Friday, September 10, 2021

More Lithium Mistakes. Covid Syndromes. Damn You. Enough Already. Who Cares Anymore. Political Incest? Listen Up Californians. Trust In God Not Government.


The video speaks for itself but it does not mention Biden's personal involvement in lithium ownership as noted in a previous unchecked memo.

If the video reporter is correct, and it seems he is, then Biden blew it for America but may have solved any personal wealth issues.  He might even be able to buy an island next to OBOOMBER in Cape Cod.

Now I understand why so many poor souls want to be president. It is a way to personal wealth. It only cost Trump about $2billion in real estate values and another $1.6 million in salary he gave away to be president and his sons were too dumb to cheat like Biden's.
Please do your own fact checking. I am just posting and not verifying.

by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu

Now we reveal why Biden took part in it, why he left Afghanistan in such a rush and one of the many ways he benefits from it.

Joe Biden said in December that “my son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise, that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with the appropriate distance from, the presidency and government.” He promised during an Iowa campaign event in October 2019 that “no one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in on meetings as if they are a Cabinet member, will, in fact, have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country — period, period, end of story.”

But, as Washington Examiner reveals:

Hunter Biden still appears to hold an ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked investment firm despite repeated pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties.

That’s despite White House press secretary Jen Psaki in February saying the president’s son “has been working to unwind” his 10% stake in the firm.

Through one of his lawyers, George Mesires, Hunter Biden had promised to leave the board of the Chinese firm by the end of October 2019, but his resignation was submitted to China’s National Credit Information Publicity System in the spring of 2020. Three Chinese business websites, run by Baidu , Qixin , and QCC , all show updates with Hunter Biden’s name being removed from the BHR board of directors in April 2020, but the sites also currently show a limited liability corporation, Skaneateles, owned solely by Hunter Biden, as still being a “sponsor/shareholder” with 3 million yuan ($464,000) invested in the company, purportedly comprising a 10% stake in the China-based business venture.

The business records for Skaneateles found on the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs website list Hunter Biden as the “executing officer” of the company, and the address for the LLC is a multimillion-dollar home in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles. That is where the Washington Examiner previously reported Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen, had been renting a $12,000-a-month home. A report in June said Hunter had moved on from the rental.

Business records show that U.S.-based Thornton Group and Ulysses Diversified each also holds a 10% stake in BHR, as does China-based Angju Investment Consulting (Shanghai) Company. Two Chinese companies, Bohai Industry Investment Fund Management and Shanghai Fengshi Financial Services, are listed as owning 30% of BHR each.

A review of BHR’s financial documents, including 2019 company board meeting minutes found on Hunter Biden’s purported laptop and provided to the Washington Examiner by former Steve Bannon War Room podcast co-host Jack Maxey, show the firm had access to tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for Chinese and global investments and purchases, invested in multiple Chinese companies now sanctioned by the United States, and set up a complicated web of China-based and Cayman Island shell companies and subsidiaries.

The Daily Caller noted that “BHR’s business records with NCIPS were updated in April 2020 to reflect Hunter Biden’s departure from its board less than one week after the Daily Caller News Foundation reported that month that his name was still listed as a member of the firm’s board at the time.”

Mesires reached out to the Washington Post a few days after the April 2020 article was published, with Glenn Kessler sharing a letter from BHR’s CEO Jonathan Li, which said : “Mr. Robert Hunter Biden no longer serves as an unpaid director on the board of Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. effective from October 2019.”

Yet, it appears that Hunter Biden still has a substantial financial stake in the Chinese company. BHR and Mesires did not respond to the Washington Examiner’s questions about whether Hunter Biden would relinquish his holdings in the Chinese firm.

Mesires wrote a lengthy post on Medium in mid-October 2019, claiming that Hunter Biden “neither played a role in the formation or licensure of” BHR “nor owned any equity in it while his father was Vice President.” Hunter Biden’s lawyer said his client “served only as a member of its board of directors, which he joined based on his interest in seeking ways to bring Chinese capital to international markets” and that “it was an unpaid position.”

“BHR was capitalized with 30 million renminbi (RMB), or approximately $4.2 million USD at today’s currency exchange rates,” Mesires said. “In October 2017, Hunter committed to invest approximately $420,000 USD (as of 10/12/2019) to acquire a 10% equity position in BHR, which he still holds. To date, Hunter has not received any compensation for being on BHR’s board of directors.”

