Monday, September 20, 2021

Does Sussmann Make It Easier To Get Real Client, Hillary? Liberalism's Future? General Supports Milley. It's Treason. Manchin Pokes. Stacey/Texas.

Will Sussmann make it easier to get to Hillary, the real client, or will statute of limitations have passed, and/or will the Atty. Gen. allow Durham to continue?

Durham Cracks the Russia Case
The special counsel’s indictment tells the real story of 2016 collusion.
By The Editorial Board

John Durham on Thursday indicted a Clinton campaign lawyer from 2016 for lying to the FBI, but this is no ho-hum case of deception. The special counsel’s 27-page indictment is full of new, and damning, details that underscore how the Russia collusion tale was concocted and peddled by the Clinton campaign.

Mr. Durham charged Michael Sussmann, an attorney at the Perkins Coie law firm that represented the Clinton campaign. Mr. Sussmann is accused of making false statements to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting when he presented documents purporting to show secret internet communications between the Trump Organization and Russia-based Alfa bank.

The indictment says Mr. Sussmann assured Mr. Baker he was not doing this work “‘for any client,’ which led the FBI General Counsel to understand that SUSSMANN was acting as a good citizen merely passing along information, not as a paid advocate or political operative.” This was false, says the indictment, which documents how Mr. Sussmann was working with other Democrats (including fellow Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias ) and billing his time to the Clinton campaign.

Mr. Sussmann’s lie “deprived the FBI” of crucial information, says the indictment, and led the agency to initiate an investigation into the Trump-Alfa claim, which was quickly leaked to the media. Mr. Sussmann didn’t lie to the FBI to protect himself. He is accused of lying to the FBI to trigger an investigation into a rival campaign based on a false claim of Russia-Trump collusion. He has pleaded not guilty.

The indictment adds new details about the sweeping nature of the Clinton campaign’s effort to falsely tag Donald Trump as in bed with the Russians. The document alleges this extended far beyond the oppo-research firm Fusion GPS and the fake “dossier” produced by Christopher Steele —though both played a role in the broader effort.

The indictment says the Alfa bank allegations came via an unidentified tech executive (“Tech Executive-1”), who according to one of his emails expected to get the “top [cybersecurity] job” in a Clinton Administration. The executive owned internet companies that had access to vast amounts of “public and nonpublic” data. The exec was tipped to purported traffic between Alfa bank and a Trump email domain and alerted Mr. Sussmann.

The executive ordered his employees to “search and analyze their holdings of public and non public internet data for derogatory information on Trump.” He also enlisted researchers at an unidentified U.S. university. The goal of the searches, says the indictment, was to “support an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ regarding Trump that would please certain ‘VIPs.’”

These searches came up with little or nothing. But the executive handed the innuendo to Mr. Sussmann, who wrote white papers he handed to the FBI and worked with Fusion GPS and Mr. Elias to feed it to a credulous press corps. Mr. Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI’s Mr. Baker gave the media a hook to write that law enforcement was investigating the Trump-Russia ties. The FBI opened its probe into Mr. Trump, which cascaded into the collusion political frenzy that damaged the Trump Presidency for more than two years.

The narrow Sussmann indictment opens another the window on a far greater offense, which was the Clinton team and the media’s dirty trick against U.S. democracy. The indictment alleges that Mr. Elias kept Clinton campaign officials informed about the scam, including the “campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor.”

Mr. Durham was facing a five-year statute of limitations on the false statement case, but the details in his indictment suggest that the charge may not be the end of this sordid story.
A worthy read:

Hope for the Lost Souls of Liberalism
The Western model of individual liberty and religious neutrality is in trouble. A return to the big questions is in order.
By Barton Swaim

Liberalism is in trouble. I don’t mean the narrow “liberalism” of the post-1960s Democratic Party, although that’s in trouble, too. I mean liberalism in the wider, classical sense—a view of government and society embracing free markets, representative democracy, individual freedom, strict limits on state power, and religious neutrality.

Twenty-five years ago, that understanding of liberalism was almost unquestionable. Not anymore. On the left, markets generate inequality, democracy works only when it achieves the right outcomes, individual freedom is uninteresting unless it involves sexual innovation or abortion, the state is everything, and religion doesn’t deserve neutrality. On the right—or anyway the intellectual/populist right—markets destroy traditional moral conventions, democracy is mostly a sham, individual freedom encourages behavioral deviancies, state power is a force for good, and the First Amendment’s ban on the establishment of religion was likely a bad idea.

