Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Life Is Not Fair - Learn To Make Lemonade. Fire Tucker? Articles On Israel. Do Muslims Like Trump? Beware Of The Thought Police.

Ben Shapiro offers this link to non-Jews who cannot understand why Jews vote as they do.


Some of the major differences between liberals and conservatives are the former cannot accept life is unfair. They also believe government is the entity that can make things fairer. The government runs the post office and trains.  The government is seriously in debt. The government is wasteful and crippling. The bigger the government the bigger the problems.

As for conservatives, they believe if life hands you a lemon learn to make lemonade. They also believe everyone has a responsibility for their actions, should be independent and meet their obligations and respect the rights of others and obey the laws.

The difference between liberal and conservative thinking is extensive. Democrats want to widen the differences because that way they can always remain in a state of uproar over something which allows them never to be satisfied, always wanting to change things for the better . For the better means their way. so they can have more power over others. Liberals distrust and are frightened by freedom and choice.  They portray themselves as "do gooders" because they claim to"care" for the less fortunate.  They also are hypocrites. Liberals really are mostly frauds.

Obviously I have little regard for most liberals or progressives. Though the words are considered interchangeable progressives tend to be more radical in their so called liberalism.

The Democrat Party has become dangerous and their presidential candidates want to transform America so it will be unrecognizable. That was Obama's goal and nothing has changed.

I will now get off my soap box before the "thought police" arrest and/or shut me down.
Nunes has brought a law suit against Twitter.  It is based on alleged intentional defamation and restriction against constitutional freedom. I believe the suit has merit. Time will tell.

Controlling social media can be dangerous but social media technology manipulated by those with their own bias is equally dangerous if  not more so.  I do not like people like Zuckerberg determining what can be posted.  You decide.
This Muslim doctor suggests Trump is liked among Muslims.  (See 1 below.)
Soros sponsored organization is behind the effort to force FOX to fire Tucker Carlson in order to stop his sponsor cancellations.  This is an excerpt from an article:

"The Soros-Funded Media Matters is not a media watchdog rather an organization of guilt hustlers and virtue signalers trying to shut down debate. In Fact, Media Matters maintains lists of Fox News’ advertisers and the total number of ads they run on the network. From his platform, Media Matters President, Angelo Carusone encourages leftist-tools to harass Fox News’ advertisers. Cursone “urged media buyers and advertisers to strongly reconsider financially supporting what is going on at Fox News”. What a hustle!"
A series of articles pertaining to Israel. (See 2 below)
Beat up on BETO. (See3 below.)
1) WATCH: Muslim Doctor Stuns CNN: President Trump And GOP 'Beloved' In Much Of The Muslim World 
By Hank Berrien

On Saturday, a Muslim doctor who has been highly critical of radical Islam appeared on CNN and must have given that network heart palpitations as she insisted that in many parts of the Muslim world, not only is President Trump beloved, but so is former President George W. Bush, and that the Trump administration is not Islamophobic.

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, who hails from Great Britain, stated, “One thing the viewers should know, this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim word, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held. Today is the anniversary of Halabja, the massacre of 180,000 Kurds at the hands of Saddam Hussein. That only change would [be] because of a Republican president. So it is very important not to lose so much perspective that we start believing our entire government is Islamophobic. That is not the case.”
Ahmed added, “I did see his very categorical condemnation of the events in New Zealand and that was gratifying. And I also feel that he needs to do the same about white supremacy, not only the United States, but globally. There is nothing — the president has no responsibility if a fanatic mentions him in a manifesto. A fanatic could equally mention me. So I don't think that is his responsibility. But, yes, I would like to see President Trump condemn all forms of lethal bigotry.”
The conversation between Ahmed and CNN host Fredericka Whitfield featured Ahmed trying to delineate a distinction between anti-Muslim sentiment and Islamophobia. She said:
Islamophobia actually means the refusal to scrutinize or examine Islam or Islamism, Islamist institutions. Muslims and Christians in Pakistan when they challenged Islamism, when they defended Asia Bibi, the Christian woman that was on death row were killed, assassinated for their purported Islamophobia.
So we must distinguish lethal, diabolical, anti-Muslim xenophobia as is happening in Christchurch from a Islamophobia. Why should we do that? Because, if we do not, we empower Islamists who wish to propagate the myth, the same myth that the white supremacists gunman wants us to believe that we are under siege in the secular world, that we are victims in the West. And it's not just those that have animus toward Muslims. We already see in Turkey — the president of Turkey, Erdogan, Muslim Brotherhood Islamist Godfather, exploiting this attack, taking advantage of this attack, telling his supporters on an election campaign yesterday to watch the live feed of the gunman.
Ahmed implicitly condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her anti-Semitic statements, saying, “In this country in the United States, we have Islamists mother — Muslim brotherhood front groups that are claiming Muslims are victims. We just saw a few weeks ago the exploitation of this narrative in the trivialization of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism occurred in Congress and the reaction was when there was outrage that this was somehow hate directed at a Muslim who is spewing Islamist ideology. So we have to be extremely clear about the language, clear about the narrative because that controls."

