Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mueller Should Now Investigate Climate Change Allegations. Can The Democrat Party Sink Any Lower? Trump and Anti-Semitism. Some Op Eds.

Perhaps the next task for Mueller is to investigate claims of climate change.  But then, since Mueller no longer is calling for indictments and Democrats, therefore, no longer believe Mueller, I guess that is not an acceptable idea. (See 1 below.)
Has The Democrat Party sunk to a new low? Is there ever a bottom to which a political party can sink? (See 2 below.)
What Trump can do? (See 3 below.)
Some op eds of interest:


Media Touts ‘Clear Sign of Human-Caused Climate Change.’ Here Are the Facts.

By Marc Morano

Associated Press reporter Seth Borenstein has made another attempt to convince the public of global warming, but his latest analysis has climate scientists once again refuting his claims.

On Tuesday, Borenstein cited -8cfc-2c5d0999c21e_story.html?utm_term=.f65e4655ea53" style="border: 0px; color: #0594cb; font: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration-line: none; transition: color 0.25s ease-in-out 0s; vertical-align: baseline; width: 100%;">AP analysis that found hot temperature records in the U.S. were being broken twice as often as cold temperature records. He concluded that this is “a clear sign of human-caused climate change.” 
Borenstein wrote:
The AP looked at 424 weather stations throughout the Lower 48 states that had consistent temperature records since 1920 and counted how many times daily hot temperature records were tied or broken and how many daily cold records were set. In a stable climate, the numbers should be roughly equal. Since 1999, the ratio has been two warm records set or broken for every cold one. In 16 of the last 20 years, there have been more daily high-temperature records than low.
The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more:
He went on to cite various climate scientists:
The AP shared the data analysis with several climate and data scientists, who all said the conclusion was correct, consistent with scientific peer-reviewed literature and showed a clear sign of human-caused climate change. They pointed out that trends over decades are more robust than over single years.
He concluded:
The analysis stopped with data through 2018. However, the first two months of 2019 are showing twice as many cold records than hot ones.
But the scientists he cited don’t speak for all climate scientists. Some, in fact, are dismissing his “clear sign” analysis.
Climatologist John Christy told me that Borenstein framed the data wrongly:
The occurrence of both record highs and record lows is declining. Record-low events are simply declining more rapidly than record highs. The drop in record lows is associated with development around the weather stations, which causes low temperatures to increase more than highs for a variety of reasons.
Most climate change activists cite the greenhouse gas theory—that man-made gases are causing changes to the Earth’s temperature. Christy noted that this theory predicts an increase in frequency of record-breaking temperatures. Yet the exact opposite is happening in the U.S.—the frequency of those temps is declining.
The cause? Christy says it’s likely “urbanization and natural variability.”
He added: “I’ve actually done this same analysis for the 682 [U.S. Historical Climatology Network] stations with at least 105 years of record since 1895. It is clear that the occurrence of both record high and record lows has declined since 1895, thanks to many records set from the 1920s to 1954.” 
He continued:
The AP … is spinning the story by only noting that record lows are fewer than highs now—but the real story is that in the U.S., both extremes are falling. This is consistent with the decline in number of days greater than 100 [degrees] Fahrenheit (or 105 Fahrenheit or 95 Fahrenheit, etc.). The differential decline in record temps is inconsistent with [greenhouse gas] theory, which predicts an increase in record highs and higher TMax in general.
Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr. expressed skepticism of the AP analysis as well:
Without assessing the role of increased urbanization and other land-use changes … changes in atmospheric aerosols overhead, microclimate around observing site, changes in heights of observations, and concurrent trends in surface air humidity, it is not robust to attribute any changes in extreme temperatures to just human-added atmospheric CO2.
He added: “We have published on each of these subjects but work remains mostly ignored.”
Borenstein’s claims are also countered in the peer-review scientific literature. A 2018 analysis found that multiple recent studies and long-term data refuted claims that there had been an increase in heat waves. In addition, a 2013 paperpublished in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology found that U.S. extreme heat waves have decreased since the 1930s. 
It’s also important to note that recent temperatures are not at all unusual, with 2018 continuing a several-year cooling trend. The media-hyped “hottest year” claims do not hold up to scrutiny. Princeton physicist Will Happer ridiculed such claims and explained that “alleged record warmings are tenths of a degree or less, comparable to the statistical error.”
Borenstein, the chief climate reporter for the Associated Press, has a long history of promoting dubious climate claims and essentially lobbying the public to “believe” that man-made climate change is a dire emergency and that government “solutions” are needed.
He has repeatedly recycled Antarctic melt fears despite contrary evidence, and unscientifically claimed that “climate change” has made the Earth “weirder” and “downright wilder.”  
Americans who rely on the Associated Press for climate news and information are being misinformed. The AP is serving up nothing short of rank climate propaganda
2) The AIPAC Boycott and Obama

