Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Biden Abandons Americans, Canines, Morals and His Soul If He Had One. How To Do It. Taliban Torture Begins. Who Is The True Biden?

While our Sec. of State "blinks," our president "nods" off to sleep and the mass media keeps on "winkin."

The late Sen. John McCain, who was all in for reaching across the aisle, drew the line at Antony Blinken...


Biden Caught Abandoning Beloved Service Members to Taliban?
The Ultimate Betrayal...
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And just as bad:

Biden Blasted for Abandoning Service Dogs in Afghanistan (READ MORE)
And more:

Biden ABANDONS Americans in Afghanistan
› Breaking...  


It is evident Biden disregarded advice and now is smothering us with his version of why he exited when he did not have to and it resulted in one of America's greatest foreign calamities but then Biden has not been right on major issues since birth.

Breaking: Joe Biden OVERRULED The Military Advice And Ordered Kabul, Not Bagram To Be Used For Evacuating Afghanistan

When has breaking your word, dishonoring your commitment become heroic?

Coward-in-Chief Commits TREASON
› Breaking...  

Coward-in-Chief Commits TREASON
Read it Here >>


Just another opinion:

I think many pundits have missed a very important point.

For several years, the Afghan army has shown very poor fighting abilities, and a very high AWOL rate. In addition, the total Afghan army numbers have been called in doubt by a few analysts and authors. A handful of Afghan "officers" would submit payroll claims for their extremely exaggerated numbers of troops. The US would issue billions in payroll for non-existent Afghan forces, a common and easily committed fraud.

The fictitious 300,000 member Afghan army was likely a tiny fraction of that, and clearly unwilling to sacrifice their lives to repel the hardened, vicious, and evil attacking Taliban members.

These reports of likely highly exaggerated Afghan army numbers has been publicized for several years, and our intelligence services were clearly well aware of the frauds and corruptions. Biden was surely advised (and was reported to have participated in similar foreign corruptions), yet chose to ignore the warnings.

All the SNAFUs about this "surrender" are 100% the fault of the current Commander in Chief.

Biden has blood on his hands, and should be removed from office.

Gary Meyers


Straightforward stuff from IKE:  Where are these Generals now?  Probably attending  Biden's CRT Classes.

How about a little revised history relating to our current cozy situation with the Taliban.

The date is May 6, 1945.  The place is Headquarters, Supreme Commander, European Theater of Operations.

There are two people at the table; the Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Chief of Staff General Walter “Bedell” Smith. 

Ike to Bedell, “I want you you to go to Reims tomorrow and sign the Unconditional Surrender Document on behalf of all Allied Armed Forces under my command”.  Signing on behalf of Germany is Colonel General Alfred Jodl, Chief of Staff of all German Armed Forces. "Bring the fully executed surrender documents to my headquarters upon your return”.

When “Bedell” Smith returns the next day, Ike ask him to produce the surrender documents.

General Smith responds; "there are no surrender documents”.  He further states that the German High Command has had an epiphany of values.  The German Armed Forces will henceforth conduct themselves in accordance with the highest of moral values. Jodl’s revelations were confirmed by Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of all German Armed Forces.

General Smith and the officers accompanying him were all convinced of the sincerity of the “former Nazis”.

General Eisenhower is shocked beyond belief: “Bedell, how could you swallow that B— S—! The German Army has committed the most inhumane atrocities since Attila the Hun!  They gassed over 6,000,000 human beings! What would ever prompt you to think the German Army would reverse 20 years of the worst conduct of barbarity known to man”

General Smith responded by saying, “Now that the war is over, the Wehrmacht and the German High Command convinced us they have the same objective as do the Allies….to rebuild Europe. They agree to completely dismantle the SS and treat all people under their control with dignity and compassion. They promise that all German military units will behave themselves like we’ve never seen before. The Germans want to partner with us to rebuild Europe”


General Eisenhower responds: “Bedell, you get your ass back to Reims and tell Jodl and Keitel to immediately sign the Unconditional Surrender Document!.  If they refuse, arrest them immediately and advise them that all Officers in the German High Command responsible for war crimes will be tried as war criminals by the Allied Powers. If the Wehrmacht does not immediately surrender, I’ll mobilize the 12th Army Group and destroy them all!

That is all”.  


Biden Gave Taliban TOTAL Control: WaPo Confirms
› Let's find out...

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And now it begins:

HORROR: Taliban Carries Out House-to-House Executions in Kabul Following US Departure


If you want to know the true Biden, read this.

