Saturday, March 2, 2019

Strassel On Trump's Negotiating Style. Positives For Trump Vis A Vis 2020. Some Re-Posts! Never S---a S------ It All Depends.

This from one of my oldest, dearest, brightest and most courageous criminologist  friends and fellow memo reader: " Biden is going to join the race. I never thought of him as the sharpest pencil in the drawer. He will have to beat at least a dozen candidates and given the radicalism of the Democrats he has no chance of winning. If he does he will be 80. This will be 10 years older than Reagan when he assumed office. R-----"

My response: "And what about Bernie?  Interesting how two old white men are running for president in a party that hates white men regardless of age.  Me"

His response: " just imagine: between the 2 they will have 160 years and a wing in a room with shelves full of depends.....R-----"
My friend, Kim Strassel, is less critical of Trump when it comes to the criticism regarding  lack of preparation.

Trump depends upon his personal skills and believes the historical orthodox diplomatic approach has failed more than succeeded and thus he tends to "wing" it more than  predecessors. Time will tell whether his approach is effective.

The N Vietnam meeting ended with the door open and a challenge to N Korea's leader to think about the the economic benefits that would accrue if he chose to de-nuclearize and accept a pledge from the U.S to protect his kingdom.  Stay tuned.
When  rubber hits the road things that were free take on a cost that might not have appeal.  What was once green begins to turn brown.

It is called reality, something Democrats generally ignore.(See 1 below.)

Meanwhile, Bernie went to New York to tell everyone how his Socialist ideas are catching on and becoming increasingly acceptable thus, putting more pressure on Pelosi who is trying to keep her party glued while struggling with the costs of their inanity.

Finally, AOC put on her, attack as, racist hat because a Congressman asked a black woman to stand behind him during part of Cohen's Congressional  testimony. (See 1a below.)

I, for one, am delighted AOC continues to get mass press and media coverage as I predicted she would because she is entertainment and that is what mass media "news" is all about as I have also frequently written. The more AOC's face becomes the image of The Democrat Party the more it helps Trump's re-election.

So what does Trump have going for him?  In my opinion these are prominent plusses:

a)  American's do not like piling on.
b)  American's have a low opinion of the mass media and do believe they are biased.
c)  Americans believe we should have secure borders.
d ) Americans like being employed and like choice when it comes to their health needs.
e) Americans generally believe capitalism has been beneficial, do not favor identity politics, political correctness and believe they are not racists and all the attacks on Trump are credible.
f) I believe Democrats have wandered off Pocahontas' reservation and have moved so far left they are turning off American voters.
g) As always happens when you live in a cocoon, you make the mistake of believing your own echoes and this is why my future invitee, Salena Zito got it right in 2016.
h) Bernie has resorted to name calling and identity politics and that will turn off fair minded voters over time and remind them that Democrats use this tactic. (see e above.).
I have warned Sharia Law is coming "to a theater near you"and several of my liberal friends have criticized me.  I am re-posting this to support my belief. I did not say how it would come. because I am not that clairvoyant, but I do believe it will come in some subtle manner and through some equally subtle form. Why? Because we are a naive people who come to realizations late because we are also a tolerant people who have enjoyed freedom for so long we no longer understand freedom needs to be constantly protected and nurtured

I posted this in a previous memo:

So you think Sharia Law is not coming.  Just wait!
I guess it is natural that I tend to post articles etc.which  agree with and support my own thinking.

I certainly believe I was early in calling attention to the radical change taking place on college campuses. the imbalanced thinking in various college departments and the growing influence of radical thinking sponsored by Saudi, Chinese and other funding sources that create special courses devoted to filling the minds of naive and innocent students who have been cuddled all their lives.

There are many ways to change a society.  From within, you change it by altering the thinking of future generations. This method takes a while but eventually momentum builds as graduates move into society and fill important and influential positions.

I have taken the liberty of re-posting an "edited" portion of the latest RANT which discusses what is happening on college campuses preceded by commentary on the possible impact Trump's trade position  may have on China. (See 2 below.)
I have a liberal friend and fellow memo reader who objects to my referring to his party as The Democrat Party so he sent me an e mail that said "Repub Party."  I responded: "I'll drink to that."

Lesson to be learned: "Never s---  a s------."
1)  Medicare for All Loses Momentum Among Democrats

