Sunday, April 4, 2021

Tell Me I Am Wrong. The Good Sergeant Did Not Fight For Antifa To Destroy! Radical Stacey Must Be Rejected.



Follow my logic and tell me if I am wrong:

Biden must have contempt for America and Americans:

1) Trump said he wanted to make "America Great Again" and in many ways he did:

a) his policies helped bring about best economy in actuality and statistically in a long time if not ever.

b) wages rose for workers at an historic rate as did employment.

c) all racial and ethnic classes participated.

d) re-solved the border issue.

e) got NATO allies to up their contributions.

f) reduced our forces overseas, defeated the Taliban, and did more to resolve knotty issues in the Middle East than any president .

g) confronted China on trade issues and calmed N Korea's missile launches.

h) working with the private sector developed vaccines at "warp speed" rate.

i) stopped funding corrupt U.N agencies.

j) cut taxes, making corporate America more competitive thus, more willing to repatriate overseas profits, and build more factories here in America.

k) was accessible and kept America apprised.

l) placed sanctions on Iran and Russia, supplied weapons to Ukraine and took out Iran's top terrorist general

m) made us energy independent thereby, reducing energy costs.

n) agreed to upgrade Taiwan's military and contracted to supply them with more contemporary arms. 

o) worked around the clock and projected an upbeat image.

p) one of the first presidents who actually sought to enact his campaign pledges.

q) with stood his ground against a disrespectful and antagonistic mass media

2) Biden has already undone many of Trump's successes, noted above, and/or is seeking policies that will continue along that path.

a) border has become a disaster and we are being flooded with illegals ad denies there is no chaos.

b) proposed tax increases should make corporate America less competitive and willing to re-locate plants here in our country.

c) has weakened our Saudi relationship and Iran now has increased its reliance on China.

d) N Korea has re-started missile launches.

e) Biden projects a weak image and continues his campaign strategy of hiding from the public.

f) professes to follow science yet supports  unions which keep schools closed.

g) has focused on divisive  social policies which are contrary to his pledge to unite.

h) governed largely through executive orders and personally remains isolated, has fallen projecting a pathetic visage and refuses to admit anything about his health.

i) China is threatening to blockade Taiwan and threw the gauntlet down at recent talks embarrassing our negotiators and Biden himself.

j) made us energy dependent again.

k) enjoys soft-ball questions and a mass media that is obsequious.

3) I conclude from the above, while Trump loved America and demonstrated same almost daily, Biden appears to have contempt for America and voters. He has broken virtually every pledge he made while campaigning from his basement. He was going to seek bi-partisanship - no evidence, was going to be compassionate - illegal children flooding the nation and housed in cages, was the president of all the people - cost excellent paying jobs of over 11,000 "deplorables," has enacted divisive legislation and supported radicals who have played the race card consistently and most recently attacked Georgians and their legislature and lied about Georgia's new election laws which are more progressive than in his home state.

Biden, in his inexplicable rush to undo everything Trump did, has created issues that were put to bed and/or ameliorated

Tell me where I am wrong.


Needs no comment:

This is not what the good sergeant fought for:
Antifa’s Destructive Return Could Have Staying Power


Do Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warnock Really Care About Georgians? You Have to Wonder


Stacey Abrams and Senator Raphael Warnock have been vocal in their criticism of the new Georgia election security law. Some of the provisions roll back items in the consent agreement Abrams entered with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, like unmonitored drop boxes. Senator Warnock and his colleague Senator Jon Ossoff are the beneficiaries of some of the prohibitions in the law, like the now illegal “Zuck Bucks” that selectively provided private funds to election offices throughout the state.

While these items are not voter fraud in the typical sense, they certainly influenced the election. As PJ Media contributor J. Christian Adams wrote:

What these grants did was build structural bias into the 2020 election where structural bias matters most – in densely populated urban cores. It converted election offices in key jurisdictions with deep reservoirs of Biden votes into Formula One turnout machines. The hundreds of millions of dollars built systems, hired employees from activist groups, bought equipment and radio advertisements. It did everything that street activists could ever dream up to turn out Biden votes if only they had unlimited funding.

In 2020, they had unlimited funding because billionaires made cash payments to 501(c)(3) charities that in turn made cash payments to government election offices.

Flush with hundreds of millions in new cash, government election offices turned those donations into manpower, new equipment, and street muscle to turn often sluggish and incompetent urban election offices into massive Biden turnout machines across the country – in Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, Lansing, Philadelphia, and Atlanta among dozens of others.

They don’t talk about the elements of the bill that have them worried about 2022. Instead,  Abrams, Warnock, President Biden, and their media lapdogs allege the bill aims to suppress votes, cause people to die of thirst, and drag the state back to Jim Crow-era policies.

