Sunday, March 24, 2019

Trump Remains In The Gun Sights Of Bitter Democrats Engaged In Their Claimed Constitutional Duty of Oversight. How Pathetic.Screw 'Em. Move On. Trump!

Democrats and Trump haters did not accept his winning the presidency in 2016.  Now they have to figure out how to reject the Mueller report that found no collusion and the Atty Gen. and his associate, Rosenstein, decided there was no factual basis for obstruction. Rest assured, the likes of Schiff and Nadler, and their friends in the mass media, will break their necks attacking the validity of what Mueller's report concludes.

Will Democrats and Trump haters now allow Trump to move on and be the best president he is capable of being or will they place politics and their contempt of Trump's  above his desire to make America Great Again?  Will the McCabe's and Brennan's, of this world, recant?  Seriously doubt they will because they cannot live with the fact that Mueller's report pulls the ground out from their book tours and insane accusation Trump committed treason.

Personally, I do not think Democrats are capable of such decency and patriotism. They will continue hell bent on pivoting away from collusion and focus on obstruction.

Trump's actions did not reach the level of obstruction and, according to Messr's Barr and Rosenstein, was based on a factual determination and not a presidential privilege.

I seriously doubt the harassment of Trump is over.  In fact, now that it will be more in the public arena, it will accelerate and continue right up until the 2020 election. It will now involve the Southern District of New York and histrionics coming from Schiff, Nadler and others. Why? Because Mueller stayed on course and farmed out to others what he concluded was not covered by his charge.

Trump remains within the  gun sights of  bitter Democrats who profess they are engaged in their constitutional responsibility of "oversight."

 How pathetic. Politics and the rule of law do not mix.

What adds more credence to Mueller's report is that his entire investigation team were avowedly partisan, pro Hillary and yet they apparently rose above their bias.


Yes, the roof  fell in on The Democrats and the SLPC this week.

Marc Levine and Alan Dershowitz were also highly critical of Mueller.

Democrats and assorted haters are political nymphomaniacs and will never be sated. So screw 'em!

They are unhappy and sore losers because they invested everything they had in seeking Trump's downfall.  First they could not swallow his election.  Then they colluded in having him falsely accused. Now they cannot accept the results of Mueller who they were delirious with when he was appointed in the hope he would nail the president.

If Trump is wise he will leave it to others to respond.  He should move on, try and accomplish what he can with respect to being president and "Make America Great Again.


The real question for me, and should be for everyone,   is why was this investigation undertaken at all in view of Comey, McCabe, Page, Clapper, Brennan and, of course, Hillary and the DNC.

While I am on my soap box: why was Donna Brazile, that paragon of virtue, hired by FOX?  Isn't she the lady who gave questions to Hillary and if there ever was a Manchurian President it was Obama who told Russia's president to convey to Putin he would be more pliable when he gets re-elected. If that ain't enough what about $1 1/2  billion shipped at night on pallets to Iran, the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism?


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