Monday, May 24, 2021

A New Organization Has Formed And Taken Over - TNLM (Truth No Longer Matters!) My Thoughts On How Radicals Got Us!



The more we allow radicals from the Middle East and elsewhere  to worm their way into our nation and then place them in government, and, thus, positions of  authority, and power the more problems we will confront.  We already have seen what a few radicals have done to the Democrat Party and wimpy progressives who cower in fear of offending and that includes our pathetic president.

Government is so vast, so distant and so full of termites most citizens are unaware and that is what inures to the benefit of  the radical elements who increasingly control/steer our nation. 

They are not excessively large in number but they are expert at their craft and dedicated. They know how to achieve their goal, ie. the destruction of America. One bad apple can disrupt a classroom. One bad egg can ruin a good cake.

As long as our republic stands and our system of government is left to function, as it has, America is a threat to those who wish to dictate and control, who spread hate and cause disruption.

What is now happening to/in America did not occur overnight. The destruction of America has been in the planning stage/works for decades.  It began by polluting a variety of critical sectors of our society, starting with education and from there it took advantage of and used our open and free society to gnaw away from within at every facet of American society focusing on where we are most vulnerable  as if other nations are better..

As internal threats spread they accelerate and now corrupt even the voting process. As more radicals run for public office and are elected they begin taking over sensitive positions on school boards, libraries, gain jobs in the media and eventually in the halls of Congress and finally spill over into the streets when events provide opportunities.

Obama's apologies of America was no idle matter. It was purposeful and intended to put America on the defensive and to dim the light of our Democratic Message and Lifestyle. The idea of 1617, and attacks on our founding principles  are meant to undercut the fact that our republic is superior to all other forms of government and our economic system, though not perfect, rises/excels above all others when it comes to providing benefits and prosperity

Spreading self doubt is a tool of radicals because it weakens beliefs and convictions and allows for disorder to replace law and order, prosperity and tranquility. Attacking our racial issues takes the spotlight off the massacre of citizens by China, Iran, Syria and a host of  African countries.

The recent lecture by Chinese diplomats in Alaska offered clear evidence for anyone with half a brain.

I repeat - dumb down, spread doubt , place one on the defensive by defending the indefensible and they got you!

In a nut shell that is what it has come to and is all about and the suckering of Corporate America's funding of their own destruction is not only laughable but also frightening.


Biden Brings in Islamic Activists to Investigate U.S. Military for 'Extremism'

A decade ago, Hina Shamsi was fighting on behalf of the Holy Land Foundation whose leaders had been convicted of providing material support to Hamas.

As the head of the ACLU’s National Security Project, Shamsi, a Pakistani citizen, had fought fiercely for the Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. “We all must pledge — not one person more in Guantanamo, not in our names,” she recently declared.

This small town's sense of community is no accident

By Salena Zito

HOT SPRINGS, Virginia — Where the tidy brick sidewalks end at the edge of the business district, the carnage was jarring. Two cars had their roofs sheared off. Shattered glass was strewn everywhere. In the distance, an older van was upturned, on its roof, alongside two vehicles on their sides and another car in a ditch, completely upside down and touching the creek.

Known colloquially as Sam Snead Highway, the winding road that hugs the Allegheny Mountains and serves as the thoroughfare for this charming town is still damp from a violent evening downpour. The initial assumption is that all six vehicles met this gruesome fate after hydroplaning on the single-lane highway.

But that assumption is wrong — as good a lesson as any for never judging a book by its cover, even when the evidence is visually overwhelming.

Click here for the full story


Is there any difference between a Democratic Nation and a Communist nation seeking to re-educate their citizens?

Attend a government non-education center, or school, and you will be just as ignorant coming out as you were going in.

Sure, you will know "things." But ignorance is not the absence of knowledge. Ignorant people are those who do not know that they don't know.

Come out of any public school and you will still be under the delusion that you are aware of reality.

Intelligent people are those who know not, and know that they know not. Information then becomes wisdom to those with an inquiring mind.You are now seeing very intense arguments between people who believe in one party's message over the other. They do not realize they are arguing over table scraps fed to them by the elites. 

This type of propaganda is not Left vs. Right. It is total warfare against your mind. It is the language the elites use to make people fight with each other so they can profit and stay in power.