NBC News reported Thursday that “several Democratic presidential candidates will skip the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s policy conference this year after a prominent progressive group called on them to boycott the event.” This has been a rapid descent. In 2017, Kamala Harris said it was “an honor” to speak before AIPAC. But as quickly as the Democrats’ Jew-hatred is being normalized now, it has also been a long time coming. I warned about it over ten years ago.

The candidates who are boycotting AIPAC include senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders, as well as Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, and Howard Schultz. According to NBC, “the candidates’ decisions to skip the prominent pro-Israel lobbying group’s conference come one day after liberal group called on all 2020 presidential candidates to steer clear of the event.”
The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. It was Obama, with his consistently shabby treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu and relentless demonization of Israel, who mainstreamed and normalized anti-Semitism among the Democrats.

I warned about it all. In May 2008, before Obama was elected, a reader invited me to senior-level AIPAC event at Cipriani’s. I went up to the Executive Director, Howard Kohr, and said that I understood AIPAC was “nonpartisan, but Obama will be lethal for the Jews.” Kohr scoffed. I went on to relate all that I had unearthed in my two years of relentless investigation of Obama, and I laid it out, point by point, fact by fact, with as little hyperbole as possible. Kohr shook his head. He would have none of it. We are nonpartisan, he insisted. To what point are you nonpartisan? If there is a candidate, a party, an official that is a Jew-hater, do you maintain neutrality, like Switzerland? He just smiled and walked away.

I meticulously documented Obama’s Jew-hatred, and his entourage of Jew-haters, in my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America. I noted in that book that the American Jews who voted so overwhelmingly for Obama could have and should have seen his anti-Semitism and how he would normalize Jew-hatred in the Democrat Party. Take, for example, of a March 2007 account by the pro-Palestinian blogger Ali Abunimah at the the Electronic Intifadah website. Abunimah recounted how Obama had adopted a pro-Israel position as a matter of political expediency as his national aspirations developed. “The last time I spoke to Obama,” Abunimah recalled, “was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. But at that time polls showed him trailing.

When Abunimah greeted him, Obama “responded warmly,” and volunteered an apology for not being more outspoken against Israel: “Hey,” said the candidate to Abunimah, “I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.” Abunimah added: “He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, ‘Keep up the good work!’”

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.

It may be an old cliché, but it’s true: show me your friends, and I’ll show you who and what you are.
American Jews should have noted this, and noted it well. Instead, they fell for Obama’s smooth talk. But when Obama became president, he was true to his word to Abunimah, and turned viciously against Israel. And the whole world should have seen it coming.

Everything that is happening now in the Democratic Party -- the relentless pandering to the Jew-haters Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the abject failure and collapse of the effort to rebuke Omar for her Jew-hatred, even indirectly, the boycott of AIPAC by the presidential candidates -- I predicted and warned out. All my warnings are coming true. What does Howard Kohr have to say now?

