Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Two President Versions. Ben Carson Responds. Lies To Perpetuate Wedge Issue.



Yet, Biden calls identification to vote racist: (I edited Candice's donate article.)


Joe Biden wants you and me to carry around a VACCINE PASSPORT… so we can “prove” our medical history whenever a business or government official demands it.

To say this is unconstitutional is an understatement. It’s un-American.

This much is clear: no one’s going to give us our freedoms back. We have to TAKE them back

For a year, our government has destroyed our economy, punished small businesses, denied our children an education, and alienated us from family and friends.

Now, they’re pressuring us to take a rushed, experimental vaccine.

And if you don’t comply? Joe Biden will ban you... from the grocery store, from traveling to see your family, from going to restaurants and schools… until you capitulate.

This pandemic was never about keeping us safe. This was about the far-Left grabbing more 

power than ever before… and gutting our basic freedoms and dignity as human beings.

They won’t stop unless we make them stop, Dick. 


His words speak for themselves:


Two versions of  two presidents:

Trump: "Make America Great Again."

Biden: Come one, come all.  I blew it and purposely dropped the ball so just climb over the wall.


A dear friend and fellow memo reader offers a rational idea to our State Senator who is 

speaking here at The Landings under the auspices of the Skidaway Island Republican Club:

All-Star game alternative

to ben.watson


Dear Ben,

I won’t be able to be at the SIRC meeting tonight, so I am emailing you this suggestion.

  Why doesn’t Georgia plan a rally at the ballpark where the game was to be played, in 

opposition to the Woke mob?  A pro-America, pro-Georgia rally, serving PEPSI (!) and 

with music and speakers from the Braves, Republican leadership, even some 

Democrats might want to join in.

Just a thought.

M------ E----


Dr. Ben Carson made these rational responses to questions during  an interview:

If he owned Coke stock and wanted to attend a stockholder meeting he would have to

provide identification to get into the room and if he flew there on Delta he would have to provide 

identification to board and he believes voting is far more important.  Second, he also stated 

for his vote to count Coca Cola did not mail proxies to everyone, only stockholders who 

were recorded as such on the company's books.

The Democrats want to equate Georgia's expanded voting bill with Jim Crow laws because if 

they can rally the mass media  to repeat the lie it will gain votes, particularly among monolithic 

black voters.  It is amazing how once the word is out, all the little media  dwarfs start repeating

the same lie as if they have been given their racist marching orders.


Sorry, Schumer (and MLB): Georgia’s voting laws 

less restrictive than NY’s

By Post Editorial Board

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested Saturday that New York would be a much better host 

city for the July 13 All-Star Game after Major League Baseball yanked it out of Atlanta to protest 

Georgia’s new voting law.

“Georgia Republicans should be ashamed” of their work, Schumer tweeted, while New York is “working 

to make it easier, not harder, to vote.”

Problem is, the Empire State still makes it harder to vote than does the state that’s drawing the boycotts. 

New York offers eight fewer days of early voting and requires a valid excuse to vote absentee.

Yes, Georgia will now ask for a valid ID to vote absentee, but lets you out of the requirement if you attest 

that you don’t have one. New York even has a ban similar to Georgia’s new prohibition on the distribution 

of food and drink in voting lines that President Joe Biden labeled “Jim Crow in the 21st century”: In both 

cases, it’s an effort to prevent electioneering.

Those “mobile ballot drop-off” vans that Georgia just restricted? New York doesn’t allow them at all.

And this doesn’t even consider all the ways New York empowers Democratic Party machines to engineer 

elections so that insiders routinely make the real decisions on who holds office.

But none of the noise over Georgia is really about standards for free and fair elections. Even MLB’s 

move is just a cowardly effort to pander — otherwise, why did it just sign a deal to vastly expand its 

presence in China, which has no democratic elections at all?

Heck, MLB would be showing what it really stands for if it just moved the All-Star Game to Beijing.


Hunter is the Biden Family's retard:





HOOVER Daily Report (edited.)

Russell Berman - What Happened In Jordan And How Does It Affect The Middle East?
interview with Russell A. Berman via The Lars Larson Show

Hoover Institution fellow Russell Berman discusses what happened in Jordan and how that might affect 

the Middle East.






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