BHR’s website lists an office in Beijing and brags that the company “is the designated cross-border investment platform of Bohai Industrial Investment Fund and benefits from the support of its Chinese stakeholders including the Bank of China and China Development Bank Capital” and that it “collaborates with Chinese companies in overseas mergers and acquisitions in the high-end manufacturing, healthcare, artificial intelligence and natural resources sectors.”>>


Luckily, someone else already did most of the work for us, I had to leave out a lot of speculations and “patriotism” and I cherrypicked just the raw good info, so here are some bits and pieces from mainstream media and a much larger and epic work that covers many concerns, The Devolution Series by Patriot Patel:

On September 23, 2020, Senators Ron Johnson and and Chuck Grassley, the chairmen of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) and the Senate Finance Committee, respectively, released a majority staff report entitled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.”

More details in a letter from Chuck Grassley from August 15, 2019:

Clearly, this financial dealing could be a threat to the National Security of the United States by providing the CCP with the Henniges’ anti-vibration tech. Officials from the Pentagon expressed concern over this fact back in 2011:

BHR plays a larger role to the overall story here. Let’s dig in even further. As of August 30, 2021, one of the companies in BHR’s portfolio is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL).
(Obviously the deal was closed a while before – S.m)
This from a neighbor who thought he and his wife had COVID so Lynn made them some chicken soup.  Turns out he is suffering from a different malady. Bless his soul.

I am sorry I have not been very responsive to your Emails lately.  I have been somewhat under the weather. 

My doctors have diagnosed me as having an acute case of Post Islamic Stress Trauma with Apologetic White House Fatigue, PIST-AWF (Pronounced pissed-off). 

( PIST-AWF is a newly defined disease that has become widespread and highly contagious.  Doctors at the CDC released a statement disclosing PIST-AWF as a new disease.) 

It has already infected over half of the United States and is anticipated to continue to spread. 

The disease itself affects the cells of a person's entire body then goes dormant. 

The disease ravages the body and leaves serious side effects including, embarrassment for your country, depression, anxiety as to when it will come to an end. 

And wondering how much more damage he can do and how long it will take to repair the damage once a new person takes over the presidency.

Symptoms include:
Severe pain of the scalp from pulling your own hair while viewing your president pander to Taliban terrorists.

Uncontrollable heartburn at 8:00 PM during the CNN coverage lies.
Stomach cramps from swallowing the fact we elected Biden/Harris.
Vomiting from viewing terrorists murdering innocent people routinely on the nightly news.
Bleeding from the eyes. This is not Ebola.  It is your eyes reacting to accidentally flipping to a channel that shows Al Sharpton as a so-called legitimate news show host.

Since the disease consumes the entire body, every infected person is then identified as the disease itself. 

If you have these symptoms and consider yourself PIST-AWF, please notify your local election board and place your name on the list for a cure. 

It is expected, and sincerely hoped, that the cure will be available in 2022. 