Whitfield wanted to make sure: “You're talking about Representative Omar as — yes, you're talking about Representative Omar as an example of that.”
Ahmed answered, “Yes.”

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, who hails from Great Britain, stated, “One thing the viewers should know, this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim word, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held. Today is the anniversary of Halabja, the massacre of 180,000 Kurds at the hands of Saddam Hussein. That only change would [be] because of a Republican president. So it is very important not to lose so much perspective that we start believing our entire government is Islamophobic. That is not the case.”
Ahmed added, “I did see his very categorical condemnation of the events in New Zealand and that was gratifying. And I also feel that he needs to do the same about white supremacy, not only the United States, but globally. There is nothing — the president has no responsibility if a fanatic mentions him in a manifesto. A fanatic could equally mention me. So I don't think that is his responsibility. But, yes, I would like to see President Trump condemn all forms of lethal bigotry.”
The conversation between Ahmed and CNN host Fredericka Whitfield featured Ahmed trying to delineate a distinction between anti-Muslim sentiment and Islamophobia. She said:
Islamophobia actually means the refusal to scrutinize or examine Islam or Islamism, Islamist institutions. Muslims and Christians in Pakistan when they challenged Islamism, when they defended Asia Bibi, the Christian woman that was on death row were killed, assassinated for their purported Islamophobia.
So we must distinguish lethal, diabolical, anti-Muslim xenophobia as is happening in Christchurch from a Islamophobia. Why should we do that? Because, if we do not, we empower Islamists who wish to propagate the myth, the same myth that the white supremacists gunman wants us to believe that we are under siege in the secular world, that we are victims in the West. And it's not just those that have animus toward Muslims. We already see in Turkey — the president of Turkey, Erdogan, Muslim Brotherhood Islamist Godfather, exploiting this attack, taking advantage of this attack, telling his supporters on an election campaign yesterday to watch the live feed of the gunman.
Ahmed implicitly condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her anti-Semitic statements, saying, “In this country in the United States, we have Islamists mother — Muslim brotherhood front groups that are claiming Muslims are victims. We just saw a few weeks ago the exploitation of this narrative in the trivialization of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism occurred in Congress and the reaction was when there was outrage that this was somehow hate directed at a Muslim who is spewing Islamist ideology. So we have to be extremely clear about the language, clear about the narrative because that controls."