Partisans will dispute these characterizations, but the liberal order in America (and Europe) is under attack—and not without reason. Political debates in Washington are bereft of good faith, the education system idealizes self-hatred and sexual confusion, and even corporate leaders—who until yesterday could be counted on to champion patriotism and hard work—eagerly recite the maxims of idiots.

I have read many critiques of liberalism, but none so original as “Why We Are Restless: On the Modern Quest for Contentment” by Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey. Or perhaps it's more accurate to say the book doesn’t so much criticize liberalism as explain why it’s neither the cause of our problems nor their solution.

Mr. and Mrs. Storey, 46 and 45 respectively, teach political philosophy and run the Tocqueville Program at Furman University; for the present academic year they’re also visiting scholars at the American Enterprise Institute. On a recent visit to Furman’s campus, I met them in Mrs. Storey’s book-laden but very tidy office. (Disclosure: My daughter is a student at Furman, although she avoids the subject of political philosophy on the not unreasonable grounds that “politics stresses me out.”)

At the core of their book is the reflection that educated people in modern liberal democracies are very comfortable with proximate arguments and not at all with ultimate ones—in other words, that moderns can debate means but not ends.

What do they mean by “ends”? “I teach Plato’s ‘Gorgias,’ ” Mr. Storey says. “ Socrates is arguing with Callicles about what the best way of life is. And so I will ask my students: What’s the best way of life? Just like that. The standard response is: What are you talking about? They look at me as if to say: You can’t ask that question!”

So it is, he thinks, in liberal societies generally: We’re allowed to debate all questions but ultimate ones. “We’re assuming we can’t have an answer to these questions, without even asking them.” In the classroom, he says, both he and his wife “try to shift students from a stance of dogmatic skepticism, in which they assume before the inquiry begins that you can’t ask ultimate questions, to a place of zetetic or seeking skepticism, in which you recognize that, despite all your doubts and apprehensions, you have to at least ask questions about God and the good and the nature of the universe.”

Liberalism began in the 16th and 17th centuries as a response to the violent political struggles of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation—the so-called wars of religion. European philosophers and political leaders sought a political worldview in which a man was able to hold his own views and practice his own religion without reference to the mythology of the dominant culture around him. To oversimplify the ideal: In public he would behave as a loyal citizen; in private he could affirm or deny transubstantiation or decide he cared little either way.

The beginnings of liberalism are most clearly evident in the philosophy of John Locke (1632-1704). But Locke’s writings aren’t famously readable, and the Storeys begin their book with Michel de Montaigne (1533-92). Montaigne was no philosopher, and that is the point: He was a wonderful essayist but didn’t strive for universal truth. The Storeys call the Montaignian ideal “immanent contentment”: an outlook that values satisfaction in the moment and has little interest in the grand principles along which society might be reordered. Montaigne, in this view, is the prototypical liberal.

As attractive as the liberal worldview is, the Storeys think, it has ceased to satisfy. “Liberalism isn’t popular among a lot of younger people,” Mrs. Storey says, “because it was designed to solve a different anthropological problem from the ones we’re facing. We were different people when we came up with our liberal institutions to solve the strife of war and persecution.” The political institutions of liberalism, she says, were designed for people who “were already strongly committed to churches, localities, professions and families. But when private lives have broken down—families dissolved, localities less important, religious life absent—liberalism’s framework institutions no longer make sense.” Young people in particular, she says, aren’t interested in the “prosaic” Montaignian life: “It just isn’t enough for them. It has no transcendence. They’re going to go beyond it.”

Many critiques of liberalism and modernity quickly become critiques of the free market. It’s a tempting solution because the market is something you can change or rearrange by force of law. The Storeys don’t take that view. “The problems we’re facing right now are not fundamentally economic problems,” he says. “They’re fundamentally educational and philosophical problems. The way forward is a multigenerational project, and it’s going to begin in schools.”

Another way to explain the plight of 21st-century liberalism, the Storeys argue, is that it has become bereft of “forms.” Tocqueville used that term in “Democracy in America” but didn’t define it. He meant traditions, social conventions, taboos. Aristocratic societies rely heavily on forms; each person, high or low, understands the expectations his role places on him and responds accordingly. Democratic societies tend to spurn forms. Tocqueville, a French aristocrat, preferred democracy but worried that democratic citizens might forget forms altogether.

Mr. and Mrs. Storey want to resist the march toward formlessness. “In the classroom,” he says, “I always wear a tie when I teach. I call my students Mister this and Miss that. The reason we do that isn’t to make people feel uncomfortable; it’s to create proper distance between teacher and student. I’m saying to them: I’m putting my tie on because I respect you and respect the subject we’re studying. I’m going to speak to you in a very formal way, like an adult, and I’m going to ask you to rise up and be an adult.”

