Saturday, February 13, 2021

All Democrats Know. Michael van Deer Veer and Schoen Rip The Mask Off The Corrupt Democrat Party. I Never Cared.



Violets are Red, Unlike a Peach

All Democrats Know 

Is How to Impeach.


Would not want to be that person.

Cuomo Lackey Reveals SHOCKING Cover Up

There needs to be an investigation into this…


Lynn taped the Impeachment Hearings so last night I watched Michael van der Veer's performance. Between him and his partner, attorney Schoen , they set about  and effectively shredded the Democrat's previous presentation with respect to both the the first amendment and the deprivation of the due process clause.

Their rebuttal included videos which used the same language they accused Trump of using but in his case he is being impeached and in the case of Democrats it is deemed normal political phraseology.  We know Democrats have sought for years to weaponize politics and language so as to be in the position of intimidating their selected opponents in order to still their voices.

Democrats are so desirous of obtaining and holding power they have reached the level where they disdain and have contempt for the greatest document ever devised by man - The American Constitution. As lawyers they have forgotten the basic right of every American citizen to be wrong and yet have the protected right to speak out and if tried to have the right to counsel, to seek and rebut evidence and to be deemed innocent unless proven guilty.

Democrats, in their zest to destroy a former president, set about to deny him these basic right because they were and remain driven by hatred as evidenced by the multitude of evidentiary video scenes Trump's attorney's assembled and showed. To make matters even more despicable, those watching were shown selective censoring by Democrats and their mass media brethren in order to sway public opinion against Trump.  Their performance, over the past five years, would warm the hearts of those engaged in creating The Third Reich.

What these rabid Democrats want you to forget is their vicious and vindictive behaviour over five years which set the tone and backdrop against which they now attempt to impeach Trump.

The only picture missing from their through and forceful presentation was the severed head of Trump being held up by some blood thirsty radical woman.

Outside of China, and the corrupt and weak Biden presidency, the greatest domestic threat is the Democrat Party which has been exposed, as I believed it would as a consequence of their second effort at impeaching Trump, to be one of the most corrupt political organizations ever assembled. Ricco Legislation had the Democrat Party in mind when it was crafted.

If the TV cameras had scanned the audience of the Democrat Senators what the audience would have seen is kangaroos lusting.

Left click twice:


As much as I agree with Trump's accomplishments, I believe Haley's assessment is not only courageous but correct.  For America's sake I believe a ticket of Pompeo and Haley would be masterful.


Worth re-posting.  My sentiments entirely:

I never cared if you were "gay" or whatever acronym you chose to call yourself, until you started shoving it down my throat.


I never cared what color you were, if you were a good person, until you started blaming me for your problems.


I never cared about your political affiliation, until you started to condemn me for mine.


I never cared where you were from in this great Republic, until you began condemning people based on where they were born and the history that makes them who they are.


I have never cared if you were well off or poor, because I've been both . . . until you started calling me names for working hard and bettering myself.


I've never cared if your beliefs are different than mine  -  until you said my beliefs are wrong.


I've never cared if you don't like guns, until you tried to take my guns away.


Now . . . I care.  I've given all the tolerance I have to give.  This is no longer my problem.  It's your problem.  You can still fix it.  It's not too late.  But it will be.  Soon.


I'm a very patient person at times.  But I'm out of patience.  There are literally Tens of Millions of people just like me that are sick of all your Anti-American crap !


I've always cared about life, and all lives, but now you try to force the notion on me and my other fellow citizens and patriots that certain lives matter more than others.  You protest, riot, attack, burn and loot.  Your so-called "movement" has become a radical out-of-control bunch of thugs, criminals and anarchists who are doing harm to our Country.


We have had enough !  America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don't like America then you can leave.  We are done caring about your misguided "feelings".


You don't have the right to enjoy American freedoms if you are trying to take that right away from other Americans.

************************************************************************************************"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

 –  Winston Churchill


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