Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Some Tectonic Changes To Come To Grips With If One Is To Remain Informed.

I have lived through/experienced a lot and many of my friends and fellow memo readers have as well. We have been impacted by wars, assassinations, pandemics, market collapses, depressions, and an attack on America's homeland.  We have also witnessed weather related disasters of monumental proportions, riots and protests that have disrupted domestic tranquility and deceptive fraudulent schemes that wrecked people's lives.

Of late, every institution has come under assault from those seriously capable of destroying the existence of our nation and we already experienced the impact of their radicalism when it comes to disruption  of commerce, even a pleasant evening dinner at a favorite restaurant ended in shootings and personal attacks as well as thefts.

The radicals know what they are doing when they seek elimination of entire police department funding  so their wanton attacks can proceed without challenge and their assault on curricula is meant to result in generations of undereducated so the ability of America to remain competitive is assured. .

Speaking for myself, I do not believe I have ever witnessed so many coordinated attacks on every aspect of  American culture,  institutions, even sporting events and entire leagues.  The discord that grips out nation is unprecedented and is purposeful. The radicals know what they are doing and are winning.

While this is happening China is emerging to fill the vacuum created by America's demise and to replace America and it's currency as the standard for world trade.

Where it all ends is anyone's guess but with the current leadership and replacement of talent by incompetents the outlook is dire.

Trump's election was an effort to redress the causes of America's death spiral and accomplishing this goal meant the loss of power of the elitists who ran this nation into the ground and assisted by the most corrupt mass media ever assembled in my lifetime.

Two extremely import events are occurring at the same time.  One are the potential hearings involving General Milley's and the second is the ongoing Durham Investigation.  I have every confidence, Milley will meet more than his match after being grilled by Sen. Kennedy and others.  The Durham investigation is another matter because it depends upon whether this administration is willing to allow itself to be exposed to revelations pertaining to Democrat shenanigans and that would mean forcing Hillary to testify and subject herself to an indictment if found guilty of interfering in the campaign of her opponent.

If Biden shuts Durham down he could be setting himself up for the equivalent of another "Saturday Night Massacre" of the Nixon Era.

While all of this is happening, the current Democrat Party is in disarray as the few remaining centrists fight off radicals within their ranks who want to wreck our economy so we will opt for total government control and ultimate embrace of socialism as Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas, AOC et al toss us their leaky life raft.

If there ever was a reason to doubt America's survival as a vibrant republic it is now.
In Tuesday's WSJ there was an excellent article on the direction Xi has chosen to take China.  He obviously fears his CCP role is threatened by a growing class of independent Chinese  Billionaires so he is clamping down and making all companies in China subject  to the dictates of the government.

To accomplish this, he is enlisting the power of the people by making sure they share in the wealth created by China's private sector.

If Xi is successful, and one has to be highly suspicious government bureaucrats will perform well dictating to the private sector, any success will be a challenge to American businesses.

In many ways, Biden and the rapacious Democrats are doing the same thing as Xi as they intrude/extend government control into the private sector.  If Democrats have their way and pass the proposed $3.5 trillion  legislative proposal, which will surely soar to between $6 and 10 trillion,  rest assured, government will control wages, state elections, pricing of drugs and just about anything it chooses.  This 10,000 page monstrosity is a dagger aimed at the heart of both a free society as well as the capitalistic system  which powered America and, lamentably, has also grown  corrupt. sclerotic and thus vulnerable  to the radical's socialism siren song messaging.

If you want to view an interesting documentary depicting the culture clash between America and China watch The Netflix movie: "American Factory."

Another significant change is the move by Biden to replace France's submarine deal with Australia. This attack on France sends a clear message to China, America intends to strengthen military ties in the Pacific and that is a positive but it also did so at the bruising cost of our relationship with a significant European Ally. The French were delighted when "boorish" Trump was defeated but now they must be having second thoughts because Biden cost them some $70 billion in military transactions.  

Macron, be careful what you wish for.
Nation state tectonic plates are shifting and whether the America republic will survive, as the founding father's intended and created, is in serious doubt. Our borderless nation will never be the same and that is for sure. Can Xi make the desired transition without blowing up China's amazing achievements? If he begins to falter,  war is always an option because it replaces personal concerns with those of patriotism.  Beware Taiwan.

Now that America's focus shifts to The Pacific and  Germany snuggles up to China and Russia what is the outlook for Europe?  

Finally, what happens if Iran is allowed to go nuclear, as seems the case, and America's interest in our relationships with all nations in that region continue to decline?  What impact will that have?

I have no answers .However, I believe these are a few critical concerns one needs to be aware of in order to remain informed.


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