The loss of forms in modern democratic societies, the Storeys contend, cultivates a kind of chronic restlessness and anxiety. Without forms—without conventions and attendant expectations, without institutional connections defining our relationships—“every decision becomes an existential crisis,” Mrs. Storey says. “You’re a free-floating atom. You have to guess what the proper response is to any circumstance.”

If these free-floating atoms aren’t bound to institutions and conventions, many are governed by our nationalized political mayhem. Are young people terrorized by the protean demands of influencers and Twitter mobs? “There’s a nervousness in the classroom when we talk about political topics that I didn’t notice four or five years ago,” Mr. Storey says. “Students now come of age in a fully different world in which saying the wrong thing—or even not saying the right thing—can destroy you. One of our students was chased off a certain social media platform, I forget which one, because there was a rally around some cause célèbre and he just didn’t say anything. He was denounced for saying nothing.”

Mr. Storey adds that “Tocqueville described 200 years ago the tyranny of the majority over thought, in which people are constantly taking their intellectual bearings from what they think they’re expected to believe.”

The Storeys met at the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, where they studied under the conservative intellectuals Leon and Amy Kass. Like their teachers, who were also married (Mrs. Kass died in 2015), the Storeys have an almost parental affection for their students. Although they are broadly sympathetic with French and American conservatism—you could guess that much by Mr. Storey’s tie-wearing and use of honorifics—students of wildly divergent political allegiances consider them favorites.

The couple’s conservatism consists above all in the belief that “old, wise books,” as he puts it, have something to teach us. “Old, wise books.” That, in essence, is their answer to the newspaperman’s inevitable question: So what are we going to do about this mess? Or, to put it differently: If liberalism was designed for people ensconced in a labyrinth of institutions, and the citizens of 21st-century democracies are no longer such people, what do we do with liberalism?

Other rightward-leaning critiques of liberalism—I think especially of Patrick Deneen’s “Why Liberalism Failed” (2018)—fault the liberal order itself for the hedonistic perversities, economic inequalities and cultural oppressiveness they see in modern American culture. Mr. and Mrs. Storey steer a different course. In their book they credit the liberal order with a “profound awareness of the manifold and conflicting dimensions of human life and of the consequent challenges of self-government.” Their hope, Mr. Storey says, “is that the liberal institutions that have done so much good for our country can weather the current wave of disorder.”

The task for today, in their view, isn’t to dynamite liberalism, on the one hand, or to encourage its pathologies, on the other. It is, as Mrs. Storey says, “to recover the preconditions of liberalism’s success.” To do that “is going to require returning to preliberal sources—the resources of classical thought, Christian thought and Jewish thought, and the communal practices that turn those traditions into ways of life. These ways of thinking aim to cultivate order in the soul in a way that liberal thought does not.”

All this talk of order and souls puts me in mind of Plato’s “Republic.” I haven’t read it in 30 years but I remember that Plato wanted to draw a connection between order in the soul and order in the city, or polis. On a shelf in Mrs. Storey’s office I spy a copy of the University of Chicago intellectual Allan Bloom’s famous translation of the “Republic,” so perhaps I’m on to something. Perhaps the Storeys’ point can be put as simply as this: You can’t fix the city as long as the souls are a mess.

Mr. Swaim is a Journal editorial page writer.
As one might expect CNN finds a General who supports Milley

Retired General: General Milley did his job
By Mark Hertling

Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling is a national security, intelligence and terrorism analyst for CNN. He served for 37 years in the Army, including three years in combat, and retired as commanding general of US Army Europe and the 7th Army. He is the author of "Growing Physician Leaders." He provided input informally to the Biden campaign on issues of national security. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his. View more opinion at CNN.

(CNN)Senator Marco Rubio called him "treasonous." Senator Rand Paul called for his immediate court-martial. Not to be left out of the discussion, former President Donald Trump called the man he appointed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, "a dumb-ass" who was "weak and ineffective."

These and other Republicans were fuming over a new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, "Peril," detailing Milley's actions, which were reported by CNN and others on Tuesday ahead of the book's release next week. It apparently describes how, during the turbulent final days of Trump's presidency, Milley had reassured China that the United States was not going to suddenly and recklessly start a war.

The cries of outrage have been hyperbolic, vitriolic. But Milley is emphatically not a traitor. His actions also don't rise to the level of heroics, as some on the left are proclaiming. Rather, I'd say the Chairman was acting rightly on intelligence that America's adversaries and friends were extremely concerned about the violent turmoil surrounding the presidential transition -- and the uncertainty about what Trump might do before leaving office.

