Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Neville Biden? Enough Of The Hypocrisy. It's Your Boat, Show Us If You Can Row. Liberal's Using The Military As A Social Experiment.



From a friend and hawk like myself. Also a fellow memo reader:

If we end up having to go to war because the Chinese invade Taiwan (we have a mutual defense treaty with them) you can thank Joe.  Joe sounds more like Neville Chamberlin every day!

The thing that irks most Americans is the hypocrisy of politicians.  

Biden continues to bad mouth Trump because, Biden claims, there was no plan regarding inoculations.  That is both false and Biden even received an inoculation because of the Warp Speed program Trump demanded and which worked.

Then we have the continued hypocrisy of Pelosi and her attacking Trump for building a wall and now she has surrounded The Capitol with a wall and lives in a multi million dollar home that is walled as does another loud mouth, Maxine Waters.

Perhaps the biggest lout of all is Adam Schiff who purposely lied about Trump's alleged Russia Collusion.

Then we have  Rep. Nadler who totally switched his comments regarding impeachment. Cory Booker claims to be Spartacus when, in fact, he is a sniveling cry baby. Our current Vice President is a giggling hypocrite and then, there is Governor Cuomo.

I could go on and on but you get the message.

Americans are more than wiling to allow changes in heart and head based on new information, true science and legitimate circumstances but doing so for political gain has lost it's currency.  

We are exhausted and warn out as a nation.


C'mon man it's your boat now. Show us if you have the ability to row:


He’s lost all his marbles.

According to Breitbart News, President Joe Biden attacked former President Donald Trump stating that his administration inherited bad circumstances because he “wasted so much time.”

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper asked, “Are you concerned about the rollout of this online? Because it has been incredibly confusing for a lot of people, not just, you know, older people, it’s younger people just trying to find a place to get a vaccine.”

Biden said, “Yes, I have because look at what we inherited. We inherited a circumstance here where, now for the first — we did a lot in the first two weeks, a circumstance where, number one, there weren’t many vaccinators. You didn’t know where you could go get a vaccine administered to you because there was no one to put it in your arm, number one.”

He continued, “Number two, there was very little federal guidance as of what to look for, how to find out where, in fact, you could go. You can go online, and every single state now has a slightly different mechanism by which they say who’s qualified, where you can get the vaccines, and so on.”

He added, “This is a process. It’s going to take time. Think of what we didn’t do. You and I talked about this during the campaign, we didn’t do from the time it hit the United States. You’re going to inject something in your arm. It’s going to go away. It will all be done by Easter. We wasted so much time, so much time.” You can watch a clip of Biden’s remarks here.


The most Democratic segment of America is the military. Truman had the foresight to desegregate the military and, organizationally speaking, it sets the model  but liberals believe they need to experiment with our defense and security. More pathetic hypocrisy and destructive acts.

Most liberals hate the military.

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