Saturday, March 2, 2019

Glad Some Republicans Are Fighting Back and Beware Of Trojan Donkeys or Muslims Patrolling Your Streets.

I posted this in a previous memo:

So you think Sharia Law is not coming.  Just wait!
Charlie Hope has moved my appointment back  to 5 March and calls it a pre-op one so I have cancelled all trips and will remain close to  home til then.  Lynn may go to Orlando to celebrate Blake and Dagny's birthdays and Brian and Abby's anniversary.  That said, I will probably send a few more memos than I might have otherwise but they will still be sporadic.

My views of the current Democrat Party and why they will never get my vote. I am a declared independent and am not a party person though I am registered as a Republican so I can vote on local matters.

Unless and until the Democrat Party chooses to recast itself they will never get my vote for a host of reasons.

Historically The Democrat Party enslaved the blacks for economic reasons and the Republican Party tolerated this fact until The Civil War.  After The Civil War, The Democrat Party continued policies that defied my own interpretation of the spirit of our Constitution.  Even after the Supreme Court established the end of Segregation, The Democrat Party pursued misguided legislation that destroyed the black family, their connection to their churches , their ability to better themselves through a solid public education and you know the rest. Democrats professed this was done out of the goodness of their heart, to right wrongs but the goal was to buy votes  through "Civil Right's Legislation"  entitled "The War On Poverty"

Now the current Democrat Party seeks to enslave me and "white guy deplorables" because it has been taken over by radicals who  believe by offering "free" entitlements it can retain political power.  Any party that perpetuates the ruse of professing everyone can have anything they wish and bears no cost, because it is called an investment,  is a party engaged in intellectual fraud.  There is always a cost to anything and everything government does and/or promises.

Now Democrats want to expand the number of Justices on The Supreme Court so, as FDR tried, they can pack The Court with Justices who seek outcomes beyond the scope of our Constitution.  They want to supplant free markets with socialism, They also are willing to tolerate anti-Semitism and, for a Jew, I find that amazing and totally repugnant.

But their progressive radical ideas do not stop there. They embrace political correctness and identity politics. They also want to grow government control over virtually our entire GDP, so I no longer have a say in my own health care. They want my taxes to pay for the right of a woman to murder a living being after full term delivery.  Democrats want to eliminate certain inalienable rights because they believe I exist to serve my government. Democrats now attack the rule of law when it suits their pursuit of power. They profess they care about illegal immigration but oppose enforcement of federal laws they previously passed.  Most important of all, they have demonstrated they are unwilling to accept the lawful election of a president whose personality they find distasteful.

Their collective announced candidates, for 2020, are among the most unqualified and radical their party has ever offered.  To make matters even worse, these candidates have taken their party so far left their election would leave our republic eventually indistinguishable from a totalitarian nation bereft of our sacred freedoms clearly identified and espoused in our nation's "Bill of Rights."

I understand President Trump's unorthodox ways are often hard to swallow and he is a flawed man in many ways but he was duly elected and now Democrat hatred wishes to undo the "people's decision."

Democrats seem glum about everything and offer solutions to problems they predict are decades away.  How does one refute the future?

I did not vote for Obama and I was unalterably opposed to virtually everything he sought to do by way of transforming our country but I recognized he was my president so I simply shook my head and expressed my opposition.

I find what Democrats are offering so foreign/anathema to what I believe, to what America represents and stands for, I will never consider voting for a Democrat until I see a true reversal in their words as well as their actions.

I am delighted some of The Republicans are finally starting to fight back and beware of Trojan Donkeys! (See 1 and  1a below.)
Trump's approach towards diplomacy is unorthodox and it may not ultimately work but it has caused our adversaries to rethink and react.  The old ways have not been that effective, the U.N is an unblemished disaster so: "what have we got to lose?"
Other meaningful op eds:

Stephen Wertheim, NY Times

1)  AOC Rants After WSJ Writer Says She Leads Young People 'To Take Pride In Their Ignorance.' She Ends Up Proving Their Point.
By Hank Berrien

On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), furious that an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal stated that she “leads a generation of young people to take pride in their ignorance—of the laws of nature, of history, of the Constitution, of the eternal battle for freedom,” sneered back on Twitter, writing, “I guess WSJ Editorial Page takes pride in their ignorance of our nation’s history of slavery, Jim Crow, & mass incarceration; willful doubt on the decades of science on climate change; targeting of indigenous peoples, and the classist, punitive agenda targeting working families.”