Given that the former president had already made worrisome comments about summarily pulling US forces out of various areas around the world, and given media reports of Trump's earlier threats to attack other nations, Milley found it necessary to communicate directly with his counterparts overseas, with whom he had a professional relationship.

He was right to do so, because he was reacting to the realities on the ground. Straight talk with our allies and partners, lowering the temperature when tensions are rising, is critical to avoiding misunderstandings and perhaps deadly unintentional consequences. America's generals and admirals around the world work hard to build relationships with their partners and foes for exactly this reason. They have sometimes been called "diplomats in khaki."

Milley's contacting foreign general officers, like General Li Zuicheng of China, is a big part of his job. In these communications, I'm confident that the Chairman followed the protocols for engagement with foreign officials.

Why do I believe that? Because as a senior general officer commanding in a foreign theater, I often had to conduct these types of phone calls and engagements, as do all generals or admirals in similar strategic circumstances.

Engaging with foreign military commanders -- whether they are allies, partners, friends or even foes -- is a major and extremely time-consuming requirement for senior military commanders. We do this to strengthen alliances, build trust, prepare for coalition exercises -- and to stay in contact via informal communication channels during tense times.

When I was Commander of the US Army in Europe, there were 51 countries in our area of responsibility, and my visits and contacts were conducted as part of an approved plan for "security cooperation" within that theater. Chairman Milley's job is much bigger and more difficult, because his covers the globe.

His responsibilities require an endless series of engagements with US Embassies, foreign governments, and the military leadership of more than 190 countries, even those, like China, whom many Americans consider the enemy.

Often the communication channels with foes compliment the diplomacy generated by the State Department, and this is where generals and ambassadors are critical teammates.

These calls and visits are always based on intelligence collection. I cannot remember a time when I "cold-called" a commander of a foreign army just to check on how he was doing. Usually, a call would be based on information from an intelligence report that had been analyzed and presented to me for consideration by those on the staff.

While I had various intelligence feeds in Europe passing me this information, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has many, many more. His own staff, the staffs of the Army, Air Force and Navy and Marines, the Central Intelligence and Defense Intelligence Agencies, the National Security Agency and the Embassy Country Teams all generate information that turns to actionable intelligence. That is usually handled at various levels, but the relationships that the Chairman builds during his extensive travels sometimes require him to make that call or contact.

What does the protocol require? When I made a call to a foreign counterpart, I was never alone in the room. From interpreters to country team experts to notetakers and various staff members, sometimes it was hard to limit who listened in. Whenever I talked to a foreign commander, I always had on the call my Political Advisor, assigned by the State Department as a liaison to my command, and I also usually required a Judge Advocate General representative well-versed in international law.

While some may believe Milley went "rogue" in his phone call, I am sure there were many critical staff members and representatives from other agencies in the room where this happened. CNN reported Thursday that "there were 15 people on both videoconference calls Milley held with his Chinese counterpart, the one on October 30 and another on January 8 -- including a representative from the State Department, according to one defense official. The read-out and notes from the calls were shared with the intelligence community and the interagency, the official said.

These actions are part of the Chairman's job, they are driven by intelligence, and they follow protocol. Those wanting the Chairman to resign because they perceived he had aided or abetted the "enemy," or those who are prone to call his actions treasonous, need to understand how these actions work, how they are extremely beneficial to the security of the United States, and how doing so is truly tied to the responsibility associated with the Chairman's position.
Galganov throws the book at Biden and his handlers!

Stop Pretending – It’s Presidential Treason

By Howard Galganov



Maybe Biden Doesn’t Mean To Be A Traitor Because Of His Mental Incapacity, But Meaningful Or Not – Biden Is The President.

The Media, Democrats & Republicans are all Playing the Role of Nero, Fiddling while Rome Burns to the Ground, in this Case, Rome is America & Biden is Nero.

With Everything That Biden is Doing from Outrageous (Criminal) Spending, Massive Creation of Unsustainable Debt, to the Narrative of Contrived Enemies Accredited to Trump (Conservative) Voters, to Open Borders, to Criminal Prosecutions without Charge of Conservative Americans, to Willful & Illegal Detention of American Citizens, to the Intentional Abandonment of Afghanistan, Possibly with the Deliberate Abandonment of Close to $100-Billion Dollars of US Military High-Tech Hardware . . . WHERE’S THE SCREAMING OUTRAGE?

Did Biden Give All This Military Hardware To The Taliban On Purpose?

