Monday, February 8, 2021

The Wimpy GOP. Burn Down D.C Where's Trump? Biden's Rocky Start. Chinese Analysts. Media Fawns. Police Sensitivity Vs. Their Aim.


Even Time Magazine got it but the GOP just cannot bring themselves to fight.  They are the personification of political wimps.  Too patrician.

The GOP Needs a Miracle to Win Elections in 2022 and 2024. Here It Is.

By Wayne Allyn Root

|Until now, I had no idea how dumb the GOP really was. Man, is our party dumb. The people who run the GOP are so dumb they couldn't spell "win" if I were to spot them the W and the I.

First, the presidential election was clearly rigged and stolen, and they just let it happen. Now the leaders of the GOP won't even admit it happened. They're afraid, like whiny little snowflakes, of offending liberal activists, Democratic voters, assorted socialists, government bureaucrats, RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), woke corporate CEOs, the mainstream media and the masters of social media -- you know, all the people who conspired to steal the election.

Don't believe me? Ask Time magazine. Time just released a fascinating in-depth story of how Democrats, liberal activist groups, media, social media and, shockingly, corporate America all partnered in one big conspiracy to prevent Donald Trump's reelection. Time admitted it was a "conspiracy." It admitted it was an "alliance between left-wing activists and business titans."

The detailed Time story reads like a confession of a stolen election. It admitted the game plan: This conspiracy was based on taking advantage of COVID-19, mail-in voting, last-minute changes in voting laws, gobs of corporate money backing the effort, and collusion by media and social media to silence any dissent.

And now the delusional GOP leadership compounds the problem by ignoring reality. Republican leaders keep thinking they're going to win it all back in 2022 and 2024. Really? How? What's the plan?

To quote Martin Luther King Jr., "I have a dream." I have a game plan that at least gives us a fighting chance to neutralize the Democratic advantage, compete and win elections.

First, money: Money is the mother's milk of politics. Democrats have all the money in the world. President Joe Biden raised record sums. Where did it come from? A ton came from the biggest corporations in America. How will the GOP compete with that moving forward?

The answer is to tell corporate America to go to hell. Former President Trump should remake the GOP as the party "of the people, by the people, for the people." It's time to announce the GOP will no longer accept any corporate money. From now on, the GOP will be funded "by the American people" only. Ask every Trump voter to contribute $10 per month.

Seventy-four million Trump voters would be thrilled to fund a party that looks out for the little guy. Some may give $100 per month, some $1,000. But everyone has $10 per month to spare.

Let's assume only 50 million Trump voters agree. That's $500 million per month. That's $6 billion per year without a penny from corporations. That's $24 billion over the next four years -- the most money ever raised by any politician or political party. That's enough to win a lot of elections.

Next, we have to admit we can never win again without voter identification. That's why we lost the presidency in 2020. Every major country in the world has voter ID, except us. Even Mexico has Voter ID -- with photo and thumbprint.

Mail-in ballots didn't lose the election. Voter ID did. With strict voter ID, you can't cheat by mail or in person. Dead people can't vote. Illegal aliens can't vote. It's all pretty simple -- to ensure fair elections and election integrity, we must demand proof of who is voting and ensure everyone only votes once.

With Biden and Democrats in charge, we can't get it on the federal level. And we're never going to get it in deep-blue states such as New York and California. But we just have to get strict voter ID laws in place in six states that determined the 2020 election: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. Five of those six states have Republican-majority legislatures.

With this plan, even with all the damage Biden and the Democrats are doing to this country, we have a fighting chance at retaking America in 2022 and 2024.

Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new No. 1 national bestselling book "TRUMP RULES." Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur, and host of the daily nationally syndicated show "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the "WAR RAW" podcast.


This all because Trump became president. You got to be kidding. Perhaps they are celebrating Black History Month?

Black Lives Matter, Antifa March Through DC, Chant 'Burn It Down'


Dear PragerU Supporter,

The left teaches that America is systemically racist. We’ve now seen how this insidious, divisive lie is ripping our country apart — causing young people to view themselves as either victims or oppressors. 