Public support dips amid questions about costs

The proposal seeks to provide everyone in the U.S. with access to health coverage under a federal system that would replace Medicaid, Medicare, most private insurance and employer coverage. Progressive candidates issued full-throated endorsements during campaigns for congressional and state-level elections last November. As the message resonated among voters, even some centrist candidates joined as well.
Now, enthusiasm for the proposal is waning as supporters face pointed questions over how it would work—and how it would be paid for. As a result, more candidates are backing intermediate measures, including optional buy-ins to government-run coverage that are likely more attainable in the short term.
“At the slogan level, it makes a lot of sense,” said Lara Brown, director of George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management. “As people start putting together a plan, and people hear about it, it’s disconcerting.”
Research pegs the proposal‘s cost at more than $30 trillion over 10 years, although supporters say it ultimately would lower overall U.S. spending on health care. Republicans and industry players, including insurers, warn the program would end the employer coverage now received by about 155 million workers. They have started opposition campaigns, including television ads.
The softening support comes as a blow to progressives. Their challenge mirrors that faced by Republicans in their doomed 2017 effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act: Once the focus shifts to implementation and costs, bold health-care ideas come to be seen as risky.
“If you look at polling data, it’s great until you tell them taxes would double and they’d have to give up their employer coverage,” said Sen. Bill Cassidy (R., La.), who opposes Medicare for All.
Net support for a single-payer health system among all registered voters—the difference between the percentage that supported the idea and the percentage that opposed it—fell from about 30% in November 2018 to 12% in February, according to a poll of 1,991 voters by Morning Consult and Politico.

A Hill-HarrisX survey in February found that 13% of registered voters said they would prefer a health-care system that covers all citizens and ended private plans. Less than half—32%—would support universal, government-operated system where people could buy private, supplemental insurance.
Health analysts and political-science researchers say the support has weakened as people learn more details behind the slogan, a process that typically creates opposition. People are less enthusiastic, they say, when they realize their own individual coverage, which many like, would end. Other studies have found support for Medicare for All dips when respondents learn it would raise taxes.
House Democrats introduced a Medicare for All bill on Wednesday with 107 co-signers, which is less than half of Democrats in the chamber. That is down from an 2018 version of the legislation that attracted 124 co-signers, or more than 60% of the party’s membership in the House. In California, among the nation’s most progressive states by some measures, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has endorsed a single-payer bill, but Democratic lawmakers there haven’t reintroduced the legislation.
Support for the measure is also becoming murkier among the party’s leading presidential candidates, as some promote more moderate steps that fall shy of Medicare for All bills they have supported.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) remains staunchly in support of Medicare for All, government-run health care. He says it would provide more choices and not limit patients to certain doctors like some private insurance plans.

“They’re not going to be paying any private insurance premiums,” Mr. Sanders said this week during a town-style event on CNN. “If they are seniors, we are going to expand Medicare benefits to cover dental care, which is not covered for seniors, hearing aids and eyeglasses.”
But a number of others are pushing less robust measures. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) in February said universal health care was an “aspiration” but that she favored first expanding Medicare or Medicaid. Both Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Cory Booker (D., N.J.) signed onto the Medicare for All legislation, but also recently endorsed more modest plans allowing for optional buy-ins.
Centrist Democrats have worried the party is opening itself up to GOP attacks they are offering only pie-in-the-sky ideals, rather than serious policies aimed at the pocketbook issues many swing voters care about.
House Democrats, who were solidly amassed against GOP efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, have had a tougher time coalescing around which direction to push health-care policy, which was an important issue in many of the midterm races that flipped the chamber. Some say it would be a mistake to stray from shoring up the ACA, which could risk Democratic control of the House.
“One of the reasons that voters trusted us with the majority is they thought we were more likely to do something to bring health care costs down,” said Rep. Scott Peters (D., Calif.) “Personally I don’t think Medicare for All is the first thing we should be doing. We should be looking at the current system.”
Many are endorsing less costly alternatives. Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, who ousted a GOP incumbent in November, said she would prefer legislation enabling younger people to buy into Medicare, giving them more health-care choices. And she said that any bills needed to be vetted in committee before coming to the House floor for a vote.
“I’m not in the business of willy-nilly bringing things to the floor that don’t actually impact the cost of health care, but are just to cast a vote that will then die in the Senate,” she said Tuesday. “I’m not about symbolic votes. I’m about actually helping people with their pocketbooks and their kids.”

1a) 'UGLY RACIST TWEET': Ocasio-Cortez Slammed For Promoting Bigotry 

By Ryan Saavedra

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faced backlash this week after she came to the defense of fellow far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Twitter following racial remarks that Tlaib made during a House Oversight Committee hearing.
Tlaib falsely suggested that Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) was a racist this week when Meadows brought Trump official Lynne Patton to Michael Cohen's hearing.
"Just because someone has a person of color, a black person, working for them does not mean they aren’t racist and … the fact someone would actually use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee is alone racist in itself," Tlaib said as she took aim at Meadows.
Ocasio-Cortez responded by tweeting: "Total bravery from @RashidaTlaib as she reminds the nation that tokenism *is* racism."
One thing is very clear- there are now only two economies that matter- China and the US. Everyone else is basically irrelevant to where the world economy goes from here. In a few years it will still be China and the US, but India might start to be an effective player if they can ever reduce the negative impact of the crushing bureaucracy and corruption. It is not that the rest of the world does not impact things, but they just do not drive the world economy the way China and the US do. If Trump and Xi do make a real deal, and it if it really does change the whole IP and market access issues, then the world has an opportunity to see renewed growth and prosperity. We will know soon. If a deal does get signed with China which really changes trade terms and IP, and access to China, then the whole world wins and the stock market takes off. Now is the time to decide to take the risk on equities and bet there will be a good deal, or not. Chinese stocks will soar if there is a deal. If there is no deal the market tanks. Xi is not coming to Mara Lago to do no deal.