The author of the op-ed, Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, has credentials that eclipse anything Ocasio-Cortez has yet achieved; she has spoken at Harvard University, the London School of Economics, Oxford University, and the Gregorian University at the Vatican, as well as served on the National Advisory Board for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and as a member of the Medicaid Commission.

Turner wrote that Ocasio-Cortez “is ignorant of the ways of government. She thought she would be headed to Washington in January to get ‘inaugurated’ and that she’d ‘start signing’ bills immediately, in a Congress with three chambers.” She continued:
The tragedy is that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has little regard for the system that made it possible for her to be elected to Congress, gain extraordinary influence, have access to millions of dollars to pay staff (at a “living wage” of at least $52,000 a year, so generous is she with taxpayer money), and now with a standard of living far above what her old job could have provided. She leads a generation of young people to take pride in their ignorance—of the laws of nature, of history, of the Constitution, of the eternal battle for freedom—and still succeed.

Turner noted the possibility that Ocasio-Cortez’s own actions might awaken people to her misguided actions: “Perhaps her role in killing 25,000 Amazon jobs in New York will wake people up, or maybe it’ll be the hubris of her recent tweet: ‘If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis. Until then, we’re in charge—and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.’”

Turner concluded, “Ah, democracy! Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has soared because of the freedom and prosperity her policies would destroy. Our attention to her fuels her celebrity and therefore her ideas. Time to get over our fascination and move on.”
Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet attacking Turner was typically redolent with ridiculousness, accusing the WSJ of being ignorant of America’s history. As recently as November, the Journal ran an article championing five books written about American slavery; last April the Journal ran a column from Jared Kushner extolling the idea of prison reform; the Journal ran an op-ed in November titled, “Climate Change Is Affordable,” and in July 2017 the Journal ran an article decrying federal hospitals’ treatment of Native Americans.

When Turner writes of Ocasio-Cortez leading young people to take pride in their ignorance, she need look no further than Ocasio-Cortez’s vitriolic, inaccurate, and highly-ignorant tweet targeting The Wall Street Journal.
1a) There Still Ain't No Joy in Mudville

Over the past decade or more, we have been listening to blowhard elites who ballyhoo and bellow over various political topics while demonstrating abject disrespect for the majority of Americans.  Lately, it's become fashionable to resist immigration laws, support late-term or after-birth abortion (murder), and champion victim hoaxes while staging attempted coups against our president.  Insanity reigns.
Former vice president Al Gore set the current political stage when he began hyping global warming.  This dishonest agenda was designed to exert control over an increasingly ignorant and naïve populace.  Over the years, his acolytes have used cultism embedded in pseudo-science to drive a wedge between Americans. 

Control of the Populace

Up front, we must concede that Mother Earth has her own natural rhythms irrespective of human activity.  When severe winter weather returned to the Northern Hemisphere, Gore's pseudo-science was redefined as climate change fueled by CO2.  The fact remains that the U.S. is not the prime violator of the climate alarmists' unofficial parts per million rules.  The top achievers of pollution are China and India.  Skeptics such as Tony Heller, a lifelong environmentalist, have, along with bona fide scientists, studied Gore's claims, which study revealed jerry-rigged publications rife with data manipulation — all in pursuit of greed and global control [i].

Realistically, volcanic activity and other natural phenomena are the main sources of CO2.  Various cycles of natural decomposition produce harmless gases.  Plants and other living things could not survive without CO2.  Then there's that delightfully odiferous gas, methane.  Flatulence bans against the bovine world are laughable.  Bans must surely include all creatures great and small — including humans, and especially your gassy grandma who loves garbanzo beans.  Methane mixes with oxygen and decomposes to create CO2 and water vapor — i.e., clouds, which produce cleansing rains filled with nutrients for all things green.  So what exactly is the harm?  Remember: the Earth's oceans cover seventy-one percent of the planet.  Over ninety-five percent of earth's water is contained in the oceans and the polar ice caps.  Eons before the advent of fossil fuels, the climate fluctuated in repeating circular patterns — nothing new there

The real inconvenient truth is that plastic pollution is far more disturbing than CO2.  Asian countries are polluting our oceans with non-biodegradable garbage at an alarming rate.  Yet do you hear a hue and cry over the islands of trash swirling around in the Pacific currents, or being spewed into rivers, streams, and urban gutters in third-world countries?  No, what you hear is a stuttering hem and a haw from global leaders while the world's sea life chokes to death on garbage [ii]
No matter what Gore's bought and paid for scientists report, Mother Nature is going to continue calling the climate shots.  Her universal companions, the sun, moon, and magnetic fields, will govern the atmosphere.  Gore's pet project is and always has been another capitalistic scheme to keep the sheeple in line through fear and to line his pockets.  Many have fallen for the ultimate flimflam.

