Sunday, May 23, 2021

About .Time. Snerdley/Huckabee Get It. Iran Has To Be Pleased. Moral Equivalent Time. Biden presses Bibi


About time:

Black Leaders Speak Out Against Stacey Abrams…


Snerdley gets it but do you?

Now that Israel has been pressed into stopping defending their nation because , perhaps, Hamas has either run low on missiles, which is doubtful, or has been punished and their claim of defending Palestinians is seen for what it always is, a blatant fraud,, the next phase against Israel will come from the mass media and will take the form of equivalency/[proportionality.

We have witnessed this charade a thousand times. The only difference is the Democrat Party has chosen to turn against Israel because the anti-Semites Obama brought over have taken control of the Party's messaging.

The next phase will be continuance of what we have already witnessed. Direct attacks on Jews, their establishments, houses of worship etc. From time to time there will be a few arrests but most of America will remain silent because organizations like BLM have perfected the art of intimidation. Democrat mayors, governors, liberal school board officials and government experts like Fauci  have proven they can  close schools, alter culture, deny worship and the list of their anti-societal  accomplishments is endless.

This is the new America and we have Trump to blame because he was not as presidential as our current puppet. And:


As we watch bombs fall on America's closest ally in the Middle East, AOC and the rest of the Democrat Party made it clear that they care more about terrorists and illegal aliens than they do about Israeli citizens in harm's way or America's Black Community.

The Squad is guiding Joe Biden's foreign policy, and as a result, Members of the Democrat Party in Congress are abandoning Israel when they are under attack from known terrorists. Quite frankly, this makes the Squad as dangerous as Hamas.

The media – so quick to accuse everyone of racism – refuses to call out AOC and the Squad for their virulent anti-Semitism, just like they refuse to acknowledge that Joe Biden has done nothing for the Black Community besides offer platitudes.

In 4 years, Donald Trump did more for peace in the Middle East and the Black Community than Sleepy Joe will ever do, and that's why I need your help to educate America on the truth the media refuses to share.

Will you help us spread the truth and break through the false media narratives so we can remove the politicians who side with terrorists instead of America and Israel? Donate $45 or more today and help us counter their lies.

I'm James Golden – better known as Bo Snerdley, Rush's right-hand man for more than 30 years, and I need your help to ensure Black America will finally see the Democrats for the racist, hateful people they are.

I started the New Journey PAC to support Black Conservative candidates throughout the nation. Candidates who will offer the Black Community more than empty promises and platitudes.

Candidates who will continue President Trump's work to drain the swamp and Keep America Great.

Here in America, the Biden Administration is spending $86 Million on hotel rooms for illegal immigrants. Where is this funding for minorities in America?

Where is this level of concern for American citizens?

Why do so many Democrats think they can say so many racist and anti-Semitic things and not pay the price? Where are the "leaders" in the "woke" community denouncing their hate and division?

All too often, they are standing right next to them, nodding their heads and being complicit in the hypocrisy. Not me. I know we can do better for the next generation of Black children and that’s why I’m working hard to change this nation before it’s too late.

Please make a generous contribution of $45 or MORE right now to New Journey PAC, the voice of the emerging Black Conservative majority!

All these will be seen by Iran as encouraging signs of Israeli internal disarray and division, opening up new possibilities for future use



Any thoughts or comments?

Joe Biden leads America off  the left side of the cliff

By Mike Huckabee


 ●  We have a complete meltdown of control at our southern border, with the tragedy of little kids being trafficked as if they were boxes of Mexican fruit - suffering abuse and deprivation;

 ●  The drug cartels are taking advantage of the border breakdown by pouring deadly drugs into our country that is killing people from New York to Oregon; 


 ●  Gasoline will soon be double the cost it was a year ago, and some people can’t find a gas station that has any gas left; 


 ●  Employers can’t stay open because people are living off government giveaways of stimulus checks and unemployment instead of taking jobs that are available; 


 ●  Our schools are still closed in many places because the teachers don’t want to go back to the classroom, and 


 ●  The Middle East is being burned down by rockets flown by jihadist terrorists from the Hamas stronghold of Gaza. 


At the rate he’s going, Joe Biden will make Jimmy Carter become a candidate to become the 5th President on Mt. Rushmore.


I admit I didn’t vote for Joe Biden and feared he would lead us off the left side of the cliff, but even I thought it would take longer than 100 days to do it.


I’m especially grieved to see the great progress toward peace in the Middle East that was achieved by the historic Abraham Accords replaced by violence, destruction, and death as the terror group Hamas fires thousands of rockets toward civilian targets in Israel. 


Joe Biden wants to revive the horrible deal with Iran to supposedly cause them to give up building a nuclear weapon, but sensing real weakness on the Biden team has emboldened Iran to buy more rockets for Gaza so they can try to kill Israelis. 


This at a time when Gaza and the Palestinians could sure use schools, streets, medical care, and jobs.


Instead they use the Iranian money and sadly, the money you the American taxpayer gives them to buy bullets, bombs, and rockets to kill Jews in Israel.


To his credit, after a few days of silence, President Biden finally called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and publicly acknowledged that Israel has a right to defend itself against these senseless attacks on their sovereign land.


