Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What I Learned Today Is That Hamas and Radical Palestinians Hate Israelis and Israel Just As Much As Radical Democrats Hate Trump So I learned Very Little New..


I listened to an Israeli briefing today and this is what I learned:

Yossi Kupperwasser (former head of IDF and Intelligence.)

The recent eruption in Israel has many levels.

First, postponement of election in Gaza caused clash between Fatah and Hamas. Then that was an excuse to create trouble but was limited to Palestinians.  Then  East Jerusalem property owned by Israelis before '48 and , taken from them  by Jordan and eventually recovered and Israeli owners  allowed Palestinians to live there and they petitioned  the court to make them pay rent and court said they had to pay rent.  Palestinians stopped paying rent and Israeli owners, who had true title went to court to retrieve their property and no decision so were waiting for Israel's Supreme Court to decide.

At same time Israeli Palestinians began fighting Israeli police at The Temple Mount and Hamas chose to claim the Israeli' land owner was dispossessing Palestinians and concurrently this provided pretext for Hamas to start shooting rockets while Israeli Palestinians started rioting in street of Israel.  

Israeli Holiday celebrating re-capture of Jerusalem and Day of The Flags was postponed and Hamas thought they had achieved a victory and accelerated their rocket attacks.

The rioting in the streets and rocket attacks caused BIBI to respond and quickly. Hamas probably was not expecting.  In two days, now three, Israel has identified 1000 Gaza/Hamas targets and have dealt them a harsh blow which will take Hamas a long time to recover from including the death of many top leaders, some from Iran, who helped Hamas build better rockets. The attacks will continue until Diplomats enter the picture and force some cessation.  

Yossi does not expect Trump's Benjamin Accords to unravel but probably The Saudis may postpone a decision to join.

Ashley Perry: (Political Advisor.)

In time  diplomats will be forced to enter the picture as Hamas, which is good at propaganda, will begin showing picture of intense damage and claiming deaths of innocent children ( they could have been killed by failure of Hamas rockets and the numbers are generally inflated)  but the world media always blames Israel.

Prospects of an Israeli election have been altered and Bennett has 21 days left to form a government but will be difficult to form a Unity Government because that means including a Palestinian  Party.  The best he can do is add them as votes but not give them positions if they will agree to that but that is iffy.  Thus, if no government formed in 21 days it goes to The Knesset which will probably not be able to decide .  By then Bibi might have gotten back with Benny Gantz and crafted together the necessary 61 votes.  All this remains fluid and will continue to remain confusing. 

 Initially Biden's "circle back" uninformed press secretary began the usual conflation of equivalents and now his Sec. of State has chimed in and reminded the world Hamas is a terrorist organization and Israel a Democracy which has a right to defend itself - DUH!

It is the same old story with no solution, lots of damage and tragedy because Radical Palestinians cannot accept the existence of Israel as a sovereign nation and they are wiling to lose their blood if they can take Israelis with them.

Nuveh Bromi: (Domestic Advisor.)

There has not been terror and rioting in the streets for a long time and now it is taking place all over Israel. Israelis are supportive of the IDF and she believes when it all ends Israel must be more assertive and  recognize the culture must change between Israeli Palestinians and Palestinians.  She believes the Israeli Palestinians families have lost control over their children and were unable to convince them not to take to the streets.  She also believes there now must be a far bigger presence of police in various Israeli cities that exploded with rioting etc.

She cited an example where Bedouins, who serve in the IDF military, steal their weapons after service ends and the IDF does nothing and that must stop. Also, she believes the government must stop coddling Israeli Palestinians and treat all Israelis the same.  Obviously Nuveh is hawkish.

Since "rioting toothpaste" is now out of the tube she admits she has no solution.

All acknowledge, Iran is involved and Biden's desire to re-instate Obama's "deal" has given Iran and upper hand and they are testing him believing he is weak. Hamas is largely dependent upon Iran for technology, money and training and significantly swayed by them.

If I drew any differences this time around  it was Israel's immediate response which was because Hamas was dumb enough to attack Israel beyond Gaza's contiguous Israeli cities, ie. Ashdod, etc.  Second Hamas tried to overwhelm the Iron Dome System.  One unit was not working but eventually the system proved 90% effective even against massive launching numbers.  The other reason for the immediate response by the IDF is that BIBI could have seen a political advantage that could help him get-re-elected so Hamas might have shot themselves in their feet and the era of BIBI could yet have life.

Hamas probably learned one thing from all of this. They need airplanes because they lack brains.  Their insane  comparable hatred of Israel reminds me of the Democrats hatred of Trump but I believe Hamas  can be, somewhat, excused because they do not know better whereas Democrats should know better.

As for myself, I remain delighted Bibi chose to act swiftly, the IDF had an amazing number of sensitive military and intelligence targets prepared, the IAF did their usual fabulous job and the Israelis can chalk up another Hamas eye. 

The rocket attacks will continue until such time as the level of Hamas' pain and destruction they suffer from the IDF and IAF exceeds their desire to punish Israel. Israel has no desire to cause Hamas' survival to end so I seriously doubt much will have been accomplished beyond more innocent blood has been spilled for no reason other than Palestinian self-hatred.


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