Sunday, March 24, 2019

A No Brainer Vote. Locating Trump's Tax Return. Some Op Eds. Damn - No Collusion!!!! Nor Obstruction!!!

After Mueller's Report is released in some abbreviated format, in keeping with the law's dictates, I suspect renegade Democrats, who hate Trump, will now go after Mueller and impugn him.  After all, if the likes of Schiff, Nadler and the Democrat stable of candidates for president can create questions about the veracity of Mueller's report it will justify, at least in their blood thirsty eyes, why they can/should continue to pursue Trump.

By calling for the release of the "entire report"  Nadler and Schiff  know were Barr to do this it would violate certain legitimate legal restraints, ie. 6c,grand jury testimony etc.. They are doing this to lay the foundation of raising questions about Mueller.  Obviously, all the accusations that Trump was going to fire Mueller etc. have also failed because they were based on hype, hate and mass media fake assumptions.

Nadler and Schiff are going to pursue further investigations based on their belief  the president has no executive privilege rights in this matter and, in my opinion, will lose on that count as well. Why? Because, in this case, unlike in Nixon's, Trump's alleged actions were not for the purpose of trying to shield acts of criminality, abuse of power, etc.. Firing Comey was not an act of thwarting an investigation though Democrats will try and make the case it was along with other efforts to stretch Trump's actions into collusion, obfuscation, blah, blah blah. The Democrat's continued witch hunt remains based on hate and spurious claims, it is their Congressional duty to protect our nation from an outlaw out of control and dangerous president etc.

Since I would like for Trump to be re-elected I am anxious to see Schiff,  Nadler and the mass media continue their hunt for "truth."  I can think of nothing more positive for Trump because their continued pursuit will be seen as piling on and harassment. Furthermore, it will send a message to Americans, Democrats have nothing better to do than waste money pursuing Trump in disregard of other more pressing matters.

As for Trump, he will continue to pursue campaign promises to bring about changes in trade policies, rebuilding our military, stopping China from stealing intellectual properties, making NATO more effective and getting other members to cough up more funds, keeping the economy on an upward tilt, protecting our borders and trying to resolve other critical issues in keeping with being a pro-active presidency.

In 2020 voters will have a choice. Vote for the candidate of  an entire party bent on "hate hunts," embracing anti-Semitism and thwarting efforts to protect sanctity of our borders etc. or a president who is churlish but doing his job.

For me it is a no brainer nor was it in 2016! The saga continues, will Trump be exonerated? Stay tuned.
Sarah's response to those seeking Trump's tax return. (See 1 below.)
Interesting op eds:

Roger Kimball, Spectator USA

1) Where is Trumps tax return?

 Secretary Sarah Sanders is one of the brightest people in
 the current administration. She also has a quick wit about
 her and if you doubt it, then read below. It's has to be the answer of the year.
 a recent press conference, a reporter with MSNBC hollered from the press corps, "Where is President Trump hiding his tax returns?"

 Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders astutely responded,
 "We've found a very secure place and I'm
 certain they won't be found."

 just where is that?," said the reporter, sarcastically.

 Sanders grinned sardonically and said, "They
 are underneath Obama's college records, his passport
 application, his immigration status as a student, his
 funding sources to pay for college, and his Selective
 Service registration."

 "Next question?"


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