            GOD SAVE AMERICA 


Hey, Biden Voters!
By Bruce Bawer

You didn’t have a clue about how power works in the real world.  You should have.  You were a grown-up.  You had no excuse. 
Damn you all.
You’re American citizens with the right to vote in presidential elections.  For four years, we had a president who, over the course of a single term, managed to undo a great deal of the mischief wrought, and a great many of the mistakes made, by his recent predecessors.  Trump revived America’s economy, shored up Americans’ individual liberties, forged several remarkable peace agreements, and greatly strengthened our international position—thus firmly checking the ambitions of our powerful adversaries. 
But, Biden voters, he had a personality that rubbed you the wrong way.  He wrote nasty tweets.  In the language of TV production, he was too “hot.”  You wanted “cool.” 
The Democrats put up a candidate who was plainly in mental decline.  It was obvious every time he spoke.  But you didn’t pay terribly close attention to his speeches.  The sources from which you get your “news” carefully clipped out all of the bits of his appearances in which his befuddlement was manifest.  If you heard someone speak out about his senility, you dismissed the charges out of hand.  
Biden also had a less-than-stellar professional history.  He’d spent decades in the Senate as little more than a fixture, an empty suit, a vapid, smiling shill for the credit-card companies and other corporations based in his shabby little state.
In the lead-up to the 2020 election, mountains of evidence were made public indicating that Biden was even more deeply corrupt than we already knew, taking massive bribes from nefarious foreign powers. 
Yes, that story was banned from social media.  Still, you could have known about it if you’d had the slightest bit of curiosity—and the slightest sense of civic responsibility. 
For years, your trusted news sources fed you lies about Trump and Russia.  Those lies, which anyone with any sense recognized from the outset as preposterous, were finally disproved.  But your sources never showed remorse or shame.  Most of them never even corrected their stories—not really, not with any class or conviction.  They just moved on—smoothly, slickly, smarmily—to other slanders, such as the ludicrous case of the Trump’s phone call to the president of Ukraine. 
If you’d really been paying attention, you’d have noticed at least some of this.  But you were as caught up in the shell game as they were.  It didn’t matter to you that Trump was exonerated.  In fact, you really didn’t care what was true and what was false.  You just wanted more reasons to hate him. 
It was the whole Emmanuel Goldstein thing, right out of Nineteen Eighty-Four.  If you don’t get the reference, READ THE BOOK!
So it went.  Year after year during the Trump era, you didn’t bring an ounce of reflection or judgment or self-examination (why did you hate Trump so much?) to bear on anything.  When your sources told you that Trump was alienating our foreign friends by pressuring NATO members to pay up, you bought it without applying the slightest bit of common sense to the situation.  When several of those allies did pay up, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg thanked Trump effusively for making the alliance stronger, you didn’t care. 
Or maybe you didn’t even hear. 
But you must’ve heard about the Israeli peace agreements.  You must’ve heard something.  If Obama had pulled off these deals, it would have justified his Nobel Prize. 
But even if you did hear, such accomplishments just didn’t do it for you.  What mattered in your book was that Obama was suave and Biden was, well,  grandfatherly or something, while Trump was a blustering loudmouth.  He walked in front of the queen!  He threw his weight around at the G7!  Remember him staring Angela Merkel down while crossing his arms?  How uncouth! 
You looked down on Trump voters.  “How can you be so stupid?” you actually asked us to our faces.  Because you saw Trump as stupid.  You weren’t able to explain how somebody stupid could achieve the kind of spectacular success he did in New York real estate.  You also saw him as evil—which meant we, his supporters, were evil, too.  How, you demanded, could we be so evil? 
It never occurred to you to reflect on the fact that Trump the businessman had never been accused of racism or homophobia or any of the forms of bigotry of which Trump the candidate and Trump the president was accused every day.  It never occurred to you that those of us who hadn’t taken Trump seriously when his campaign began, but who later cheered him on enthusiastically, might have been paying closer attention—or might know more, or both—than you did. 
It never occurred to you that knowing some history might count for something.  Nor did you once step back and ponder the fact that your own interest in politics, in most cases, dated not much further back than the first presidential run of the glorious Barack Obama, whom you loved not because of anything he did or said but because—well, need it be spelled out? 
Anyway, you railed against Trump.  But Biden?  You showed no interest in knowing who Biden really was.  You were so full of hatred for Trump—a hatred reinforced every day by the rote lies you heard from your sources on CNN, MSNBC, and elsewhere—that you took it for granted that Biden could only be better. 
You went by the most superficial of impressions.  He looked presentable.  He looked like a senior senator from Central Casting.  He didn’t yell onstage.  He didn’t swagger.  He spoke slowly, in a low voice.  (And eventually, he even started to whisper!)  You liked that. 
Presumably you don’t like Alpha Males.  Most likely you saw Trump as a wellspring of toxic masculinity. 
It never occurred to you, apparently, that in a complex and dangerous world, it might be a good thing for the most important and powerful country to have a strong, self-assured, can-do individual at the helm—a man who knew how to reassure allies and strike fear into enemies. 
But, no,  Trump’s enemies in the media told you that he alienated allies.  Biden would win them back.  Biden was pleasant.  Biden was liked.  And you bought it.  You seem to have viewed the world as something not unlike some old-fashioned ladies’ sewing circle, or a children’s soccer team, where the idea is to get along and work together, and where a boor or a bully can be taken aside by the others and told to be nice. 
You didn’t have a clue about how power works in the real world.  You should have.  You were a grown-up.  You had no excuse. 
Trump understood power.  He’d made his fortune in the toughest arena in American business: New York real estate.  His experience in the private sector made him a perfect choice for president: for four years, he used the talents he employed to make himself rich to make America great again. 
But you didn’t see it. 
Biden was rich, too.  Not as rich as Trump, but plenty rich.  The difference was that he’d amassed his millions not through hard work or talent but by selling his influence.  Like many another politician, he whored himself out, betraying his voters, his state, and his country. 
But what did that matter to you?  You acted as if you were voting for a morning talk-show host or veteran local news anchorman.  Or a maĆ®tre d’.  It’s as if you didn’t even have a concept of the role a president of the United States plays on the global stage.   
Well, now you know.  At least I hope you know.  If you don’t know now, you never will.  And if you’ve still managed to miss all the obloquy heaped on the man you voted for—well, congratulations.  That’s quite a coup.
Thanks to you—yes, you (look in the mirror!)—Biden, in the eyes of military experts around the world (and, for that matter, the eyes of anyone on the planet with an ounce of sense), has pulled off the most disastrous military operation in modern times.
As a result, America has reached perhaps the lowest point in its history.  Biden has betrayed every member of our own armed forces.  He’s betrayed every Westerner stationed in Afghanistan.  And he’s betrayed every last one of our allies, none of whom he even bothered to consult with before issuing his catastrophic orders.
In doing so, he’s dramatically increased the likelihood that China will invade Taiwan or that Russia will invade some place in Eastern Europe.  Commentators who a couple of weeks ago were still covering up for Biden are now admitting that he’s beyond incompetent and that this single event could spell the end of America as a superpower.
Last Saturday, in an impassioned “j’accuse” . . .
Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr asked: “Are you happy now, Biden voters?”
Carr’s assumption was that any cognizant, conscientious Biden voter must now, at long last, be feeling buyer’s remorse.  But I suspect otherwise.  Of all of you Biden voters, the one I know best has just celebrated on Facebook the fact that Rachel Maddow—the individual who has perhaps done more than anyone to demonize Trump and whitewash Biden—has signed a new contract with MSNBC.
So I guess even the catastrophe in Kabul isn’t even enough to make you rethink your vote.  Even now, you’re still not through coughing up your anti-Trump bile.
I guess that the question, then, is this: will you ever be?  In the times to come, as you witness the consequences of Biden’s incompetence, will any of it affect your opinions?  Years from now, will you be crawling around the rubble in the remains of the world whose destruction Biden has precipitated and still be howling about the evil that is Trump.