Eventually, fossil fuels will be supplanted by something more efficient and "eco-friendly."  Wind and solar farms are poor solutions for supplying our ever expanding energy needs.  Yet, even as they continue to kill precious birds and blight the landscape, environmentalists tout them as the future.  Have you ever driven through one of those "green energy" complexes?  They create an eerie, unappealing landscape.  The natural beauty of our mountains and plains has been disfigured with revolving steel blades and towers that make Orson Welles's War of the Worlds appear genuine.  The point is not so much about the veracity of climate change as it is about political extortion and the greed driving it.

Engineering and science have always given us new technology, but these days, our college students are far more interested in social justice than in science and their own futures.  It's easier to be stupid and to be part of the manipulated hive mind.  Shockingly, these attitudes are implanted by a huge percentage of today's educators — from kindergarten through grad school.  Will you be duped?  As a medicine show barker hawks his snake oil to cure the world's ills, his audience becomes hypnotized and slack-jawed.  The people never question the salesman's background or the cure he peddles.  Democrats and Republicans employ similar deceptive, cultist tactics in all areas of politics.

Sadly, we haven't learned a damn thing from small-scale cultists like Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate leader Marshall Applewhite — who, as they incited the mass suicides of their followers, promised they would ride to Heaven on the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.  These evil religionists professed to know the future.  Just hand over your brain, drink the Kool-Aid, and die!  

Now l'enfant Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is stepping up to the podium with her Green New Deal.  Thumping her drum and baring her teeth, she is demanding dramatic change in twelve years — or die.  She sounds and looks like a wild-eyed religious wacko from bygone days who declared, "The millennium is coming!  Sinners, repent!"  What's next — an apocalyptic storm featuring the four horsemen thundering over the horizon led by Ocasio-Cortez on her white stallion?

Cultism is an age-old ruse recycled by religious zealots and politicians.  The millennium is eighteen years gone, and the elite are still chuntering away on meaningless and baseless issues, making no progress.

Americans for AOC are supporting the cult of national dismemberment.  It's purely an emotional response to their self-serving and self-aggrandizing laziness, which has no goal other than to commit our great nation to socialism.
Since the Obama administration, citizens have been vexed by the "us vs. them" assault on our social fabric.  We need to stand together and think outside the box of cultist politics du jour.  These zombie acolytes won't think for themselves, investigate, or invent a fair paradigm for all.  Instead, they hurl mindless obscenities and commit social mayhem.  Their know-nothing television idols ambush and twist the truth.  They abhor Americans who want discussion before action.  Read a bill before Congress passes it?  That's racist!

Championed by Pelosi, Waters, and others, these so-called educated but ignorant nitwits are the real existential threat to our country.  Anyone with a differing opinion is racist.  Use the wrong pronoun, and you are excoriated as a homophobe.  People who are in the country without permission are victims.  Consequences of their presence are an inconvenient afterthought not worth notice.  Our blood and legacy are now considered negligible collateral damage, and reparations are now due.

Given his vaunted celebrity, I expected that Obama might continue Dr. King's work in bringing all Americans together.  However, his Hollywood elite pals are led by an amoral army in D.C.  Ultimately, they are re-educating the starry-eyed camp followers who adore them — training them as activists.  Never have such contemptible people wielded so much power against the American middle class.  Their overreaching duplicity is couched in pure evil designed to provoke chaos.  They are harvesting raw power to extinguish our freedom.

As rational Americans, we have become the baseball fans of Mudville, breathlessly waiting for Casey to knock the ball out of the park.  Will he finally give us the home run needed to renew national solidarity in 2020, or will we see a second Civil War?  It's up to you.

[i] Another good source is Michael Shellenberger.
[ii]  See


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