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of The Geller Report and author of the bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the ResistanceFollow her on Twitter or Facebook.

What President Trump Needs To Do In The Fight Against Anti-Semitism – Create A New U.S. Office To Document And Combat It

I have spent most of the past two decades involved with near-daily monitoring, researching, and translating of venomous anti-Semitism emanating from the Middle East media, and studying how it has now – thanks in part to social media – spread across Europe and to the U.S. Nevertheless, what happened on October 27 at the Tree of Life-Or L'Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill neighborhood was unimaginable – and very close to home.
The Police Department Zone 4 Station, two blocks away, that dispatched first responders minutes after the shooting began, is where one of my grandfathers served for decades as a sergeant. Throughout my youth, I attended Tree of Life Hebrew and Sunday school three times a week; what I learned about Jewish history and anti-Semitism remains with me to this day. I have never forgotten one teacher, a Holocaust survivor, who spoke to each class about how she as a child, along with her family and the rest of the local Jewish community were rounded up like animals and sent to concentration camps. At the end of her talk, she rolled up her sleeve to reveal to us the numbers branded on her arm by the Nazis.
Tree Of Life Attack – A Possible Dark Turn Towards Normalization Of Europe-Style Anti-Semitism In the U.S.
The Tree of Life attack, which comes against the backdrop of the rising tide of anti-Semitic incidents and attacks throughout the West, may signal a dark turn towards the emergence, and normalization, in the U.S. of the type of violent anti-Semitic attacks like those in Europe. A survey released December 2018 of Jews in Europe – the most extensive ever conducted – found that anti-Semitism is now not merely "pervasive" but has become "disturbingly normalized." Hundreds of respondents said they had experienced a physical anti-Semitic attack in the past year.
In France, beatings and murders of elderly Jews, even Holocaust survivors – by assailants shouting "Allahu Akbar" – have been joined by explicit anti-Semitic elements in the current Yellow Vest protests, with President Macron widely being called "whore of the Jews." Protestors are now routinely targeting Jewish businesses and figures; the French government recently announced a 74% rise in the number of anti-Semitic attacks in 2018. In Germany, yarmulke-wearers have been beaten, and others have had Stars of David ripped from around their necks. Some 1,646 anti-Semitic acts were reported there last year – a 10-year peak. In the U.K., over 100 anti-Semitic incidents are recorded every month, and a hate-crimes inquiry into anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is underway. U.K. Jews – including in Scotland – as well as in France and all across Europe, are considering, or even planning, emigration.
The now near-daily anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. include the recent case in Los Angeles, where police arrested a man outside a synagogue, head and face wrapped in a keffiyeh and brandishing a sword like an ISIS fighter about to behead a prisoner. In December, authorities announced the arrest of an Ohio man for "planning a violent terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS... target[ing] a Jewish synagogue in the Toledo area" who told federal agents, "I admire what the [Tree of Life shooter] guy did... I can see myself carrying out this type of operation." Days earlier, a man was arrested in Aventura, Florida in connection with damaging Jewish property and attempting to force his way into a Jewish center – according to police, he said "Six million dead wasn't enough." Incidents like these are occurring all over the country.
Jewish Students Face Anti-Semitism – From Elementary School To University Campus
Likewise, Jewish students daily face anti-Semitic incidents in U.S. schools and universities, including: disturbing actions against the homes of Jewish Connecticut high school students; a Philadelphia fifth- and sixth-grade teacher maintaining a wrestling persona as "Blitzkreig," giving Nazi salutes and shouting "Sieg Heil"; an official junior prom photo of over 50 Wisconsin high school students giving the Nazi salute, like other students in Indiana and Minnesota; and swastikas found at multiple middle and high schools in MarylandGeorgiaNew York City, and upstate New York. In California, high school students saluted "Heil Hitler" over a swastika made of cups of beer.
There is also frequent anti-Semitism happening as at university campuses including recently at DukeCornell and the University of Tennessee. There has been anti-Semitic vandalism at the University of Minnesota and Goucher College in Maryland, anti-Semitic posters at Tufts in Massachusetts, and "Yid" was found painted on the office of a Jewish professor and Holocaust scholar at Teachers College at Columbia University.