American Republicans & Not Just RINOS are Seemingly Worrying More About What to Have for Lunch with their “Good Friends” from Across the Aisle, than they are About Saving their Republic.

Biden Is A Traitor To America . . . Anyone Not Standing In His Way Is No Less A Traitor; Be It Democrat Or Republican.


The Incursions Of ILLEGALS Crossing The US Southern Border Is A Purposeful Invasion Of The United States Of America.


Destroying The American Melting Pot Which Is A Keystone To America’s Greatness Is Destroying America.

Can Anyone Really Believe that this Flood of Illegal Immigration, who Don’t Speak English, who Know Nothing About America’s Geography, History, Freedoms & Culture, who Come from Misogynist Totalitarian States with No Regard for Civil Rights & Liberties . . . will Actually Leave their Tribal Hatreds Nurtured for Tens of Centuries Behind Them . . . So They Can Grasp The American Dream & Freedoms?

If You Believe That? . . . Dream-On.

What Biden is Doing . . . is What Angela Merkel Did to Germany & Europe . . . And Ask any German or European who Isn’t an Idiot, if what Merkel Did to Germany & Europe has Made Germany or the European Union a Better Place for It?

Just Ask European Jews & Christians . . . What it’s Like Living in Most Major European Cities whose Immigrants Brought their Tribal Hatreds with Them? Ask the Jews who are Told by their own Country’s Magistrates, Police & Government . . . What it Feels Like to be “Advised” . . . “For Your Own Safety In Your Own Country Don’t Look Jewish”.

Do You Want To Know What A No-Go Zone Is Like In Your Own Country (USA) . . . Wait For It – ‘Cause It’s Coming.


There Might Be As Many As 30-Million Illegals In America. You Don’t Know. But Someone In Government Knows.

And Why Don’t You Know Exactly How Many Illegal Aliens there are in the United States of America, Consuming Healthcare, Education, Jobs & Dealing in Drugs, Smuggling, Extortion, Prostitution, Human Slavery, Intimidation – Etc . . . Since You The People Pay For All Of It?

I’ll Bet You Dollars To Doughnuts There’s At Least One Government Agency That Knows. So Why Won’t They Say?

Flooding America with People who Crossed-Into the United States of America Don’t Deserve to Be in the United States of America . . . And They’re Not Illegal Immigrants . . . They’re Illegal Aliens, and it is Not by Accident, Nor is it a Matter of Impossible Containment by America’s Border Guards, since President Donald Trump Made it Very Clear, that Containment of Illegal Invaders is Not Just Possible . . . But Was Almost 100% Controllable.

The Reality . . . Is That The American LEFT – Wants to Flood the USA with Immigrants who Won’t Become Part of the American Melting-Pot, which Explains why the LEFT is Fixated on NON ID VOTING RIGHTS, which Claim that Asking for Voter ID Is Racist, Based Upon a Voter’s Skin Color, which is an Insane & Specious Argument, since Voter ID Throughout America is Mandated Wherever it is, and Open & Equal for Every American Regardless of Skin Color, Gender & Culture, Neither Favoring Nor Disadvantaging any Specific American Group.

If Voter ID Is Deemed Illegal . . . What’s To Stop Tens Of Millions Of Illegals From Voting For America’s Government(s)?

Essentially . . . If the Democrats (LEFT) Make it so that Everyone in America Can Vote in Person or by Mail, Regardless of Citizenship Authenticity, what Protection Could there Possibly Be for an Honest Election in the Future, which Would Heavily Favor a Perpetual One Party (Democrat) Rule?


The Pipelines were Closed because Biden Wants America to be Subservient to Imported Energy. The Border Wall was Stopped Dead in its Tracks because Biden Wants to Flood America with Global Invaders. The China Virus Shut Down America because Biden Wants to Put Small Businesses Out of Business & Biden Wants to Control the Freedoms of all Americans.

The Spending Spree Is Out Of This Universe Because Biden Wants To Make Every American Dependant On The Government.


But As Dire As This Editorial Is . . . When the Turn for the Good Guys (Real Republicans) Comes to Bat, Not Only will the Good Guys be Swinging for the Fences – They’ll Be Hitting It Out Of The Park.

And While All Of The Preceding Is Happening . . . And Much-Much More, Biden is Offering the People Shiny Trinkets to Look at as Biden’s Own Special Diversion, to Take the People’s Eyes off his Grim Realities.

Why Is It That All Of Sudden Durham’s Investigation Is Seeing The Light Of Day?

