Friday, May 14, 2021

The Message Should Be Irrefutable.



In a previous memo I posted an op ed by Dov Fischer. Dov never minces words and is always in your face with strong thoughts expressed most clearly so you cannot miss his meaning. I love the guy even though I do not always agree with him. What I gleaned from the bottom line of his latest message is wake up and realize there are those whose mind set cannot be changed and you must heed what they are saying and take them out. Why keep buying the New York Times, keeping them in business in the mistaken belief they will change?

I put BLM and their devotees in that category and I believe the dolting cowards in corporate America who gave such organizations stock holder funds should be fired. Another useful model would be whatever Soros funds I would want to rid the world of that group. When I see Obama and Biden coddle Islamist terrorists, Iran and their ilk I become nauseous. Do they honestly believe giving them money is going to soften them and disrupt their ideological pathways? If you do you are as dangerous as they because they have an ulterior motive.  In the case of these two they want to transform America into a nation of their liking. How many times do they have to say it and act in ways that should convince you?

I do not know what Israel's eventual reaction will be towards Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran after the current war but if they do not destroy the enemy then they will face him again and he, as now, will have become stronger and more dangerous. You either feed a bully nor allow him to stand up after he has been knocked down. The logic of that message should be irrefutable.


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