Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Women Profoundly Disappointing Hypocrites. Even God Has Thrown Up His Hands In Disgust. Minimum Wage Misinformation.


I find women profoundly disappointing.  

Women voted for Biden because they did not like Trump's mannerisms, his speech, his presidential conduct. Fine, I get it.  Why, however, are they not speaking up about Biden's latest edict allowing convicted sex offenders to entire our country illegally?

They do not have to wait four years. They can express themselves now unless they don't care about  about possibly being attacked.  Where are those brave feminists who seem to protest everything related to glass ceilings but slink back in the quiet of their kitchens when speaking out really counts. 

You are a bunch of hypocrites and I have no problem calling you out for your cowardice.


I did not write this below but I was going to write something along these lines when I was sent this by a dear friend and fellow memo reader. I do not agree with everything said but I know voices are purposely being stilled and free speech is being squelched. I also know, Democrats have allowed Congress to be circled with barb wire and troops stationed at a cost approaching one half billion dollars by mid March.  Why?  No one has explained why the National Guard Troops remains while illegal immigration is firing back up as Biden simply sends out crippling memorandums ridding ICE and other agencies of their ability to protect our nation.  No one is allowed to check for Covid, Republicans sit on their hands, The Senate allows the executive office to walk over them as if they were  marshmallows. Apathy paralyzes our citizenry.

What the hell is happening to America now that Democrats are in charge? The answer is very simple.  The ship of state is taking on water, those who don't like what is happening remain cowed and silent and The America, Trump sought to return to greatness, is slipping away. 

As I recently wrote, even God has thrown up his hands in disgust.



I am pissed. Let’s face it, so are around 75 million Americans. What we should do about it is the question? What can you do when your institutions and your elected representatives no longer reflect your wishes and decisions? We are now faced with a radical Marxist movement which does not represent our views or wishes. I am greatly concerned if things continue on their current track, a civil war may be in our future. Biden’s current calls for unity are clearly a farce as the Left threatens to blacklist anyone from Trump's administration, cancels anyone they disagree with, do not control their violent organizations- Antifa and BLM, try to unconstitutionally impeach a retired president and clearly show no signs of moderating. We now see immigrants placed ahead of American citizens, taxes threatened to rise, pipelines cancelled costing thousands of jobs during a pandemic with extreme unemployment, kowtowing to foreign countries and globalists, etc.   They continue to threaten actions that would forever tilt the political spectrum to the left in both Congress and the Judicial system.


First,  how did we got here?

Recall the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin-it’s a republic if you can keep it. The US has functioned better than any other system of government of which we are aware. But in the late 30’s and early 40’s radical leanings were espoused by Marxist Saul Alinsky and codified in his Alinsky’s rules for radicals around 1972. Since then one of our political parties has been following his playbook and slowly taking over the societal institutions that put us where we are today. They began by infiltrating and then controlling our schools where children are brainwashed, higher institutions where dissent and opposing viewpoints are cancelled and political institutions have been radicalized. Meanwhile, the Republican Party, has been out to a long lunch, was either ignorant, blind, indifferent and/or in many cases chose to cooperate. Some ignored progressive advances and the reshaping of our society in their effort to gain sole power. We now have more RINOs than patriots.

What does this mean? 

We had a leader who was beholden to none of these groups. He demonstrated leadership and rightly put our country first. Trump was an impediment to their plans to control the country and destroy our democracy. As a result, the Democrat party pulled out all stops in their effort to destroy him at all costs. There was nothing they did not do- including lying, creating crisis, engineering false flag efforts to impeach, subversive plots, and resistance at all cost by co-opting the press, social media, and rumors in an effort to thwart his efforts to actually put our country first. When these efforts failed they corrupted the elections. Yet, the media denied any of this occurred until the last few days when Time Magazine came clean. 

Meanwhile, the mass media used propaganda and outright denial to cover corruption by Biden and his family as well as the cheating that occurred.