Republicans claim to have the corner on genuine conservatism, much as Democrats claim to have the corner on genuine liberalism. Both claims are untrue but are perceived as true thanks to mass deception. Today's conservatism and liberalism are but twin pincers of the same, dynamic, ever-changing, collectivist dialectic.

ake for example the supposed "fight" over government spending when the Tea Party was still in existence. Rep. Paul Ryan (R–Wisc.) became a hero to the right for supposedly fighting against President Obama's blizzard of spending. Ryan said on the House floor in 2011, "...we are spending so much more money than we have. We can't keep spending money we don't have."

As Reason magazine points out, "Ryan's most lasting contribution to the debate over budget deficits was to champion the 2011 spending caps. Unfortunately, that accomplishment was undone in 2018 by none other than Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who guided the passage of a new federal budget bill that obliterated those spending limits and added an estimated $1.7 trillion to the long-term deficit. He retired the following year."

The most financially conservative representative, hero of the right, paid lip service to those who voted him in and then spat on them, spraying almost $2 trillion of fake money into the economy just like Joe Biden is doing now. What a farce!

The elites — whether in their corporatist towers, or in the District of Criminals — and the money power behind them are so far removed from the people over whom they lord and/or whom they employ, that they may as well be on a distant planet in another solar system. All the thoughts they think and all the things they do are designed to draw more power and more wealth into their control.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant — and free — in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness." -- George Washington

"Law and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge." -- James Wilson

George Orwell was correct. Ignorance is strength... for oppressive governments.

For any political system to function as created, there is and has to be vast deception, but also, widespread ignorance. This statement is an entrée into original thought. We are in a vast concentration mind-control camp developed through and by years of external stimuli of "public" influence. We cannot think or inquire outside of our invisibly prescribed parameters — some people say "outside the box."

Unless and until we question "conventional wisdom," we never receive or process any doubt about the politically prescribed order of things. People progress away from conventional wisdom at various speeds and levels. Some people begin to doubt on an elementary level, while some completely reject any form of conventional wisdom. But I also believe people generally have a thirst for knowledge. Otherwise, why would you be reading this? Otherwise, you would have stopped reading long ago because this would have been beyond your capacity to grasp. But you, dear reader, will continue to battle the ignorance the elites so desperately want to fill you with.

Can you conceive of being filled with nothing? This is the dopamine drip of phone apps and other bread and circus that the Technocracy wants you to become addicted to.

In 1969, I began sharing through my Bob Livingston Letter® the health, wealth and liberty information that I have discovered in my extensive research. I work hard to uncover the truths that the elites and power brokers don't want you to know. And then I compile it all into an eight-page newsletter each month. The Letter is the precursor to these Bob Livingston Alerts, which started in 2015.

I have also taken on a number of subjects from preparedness to health to privacy at greater length and put the information together in book form, which we offer you from time to time. We feel it's essential since many Americans are deluded into thinking the economic, political and social mess in which we find ourselves is the result of mistakes made by the leaders or some confluence of accidental events.

In reality, it's all a grand design to steal your liberty and your wealth and transfer it into the pockets of a select group of elite power brokers. To truly understand what's going on, one must divest himself of conventional wisdom and see the world in a new light.

You must be in a position to acquire your own information in order to make critical judgments. That's why from time to time I have urged you to read books like The Fat Resistance Diet by Dr. Leo Galland; How to Hide Anything by Michael Connor; Trust Us, We're Experts (about how industry manipulates science and gambles with your future) by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber; Propaganda by Edward Bernays; Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky; and The Miracle of Magnesium by Carolyn Dean M.D., N.D. Read with an open mind. Only then will the wisdom sink in. Then, share with others what you've learned.

Happy learning!

Yours for the truth,


Iranian puppet masters have Hamas,

the Squad and BLM on a string

By Kathleen Brush Ph.D


           Four thousand three hundred sixty-nine rockets rained down on Israel between May 10th and 20th. Forty-three were launched from Gaza between April 23 and 25. On 15 different days in 2020, a total of 143 rockets were launched into Israel. In 2019 it was 5 different days and 643 rockets. In 2018, it was 15 days and 288 rockets. In 2017, 2016, 2015 there were… In 2014 84 days and 1200 rockets … In 2001, 60 days of rocket and mortar fire from the Palestinian Territories landed in Israel. From the day Israel was born in 1948, it has never known peace. It lives in a permanent existential crisis.


           It seems impossible that while thousands of rockets rained on Israel, the headlines in America’s mainstream media proclaimed America’s growing pro-Palestinian position. What is wrong with Americans? Are they so misinformed to believe the propaganda from Israel’s enemies? This conflict wasn’t about Palestine or Palestinians.

