Sunday, March 17, 2019

That Pesky Cost Equation. Basically Minorities Have Two Choices. The Mueller Report.

Lynn, Brian's mother, Terry and maternal grandmother, Dottie.
Blake and Dagny, outfitted for St Patrick Day!

Everyone, in his right mind, knows there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed. The basic  difference between liberals and conservatives is that the former never address cost versus return whereas conservatives do.

I am sure poaching of elephants should stop. However, if the cost is $50 billion dollars and Kenya has to pay for it I doubt that makes economic  sense.

Perhaps the best solution to serious world issues is  shut the U.N down, transfer it's funding and place it in a world fund with a small board of directors who use those funds to solve world problems.

For America to wreck its economy to clean some clouds while the rest of the world belches fumes is suicide but then, the chaos folks, who hate America and want it to be destroyed, would love for us to embrace the radical left's AOC Green Plan. (See 1 below.)
Man's inhumanity to man will exist as long as man occupies the earth.

Majorities will always be in a position to look down upon some minority.  There will always a bone to pick.

Minorities have two choices.  They can better themselves through educational opportunities and personal responsibility or they can withdraw into a fetal position and turn resentful. In a white society prejudice towards color magnifies the problem because you cannot wash it away.

Personally, I believe affirmative action is a false solution because it breeds both resentment and involves reverse discrimination. Look how it has skewed college enrollments. Harvard is now being sued by Asians.

The best solution to prejudice is for a minority to be fortunate enough to live in a democratic society where conscience and laws allow for change. I have just described America.

Black Americans have made enormous strides. Even Jews have become accepted in virtually every facet of both our economic and social culture.

Youthful black resentment of Jews is based on ignorance. Palestinian hatred has resulted in tragic deaths and accomplished what? Their plight has become more irrelevant today than decades ago. The world is tired of hearing about their hatred while Israeli's have turned their nation into a veritable  mini-powerhouse.

The more different cultures and peoples mingle eventually everyone will learn their aspirations are basically the same. There will always be bad apples whose goals are questionable. Patronizing them is the worst anti-dote to hate.  This seems to be the path Democrat leadership has chosen as it looks the other way and/or cowers when it comes to dealing with the radical left element within their party.

Democrats do not deserve to be taken seriously. Their ideas are radical,. Their policies are insane.  Their candidates for president are bizarre. Consequently, Democrats deserve to be rejected in a resounding way at the polls in 2020. (See 2 below.)


Trump walks the walk as does his wife. (See 2a below.)

And Finally:

The Mueller Report will be out soon because many of his staff are leaving to return to the swamp from which they came.

It would appear Trump did not collude with Russians and no such law suits have been brought against those who have been sued for other issues. Whether Mueller addresses the real collusion between Hillary, The DNC and selected officials in The FBI is unknown.

As more testimony of various senior  FBI witnesses and Obama officials is released, it is evident  there  was a lot of fear about Trump becoming president so these officials set about to thwart that from happening and shielded Hillary from potential criminal acts.  Will the current Attorney General demand that we return to an approach where no one is above the law remains the unanswered question. 

If The Mueller Report is as I have suggested this raises the question what will Schiff and Nadler do?   I am sure they will dig through it to find reasons to continue their discovery of material outside collusion so they can keep harassing Trump in the hope of either defeating him in 2020, thwart his ability to accomplish more, or set the stage for his impeachment.

Thought Pelosi understands "blowback effect" these two, and more of their cohorts, are hell bent on continuing their hatred of Trump and that might provide enough fuel to drive them forward and, hopefully, over the cliff.

People at work, earning more are powerful incentives not to commit economic suicide.

Time will tell


1) Notable & Quotable: Green Raw Deal for Labor

“We will not accept proposals that could cause immediate harm to millions of our members and their families.”

A March 8 letter to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D., Mass.) from union leaders Cecil E. Roberts and Lonnie R. Stephenson on behalf of the AFL-CIO Energy Committee:

As Congress considers a variety of potential actions to address climate change, it is critical that the voices of American workers be included in the discussion, especially those who are most at risk of job disruptions and economic dislocation as a result of those actions. All policy makers must fully engage labor in the deep discussion needed to understand our views on these critical sectors and the jobs of our members.

America’s labor unions agree that climate change must be addressed, and we agree on the need to invest in the development and deployment of technologies like solar, wind, nuclear, hydro-electric, carbon capture and utilization, battery storage, and high-speed rail that limit or eliminate carbon emissions. We know that the increase in natural gas production has lowered emissions in the power sector and provided a new source of constriction and manufacturing jobs. We must invest in energy efficiency in the industrial and commercial sectors, retrofits and upgrades to schools and public buildings, and to make our communities safe and resilient. All of these investments must be paired with strong labor and procurement standards to grow family-sustaining, middle-class union jobs.

The fact is that the labor movement has been working on these very issues for decades, and have advanced several potential solutions over that time that could provide a basis for solid, realistic action.

We welcome the call for labor rights and dialogue with labor, but the Green New Deal resolution is far too short on specific solutions that speak to the jobs of our members and the critical sectors of our economy. It is not rooted in an engineering-based approach and makes promises that are not achievable or realistic.

We will not accept proposals that could cause immediate harm to millions of our members and their families. We will not stand by and allow threats to our members’ jobs and their families’ standard of living go unanswered.

We are ready to discuss these issues in a responsible way, for we all recognize that doing nothing is not an option. We want to engage on climate issues in a manner that does not impinge on enacting other labor priorities, especially much needed infrastructure legislation. As key specialists in jobs touching every facet of the energy and industrial sectors, we have much to add to this discussion and look forward to working with lawmakers from both parties to address this critical issue.
2) I used to think I was just a regular person, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist & responsible for slavery
I am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I support myself.

I went to HS, worked through college, got a degree & have held a job, & am here not because I earned it but because I was advantaged.

I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.  

I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class & ally of big business.

I am not a Muslim, which now labels me an infidel.

I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a member of the vast NRA gun lobby.

I am older than 65, making me a useless old man/woman who doesn't understand Facebook.

I think & I reason, so I doubt what main stream media tells me, which makes me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage & our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.

I value my safety & that of my family, & I appreciate the police & the legal system, making me a right-wing, cop loving extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, 
fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.

I believe in the defense & protection of America for & by all citizens, now making me a militant

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for, & the many who died to let it fly so I stand & salute during our National Anthem, taking me back where I started - I must be a racist.

Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who  I am anymore!  I thank my friends for sticking with me through these abrupt, new found changes to my thinking!  I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly!   

Funny - it all took place over the last 7 or 8 years!

2a) On Friday, the Trump administration released their annual report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary and position title of all 377 White House employees.  The report also said that Trump decided not to take a dime of his salary; instead he donated it to an amazing cause.

The report also showed that President Trump is far better at saving money.  The total annual White House salaries under Trump are $35.8 million vs. $60.9 million under Obama, a savings of $25.1 million.

Here are some other key findings:

There are 140 fewer employees on White House staff under Trump than under Obama at this point in their respective presidencies.

Thirty-nine fewer staffers are dedicated to The First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS). Currently, there are only five staffers dedicated to Melania Trump vs. forty-four staffers who served Michelle Obama(FY2009).

However, it's what the report said Trump did with this salary that has everyone talking.

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries! AMAZING! It's so great to have a President who loves our brave military men and women so much!

Oh, and where's the media coverage of this?  That's right, they don't cover anything decent that the President does..


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