We had over 5000 depositions by honest Americans documenting the cheating, including videos showing how it was done, but we are not supposed to believe our lying eyes. How is it possible with large leads in the polls in five states late in the evening, suddenly all five states stopped providing voting counts at the same time, then suddenly Biden’s vote count suddenly skyrocketed  when counting resumed? Furthermore, supposedly fact checkers claim none of this is real. How is it possible there were more votes than registered voters in at least one state, and multiple counties, virtually all of which are Democrat controlled? Why should voting in person require ID, but voting by mail does not? How is it voting rules were formulated by state officials, when only legislators constitutionally have the authority? In addition, dead voters have been documented, voters have the same address for over 2000 ballots, and Dominion voting machines allegedly have ties to Venezuela .  Despite claims to the contrary these Dominion machines are linked online and subject to corruption. In addition, big tech manipulation by prioritizing search results and using subliminal online messaging may have shifted millions of votes.


We now live in a country our founders could not have imagined. We are in the 1984 world envisioned in the book by the same name. We have access to the internet which should have made equal opportunity a bedrock we could all share, but tech companies have corrupted this process. It is no coincidence they are all Democrats who believe, because they are private companies, have the right, nay obligation, to censor those with whom they disagree. There can be no argument they, and their mass media friends, suppress dissenting political views.

What we can do about it?

1.     We need a thorough and complete investigation of the 2020 election-all facts, leads, and abuses must be discovered, corrected and where appropriate-prosecuted

2.     We need to change our schools and remove control (teacher's unions and leftists) from those who distort, present bias and propaganda instead of teaching. Their political donations are illuminating for those who would argue there is no issue. Furthermore, all ideas must be heard and the cancel culture become a thing of the past. Parents must become involved in their children's  schools and learn what they are teaching in the classrooms. Don’t be surprised if your kids have been coached to hide what’s said. Join your PTA and, if necessary, become a vocal advocate for fair education. Denounce the 1695 project and support the 1776 Commission. If you cannot make progress, home or private school your children and protect what is taught your children instead the liberal crap.

3.     We must hold state legislatures accountable and clean up the election process, which is under their sole purview. We must continue to call, write, email, and text until they get the message we will no longer stand for this corruption and vote accordingly.

4.     We must work to oppose those progressive policies that will hurt the US. Biden has already begun the dismantling of the oil and gas industry and will soon push his climate agenda-Paris peace accord which severely limits and harms the US while doing nothing to China, the world’s  largest polluter. Even more concerning is what is more likely the cause of any climate change-specifically the wandering of compass north (north pole) due to imbalance in the earth caused by India extracting massive amounts of subsurface water, and China caused by massive construction and dam projects. While the pole had been moving west, it suddenly reversed directions and now is rapidly moving east.

5.     We must support our first and second amendments which are crucial to our freedom.  Support organizations that fight for this including Judicial WatchNRA, First Amendment Coalition, and National Coalition Against Censorship

6.     What other more aggressive ideas should we consider? We could all take a tax holiday until the truth about the elections is decided, the outcome of the investigation into Hunter, Biden’s family and Biden himself are completed and the outcomes revealed, as well as the Durham investigation. My guess is all this will be swept under the rug.

7.     Finally, if we cannot persuade those in power that we the people have had it, we may have to form a new party, or join the civil resistance. We need to primary those RINO Republicans and elect a congress that actually gives a damn about American citizens.


I truly believe Biden is too dumb or ideologically crippled to understand one size does not fit all:

Biden Spreads Misinformation on Minimum Wage Increase, Gets Fact-checked

By Gabrielle Seunagal

-The Democrat Party would like Americans to believe that raising the minimum wage is the end-all, be-all to economic problems in the nation.

Countless leftist politicians have argued in favor of surging the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour; even the 46th president attempted to place this in his $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending package, but it’s unlikely to pass as part of the stimulus plan.

During a Super Bowl interview this past weekend, Biden professed that raising the minimum wage is shown by “all the economics” to boost the economy. Naturally, misinformation of this magnitude resulted in the 46th president being fact-checked, as Washington Examiner confirms.

The Truth About Increasing the Minimum Wage

No matter how much disinformation Democrats spread about raising the minimum wage, it doesn’t change the reality.

When the minimum wage increases, so do costs for business owners, especially small business owners. To offset these costs, employees are often laid off or assigned fewer hours to work. This, in and of itself, counters any possible financial gains from minimum wage increases, as do the surges in the costs of services and goods.

In his Super Bowl interview, Joe Biden claims "all the economics" show the economy rises with a minimum wage boost. That's false.



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