Anti-Semitism In Political Activism – And Mosques – Spreading Across the U.S.
Anti-Semitism can be found in many other places across the U.S. – for example, in the Women's March earlier this year and Rep. Ilhan Omar's continuing tweets and statements of anti-Semitic tropes. The same vile words about Jews that she repeatedly made are also espoused weekly in mosque sermons, media, and schoolbooks across the Middle East and are now are being spread throughout the U.S. in anti-Semitic sermons, some including calls for violence, at mosques in CaliforniaNew York,NewJersey,Texas,NorthCarolinaFloridaTennesseeVirginiaIllinois, and Washington, D.C. as well as in Canada and across Europe.
Several weeks ago in Detroit, Imam Bassem Al-Sheraa ranted, in a lecture, about how the Jews "amass gold and money, and would spread usury," which he called "a peculiar Jewish philosophy." All "the global banks, the billionaires... are from among" the Jews, who "control people's resources through such tricks and deception." In his recent sermons at the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society in Philadelphia – a mosque deeply involved in interfaith activity that openly condemned the Tree of Life attack – Imam Abdelmohsen Abouhatab called the Jews the vilest of people and claimed that the "nefarious" Jewish media convince people that the Muslims are "oppressive and predatory" and that the Jews "own and control the riches of the world."
Recently, we found that the imam of a mosque less than 10 minutes away from Tree of Life had given sermons and lectures that included references to Jews as "apes and pigs," and to "Jews running everything" and having "all the money." He also recently spoke at the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh – a congregation honored as "Pittsburgher of the Year"for its activity leading fundraising for the Tree of Life victims.
The Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004 – And The Need For A U.S. Office To Document And Fight Anti-Semitism 
In the immediate aftermath of the Tree of Life attack, news outlets and pundits accused President Trump of fostering the climate that led to it, resulting in back-and-forth between media and the President's office. As part of the harsh condemnation of the attack from across the political spectrum in the nation's capital, a bipartisan resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA), representing Squirrel Hill, and eight cosponsors. The resolution "condemning the anti-Semitic attack... honoring the memory of the victims... [and] expressing support for their families, friends, and community" was passed unanimously by the House on November 14.
President Trump has taken many steps against anti-Semitism, including the White House Hanukkah reception shortly thereafter, at which he promised: "In the aftermath of that wicked assault, we reaffirmed our solemn duty to confront anti-Semitism everywhere it occurs. We must stamp out this vile hatred from the world." More recently, he signed the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act, that calls preventing genocide and other atrocities a "core moral responsibility" of the U.S. And on February 3, after a two year absence - he appointed a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism; this post is set out in the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004.
As groundbreaking as the Act was at the time, 15 years have passed, and it needs to be updated for the era of social media and expanded to include working with tech companies to monitor and fight anti-Semitism on online platforms. The Act was first introduced by the late, legendary Congressman Tom Lantos – Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, and one of Washington's leading bipartisan voices, now sorely missed, on human rights.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), worked with Congress in preparing the Act. Under it, the Special Envoy and their Office in the State Department "thoroughly document acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement" worldwide for "inclusion in annual Department of State reports." The Envoy is responsible for assessing and describing "the nature and extent of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement" and for "monitoring and combatting" them in foreign countries.
Given the disturbing incidents now occurring daily in the U.S., there is an urgent need for an initiative to create a similar domestic office, for monitoring and combatting anti-Semitism here at home. The victims of the Tree of Life attack should be commemorated with the establishment of this new proposed office.
This initiative should be championed by Members of Congress and sent to President Trump for his approval.

*Steven Stalinsky is Executive Director of MEMRI.

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