Compare Trump walking away from Kim, to Obama/Kerry being desperate to do a deal and rolling over for Iran. There is the whole difference. Regan walked from Gorbachev, and in the end we saw a good deal, and the end of the cold war. With Obama/Kerry we saw Iran being paid $150 billion up front to fund their continued terror funding, and a much worse mess in Syria. The other very important thing out of Hanoi is the message to Xi and Iran that Trump is not Obama, and will walk away. It is clear now that there is a real chance for a good deal with Kim later, now that he sees he is not dealing with a weak and desperate president. I have done this in business deals, and it is always a shock to the other side when it happens and resets the negotiations. They were close to a deal, but, just as with the Soviets, they now need to recalibrate and decide that if they want to have a deal, it has to be on terms the US demands. Regan changed history by walking away, and Trump has an opportunity to also change history for the good. Kim thought he could do what his father did several times in the past, and suck the US into a partial deal that was later to be reversed. It was be interesting to hear Schumer now- he insisted Trump not fold, and he did not. Now he praises Trump for not doing a deal.  Pelosi of course was critical. Bottom line, Trump has reset geopolitical negotiations, and it is exactly the right message to the world. There is a new sheriff in town, so don’t screw with me.  Obama is gone. The walk away will turn out to be a huge game changer for good. Kim has already said he wants another meeting. Xi is coming to Mara Lago.

Virtually everyone, except of course the kid from the Bronx and her Muslim buddies, thinks Trump is handling Venezuela exactly correct. He did the right thing with Kim. China seems to be coming around to a deal we want. NAFTA got redone. ISIS is defeated. Putin has not invaded anywhere else. Syria seems to be stabilized for the moment and Israel is blowing up Iranian bases there with our support. Yet the press and the Dems continue to say Trump has no foreign policy and everyone hates him. Compare that to Obama who let ISIS form, let Putin invade Ukraine, let Syria happen and let 700,000 people get massacred,, let the 2009 revolution in Iran get crushed, let N Korea develop nukes, gave Iran $150 billion cash to further their terror plans, and let China steal massive amounts of IP.

I spend some time almost every day communicating with a group of very highly educated people who are very concerned with what is happening on campus. What has happened is helicopter parents and teachers have made the kiddies think they are only winners, and that has led to kiddies thinking that anyone who criticizes them is an oppressor, hater, racist or the like. There is no lesson about losing and the need to do better and try harder. Professors are 90% leftist, so this mentality of dogma and identity politics is what the kids learn. What we now have on campus, and now in Congress with the bartender from the Bronx and her two Muslim friends,  is this narcissistic approach where the ex-bartender thinks she is now “the boss” in her words, and she has said she is making a list of other Dems who do not toe the line who will then face retribution in the primaries. Kids get trophies to just show up to contests of all sorts. Nobody is made to feel like they lost.  The huge problem is, we all lose when kids are taught there are no losers. How are the kiddies going to learn life is sometimes tough, there are always winners and losers, and you have to work harder to get ahead and bail yourself out. Mommy, or the dean, or the Office of Equality is not going to be there to make you feel like a victim and give you sympathy. We are turning out a large group of uneducated, self -absorbed, narcissists. Everyone is a victim. Just this past week a housemaster at Harvard, who is a black accomplished lawyer, was retained by Harvey Weinstein as a part of his defense team. On cue, the black and female students in the House revolted and demanded he be fired from Harvard for representing Weinstein. The university agreed to investigate the issue, instead of reading the constitution to the kiddies. They never read the constitution which says everyone has a right to due process and competent counsel no matter how odious they may be. See link below. A conservative kid manning a table at Berkley, with conservative literature, was beat up for manning the table, and the attacker was filmed and identified. They still have not arrested him. At Oklahoma Wesleyan there was a chapel service where the minister gave a homily on love. A student claimed he was victimized because the homily made him feel bad. The president of the University told him this is a university, not day care- go to school elsewhere so you can feel victimized. A CA professor stated publicly that someone should kill Trump. He was reprimanded, but not arrested or fired. This is just a small part of what is happening on campus just this week. You have no idea what has happened to academia.  Now everyone is a victim, and any group who makes up some absurd reason that they imagine they are being “victimized’ by some racist or white male oppressor. This is the environment the bartender from the Bronx and her two anti-Semitic Muslim friends come out of. It is why she gets airtime despite being totally ignorant.  The Dem candidates  jump on her insane policy ideas because they are afraid the kiddies who now vote, also think like her, and so they pander to this insanity, instead of having any principles. This is what is coming out of college now and you better be prepared, because it is very dangerous as we see from the Harvard case where the university has ignored the constitution. This week at the Cohen hearings one of the Muslim women accused Mark Meadows of being a racist because he invited a black women friend to the hearing. The woman is a senior staffer in a federal agency and a Trump supporter who happens to be black and a friend of Meadows. This is what happens after indoctrination at college. Every white male is a racist. Turns out Meadows has some black family members. Open this link to see the latest outrage on campus

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