With Israel in the lead, everyone, except Hamas, Iran, and its other allies, wants Palestine to be a sovereign nation where its people live in peace with Israel. These pro-Palestinian protesters were actually rooting for Hamas and Iran. 


           During the latest rocket onslaught, Black Lives Matter (BLM) announced their support for the Palestinian/Hamas/Iran coalition and against the Israeli colonizers. In synch, the Squad denounced Israel. They called it an apartheid state and called Jews genocidaires and imperialists. These sound bites can also be found in Iranian propaganda. Then the BLM/Squad duo returned to their self-serving soapbox of victimhood and cited empathy and solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. 


           The duo pretends that they are not racists by saying they are anti-Zionists and not anti-Semitic, but the two cannot be separated. You cannot be pro-Jew but want to annihilate Israel. It’s anyway impossible for most Muslims to be pro-Jew. In twenty-eight out of forty-nine Muslim majority nations, religious law overlaps or predominates national law. In Islamic religious law, like that familiar to squad members Tlaib and Omar, Jews are condemned, they are compared to pigs and monkeys and their murder glorified. 


           The BLM-Squad duo has been able to work their magic again. Verbal, physical, and online attacks against Jews have skyrocketed. And their response? A virtual shrug or was it applause? It’s the same response they gave to the thousands of projectiles thrown at police by mostly “peaceful protesters.” Consistent with the duo’s joint-Marxist views, violence is the means for silencing opposing positions. Violence is how they intimidate people to achieve their aims. For the Jews, this recently translated into 4,369 rockets in Israel over 10 days and violent hate crimes in America and Europe. As if the Jews have not experienced enough violence. There are no racial/ethnic/religious groups in the world that have endured more violence and racism.


           The Jews have suffered through hundreds of years of ethnic cleansing, transportations, inquisitions, exclusionary laws that make Jim Crow look tame, pogroms, and the single largest intentional eradication of a population. The number of Jews exterminated in WWII is greater than the populations of 81 nations today.


When the United Nations, including all five permanent Security Council members, agreed that the Jews had to have a home where they could live without fear of persecution, they had one day to experience freedom. The day after independence in 1948, five of Israel’s Arab neighbors invaded it, and then they did it again and again, leveraging the adjacent land in the Palestinian Territories. 


           In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in Iran, but his aim was the be the supreme leader of all Muslims. He figured Sunnis and Shias didn’t agree on much, except hatred for Israel, so he based his appeal on a commitment to its extermination. His mission and those of his successors have been to extract the cancerous tumor called Israel from the region. In 1987 he began funding the Iranian Proxy Hamas to carry out its mission and they began terrorizing Israel.

Today they are the de facto government in Gaza, in the Palestinian Territories. Like Hitler, they want the Jews eliminated. “There are Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on planet Earth! We must slaughter and kill them, with Allah's help. We will lacerate and tear them to pieces.” The Hamas PR machine tried to sanitize this comment by a Hamas Politburo member. The problem they had was he was rephrasing the Hamas Charter.


Another Iranian proxy is the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). It too began terrorizing Israel in 1987. On May 21, the PIJ leader thanked Iran’s chief propagandist and militant puppet master Ayatollah Khamenei for his “most important and leading role” in the multiple weeks of terror inflicted on Israel. Hamas used television to thank Iran for the weapons. Khamenei, in turn, congratulated the Palestinians for their victory against the Zionist regime and for rendering them powerless.


           The ignorance of BLM and the Squad has reached a pinnacle. To them, the long and continuing sordid history of vile anti-Semitism is irrelevant. As Dennis Praeger noted, they want you to believe that seventy-three years of Arab-Iran-Israeli conflict is over land – not a desire to eliminate the Jews. Can the duo really be so misinformed that they do not know about the joint Iranian/Hamas/PIJ mission? About Islam’s anti-Semitic teachings? Do they not know they are supporting terrorists that use Palestinian men, women, and children as human shields and then later use their dead bodies for propaganda? Are they blind to the incessant provocations that Israel lives with? They are either dangerously ignorant or perpetrators of filthy politics and pandering. 


           BLM and the Squad are fraudulently pretending to be anti-racists while openly stoking blatant anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.


Throughout the world their voices resonate. It’s time for people to stop fearing possible wrath from mainstream and social media. Right now, we need Americans to unequivocally state that we do not support violence, terrorists, terrorism, anti-Semitism, or anti-Zionism. 


           Americans fully support peaceful coexistence between Palestinian and Israeli sovereigns. If the Squad and BLM did, they would quit blaming the world’s favorite whipping boy – the Jews, and focus their efforts on the Iranian puppet master that is presently relishing that the Squad and BLM are doing his bidding in America.


