Friday, September 17, 2021

A Biden "Weak " Willy Nilly Milley. Smart Bombs Kill Dumb Afghans. What Border? Biden Booster Shot Club. Hillary's "Coy" Lawyer And Much More.

This was not a good week for Biden and thus, not for America.  

By now most Americans are getting used to Biden's incompetence and lack of principle. Some have probably decided they made a mistake in voting for him and "laughing girl."  The die hard's continue to look past what has been happening because they remain fixated on Trump. 

When I was in the 3rd grade I had a bully who picked on me all the time.  We got into fights on the playground and I won some and he won some. It was always a matter of when the teacher showed up and separated us.  

I believe by the time I moved to the next grade some 80 years ago I forgot about "old Clarence" but I still remember his name.  I hope he got bullying out of his system  and lived a good life. I know I have.

There comes a time when you have to let go but progressives, liberal Democrats seem not to have learned that lesson. Their dislike is very deep.  Also, they are always correct because when they say something it becomes so.

So what happened while I was away?

A) General Milley has been in the news a great deal because of Bob Woodward's book.  I was urged to read the one he wrote about Trump by several of my liberal friends who were gloating but none of my liberal friends have suggested I read the more recent Woodward hit job.  

Milley is what happens when you politicize the military and allow former senior officers to violate their oath after retiring. In Milley's case he chose not to wait to bash Trump.  He got the big head, decided to drink his own bath water. Apparently  Sen. Kennedy, my most favorite edition of the  2021 equivalent of  Will Rogers, will drag the truth out of Milley at some "hearings" and I believe it will be an Oscar Award Moment.

Oh well (see attached.)

 An Open Letter To General Mark Milley

By guest author Quentin L. Smith

General Milley:

During testimony before the Congress of the United States you stated:

“I want to understand white rage, and I’m white…What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?…I want to find that out.”

Well, General, I am a 76-year-old white man, a former officer in the United States Army (1967-70), and a retired Special Agent of the FBI with nearly 29 years of service (1971-1999).  I attended Trump’s rally on January 6th and I think I may be able to help you understand the reasons for “white rage.”

You impugn the motives of hundreds of thousands of patriotic citizens: whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, male, female, young and old.  They weren’t trying to overturn the Constitution!  They wanted nothing more than to make their voices heard and, if possible, delay the certification of an election they believed, with probable cause, was stolen.  You and the media repeatedly claim Trump’s allegations of a “stolen election” are false.  Neither you, I, nor anyone else know whether this is true or not because the evidence (hundreds of witness affidavits signed under penalty of perjury, pristine mail-in ballots, xeroxed ballots, the synchronized shutdown of ballot counting in 5 swing states until observers were removed from the election headquarters, etc.) has never been tested in court or disclosed to the people.

Apparently, my presence in Washington, DC on January 6th qualifies me, in your estimation, as one of those “outraged white people” you want to understand.  Since you appear to be somewhat intellectually challenged, let me give you just 13 easy to understand reasons for my “white rage” as you like to call it.

1.  I’m outraged that a duly elected President, the most effective President in my lifetime, was harassed, falsely accused of being a Russian agent, undermined, and lied about by “Deep State” career officials like yourself and a media that has become the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party; he was impeached and acquitted, not once but twice, during his entire 4-year term of office on clearly fraudulent charges.

2.  I’m outraged that BLM, Antifa, and other Marxists rioted during the summer of 2020 in cities across the country, and “heels-up” Kamala Harris led an effort to bail those who were arrested, out of jail.  Over 500 people, arrested for trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol on January 6th, remain in jail without bail and, in some cases, are held in solitary confinement.  This is not a defense of vandalism, but, how does the damage from the riots of summer 2020 compare to that at the Capitol on January 6th?

3.  I’m outraged that a president who accomplished more for the American people in four years than his three immediate predecessors did in 24 years having restored the US economy, cut taxes and regulations, made the US energy independent, brought unemployment rates down to their lowest level ever, destroyed ISIS, brokered peace deals between Israel and other Arab nations, defended our southern border, put America first, etc., etc., was fought every step of the way by Democrats and the Deep State.

