Sunday, April 11, 2021

If You Love America?



Would you believe this sleazy politician? (see video below.)  Well we do, because Americans are a forgiving and gullible people by nature.

This is why we bought the Kool Ade of the radical, hypocrite Democrat Party and will continue to do so until Republicans learn how to sell the better message without doing so in the boorish manner of Trump.  

Trump told us what he would do, he executed his commitments, they were good, by and large, for the nation and it's diverse population. His economic policies improved the economy, the personal incomes of the lower class rose dramatically as did options for employment, unemployment numbers collapsed, told our allies what they needed to hear when it came to shirking their own responsibilities, he thought outside the box and brought a greater semblance of peace opportunities to The Middle East, unlike all his predecessors and he confronted N Korea, Russia and China, set about rebuilding our depleted military and withdrew troops from endless wars that lacked any end game strategy. He also saw he virtue in America being energy independent among many other positive accomplishments.

So what happened and why was Trump not re-elected and why did we throw the "bastard" out with the bath water?

My reasons are because:

A) Trump had a terribly divisive and narcissistic personality.

b) He had a vulgarity we were not used to in a president. and voters did not or could not separate personality from accomplishment.

c) Democrats hate losing power so they attacked him unmercifully and relied upon their slaves in the mass media to embellish their own hatred with bias and fake reporting.

d)  Dishonest Democrats impeached Trump for things they did and were illegal but were able to do so because they were shielded by a complicit mass media.

e) Most importantly of all were:

1) Many states manipulated/changed their voting laws, some illegally, in order to overwhelm the election and cause disarray.

f) Finally, like the story of Jericho, anything can collapsed if continuously pounded by a well orchestrated campaign, something Democrats are expert at and will use any methods, untoward or not.

So where are we and what did we accomplish?

1) We replaced a  a president who was vigorous and worked his ass off with one physically and mentally challenged, who projects weakness  and has become the laughing stock of the world.

2) We now have a president who few believe was an independent thinker because he lacked a record of achievement after 50 years in government, not likely to finish his term in office, is beholden to the most radical group within his party and  increasingly appears to be manipulated by Obama.

3) Because of his own mean spirited personality, he is purposely undoing everything his immediate predecessor accomplished that was positive, ie. border invasion, return to energy dependency, increased taxes and cost of living that most effect working class "deplorables"  along with job firings of the skilled who were earning high wages and may return to Obama's disastrous Iranian deal  among other dangerous espoused and/or contemplated moves.

4) He also has failed to carry out his campaign pledge to unify the nation and has gone totally in the opposite direction. He persists in hiding from the electorate, is selective with the press, refuses to allow visits to report on the "caged" children and border chaos, supports American Corporations to engage in politics, has injected social gender nonsense into the military and life in general, apparently wants to pack SCOTUS, is increasing spending on mis-described pet projects, rules like a dictator through executive orders rather than engaging with the opposition for co-operative support.

He states he will follow science and yet, supports unions and thus, schools remain closed while borders are open.

5) His own record of achieving wealth on a Senate salary and his son's shenanigans have been kept hidden/suppressed and we have a president who refuses to come clean on just about anything and resorts to constant lying in furtherance of his nefarious deeds and actions.

6) Worst of all, our nation is more divided because of duplicity on the part of the Democrat Party which has become radicalized and places power about country. Democrats have become expert at embracing/encouraging radical organizations, devising clever catch word phrases which encourage attacks on our culture and calls into question our constitutional governance.  They have ignored and/or supported rioting and venal attacks on police and support/encourage de-funding efforts.  

Biden and his radical Democrat allies have disregarded that our nation was founded on the principle of  observing laws in order to bring about public tranquility and, in far too many cases, failed to enforce established laws. They have supported sanctuary cities, spread illegals throughout our nation, encouraged and/or looked the other way at the effect of their misguided policies which allow enrichment of drug cartels and dealers.

7) I could go on but if you are honest with yourself, have any self-respect,  not been intimidated by those you voted for and their inane policies you have supported and thus, fear to speak out, the time  has come for some intellectual honesty.

If you love America can and/or will your rise to the challenge and take to heart the challenge?


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