Watch the duo demand that the United States pay to rebuild Gaza. Meanwhile, the Iranian mullahs will celebrate American ignorance and relish that Americans are cleaning up Iranian messes again. They have asked other Muslim nations to clean up Palestine too, but they are wise to Iran. 


I intend to order Sowell's biography.  He is one of my heroes but first I need to finish Goldman's Book about How China wants to rulle the world and get other nations to submit to their goals.

The Education Exchange: Maverick: A Biography Of Thomas Sowell
by Paul E. Peterson featuring Thomas Sowell via The Education Exchange

A senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Jason Riley, joins Paul E. Peterson to discuss Riley’s new biography on Thomas Sowell, which chronicles the life of the long-time senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.


Four black female mayors seem to be running their cities into the ground. Murder and crime is up and they want to defund the police. Is it racist to point this out? I believe it is , even though it is factual, Why? Because in America radicals are in control and a new organization, TNLM, say so!

These 4  make DeBlasio seem like Giuliani.

 Chicago ..  Mayor Lori Lightfoot…….

will not speak with white reporters

 Washington DC ….Mayor Muriel Bowser

Decides she can paint messages on streets

  Atlanta …Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms 

Has decided not to run again.

  St. Louis ..Mayor Tishaura Jones

St. Louis' murder rate, already highest in US, soared last year; mayor vows to defund the police

In St. Louis, Mo., the worst-in-country murder rate is at a 50-year high, the police department has nearly 100 unfilled jobs, and the mayor wants to defund the department and shut down a city jail.




US is Selling Israel Smaller Smart Bombs – And That’s a Good Thing

Analysis Iran Threat US Military |  Paul Crespo

US Department of Defense


ANALYSIS – In the wake of the typical backlash to Israeli countering barrages of deadly rockets fired at its people, by firing back at Hamas terror targets deliberately shielded by civilians in Gaza, the U.S. has announced that the latest $753 million arms package for Israel includes a newer, much smaller smart bomb designed for accuracy and to minimize collateral damage.

This should help Team Biden appease the leftist ‘progressive’ Democrats in Congress, like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, who are opposing all arms sales to our solid mideast ally.

While the State Department notification sent to Congress on May 5, is classified, Newsweek reported that the little-known Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), which is one quarter the size of Israel’s current main smart bomb – the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JADM) – has a “size and accuracy…[that] allows for an effective munition with less collateral damage.”

The newer Raytheon-made SDB is not yet in Israel’s arsenal. Also known as the GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb Increment I (SDB I), the newer weapon, notes Newsweek is:

…a 250-lb. class, air-delivered weapon that is guided by both global positioning system (GPS) satellites and an inertial system that detects its position in space, correcting its flight path. The bomb’s diamond-shaped wings stabilize the weapon and increase glide time, allowing delivering planes to release the bomb from as far as 40 miles (65 kilometers) from the target, minimizing the vulnerability of aircraft.

SDB is intended to eventually replace the JDAM, a satellite-guided bomb that was first used in combat in 1999.

Newsweek added:

In the latest conflict, Israeli strikes have killed more than 200 militants including 25 senior commanders, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Islamic Jihad militant group and Hamas dispute that figure. The Gaza Health Ministry says at least 243 Palestinians have been killed, including 66 children; it does not distinguish militants from civilians. In Israel, 12 people were killed, 11 of them civilians including a 5-year-old boy and 16-year-old girl.

In Washington, the disparity in the body count and the vivid [often staged or manipulated] news coverage of destruction in Gaza prompted an unprecedented outcry in Congress: progressive Democrats, in particular, have been critical of Israel and outspoken in supporting Palestinians. They have opposed President Joe Biden’s arms package.

What happens now? Air Force and Pentagon officials say that the composition of the U.S. arms package to Israel should assuage concerns about it. “All of the weapons being offered to Israel are newer, more accurate, and less destructive than what Israel currently possesses,” one Pentagon official wrote.

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Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Defense News. A defense and national security expert, he served as a Marine Corps officer and as a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at US embassies worldwide. Paul holds degrees from Georgetown, London, and Cambridge Universities. He is also CEO of SPECTRE Global Risk, a security advisory firm, and President of the Center for American Defense Studies, a national security think tank.
I am reposting:

It's those damn pesky Jews again:


Unchallenged Squad, Silent Pols, Depleted Police, Duplicitous Social Media Are Perfect Storm for Antisemitism

Abraham Cooper


By Salen Zi


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