Whitfield wanted to make sure: “You're talking about Representative Omar as — yes, you're talking about Representative Omar as an example of that.”
Ahmed answered, “Yes.”
I fear that the true exploitation of this devastating event will be by Islamists. Above all, Islamists seek the division and separation of the Muslim community from wider society. They wish to drive a wedge between the Muslim and secular community. Islamists seek to portray a narrative of the besieged Muslim. And the extremist perpetrating the Christchurch massacre gave them a boost to their argument today. We must not allow them to exploit this attack; instead, we must condemn what happened but also remember that Muslims are free and empowered in Western societies.
Some will cry that this attack was a lethal act of Islamophobia. Do not accept this claim. What happened in Christchurch was an act of diabolical anti-Muslim xenophobia. It was not Islamophobia, a word designed to deter scrutiny of extremist ideology … yet there will be plenty who will seek to exploit this slaughter to further the own agendas. Many who will say that the acts of this isolated madman is somehow proof of general Muslim persecution. But in reacting to the events in Christchurch, we must see clearly the messages of solidarity that have come in nationally and around the world.
In January 2018, Ahmed wrote of Israel’s “sole claim to the Holy Land” and that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. She penned:
. . . as a believing Muslim observing Islam, I am compelled by the Quran to support Israel’s sole claim to the Holy Land; the Quran says it is so. The 80,000-word document 1.6 billion Muslims accept as the revealed word of God, the Quran, is categorical about the destiny of Israel and the people who can claim its ownership. The Quran states: “Moses said to his people: O my people! Remember the bounty of God upon you when He bestowed prophets upon you, and made you kings and gave you that which had not been given to anyone before you amongst the nations. O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers.”
Nowhere does the Quran make mention of the Muslims’ claim to the Holy Land. Instead, God reveals in the Quran that The Holy Land is designated for the followers of Moses. Because the Promised Land is theirs according to the Quran, only the followers of Moses may determine where their capital must lie. It is this Islamic truth that political Islamists vehemently deny.
2) Hamas Targeted Tel Aviv And Israelis Murdered By Arab Terrorists Garner Little Attention

In the six short days I’ve been back in Israel following a month-long absence, there have been several attempts – one successful – to murder Israeli Jews by Arab Palestinian terrorists.
Israelis live their lives pretty much the way most Americans live theirs.  One distinction, however, is that all Israelis’ telephones do more than just connect them to friends and family. They are, in fact, a source of immediate information about the terror attacks. These attacks disrupt everyone’s consciousness on a regular basis.

My friend with whom I’m traveling is a terror attack survivor; she has myriad sources from which she receives updates on a continuous basis. I also have many news sources from which I receive near-immediate news.

So, no surprise, we learned immediately that Sunday’s attack at the Ariel Junction was successful. At least one Israeli had been murdered, along with several wounded.
This is what happened.
A 19 year-old soldier, Gal Keidan, was guarding the entrance to the community of Ariel. Ariel is a Jewish community, but its university has hundreds of Arab students as well.
At about 9:45 a.m. a 20 year-old Arab Palestinian, later identified as Omar Abu Lila who is from a nearby village, approached Keidan and stabbed him. As soon as Keidan was wounded, the terrorist wrestled away the soldier’s M-16 rifle and shot Keidan at point blank range, killing him.

The terrorist then used the stolen rifle to fire at three vehicles passing by.

Forty-seven year-old Rabbi Achiad Ettinger of the nearby town of Eli was on his way to work when he witnessed the attack. Ettinger turned his car around and approached the terrorist. The rabbi drew his personal firearm and fired at the terrorist four times, wounding him. The terrorist shot Ettinger in the head while the rabbi was drawing his gun.

Next, the terrorist hijacked a car from the side of the road. Lila drove to the next intersection, and shot another Israeli, before abandoning the car and slipping away into the nearby Arab village of Bruqin.

Rabbi Ettinger, the father of 12 children, died from his wounds on Monday morning. The victims, Ettinger and Keidan, were buried on Monday. The third Israeli shot by Abu Lila remains in critical condition.
While the manhunt continued for the Arab terrorist, in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis, Palestinian Arabs handed out candy to celebrate the murder of Jews.

President Trump’s Special Assistant Jason Greenblatt  slammed Hamas for referring to the murderous attack as “heroic and courageous.”

By Monday afternoon, Israeli security forces had detained the father and brother of the terrorist in the nearby town of Az-Zawiya, according to Arab news sites.

When he witnessed Abu Lila stabbing and shooting Gal Keidan, Rabbi Ettinger had been driving to his job in southern Tel Aviv, where he was the head of a religious boys post-high school program.

