Thursday, May 27, 2021

As I See It.

We have had a reasonable amount of time to observe two distinct personalities occupy The Oval Office.

Trump is an indefatigable hard charging tireless man who thinks outside the box, is a problem solver, brings common sense to the issue, is brash and quick to decide. 

You either like him or not.  There is no in between because he is prone to make enemies. Trump is very ego driven.

He accomplished more against the meanest of odds in less time than any modern day president.
Biden is virtually the opposite.  He is more the the typical political type president who is restrained by obvious physical and mental disabilities, has  a long history of non-achievements, underneath his "Sweet Uncle" appearance there seems to be a hACot tempered nastiness that pops out from nowhere.

He obviously does not put in the hours his predecessor did and is more easily manipulated by others in his decision making which seems either labored and/or uncertain. During his brief term in office he has spent most of his time undoing the accomplishments of his predecessor and is committed to being a transformative president whether  out of conviction or because he is weak and moved in directions by others who are aggressively agenda driven.

Whether circumstances beyond his control have impacted his results to date or a combination of such in conjunction with questionable decision making his accomplishments  have been inauspicious and in certain instances actually poo. Here I refer to his energy decisions, his attempt to move to a permanent government income policy and his diplomatic initiatives, particularly as relates to the Middle East.  In the matter of personal exposure Biden has also failed to measure up to Trump's accessibility.

I believe my prediction, that in time, we would come to miss Trump is gaining traction even though he exhausted us, turned  a good many off because of his prickly ways and boorish manner. 

 Americans tend to be pragmatic can do people and are impatient. We prefer action to being bored.  

Though it is early, if current trends continue or worsen and Republicans do not blow another golden opportunity, which is a large if because Democrats are doing everything they can to throw hot potatoes at them, the GOP should recapture Th e House and increase their numbers in The Senate  Democrats will do everything they can to make it appear Trump is in control of the Republican Party. If he is brash enough to want to be seen and heard and intrudes  making it all about himself that would prove debilitating However, if Trump  sets forth a solid agenda, an extension of Make America Great Again, as seems to be the case considering his connection with Newt, Trump could be a powerful and positive influence.

Stay tuned. Time will tell.


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