Tuesday, April 6, 2021

All This Black Wokeness Burns Me Up But Turning Red Obviously Offends Native Americans. Biden's Lights Have Dimmed


We just had daylight savings time yet everything seems to be blacker than ever.

I turn on the TV and  ads would have you believe all marriages are bi-racial.  I believe more bi-racial marriages will be good because, over time, more who are involved in such a marriage will come to realize we all seek basically the same things.

Meanwhile, my entire state is embroiled in a racial wedge issue based on lies. Meanwhile, corporate America's executives have decided becoming politicians is what stock holders want them to become rather than corporate managers selling more of what their companies make so earnings rise and they can continue increasing dividends thereby, sending their stocks higher so their investor's net worth increases.

Then we have organizations like BLM, founded by avowed Communists,  stirring the pot pushing for changing sport venues, demanding reparations, encouraging rioting and the destruction of commercial centers, defunding police and you know the rest.

If that is not distressing and divisive  enough we have activists engaged in seeking to change America's culture, professors demanding increasing focus on America's inherent racial bias and why whites need more lessons regarding wokeness etc.

Today president Biden cast his lot with corporate executives because of Georgia's return to Jim Crowism legislation. I seriously doubt Biden has read the bill or could read it because his lights have sharply dimmed.

All of the focus on racial issues burns me up, but turning red obviously offends native Americans.

Black citizens would be wise to realize their Democrat friends are taking them for a ride and using them in a hypocritic manner. Biden would rather keep schools closed, pay off unions and open borders to black competitors than help black children get a solid education so they overcome their educational deficiencies. If any racial group needs a dose of "wokeness" it is black voters.


NEW VIDEO: HS Football Coach Fired for Objecting to BLM/Critical Race Theory in Daughter’s Class!

Judicial Watch announced that it filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of David Flynn, the father of two Dedham Public School students, who was removed from his position as head football coach after exercising his right as a citizen to raise concerns about his daughter’s seventh-grade history class curriculum being changed to include biased coursework on politics, race, gender equality, and diversity (Flynn v. Forrest et al. (No. 21-cv-10256)).

The lawsuit, which was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, seeks damages against the superintendent, high school principal, and high school athletic director for retaliating against Flynn for exercising his First Amendment rights.

The lawsuit details that in September 2020, Flynn’s daughter’s seventh-grade history class, which was listed as “World Geography and Ancient History I,” was taught issues of race, gender, stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, and politics.
Biden's foreign policy seems predicated on feeding bullies as if that ever works:

It is a good thing, I guess, CEO Ed Bastian is not piloting for Delta. In his first foray into the world of politics he may well have crashed and burned.

My former firm, Courts & Co., was Delta's investment banker.  We brought "DAL" public when they were a crop duster.  Delta's founder,  C.E. Woolman, who was a wonderful man and a great manager, must be turning over in his grave.
One final thought:  Were I advising Senator Manchin I would urge him to become a Republican. Were he to do so, he could immediately become a positive force around whom moderate Republicans could rally while simultaneously  breaking  the grip of those who control Biden and are radicalizing the Democrat Party.

But then, what do I know?

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