At PragerU, we teach these truly unifying messages championed by our presenters: 

“America traditionally represents the greatest possibility of someone's going from nothing to something. Why? In theory, if not practice, the government stays out of the way and lets individuals take risks and reap rewards or accept the consequences of failure. We call this capitalism — or, at least, we used to.” 
“I became a tenured, award-winning professor of political science at an Ivy League university...How did I do it? I worked hard. Not crazy, 24/7 hard. Just hard. I made good decisions. Not brilliant, three-dimensional chess decisions. Just good ones...But mostly, I think I was blessed in one crucial way. I was born in America, a true land of opportunity for anyone of any color or background. In this country, where you start your life does not determine where you end up.”

“I learned conservatism through my grandfather; I didn't know that was the name. I didn't know these were conservative principles. Starting his life on a sharecropping farm. Working tremendously hard. Five years old, picking cotton and laying tobacco out to dry on a farm, and today he now owns that farm.”
"No, my friends, there is no systemic racism in America. Just systemic marxist elitism — an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER."

These voices are being smothered, marginalized, sabotaged, and canceled by the left — when they need to be heard loud and clear by young Americans. Right now.

Few presidents have gotten off to as rocky a start as Biden. Firing well paid welders, because one day we might increase use of Green Fuels, has not worked. Gas prices have increased and are likely to go higher.  China has decided to challenge Biden and his response has not prevented China from escalating their bullying tactics. (See below.)  

Because of his hatred of Trump and ambivilance towards israel, Biden has upset those who favored The Abraham Accords.

Unions have decided to keep schools closed slapping Biden in the face because he seems unable to do anything about getting schools opened nor has he done anything about rioting in cities controlled by Democrats.

His efforts to get his arms around vaccine distribution undercuts his campaign comments that he had a plan.  

His pledge to bring unity has been mocked by Pelosi and members of his own party who are hell bent on trying Trump in the Senate.

His protected few press conferences have been less than revealing or inspiring that he will be an open president. (See below.)

Even the climate has not been accomodating to those who are climate warming advocates.


China Analysts Give Grim Prediction over Biden Admin

 Two China policy analysts offered their expertise on the growing tensions between the United States and Communist China and the predictions are not good. Gordon Chang and Dr. Jonathan Ward both noted that China will be aggressive toward the U.S because the country believes they can surpass us and don’t view Biden as a tough enough opponent.

“We have seen this, for instance, with joining the Paris accord, rejoining the World Health Organization, his January 26 memorandum on xenophobic attacks, which he blamed President Trump for xenophobia in the United States,” Chang said. “The list goes on and on. And we have really got to be concerned, because China is looking right now and thinking it’s going to get everything.”

Dr. Jonathan Ward, founder of the Atlas Organization and author of “China’s Vision of Victory,” told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that China’s actions are rooted in their belief that they are going to surpass the U.S.

“I think the thing is, they think that they’re going to beat us in this new Cold War, or whatever we want to call it. The contest with China is one that they believe that they will win,” Ward said. “They believe that COVID-19 has put them in an advantageous position. They have said for a long time that they’re going to turn crisis into an opportunity, strengthen their position in the world economy.”

“They have done that, in a sense. They were the only major economy to grow in 2020. They surpassed the U.S. as the leading destination for FDI. And many of our companies are heavily dependent on the China market,” Ward continued. “So, I think what the new administration is dealing with is this economic contest. China knows that, if they become the world’s dominant economy, the rest will fall into place. So, they feel very confident. And they’re going to be quite aggressive. So, the new administration has to be ready for all of that.”

The Chinese were undoubtedly pleased when Biden became president after Trump was notoriously harsh on Chinas throughout his term.


SHOCKING: Media Caught Fawning Over Biden
Whoa! >>


We need to start dismembering big tech before it destroys our freedoms.  There comes a time when big is not better because it is crippling.

It is about time police got more sensitive in their speech than accurate in their aim,


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