But Do You Want To Know The Worst Of It? . . . IT ISN’T BIDEN – Biden Is Just the Puppet-Masters’ Useful Idiot, who in Short Order will Leave the Scene as Most Probably the Worst & Most Destructive President in American History, Leaving Biden’s Presidential Library as a Urinal Upon which the People Can & Will Express their Gratitude & Feelings . . . For All That Biden Will Have “Accomplished” For The Enemies Of America.

I Don’t Know Who All The Puppet Masters Are . . . But We All Have A Good Idea.


Manchin pokes Biden in the eye:

Biden Opens New Negotiation Twist After Manchin Rebuffs President to His Face

By Don Purdum, Independent Political Analyst

( – The level of desperation among Democrats is growing as moderate senators seize control of the Left’s agenda. It was only a matter of time before the giddy Leftists confronted legislative reality. Governing and campaign demagoguing are not the same things, and one shouldn’t make promises they can’t guarantee. Yet, for months, President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) continued to make overtures to the Democratic far-Left base that their dreams were about to become a reality.

Now, they are trying to cash a check, and the money isn’t in the bank.

On Wednesday, Biden summoned moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) to the Oval Office. Apparently, the president thought Manchin wasn’t completely serious about his intention to scale back the $3.5 trillion “human” infrastructure proposal working its way through the go-it-alone partisan reconciliation process. The president was wrong. Now that Manchin is proving he’s not backing down, Biden is changing his negotiation strategy. If Manchin doesn’t join him voluntarily, perhaps the president can manipulate the Senator into joining his cause.

Manchin Rebuffs

On Wednesday, Manchin held firm in a one-on-one meeting with the president, and said he would not budge on his position. For months, the West Virginia senator stated his opposition to the Democrat’s heavily priced bill. For the last two weeks, the moderate argued the government could not afford a massive bill and he wouldn’t vote for it under any circumstance. While Manchin isn’t saying it publicly, reports suggest he’ll support a $1.5 trillion bill.

Let’s give him credit; Manchin is holding true to his word.

In an evenly divided Senate, Democrats cannot afford to lose a single member. If it does, the reconciliation package is dead. Manchin told a desperate president to his face that he would not vote for the bill. Without it, Biden’s presidency could be relegated to a lame-duck status, especially if the GOP wins one or both chambers of Congress in 2022.

Worse yet, it’s a massive defeat to the Left, who wanted a $6 trillion deal while saying they compromised enough at $3.5 trillion. Democratic radicals declared if they don’t get the $3.5 trillion proposal passed into law, they will torpedo the bipartisan infrastructure deal passed by the Senate in August.

Biden Goes on the Offensive

With little in the way of political capital and being largely sidelined, Biden is taking his case to Democratic voters. Perhaps he hopes that he can convince deep-red West Virginia to his cause? Good luck with that. The reality is that Manchin isn’t accountable to Washington, DC. He’s accountable to voters in West Virginia and their interests, which don’t align with the Left.

In 2020, the state voted nearly 70% for Donald Trump. Republicans hold every major office, except for Manchin’s Senate seat. No matter how much pressure the Left applies, it can’t overcome the political reality in West Virginia.

So, what is Biden’s new tactic? He wants America, and West Virginia, to believe that moderates who hold out on the $3.5 trillion plan are sellouts to the middle class. In a speech on Thursday, Biden overtly stated that either moderates could help working-class Americans or they can continue to hurt them with the status quo.

It’s a Ruse

Biden’s position is a ruse. From 2017 to early 2020, when the pandemic hit, former President Donald Trump overturned the Obama/Biden administration’s policies, and the economy exploded. Between tax cuts and eliminating regulations, there were more jobs than people to fill them. Wages were on the rise for the middle and lower class. Under Biden’s leadership, inflation is out of control, resulting in less money in people’s pockets. In addition, trillions of dollars in tax proposals will ultimately hurt those the president claims he wants to help.

In short, Biden is losing and desperate to do whatever he can to change his fortunes. It’s likely too little, too late. The president has little political capital in the halls of Congress. The Democratic Party is at war with itself, and Biden will become a casualty.

Desperate measures create dire results.

For Conservatives, this is as good as a great movie. Still, anything can happen. Nothing is over until reality sets in or reality changes. So, sit back, get a drink, and enjoy some popcorn. The show is just underway.

Stay tuned!


Stacey Abrams will now see how well her lies work in Texas (edited.).

Fellow Conservative,

We all remember last year when Stacey Abrams and her network of dark money elites built a grassroots army of leftwing activists to turn Georgia blue and flip two Senate seats.