This was sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader who persists in believing Democrats are not above stealing elections etc. All you have to do is ask a democrat are they trustworthy and they will tell you C'mon Man.

So C'mon man stop with this election fraud stuff:

Maricopa County canvassing uncovers huge discrepancies
By Mike Huckabee

We interrupt this newsletter, of necessity focused recently on the international threat created by Biden’s tragically inept pull-out from Afghanistan, to bring you some long-awaited 2020 election news.

It’s been ages since we’ve heard anything about the audit that’s been taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona. That’s the Phoenix area, one of the largest counties in the United States. (Keep in mind that Biden “won” the ENTIRE STATE of Arizona with only a 10,457-vote margin.) We’re still waiting for results of the official audit –- as we’ve reported, the auditors have run into snags in getting material they say they need to complete their work –- but canvassing efforts by a separate group have apparently been completed and what they reveal is stunning.

Of course, few news outlets will report this at all; we’ve gone to Joe Hoft at THE GATEWAY PUNDIT for his story. The headline from Wednesday says ‘ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED.” Let me make it clear, that’s their headline, not ours, but we are eager to take a look at what the results of this canvass tell us, and then we can all make up our own minds.

Again, this is not the official Maricopa County audit report, which is still going on and has no hard-and-fast deadline. It’s an independent effort conducted by Liz Harris and a group of volunteers, a “separate exercise” sponsored by the Arizona State Senate Republicans. That alone will give the Democrats the excuse they desperately need to dismiss this canvassing as partisan. But the methodology is transparent; volunteers went door to door, verifying the registration and voting information of thousands of voters, who make up a large statistical sample. And Democrats who scream “Partisanship!” need to understand something: this, I’m sure, is documented right down the line and can be verified for you, every bit of it. (You, on the other hand, still work tirelessly to avoid election transparency.) So read it and weep

Liz Harris tweeted this morning, “For all of those who knew the election was stolen, those who were ridiculed or labeled conspiracy theorists, you have been vindicated.”