Tel Aviv, Israel’s second largest and most metropolitan city, played a more central role in the earlier terror attack on Thursday evening. It was the target of a rocket attack that night.
Thursday I attended a reception for two members of a new political party in Israel. While waiting for the event to begin and chatting with friends, I realized my phone kept buzzing. It was my 23 year-old daughter in Philadelphia, frantically texting and calling me. She saw from the alerts on her phone that sirens had gone off in Tel Aviv. “What’s going on?” She demanded.

By the time the political event ended, Israel’s Defense Forces had confirmed that two Iranian-made Fajr rockets had been fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip towards Tel Aviv. No physical injuries were reported, but several people were taken to hospital for shock.
Sunday’s  murderous attack in Ariel received almost no international media attention. The news of the Gaza rockets shot at Tel Aviv, however did garner some attention, as did the Israeli response of targeting 100 Gaza terror sites. There were even some international news reports about nine additional rockets being fired at southern Israel on Friday.
What received far less attention, however, is what many Israelis have concluded is the reason the rockets were shot at Tel Aviv last week.
Why now? Violent riots by Gazans raging at the Israel-Gaza border have gone on for almost a year. Israel’s border towns have been under near-constant arson attacks from Gaza. But Tel Aviv? It has not been a target in five years, since the 2014 Israel-Gaza War.

While some speculated that the rockets were set off by “low-level functionaries,” and were, essentially, a typo, the far more likely reason is they – and the expected Israeli response in Gaza – were a calculated deflection from outraged protests by civilian Gaza residents against the ruling Hamas regime.
Hamas is a fair-to-middling terrorist organization, but it is utterly unequipped to be, and largely disinterested in being, a functioning government. Gaza has an extraordinarily high unemployment level, widespread poverty, and a weak to non-existent infrastructure. Gazans are taxed at a very high level on even the most basic products, despite these deprivations,
On Thursday, Hamas forces had dispersed hundreds of Palestinian Gazans protesting their living conditions. The rallies included rock throwing and burning tires and were organized under the slogan, “We want to live.” These protests erupted from north to south across the Gaza Strip, and were viewed as a challenge to Hamas rule.

It was not only the protests from which Hamas sought to deflect attention. Videos were circulating on Thursday on social media which showed Hamas security forces “firing live rounds in the air, beating protesters and hauling them into police vehicles.”  There were reports that Hamas security forces used live fire not just in the air, but against the protesters. This is not a good look for Hamas, which wants only Israel to be seen as responsible for Gazan misery.
In addition, there were reports of the beating by Hamas security forces, and the arrest, of journalists who were covering the protests, as well as the raiding of their homes. Seven Arab Palestinian reporters were taken into custody over the weekend. Four journalists required hospitalization, according to reports.

Not only were reporters being beaten for telling the truth about Hamas’ repression and brutal tactics but human right’s activists as well.

The director of the Ramallah-based Independent Commission for Human Rights, Ammar Dweik, said that Hamas forces attacked and severely beat the director of its Gaza branch and his attorney, and seized their cell phones. He announced “Hamas wants to silence rights groups who are monitoring the protests that have been raging in Gaza streets,” which Dweik said were over high prices and tax hikes.

In a rare rebuke of anyone other than Israelis, the United Nations envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Nickolay Mladenov, issued a statement: “I strongly condemn the campaign of arrests and violence used by Hamas security forces against protesters, including women and children, in Gaza.

Gazans were handing out candy on Sunday to celebrate the murder of Israelis in Ariel. It appeared to be a return to normalcy for Hamas.

The Jew Who Died for Ilhan Omar

Lawrence Freeman went to Somalia in 1992 as part of the U.S.-led relief effort.

Gary Palmer

Rep. Ilhan Omar, a freshman Democrat from Minnesota, has become widely known for her attacks on supporters of Israel. Ms. Omar is a naturalized citizen whose Somali refugee family settled in the U.S. when she was a teenager. Tens of thousands of Somali refugees relocated to the U.S.—some 25,000 in the Minneapolis area—to escape the starvation, famine and civil war that turned Somalia into a lawless, failed state in the early 1990s.

Another name is worth recognition and remembrance, especially among Somali refugees: Lawrence Freedman. In 1992, the year after Ms. Omar’s family left Somalia, the U.S. sent troops there as part of a joint United Nations humanitarian effort. The U.S. intervention, Operation Restore Hope, began with the landing of U.S. troops near Mogadishu on Dec. 9.