And as you read this email, Stacey is on the road spreading her socialist message throughout the Lone Star state.

She has made it crystal clear that she wants to export her Georgia model to every state in the union and Texas is next up on her list!

Fellow Conservative, Texas is the biggest red state in America. And if Stacey succeeds in flipping it, we could lose every national election for decades.

That’s why we’re counting on your grassroots support to spread the truth about Stacey in every corner of our country – and stop her plot to stage a far-left takeover of Georgia, Texas, and America.

Stop Stacey Digital Team


Democrats accused Trump was in bed with Putin.  He was not.

Democrats said Trump was a dictator.  He was not.

Democrats said Trump would get us into a war.  He did not. 

Democrats said Trump would start a nuclear war.  He did not.

Democrats said Trump would cause a  recession.  He made the economy hum and employment soared. 

Democrats accused Trump of being a racist.  He did more for black citizens than any president of late.

Democrats accused Trump of everything under the sun.  Trump mooned them.

Democrats said Trump would steal the election and never leave The White House. He lost and left.

Democrats wanted to bring charges against Trump under the 25th Amendment. Biden is incoherent.

Biden said he would restore comity and tranquility. He has been extremely divisive.

Biden said he would make the economy improve.  Inflation is higher, debt is higher, unemployment is higher, gas prices are higher, we are more dependent on energy resources and you know the rest. 

Biden criticized Trump for his diplomatic initiatives. N Korea is back to launching missiles, Americans were left stranded in Afghanistan yet, he told us no one would be left behind,.  Weapons were abandoned and now The Taliban have an entire military with planes, vehicles and critical  weaponry.

Biden campaigned touting  his 48 years in public office. Everything Biden touches he screws up and makes worse. The sole person Biden's incompetence has given comfort to is Carter.

Biden criticized Trump for his handling of COVID.  Trump developed the vaccine in record time and Biden has made the entire COVID response more confusing and worse.

Look At Biden Openly Admit ‘Life Sucks’ Under His Rule

Unemployment numbers are starting to fall, but with President Joe Biden’s empowering of OSHA, that number increases exponentially. If OSHA can legally mandate businesses with more than 100 employees, force their employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine or take a Covid-19 test once a week. OSHA has said that they’re not even sure if they can mandate that, so what’s the point of all of this? Is Biden just playing games, or does he seriously think he’s doing a good job?

Biden doesn’t even think he’s a tolerant tyrant because he doesn’t follow the same rules he places on everyone else. That’s the best way to determine if a politician is becoming too oppressive. They refuse to follow their own rules. Biden won’t mandate then-White House staff to get the Covid-19 vaccine, but you have to. Wrong. Take this to court. All Covid-19 vaccinations available in the United States are under emergency use authorization. According to 21 U.S. Code 360bbb-3, you cannot force someone to take any medical product under emergency use authorization.

He pushed against Republican governors for not mandating the Covid-19 vaccine, but wasn’t that Biden’s campaign promise? Masks should be optional, and Trump’s vaccine isn’t safe? Words can’t describe how mad the American people should be right now. On top of that, Biden’s infrastructure bill isn’t going to push through because Democrats are getting tired of his massive spending.

Biden says he refuses to give in to this type of “politics” where the 10th amendment to the Constitution gives states the ability to govern themselves. Since he’s getting pushback from several governors, he’s not happy.

Can you see what happens when you place someone into the highest authority after they’ve spent their entire political life accomplishing nothing, lying to Americans, and covering for his son? If the Constitution wasn’t stopping him, Biden indeed is turning into a dictator, or at least he would.

Biden also claims that science tells us to take the Covid-19 vaccine, but why is it that the FDA just blocked Covid-19 booster shots if they’re lifesaving? Something doesn’t add up.

In the same sentence, he says that the Covid-19 vaccine will protect our economic growth, but he also wants to fire everyone who refuses to get vaccinated. That’s a double standard that OSHA can’t even get behind. Somebody has to impeach Biden before he takes it too far.

The Constitution wasn’t written to give rights to people, and it was written to stop the government from taking natural rights from citizens. Under Biden, the Constitution is weakened more every day, and the American people are growing tired of Biden’s constant grab for power.


Frustration over Biden’s Inaction on COVID Boosters

Although federal health officials are all still debating about who should receive COVID-19 booster doses, some jurisdictions are pushing forward with their own agendas.

Biden is Just Confusing Everyone

Joe Biden’s plan to launch the boosters to the majority of Americans by September 20 has caused heated controversy. That’s because he is trying to get ahead of the statistical evidence and has split authorities and their external consultants.

