Saturday, April 3, 2021

"Borking" Trump By Hypocrite Democrats." Biden The Figurehead and In Name Only President. Baseball and Politics Don't Mix. Biden Being tested.



A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made up and everything neat and tidy.

Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow.

It was addressed, "Dad".

With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:


Dear Dad,

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom.

I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, her tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than I am but it's not only the passion, Dad, she's pregnant.

Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood, enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.

Joan has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it and trading it with the other people in the commune.

In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Joan can get better; she sure deserves it!

Don't worry Dad, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself.

Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.

Your son,


P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer.

I love you!

Call when it is safe for me to come home!


If you recall, Senate Democrat presidential hopefuls Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar preened for the cameras and their useful idiots, allowed in with their permission and paid off by leftist interests (likely George Soros) for the express purpose of disrupting the Brett Kavanaugh hearings — interrupted with shouts and light scuffles with police trying to remove them whenever Republican senators were speaking.

Senator Richard Blumenthal (Communist-Connecticut) called the hearing a "charade and a mockery," and that it was; but not for the reasons Blumenthal implied.

There was a purpose behind every press briefing since 2016, every Senate hearing, and every government talking head who went on TV. It was all a ruse to get the public to become frustrated with the presidency of one Donald John Trump.

Did you know that Supreme Court confirmation hearings did not occur during the first 100-plus years of American history? Nominees were simply confirmed by the Senate. The first confirmation hearing occurred in 1916 when Woodrow Wilson nominated Louis Brandeis.

Brandeis was the first Jew to be nominated. He was also a so-called "public-interest" lawyer who took on corporations. As such he was opposed by much of the political elite, including former President Howard Taft and former presidents of the American Bar Association. But Brandeis didn't show up for any of his hearings. Instead, supporters and opponents of his nomination appeared before the committee.

The first nominee to actually appear at a confirmation hearing was Felix Frankfurter in 1939. He didn't testify, however, telling Senators that his public record spoke for itself and he wasn't going to add to it. He was confirmed.

The nomination process turned into true political theater in 1987 when the Democrats rose up to oppose Judge Robert Bork. You may recall the Democrat's scorched earth policy, led by the "Lion of the Senate," the woman-slaughtering, philandering drunkard Teddy Kennedy, who falsely claimed, "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, and schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution." It became known as "Borking."

The Democrats, in essence, "Borked" President Trump.

It was all a show

The Democrat elites played to their base, and to the elites in the Republican Party who were never-Trumpers, to set things up for the November elections and the 2020 presidential "contest."

As if we needed further evidence, Glenn Greenwald details here how the Democrat operatives in the media and from the Obama administration and the CIA who wanted Trump out of office used their influence to silence any mention of Hunter Biden, his laptop, or anything he may have done wrong, because it might harm Comrade Joe's campaign. And of course, how they all lied about everything they could in order to sink Trump.

Democrat politicians don't care about you. They just use you, and anyone else they can get their hands on. Some of the most egregious of all policies ever passed in the District of Criminals were done under the auspices of "for the people."

Democrat politicians are hypocrites who only care about scoring political points in their desire to push their globalist, open-borders agenda.

Leftist politicians and their propaganda media enablers worship in the cult of The State. They are willing to destroy the rule of law, common decency and as many people as necessary to defend their side of the left-right paradigm.

When you're so evil that preserving the power of the Elites is your primary goal, other careers, others' wishes, and citizens' souls destroyed along the way are acceptable collateral damage.

We've reached a point where I don't feel that voting does any good in national politics. Remember that it's important to the actors in, and plans of, the Deep State that you vote. That alone should give you pause. Lew Rockwell likes to say, "Voting is the sacrament of the state religion." They want you to participate in increasing their power.

To vote or not to vote?

I have written to you before that I am not against voting, but if you feel you must take on national issues, remember that McConnell and his CINOs (conservatives in name only) want you to think they put "strict constitutionalists" on the federal bench. Is Justice Brett Kavanaguh one of those? Not only did Kavanaugh help write the unconstitutional and privacy-killing Patriot Act, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence that he is in fact a constitutionalist, despite every right-leaning media outlet telling you that it's so.

This is why you must concentrate on electing people you feel will push for term limits and the repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments which would end the unconstitutional income tax system and necessarily end the Federal Reserve, and restore selection of senators to the states where the Founders intended (no, elected office isn't a job, and "experience" and "qualifications" don't enter into the equation. These weren't meant to be long-term positions).

The goal of state worship espoused by Comrade Biden is a religion aimed at amalgamating humanity into a proxy for "social justice" and "equality," euphemisms for tyranny over and oppression of the American people.

Individuality and choice must be destroyed to make each of us a permanent vassal of the state. The state builds its political power on deception and false pretense finally leaving the people with no inner imperative to question or oppose the New Order.

We can't oppose them by choosing from among them. And so I wanted to write to you long before the politicians begin with their campaigns and advertising to say that if you vote, start locally, and choose wisely.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®


Why is Biden not even president in name only?

Hi Fellow Patriot,

The Biden administration has been using Joe Biden as a figurehead, not as a real president. Kamala Harris is being placed into all areas of communication, including with foreign leaders. Did they really think that we wouldn’t notice?

It’s insulting and downright dangerous. Why have Biden as our president if Harris is going to be doing all of the work? We didn’t want a lib-tard as our president – and that’s why she didn’t make it out of the primaries.

Find out all of what Harris is doing that is Biden’s job…

Fighting for Freedom, 

Jenny Davis


Why our cultural curators are pushing Christian voters to want more politicians like Donald Trump

By Salena Zito 

Hannah Chan is eagerly anticipating Easter Sunday, the most important date in the Christian 


She, her husband Leo and their 16-year-old daughter plan to dress up, go to church and 

have an afternoon supper with friends. 

“This Easter we will be spending at a new church, so we are really looking forward to coming 

together with the community,” she says with a smile. 

Chan, 45, became a Christian growing up in Hong Kong, where she attended the city’s 

Baptist University and met her husband before moving to the US in 2002. Eventually the 

family settled in Cary, NC, and Hannah said she has since enjoyed meteoric success as a 

real-estate agency owner, starting with a $600 course to get her license. 

But first and foremost, Chan identifies as a Christian — and that extends to every part of her 

life, including politics. 

“My beliefs go with me in the voting booth,” she said. “Christians want to support the leader 

who will have a backbone. And who will stand up for all others to protect religious freedom. 

That protection is why my family came to the United States.” 

Click here for the full story.

Double standards the new radical norm:


America's national and once favorite sport has been taken over by it's least favorite entity - the government:

Major League Baseball: Stay out of Politics & Play Ball!


Biden is being tested from all sides because he is considered a pushover and our adversaries know they can  come out ahead on any challenge:

NATO CONFLICT – Russia Escalates Combat with Ukraine – Test for Biden
Keep Reading →

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