Biden throws a tantrum

By Patricia McCarthy

Our hapless president's speech on Tuesday was not a speech at all. It was a full-blown childish tantrum.  While he was ostensibly celebrating his massive "airlift" of thousands of mostly Afghan refugees, from the beginning, it was clear he is extremely angry.  He almost shouted his claim that his catastrophic misadventure in Afghanistan has been a smashing success.  This is a huge lie, and everyone knows it, even those trying to spin this debacle as a win.

In fact, Biden's surrender has probably set a genocide in motion, just as our betrayal of the South Vietnamese gave birth to the killing fields.  Women and girls are sure to be brutalized.

Biden had promised for days that no American would be left behind, but of course hundreds, perhaps even thousands, have been left behind.  Some even made it to the airport and were then denied flights home by U.S. forces on the ground there.  Thousands of those who escaped were rescued not by Biden's forces, but by retired vets and private organizations who set out to do what the government would not. 

Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego, no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty.  His seething, wretched defense of this massive failure will haunt this nation for decades to come.  He has singlehandedly created a fully armed terrorist state, a state surrounded by enemies of the U.S. — China, Iran, and Pakistan.  Those countries now have access to the $90B's worth of American weapons, military vehicles, and aircraft, not to mention Bagram Air Base.

Our NATO allies will no longer trust us.  Biden will be forever known as the most destructive, the weakest, and the most gullible president in U.S. history.  A better man would resign, but Biden is not even a decent man.  As his mad rant on Tuesday proved, he will never take responsibility for his fatal errors in judgment.

'Long-held Doubts about Biden’s Ability'

Biden blamed President Trump, whose actual plan had stabilized the country and would have worked if implemented, and he blamed the Afghan army, whom he betrayed by withdrawing their air support and their financial support.  Of course they fled.  Biden betrayed them as cruelly as any leader in history has abandoned his troops and allies.  He can claim that his decision to withdraw as he did was successful from now to kingdom come, but it was the most egregious foreign policy error in American history. 

The deaths of those thirteen young soldiers who died last Thursday is entirely his responsibility, yet he could not even bring himself to salute at their dignified transfer as their coffins passed by; he just checked his watch as if he had somewhere more important to be.  The man is without heart and soul.  The few parents who spoke with him were shocked that he talked only about his deceased son Beau.  That's his go-to default reply to anyone else's loss; he makes it all about him.

As the months of his administration slip by, it becomes clearer and clearer that he is something of a sociopath.  Nick Arama agrees.  He is congenitally unable to care.  As for Americans still stranded in Afghanistan, he blamed them — for not getting to the airport, for being "dual citizens," as if that makes them less worthy of rescue.

It is not just Biden who is to blame.  Those military clowns, the ones who just weeks ago were telling us that COVID was the gravest threat we face (Austin) or that "white rage" is worth investigating (Milley), are to blame as well.  Whoever was giving the orders on the ground in Kabul should also be fired.

Who thought it was a good idea to have those young soldiers do crowd control in a sea of panicked Afghans?  Who decided those busloads of Americans had to be turned back in favor of unvetted refugees?  Whose decision was it to let the highly trained military dogs who were brought safely to the airport be left behind, turned loose to face certain death in the streets of that benighted city?

Every leader who participated in this ill timed, fateful attempt at withdrawal should resign or be fired.  As many observers have noted, a high-schooler could have managed it all better.  But then maybe it was all by design, engineered by Biden's paymaster, China.  Biden has been bought and paid by a long list of influence-purchasers for nearly all his years in Congress.  "Selling out is usually more a matter of buying in.  Sell out, and you're really buying into someone else's system of values, rules and rewards" (Bill Watterson).  Biden sold us out long ago.

Nancy Pelosi, a horrid woman equally without heart and soul, on Tuesday refused to have the names of the thirteen soldiers killed in Kabul read out on the floor of the House.  That should permanently indict her for being the wicked witch she is.  She is more devious, more calculating than the irresponsible Biden but every bit as beyond redemption as he is.  She will do anything to convince the American people, for whom she has only contempt, that whatever she and her party do is righteous no matter how loathsome and totalitarian.

Like the schoolyard thug he is, Biden will defend to the death the treacherous plan he put into motion so he could make a grand speech on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11.  He ignored the advice of some advisers, wanted Ghani to lie about the Taliban's success in July (transcript here), all to mount a bit of theater with him in the starring role.  No matter what he says, things did not go as he envisioned, so, like a spoiled child, he threw a tantrum from the podium at the White House.  Shame on him a thousand times.



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