First, let’s look at “lost votes.” These are votes that were discarded and never counted even though people actually cast them. They were cast, primarily by mail, by American citizens living in Maricopa County, and yet there is no record of them at all. This canvass brought to light 173,104 lost votes.

Then, there are “ghost votes.” These are votes cast by someone other than the voter who was assigned that ballot. The example everyone knows is a vote cast for someone who is dead and should have been dropped off the voter rolls. Someone else had to cast that vote, but who? The number of ghost votes uncovered in this canvas was 96,389.

There were other irregularities as well, though not as many, including votes cast from addresses that turned out to be vacant lots and votes recorded from people who it turned out hadn’t actually voted. And when they went door to door to gather data on 2,897 mail-in voters, 98 of those people said they’d actually voted in person.

According to their Election Summary, “Two primary categories of ineligible ballots and election mishandling, encompassing hundreds of thousands of votes, render the 2020 General Election in Maricopa County UNCERTIFIABLE.”

The report talked as well about smaller, local elections that would have been impacted by this sort of inaccuracy. Ironically, those include the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (which oversees elections, haha), which, in District 1, was decided by a mere 403 votes. Their election for U.S. Senate was decided by 78,886 votes, still well within the margin here.

The Election Summary proposes a solution with which we wholeheartedly agree: BAN VOTE-BY-MAIL. “The U.S. Mail is not meant to be a secure transactional system,” they say. This is why we don’t send cash through the mail. How much is your vote worth to you? With that in mind, do you really want to send it through the mail, knowing all the things that can happen to it? They mention that “most first-world democracies, such as Germany, either ban Vote-by-Mail outright or place very heavy restrictions on its use.”

They also provide some historical perspective: “Until the late 1800s, all votes in all states were public information.” Our country went to secret ballot to stop a tremendous problem with voter fraud. (Before then, many people had been paid to vote a certain way, and it could be checked.) History is repeating itself now with mail-in balloting, “and again we have ridiculous and frivolous arguments being put forth against common-sense legislation to secure the rights of honest American citizens to vote and have their vote count.”

For more details on why and how this canvass was conducted, be sure and go to the link provided above and read “Canvass Overview.” All the issues they uncovered impacted an estimated 5.18 percent of mail-in votes, or about 88,215.

In a presidential election where statewide, the margin of “victory” was only a little over 10,000, it’s clear that reforms are necessary if we’re ever going to trust our system again. (In such a close race, with these discrepancies, I don’t think I need to tell you what the real outcome in Arizona likely was.) But, when Texas addresses the same issues with solid legislation, the bill is condemned by the left as racist and “anti-democracy.” It is nothing of the sort. (I would say that “anti-democracy” should apply to any policy that makes cheating easier or less detectable, because cheating causes real disenfranchisement.) Here's what is really in the new Texas law, just signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott…

This is all totally common sense, to make the voting process easier to monitor.

Of course, the new law will face legal challenges, but it should be looking pretty good when it gets to the Supreme Court. Let’s hope more states follow Texas’ lead and adopt election integrity legislation, not be bullied out of it.
Nancy has every right to hang out with whom she chooses.  At least the California Mafia dress well and are tanned.

Newsom, Pelosi , Soros , Clinton and Brown families are all related through various marriages. 

Las Vegas Casino owners  get investigated but not The California Mafia.

Maskless Nancy Pelosi Pictured Hanging Out with George Soros and Son This Past Weekend

Birds of a feather flock together.

Nancy Pelosi was hanging out with the Soros family this past weekend, George and son Alexander.

Of course, masks were optional. They did not expect any photo ops for the plebes.

Maybe they were celebrating the collapse of US superpower status following Biden’s Afghanistan debacle?

Via The Storm Has Arrived.


Will Californians wise up and hear the call or do they prefer squalor, high cost of everything and crime?

