Michigan welcomes Jewish students” in which he said: “Incidents of anti-Semitism do not represent the overall sentiment of the U-M campus.”
David Brog, the executive director of Maccabee Task Force, which combats anti-Semitism and BDS on campus, told Fox News these are examples of “the new anti-Semitism” on campus.
“Michigan faculty have repeatedly singled out the Jewish state in a way that clearly crosses the line from legitimate criticism of Israel into the anti-Semitic demonization of Israel,” Brog said. “And like all anti-Semitic attacks, they have left Jewish students feeling threatened and besieged.”
Brog added: “What’s even more disturbing is the fact that such anti-Semitic incidents are in no way limited to the University of Michigan — they are becoming increasingly common on campuses across the country.”
Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, welcomed the university’s condemnation of the professor’s actions and their new panel.
“The incidents are a reminder that anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attitudes and incidents remain a serious concern on campuses nationwide,” Greenblatt told Fox News. “Fortunately, the University of Michigan has taken a series of steps and enacted new policies to show that it will not tolerate actions by faculty that limit students’ academic freedom. And they have come out strongly against academic boycotts against Israel.”

The Progressive Movement and Antisemitism
Linda Sarsour (right). Photo: Screenshot.

For most of us, there is a reflexive tendency to think of antisemitism as something that is propagated by the alt-right — white supremacists, the KKK, or neo-Nazi groups. That version of antisemitism was on full display during the violent protests that rocked Charlottesville last year. For us, Charlottesville was like muscle memory. We’ve seen it before, and we know exactly what it means.
But what happens when the hate comes from somewhere unexpected, somewhere much closer to home? What happens when it comes from your friends and allies, and is disguised as something else?
This new form of antisemitism, which is being propagated by elements of the far-left, has a name: I’m talking about the pseudo-academic concept of “intersectionality.” It’s one of the most significant challenges facing our community.
Intersectionality is the radical academic theory that holds that all forms of social oppression are inexorably linked. It has become a code word for anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Israel, and antisemitic bigotry.
Nowhere has adoption of this radical paradigm been more pronounced than on college campuses where, in the name of “identity politics” and “solidarity,” intersectionality has forced artificial coalitions between causes that have nothing to do with each other — except a hatred for their fellow students who are “privileged” because they are white, heterosexual, and especially Jewish.
And that’s exactly what makes this form of far-left antisemitism so dangerous and so insidious — it is cloaked in the language of progressive idealism, and is far more nuanced than traditional alt-right antisemitism.
Let me provide you with some examples.
Linda Sarsour is an intersectional feminist and one of the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington. She openly supports anti-Israel Muslim groups that tolerate, if not accept, “honor killings” and genital mutilation of women. Because of her association with the Women’s March and other causes, however, Sarsour is viewed by many as a legitimate representative of the oppressed and disenfranchised.
Here’s the truth: Sarsour is an antisemite and BDS supporter, who once posed for a photo with a former Hamas operative. She often uses the hashtags #BDS and #FreePalestine on her tweets, and once tweeted that “Nothing is creepier than Zionism.” Sarsour has encouraged Muslims not to “humanize” Israelis, and charged that there is no room in the feminist movement for those who support Israel’s right to exist.
Imagine if Sarsour had made those comments about any other minority. The left would be up in arms. But Jews are the wrong sort of victim.
Similarly, Jewish Voice for Peace — an organization that calls for “an end to violence against civilians, and peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East” — invited Rasmieh Odeh, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a convicted terrorist, to appear as a speaker at its national conference. The idea of Odeh, a terrorist who quite literally has blood on her hands, speaking for a Jewish organization that claims to propagate peace, flies in the face of logic.
And if that doesn’t scare you, then all you need to do is take a close look across the Atlantic to see where all this can lead. In UK, the “Corbyn-Effect” has sent extreme anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments from the obscure fringes of the political spectrum into the mainstream. That virus has already reached the shores of the United States, and is metastasizing rapidly.
If you think that I’m exaggerating the problem, then just think about Ilhan Omar, a Democratic representative in Minnesota’s House of Representatives who tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel,” which she described as “Satanic.” Ms. Omar is all but certain to win a US Congressional seat in November.
As our community searches for an answer, we should ask ourselves an important question: how many of us were more disturbed by President Trump’s silence in the wake of Charlottesville then we were at finding out that two leaders of the Women’s March — Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory — are hardcore antisemites who despise Israel?
Yes, that’s an uncomfortable question, but it needs to be asked because our enemies on both the left and the right would like nothing more than to see us fight among ourselves. It’s called divide and conquer, and it’s happening right before our very eyes.
The US-Israel relationship works because of shared values, shared interests, and a bipartisan consensus that Israel is an important friend and ally.
People may have strong feelings about Prime Minister Netanyahu or President Trump, but that should be irrelevant to their support for Israel. There is only one Israel, and we don’t have the luxury of being supportive one year and not the next.
Half or more of the Israeli public voted against Netanyahu, and yet Israel still needs foreign aid, still needs Iron Dome to protect its population against rocket and missile attacks, and still needs our support at the UN to counter the world body’s relentless attacks against the Jewish state.
Judging Israel over the Israel-Palestinian conflict, or because politicians in Israel from left to right agree with the decisions Trump is making, is more about our own self-centered issues. And while the rest of the world is busy telling the worst version of the truth blended with lies, the left in this country is making Jewish kids uncomfortable in their own skin — not because of the reality in Israel — but because people here won’t call out the lies from our own politically-driven community.
This trend can’t be allowed to continue. Make no mistake, this is a war for the soul of the progressive movement.

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