The claims are absurd on their face when you compare access to the ballot in Georgia with states like New York, Delaware, and New Jersey. Still, activists from groups aligned with Abrams held a die-in at Coca-Cola headquarters. They protested Delta at the airport. Corporate leaders were hectored in public, and the media for staying neutral based on the radical left’s “silence is violence” philosophy.

So, they started speaking out, and then the specter of boycotts began. Major League Baseball has already pulled the All-Star Game from Atlanta, and Hollywood actors threaten not to work in the state. Then Abrams and Warnock started backpedaling, knowing it was possible large-scale boycotts could negatively impact Georgians’ livelihoods. Abrams put out a video:

Warnock appeared on CNN to say he is not focused on boycotts and wanted Georgia open for business. Weird since it has been since last May:

Every narrative has consequences, and unfortunately for Georgians, the narrative pushed by Abrams, Warnock, and their enablers only hurt those they claim to want to represent. Abrams has painted large portions of the over 10 million residents of the state as racists who wish to marginalize minority communities. This narrative energizes boycotts and is patently false. When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed, 2.5 million people lived in Georgia. Much of the increase has been people moving in from all over the nation and the world. We have no attachment to the past in the state, and her accusations are offensive.

For all the uproar over President Trump’s questioning results in an extraordinary election in 2020, Abrams has never been criticized for failing to concede her 2018 race. Her claims of election meddling and voter suppression have gone unchallenged. They are amplified by the media, Democrats who had her participate on the Governor’s panel at their 2020 convention, and sitting politicians like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Warnock’s votes as Senator have already hurt Georgians and will continue to do so. His vote for the American Rescue plan provided $1400 to some Georgians, costing $15,000 per household in the future. That bill will pay to rescue union pension plans, mismanaged blue states, and punish Georgia with a cut in federal funds because our governor did not kill our economy with draconian lockdowns. The effect of that massive spending has accelerated inflation in commodity and housing prices. Lumber, beef, wheat, and even coffee are all going up:

“We’re getting a dramatic spike up in all the commodities at this point in time. And right now wage increases aren’t coming nearly at the same pace as what all these basic inputs in the economy are going up at,” [Piper Sandler chief market technician Craig] Johnson said. “That’s why I think there’s a greater attention to all the commodities across the board right now, because interest rates are going up and all these inflationary commodities are all advancing in price.”

If you make less than $200,000 a year, you may not see a federal tax increase, but the wages you make will have less buying power. Warnock will vote for another massive spending bill that calls itself an infrastructure plan but spends only about 5% of the funds on roads and bridges. The additional spending will raise the cost of living for working, middle and upper-middle-class Georgians through additional inflation.

Warnock will also vote for the Equality Act, the PRO Act, and the gun control bill. The Equality Act will makes girls and women less safe by requiring biological men and boys to be allowed into their private spaces. It will also punish churches that do not subscribe to the left-wing social agenda. The PRO Act will force Georgians to join unions, eliminating Right to Work laws, and severely limit the opportunities for gig work, freelancers, and independent contractors. The bills currently on the floor pushing “common-sense gun control” will tax ammunition and have onerous registration fees for standard equipment on some firearms, making them prohibitive for some people to own.

It is past time for Republicans to force Georgia politicians like Abrams and Warnock to get down to issues and the details of how their decisions affect Georgia families. Their “Jim Crow” narrative is tired, an insult to the state and from the middle of the last century. It degrades the suffering of those who lived through it, memories of those who changed it, and the people living in the state today. They only use it to avoid talking about the implications of the policies they support and vote for


Not one or the other but both:

The State's of Florida and Georgia are a threat to Biden and radical Democrats for separate reasons.

Florida has proven the "lockdown" was more negative and destructive and because De Santis is running for the 2024 nomination  they have to start cutting him off at the knees. This is why, for the next 3 years he will be under constant attack and smeared and nothing he does will be acceptable in the eyes of the mass media.  De Santis has proven Americanism is preferable to whatever the authoritarian Democrats seek to impose. Consequently, Americans are voting with their feet as they flood into Florida because it is open, the schools are open and the government is supportive of citizens enjoying a better life style. 

Where are they coming from? Naturally, states run by corrupt Democrats like New York, Michigan, California etc.

In the case of Georgia, radical Democrats seek to shove Stacey Adams down our throats and will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal so they must lie and attack everything our legislature does to make the voting process more like Florida's. Consequently, honest elections, elections voters trust threaten the goal of radical Democrats. Therefore, when Georgia's Legislature  allows  voters more opportunity to register  and require proof of identification as one method of accomplishing this worthy objective, they have to lie, smear and embrace the dictates of Stacey Abrams. 

Abrams is an educated black radical who will stop at nothing to win and this is why she is dangerous and the poison she is selling must be rejected. She will have the support of Soros and other's who want to destroy America by creating distrust and division and they will spend whatever it takes to assure victory by any method.



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