For the past four years, Israel was in the most peaceful period of the past decade. President Trump moved the Embassy to Jerusalem just as he had promised and his team tried a completely different approach to peace which resulted in the breakthrough Abraham Accords, which brought about the first peace agreement between Israel and Arab lands in 25 years. As a result, the UAE, Morocco, Bahrain, and others are now trade partners and tourism partners with Israel with other Arab nations being expected to follow.


Joe Biden was in government for almost 50 years. Donald Trump had never held any political office. Sure Trump could be rough around the edges, but when you’re stuck in a long line to get gas that is costing you twice what it did a year ago while listening to the news about the violence in the Middle East and the downturn of our economy, you might want to remember that it’s not the personality of a President that gives our nation its strength, but his policies. And the ones we’re seeing right now just aren’t working out well.

Iran has to be pleased:

Not only did Hamas create internal havoc in Israel Biden helped by funding Iran's abilty to  continue their spreaad of terrorism.

How Hamas' Assault Serves as Iran's Testing Ground

by Jonathan Spyer
The Jerusalem Post

Hamas's war effort against Israel is of importance to Iran as a testing ground for a certain strategic hypothesis. As [Hamas representative in Tehran Khaled] Qaddoumi put it, the movement this time "applied a strategic shift in the concept of resistance, from defending Gaza against Israeli attacks to defending all Palestinians living in historic Palestine."

This statement accurately points to the essential strategic question underlying this round of fighting. In recent years, the Palestinian Arab population west of the Jordan has become politically fragmented. Four identifiable populations exist: the Arab citizens of Israel, the inhabitants of Gaza, the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the population living under the administration of the West Bank Palestinian Authority.

The Hamas offensive which began with the launching of seven missiles at Jerusalem on May 10 is an effort to test the hypothesis that by mobilizing the symbol of al-Aqsa Mosque, and then initiating military action in the name of its defense, Hamas could reduce or remove these divisions.

Iran's strategic vision is of a long war conducted through the use of proxies and political client forces, and intended to result in Israel's hollowing out, weakening, isolation and eventual collapse.

The division of the local Arab forces represented and represents a threat to the advancement of that vision. The latest Hamas offensive is hence most importantly an attempt to reverse this fragmentation. The feasibility of the Iranian strategy against Israel depends on the divisions being bridged.

Jerusalem, with Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr passed, has experienced only sporadic unrest. The riots in Israeli Arab towns have for the moment receded. The West Bank has seen large demonstrations but does not currently appear close to conflagration.At this interim stage, but with a ceasefire now looking increasingly possible, what will be the verdict drawn regarding this effort? As of now, it looks mixed.

Gaza, though it will undoubtedly continue to fire rockets until the last moments, has suffered far greater damage than it has been able to inflict. If these situations hold, the fragmentation has not been comprehensively overturned.

Nevertheless, from the Iranian point of view, there are also considerable reasons for encouragement from the events of the last 10 days. Most importantly, the widespread rioting and attacks on Jews by Arab Israelis in Lod, Ramle, Haifa, Jaffa and elsewhere demonstrate the efficacy of al-Aqsa as a unifying symbol.


The initially slow and weak response of Israeli state authorities in responding to this will also be recorded. As will the role of armed Jewish volunteers in defending against the mobs, particularly in Lod (an aspect insufficiently discussed in Israeli media.)Even if this has not for now resulted in a generalized uprising, it is a strategic lesson that the Iranians will note carefully. For the first time since the establishment of Israel, Arab Israelis in large numbers mobilized, and on occasions used weaponry, to assist the war effort of an organization attacking Israel. This is a matter of deep significance, and represents a profound, if still partial, success for Hamas and its backers. The possession of considerable arsenals in the hands of elements of the Arab Israeli population and the potential this has for disruption will similarly have been carefully noted.

The large rallies in Europe and the Middle East demonstrate the continued resonance this issue has for broad sections of the Muslim public.

As ever, Iran prefers to avoid direct involvement. But without its backing, support and expertise, the latest Hamas offensive against Israel would have been inconceivable. From this point of view, the events of the last 10 days may be seen as the latest episode in Tehran's long war against Israel.

Jonathan Spyer is a Ginsburg/Milstein Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum and director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis.


This is from a very dear and very bright attorney friend of mind who sees clearly what a Hamas is all about and why we are now in the moral equivalent period the mass media loves to pin on Israel.   The mass media rely upon the inability of those who listen to and watch their biased tripe to be incapable of  reasoning.. He also happens to be a fellow memo reader as well.


Re: SpaceX Introduces New Reusable Rockets That Israel And
Hamas Can Fire Back And Forth | The Babylon Bee

My only concern in this satire is that it implies moral equivalence,
much like all the commentators who are accusing Israel of violating
the "laws of war" (as if they have any knowledge of the Hague
Convention of 1907 or the Field Code, much less the nuances of
Nuremberg).  I am happy to review targeting decisions in any conflict after the fact to do a better job of ensuring the safety of innocents, but mostly I see an over-weaning
attempt on the part of Israel to comply with the laws of war. 
every rocket fired by Hamas was indiscriminately sent
into civilian populations.

  There is no moral equivalence. There is no hope outside victory. 
 And there is no prospect for victory. And the Biden 
Administration is doing everything it can to bring back the 
discredited Iranian accord, so that they can undermine truly 
progressive regimes in the Middle East and start the pipeline of 
cash once again. Sad times indeed.

All the best, B--

Read More



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