Recall the California Ideology

By Victor Davis Hanson 

A careening Golden State is heading for a colossal train wreck. Voters will have to pick between the incompetent engineer or the private passenger rushing into the cab to get the engine back on track.

California once was run by alternating conservatives and mostly centrist Democrats. 

True, paleo-liberal governors like Pat Brown greatly expanded the welfare state. But they also believed in pushing integration, building freeways, dams, aqueducts, and power plants, while preventing forest fires, directing the mentally ill into state hospitals, and ensuring the state enhanced the housing, timber, oil and gas, nuclear, and agricultural industries.  

So why and how would anyone deliberately destroy that heritage? 

Why allow California to have the highest aggregate basket of income, sales, property, and capital gains taxes in the nation, the highest gas and power prices in the continental United States, and nearly the worst schools and infrastructure, the largest populations of homeless, welfare recipients, illegal aliens, and, soon, criminals?

Remember that the left-wing of the Democratic Party became hyper-wealthy through globalization and the tech revolution. Coastal universities like Caltech, Stanford, UC Berkeley USC, and UCLA became global nexuses of millions who flocked to California to learn business, engineering, science, math, and the professions. 

University endowments were no longer measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars but in the many billions. Hollywood and professional sports now had a lucrative worldwide audience of billions. 

The market capitalization of Silicon Valley was to be measured in the trillions of dollars, as the world bought iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks to Google, tweet, and use Facebook. The result was the greatest concentration of wealth in such a small space in the history of civilization. 

Within 40 years, California had created a new plutocracy of Elois, whose wealth exempted them from all worries about the mundane problems of the distant and despised Morlock others.

The wealthier the long thin line from San Diego to Berkeley grew, the more the overseers felt they were nearing Utopia, at least in their own lives.

The new Democratic Party liked to redistribute money for the poor and so obeyed the orders from the rich. But they ignored old-fashioned infrastructure that once had allowed the middle class to drive quickly and in safety, ensured them water during droughts, curbed their forest fires, and allowed their children to leave school competitively educated. 

Instead, reaction not prevention was the new mantra. Governors Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom failed to thin out forests, build water storage, and allow affordable housing. 

When those problems exploded, they reacted by citing climate change or some right-wing bogeyman as the culprit rather than government dereliction. They preferred utopian high-speed rail solutions to pragmatic problem solving. And they ensured none of their crackpot ideas ever affected themselves.

Why worry about affordable housing and electricity for the masses when all the right people had the means to live in the right ZIP codes without much worry about turning on the air conditioning or heat since there were rarely any scorching days or frigid nights in coastal paradise? 

Why worry about open borders, when labor became even cheaper, and “they” were never seen in Malibu or Pacific Heights except as maids and gardeners?

Why worry that teacher unions, massive numbers of non-English speakers, and therapeutic education codes had sent California public schools to the near bottom of state comparative ranks—when there were more elite and prestigious prep schools than ever on the coast? 

And why worry about producing lumber for houses, irrigated crops for food, or oil for gasoline, when the right Californians would always have the money to import their hardwood floors, arugula, and fuel from grubby others far away who would make or grow in silence what was needed?  

Yet ideas eventually have consequences. Soon even the left-wing paradise on the coast was infected by the anarchy they had created for others less important elsewhere. 

The homeless did not just defecate on the streets of Fresno, but soon preferred Venice Beach and Market Street in San Francisco. 

Fires began to smoke out not just the brush of the inland foothills, but dared to near saintly Lake Tahoe, home to the right skiers and the chosen shore owners. 

Soon thieves even attacked former U.S. senators in downtown Oakland and smashed the windows of Bay Area BMWs and Volvos.

The current California recall election is a choice between Gavin Newsom who embodies the woke, old-boy privilege of the Bay Area, and an alternative direction. Newsom is the epitome of the medieval mindset of the virtue-signaling elite who patronize the poor and drive out the despised middle class.

Gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder did not give us the current California. Indeed, he spent most of his life warning us where Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, and the rarified society of the coastal corridor was taking the state. 

A careening California is heading for a colossal train wreck. Voters will have to pick between the incompetent engineer snoring at the wheel or the private passenger who rushes into the cab to get the engine back on track. 

About Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author most recently of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won and The Case for Trump.


In God We Trust. Government — Not So Much!

Ken Blackwell



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