Wednesday, May 12, 2021

You Decide. Am I Too Cynical Or Observant? Feeling Guilty And WOE Is US!


Subject: Best Democrat ad ever


This from my cousin Sam who is President of Karen Haysoud and previously was Israel's Consul Gen. (Amb.) in Los. Angeles and the western states including Hawaii.

I feel guilty as I leave for a week vacation and leave behind what is happening in Israel and throughout the world.

I leave this departing somber memo. I posted links so you can read while I am away. 

If you refer to previous memos I acknowledged Trump's narcissistic personality,  his boorishness and intemperate ways of campaigning and conduct in The Oval Office and focused on his many accomplishments, logical approach towards solutions against the most difficult of odds due to mass media hatred, Democrat lies, dishonest manipulations by FBI seniors, Hillary's false dossier documents, illegally sought warrants, in order to impeach him.

The Democrat's outrageous claim Trump's conversation with the Ukraine President was treasonous pales against the  demonstrated length Democrats  went to cover up Biden's boasting he got a Ukrainian investigator fired in order to defend his son, Hunter.

And I have said nothing about efforts to change traditional state voter regulations before the 2020 election in order to cause distrust. 

What I feared and predicted  is now coming home to roost all because Democrats became a radicalized party, could not accept the fact they lost power because of an inept nominee and  were able to hide behind and manipulate their mass media lackeys. 

Consequently, the free world is now led by an incompetent and physically and mentally challenged American President who is being manipulated by his former boss. Furthermore, Biden is unlikely to survive his term in office if he becomes actively engaged in executing his responsibilities rather than hiding from and avoiding them and/or handing them off to Kamala, an even more unworthy candidate. 

Once again, POGO was right:  WOE IS US!


This morning I woke up in a cynical mood and my cynicism caused me to think about the following:

a) In America pregnant women are more humane.  American women, about to become mothers, abort their about to be born children, unlike Palestinian mothers who raise theirs to be murdering martyrs.

Palestinian woman amid riots: “I’m prepared to die, [as are] my six children”

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik 

  • “We’ll sacrifice our lives for the sake of Jerusalem,” says Fatah spokesman

The PA and Fatah have been encouraging Palestinians to continue the riots in Jerusalem and even to seek death as "Martyrs" for Jerusalem, addressing them in songs as "self-sacrificing fighters" and calling on them to "redeem Jerusalem with their lives." And this message - which is not new - has come across and been embraced by Palestinians. Amid the violent Arab riots in Jerusalem, a Palestinian woman told Palestinian Authority TV: “I’m prepared to die, [as are] my six children, for the sake of this entire land”:

Palestinian woman: “I’m a 55-year-old woman and I’m prepared to die, [as are] my six children, for the sake of this entire land. We have young people who are scared of nothing. The occupation’s prisons are full of young people who are entirely willpower and strength. I’m not afraid! I have no problem. If I die, [it is] for the sake of the land!”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, May 9, 2021 and official PA TV, May 8, 2021]

The woman’s willingness to sacrifice herself and her 6 children for “Palestine” echoes the teachings of the PA, which Palestinian Media Watch has exposed for decades: That death as a “Martyr” is an ideal that Palestinians should aspire to achieve. Accordingly, both official PA TV and Fatah publicized the woman’s statement.

Only the day before, a Fatah official stated in the name of all Palestinians that “we’ll sacrifice our lives for the sake of Jerusalem”:

Fatah Revolutionary Council member and Official Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi: “Jerusalem is a red line regardless of how much time passes. We’ll sacrifice our lives for the sake of Jerusalem. Palestine has no value without Jerusalem.”

[Official PA TV, May 7, 2021]

These statements join other calls by Fatah  to Palestinians – transmitted through songs – to “redeem Jerusalem with our lives” and to “sacrifice for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque until the last breath”:


2) Lynn plays Mah Jong and women have a way of getting in a snit over, what to men, would appear as a lot of inanities but, not being a poker devotee, I have no real way of knowing what upsets male card players.  Thus, this thought led me to think about President Dufuss.  

The world seems to be in an uproar and our, so called, allies seem to be confused about this administration's priorities because Joe seems not to care about an illusionary border crisis, lack of energy because of a cyber attack, growing threats from China's expansionary attitude and The Middle East in turmoil over some Arabs tenants who refuse to pay overdue rent.  He focuses on more urgent and pressing  matters such as  transgenders, "wokeness," 1619 education, infrastructure like child care, patronizing BLM, raising taxes to pay for wasteful spending, undoing everything positive Trump accomplished against unbelievable odds, paying people not to work and then wondering why businesses can't open etc.