Whereas the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is anticipated to approve Pfizer and BioNTech’s health boosters in the days ahead, it is unclear who will be eligible to receive it. On Friday, the CDC’s independent immunization advisory council rejected a plan to give the vaccine to anyone aged 16 and up.

They did this in favor of a limited approach that would only give injections to adults over 65 and those who are at high risk of serious illness.


I understand black frustration and I also understand  radical blacks believe they are owed whatever they want. Affirmative action, like all government efforts, even those well intended, have a way of backfiring.  You cannot take away rights in order to favor other's with rights they did not earn and expect positive results.  Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.

Now that radical Muslims have merged with radical blacks the country is faced with increase discord and lawlessness.

Democrats seem unwilling to enforce laws because they don't want to offend the misplaced sensibilities of radicals, criminals, law and order abusers etc. This is what it has come to and more and more citizens are sick and tired of it and , if they still give a damn about this country and are willing to vocalize their disgust and not be intimidated, the mid year elections should not go well for Democrats.

Republicans have been  given lay-ups but they have a history of turning them into f--- ups.

Yes, stay tuned.

BLM plans protest after 3 black women assault Asian restaurant hostess who expressed doubt at their vaccination cards


[See Full Story Here]


This was sent to me by a dear and trusted friend and fellow memo reader. (Attached below.)

I have seen some of this before, some of this is new. I have not checked any of this so caveat emptor:.

Personally, nothing surprises me any more.

I do believe we have a very incestuous government. I do believe money talks in D.C. I do believe the Potomac is polluted and full of political swamp rats. I do believe it is a safe bet  not to trust government.  

We have been told about keeping your doctor, we have learned you pass it and then learn what is in what you passed.  I do believe no one reads 10,000 pages of legislative gobbledygook except lawyers drafting documents because of SEC Rules and politicians who want to sneak in favors by burying pet requests under trees of paper.

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was beautiful because it was eloquent, short and from the heart.

This is why America is failing and will continue to fail because intimidation has stilled voices, radicals and criminals own the streets, too many politicians are self-serving and untrustworthy and this president is both weak and unprincipled and the mass media is corrupt.

How Deep?





“Things you must know to be informed:













Now you know why no one is investigated.  They all have their hands in the cookie jar!  You might remember James Comey who investigated the Clinton email scandal and the Clinton Foundation, and made the final decision to not recommend prosecution by the DOJ.

It turns out that the Clinton Foundation was audited by the law firm DLA Piper.  One of the executives there was in charge of the Clinton Foundation audit.

Who was it?  Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother.  Peter Comey held an executive position with the Washington law firm that did the audit of the Clinton foundation in 2015.   Peter Comey was officially DLA Piper “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas,” in 2015 when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her Presidential campaign.  

Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked involved in the audit of the Clinton Foundation, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper has given between $50 - 100k to the Foundation.

It gets even cozier.  DLA Piper executive Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave of absence from the firm.  Who is Douglas Emhoff?   He is the husband of KAMALA HARRIS!  Just a coincidence?  Amazing if it is.  You can't make this stuff up!  Another example of the DC swamp.”

And it only gets worse.  This "Family Tree" will make your head spin . . THE SWAMP IS DEEP!!

Dominion (voting machine provider) serves 40% of the US market.  It is in 30 states - - The state of Texas rejected the machines.

- Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden's transition team.  Neffenger was the President of the board of Smartmatic

- Smartmatic (another voting machine supplier) entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009.

- Smartmatic counted votes in Venezuela

- Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud

- Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.  He and Brown are life-long friends.

- Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,

- Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.

- Open society, of course, is owned by George Soros

- Smartmatic partnered with DLA Piper Global

- Douglas C. Emhoff works at DLA Piper Global

- Douglass C. Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband

- Guess who owns Dominion? - -Blum Capital Partners, L.P.

- Guess who is on the board for the company? -- Richard C. Blum.

- Richard C. Blum is Dianne Feinstein's husband.

- Nancy Pelosi's husband is also a major investor

- An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by Dominion Voting Systems

And it goes on & ON!!

- Dominion Voting Systems is listed on the Clinton Foundation website.

- Dominion Voting is listed as a $25,000 -$50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post

- Georgia Governor Kemp used Dominion Voting after Texas and Florida rejected them

- Dominion has a lobbyist named Jared Thomas

- Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015

- You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand this next information

- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.

- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).

- POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

- POGO is the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein presented against Kavanaugh's nomination.

- Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud when she had the authority.  Soros owned OneWest Bank.

- Now you know why a woman who placed 7th in her state when running for President is now VP.


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