Freedman was a U.S. Army veteran who earned two Bronze Stars in Vietnam. He was an original member of the Green Berets, reached the rank of sergeant major, and eventually became an instructor. He retired from the Army in 1990 and joined the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1992 the U.S. sent Freedman as part of an advance team to prepare the way for American troops in Somalia. On Dec. 23, two weeks after the troops had arrived, Freedman became the first American killed as part of the relief effort in Somalia.

Any American casualty is noteworthy, but Freedman’s sacrifice stands out because he was Jewish.

Thousands of Somali refugees who now live in Ms. Omar’s district had their freedom and security paid for with the blood of American soldiers—22 of them, including Freedman.

Ms. Omar’s words have caused concern in both the Somali and Jewish communities in Minneapolis, which have worked for years to build friendships and collaborate on charitable pushes against hunger, illiteracy and discrimination. These efforts to build and nurture relationships stand in sharp contrast to Ms. Omar’s anti-Semitic statements.

Despite calls for her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, thus far the only consequence for her bigotry has been an anodyne resolution against hate speech, crafted by Ms. Omar’s fellow Democrats. Unfortunately, even before her election to Congress, Ms. Omar had a record of comments that raised grave concerns about her views toward Jews, and what she has said since her election has only heightened those concerns.

Sgt. Maj. Lawrence Freedman is buried in Arlington Cemetery beneath a black marker etched with a green beret and a Star of David. His epitaph reads: “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” Americans—including Ms. Omar—should remember him and those who died with him to give Somalis a chance to live in freedom.

Mr. Palmer, a Republican, represents Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District.
3)Beto’s Apology Tour: The identity left is carving him up like a Texas steak before he  gets to Donald Trump

The former Texas Congressman’s first few days as a candidate have been one long apology tour. At several stops he used a stock campaign line that his wife, Amy, raised their three children, “sometimes with my help.” He meant it to be a self-deprecating joke and a note of gratitude to his wife, but in today’s identity-politics hothouse he was quickly denounced for his male privilege.

“Not only will I not say that again,” Mr. O’Rourke soon responded in Iowa, “but I’ll be more thoughtful going forward in the way that I talk about our marriage.”

Then there was his record as a teenage hacker when he stole long-distance phone service and downloaded “cracked” or pirated software—this according to a lengthy Reuters report published on Friday. Evidently the former Congressman has known the report was coming for months (he spoke on the record to the reporter). That he still chose to run for President suggests he’s confident the story won’t kill his chances.

He may be right. This is low-level misbehavior from three decades ago—Mr. O’Rourke seems to have stopped his hackery around age 18 when he enrolled in Columbia University. He also apologized for writing a fictional piece, under the pseudonym Psychedelic Warlord, in which the narrator expresses his delight running over schoolkids with his car (“I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two”). “I’m mortified to read it now, incredibly embarrassed, but I have to take ownership of my words,” the 2020 candidate said.

Mr. O’Rourke even apologized for using the line “I’m just born to be in it”—“it” meaning the presidential race—in an interview with Vanity Fair. Hypersensitive critics wondered if he meant he was born to be president.

Of course he didn’t, but he apologized anyway: “When I saw the cover with that quote ... I was like, ‘Man, I hope I didn’t say that.’ “What he meant, he helpfully explained, “is that I’m born to serve, I’m born to try to help bring people together.” Glad that’s cleared up.
The Texan’s problem is that he looks like a pushover for the left’s grievance caucus. His instinct is to apologize for anything and everything: for youthful misconduct, for harmless comments, for being a white male. Add to that a habit of equivocation: He supports single-payer health care but doesn’t like Medicare for All, he applauds the Green New Deal but doesn’t quite support it, and he has long wavered between moderate unifier and progressive firebrand.

The socialists and identity-politics left are ready to carve up Mr. O’Rourke like a Texas steak. And that’s before Donald Trump gets to him. He’ll need to show some courage, or he’ll be gone by Labor Day.

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