I guess I am either too cynical or observant. You decide.



Four years of peace under Trump, and Joe is hurrying to undo it.









Were it not so pathetic, one could call the O’Biden White House Laughable

Biden has created nothing short of a disasterThe four years preceding him showed a strong America notwithstanding the global pandemic that reared its head. In the mid east there were the brilliant Abraham accords, with four Middle East peace deals between Arab countries and Israel, Iran was feeling the pressure of sanctions and hard line policy with no nuclear deal. Now Iran is at war through its proxy Hamas with unprecedented attacks on Israel, and Biden-Kerry under Obama et. al. fuel the fires with signals to Israel’s enemies. The Palestinians have been given funding and replenished their coffers, and that money will go to fuel terrorist operations not for its intended use. We had American energy independence, the Keystone Pipeline that would have insured further independence and jobs. Now we have gas lines and gas shortages all over the country. There is the suspected Russians hacking of a gas pipeline, perfectly timed along with the attacks on Israel. There is a crisis at the border that was not a crisis, with greater numbers than any time in history trying to breach our borders. Inflation is looming. The stock market is tanking. Taxation is threatening the largest period of growth this economy has ever experienced.

Biden Sets Everything on Fire

By Ben Shapiro

Published May 12, 2021

 Joe Biden is the luckiest man to ever assume the presidency.

He succeeded an unpopular figure. He was inaugurated just two weeks after the dramatic storming of the U.S. Capitol by extremist Donald Trump supporters seeking to stop the certification of the 2020 election, which was also the beginning of the year after widespread race riots. He inherited COVID-19 vaccines and a vaccine rollout plan, and could rightly expect to ride the tsunami of natural economic recovery that was predicted for the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic; he inherited a series of historic Middle Eastern peace deals.

In other words, President Biden had it easy. All he had to do was nothing. He could expect a new era of good feelings emerging from a tumultuous time. He could expect a booming economy, a more peaceful Middle East, a solution to the pandemic. All he had to do was calm the waters.

This, after all, was what Americans voted for: not a transformational figure or a figure of radical change but a stodgy, supposedly empathetic grandfather figure who could barely be bothered to leave his basement for the entirety of the presidential campaign. Normalcy could be restored by installing a nearly inanimate object as president.

Instead, Biden has served as a facade for the most radical administration in modern American history. And America is already paying the price.

In his first few months in office, Biden rammed through a $1.9 trillion spending package that completely rewrote the bargain between individuals and the state, shifting the incentive structure for people to go back to work. He simultaneously proposed another $4 trillion in spending — to go along with the annual $4 trillion budget. The result: skyrocketing inflation in commodities, along with dramatic labor shortages resulting in an April shortfall of three-quarters of a million new jobs.

Simultaneously, he downplayed the efficacy of a vaccine he insisted was the key to ending the pandemic. His Food and Drug Administration pressed pause on a highly successful vaccine based on six cases of blood clots; his Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rewrote its school reopening guidelines, apparently with input from the teachers unions. He wore a mask publicly despite being vaccinated, despite being outdoors, despite being indoors with others who had been vaccinated — and declared such activity "patriotic."

The result: widespread vaccine hesitancy and a tremendously uneven national reopening, with red states going back to normal and blue states continuing nonsensical shutdowns.

He ramped up the rhetoric with regard to racial polarization, injecting the terms "anti-racist" and "equity" into every element of federal policy, supplanting meritocracy and individual rights with equality of outcome and outright discrimination. The result: undercutting police forces nationally, resulting in a continuing crime wave in America's biggest cities.

And he abandoned the Trump administration's Middle East policy, refunding the Palestinians with money that will obviously go to terrorist groups and defy the Taylor Force Act; making concessions to the Iranian terror regime; and pressuring IsraelThe result: riots in Jerusalem, chaos on the Temple Mount and an increase in regional Iranian aggression.

We're only four months into Biden's presidency. He's going for broke: He wants his legacy, and if that legacy comes at the cost of the economy, the polis and international stability, so be it.

If the conflagration we've seen thus far is any indicator, Biden won't leave a lot standing when he's done.





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