4.  I’m outraged that this same president, who received eleven million more votes than he did in 2016, was questionably defeated in an election in which election laws were unconstitutionally changed in the days, weeks, and months immediately preceding the election, supposedly because of a virus. 

5.  I’m outraged that a senile 78-year old career politician, who can’t put a coherent sentence together, who accomplished nothing during his 36 years in the US Senate and eight years as Vice President, who didn’t campaign and seldom left his basement during the campaign for President, and who could never draw a crowd of more than 200 people at one time, was declared the winner over a President who drew tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters at each of his multiple rallies, daily, during the campaign.

6.  I’m outraged that Candidate Biden bragged about having put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” (it’s on video) during an interview on October 24, 2020, with Crooked Media, a left-leaning media company founded in 2017 by former Obama staffers, and the media says that Trump lies when he claims the election was stolen!?

7.  I’m outraged that on January 28, 2018, before the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden bragged  how he once threatened to withhold $1 billion in authorized military aid to Ukraine unless the former President of Ukraine “fired” the prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt energy conglomerate, Burisma, with whom Biden’s son, Hunter, was being paid $84,000 per month to serve on the Board of Directors.  Can you say, “quid pro quo?”  But, when Trump congratulated the newly elected President of Ukraine, who campaigned on fighting corruption, and encouraged him to follow through on his campaign promise, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) blatantly lied about what Trump said and Trump got impeached!

8.  I’m outraged that the FBI was given Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer, the hard-drive of which contained emails reflecting the corrupt practices of the Biden family vis-a-vis Ukraine and China and the FBI did nothing with it since crazy ol’ Joe was running for President.  Can you say: “Hillary Clinton and unauthorized servers containing top secret documents?”  Do you see a pattern here?

9.  I’m outraged that the “New Oligarchs” of high tech are censoring virologists of their right to voice their thoughts and opinions when those opinions are in conflict with the Democrat Party or the CDC.

10.  I’m outraged that an agency for which I proudly worked for nearly 29 years was politicized and corrupted by James Comey who was accurately described as being “out of his mind” and a “crooked cop” by a former Deputy Director of the FBI.

11.  I’m outraged that thirteen U.S. Marines were recently killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban just because our senile President was too arrogant to follow the blueprint put together by President Trump and his military advisers for the “conditioned” withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan.  Perhaps, you and our incompetent Secretary of Defense objected, but were either too cowardly or too busy promoting Critical Race Theory to push back and provide needed oversight of this withdrawal.  You succumbed to “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and now, as a result, you have the blood of thirteen dead Marines on your hands.

12.  I’m outraged about how the precipitous withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Afghanistan was carried out “before” securing the removal of tens of thousands of U.S. citizens, Afghani interpreters, and others who assisted the U.S. military over the past twenty years, leaving them and Afghani Christians to be tortured and killed by the Taliban.  And you didn’t even give advance notice to our NATO allies.   

13.  I’m outraged that you and Lloyd Austin carried out the withdrawal of the U.S. military without first securing the removal of $85 billion worth of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, Humvees, and aircraft, which you left behind for the Taliban, al Qaeda, and a re-emerging ISIS to use.  I agree with a retired British Colonel who recently publicly stated that President Biden shouldn’t be impeached, but rather he should be court martialed.  You should be, as well…for dereliction of duty and cowardice.

I could go on but I believe you get “my drift” as to why I and so many others – white, black, Hispanic, Asian, male and female, rich and poor, young and old – are experiencing flashes of “rage” and “anger” against this current administration.  If you had any honor and decency, you would resign and retire.


Quentin L. Smith

B) The Pentagon had to fess up to killing the wrong Afghanistan's.  I believe there were some 7 or more children part of our mistaken slaughter but no one is being held accountable. Why should they?  After all, we have smart bombs that sometimes do dumb things. Pelosi and Biden, I am  told, are sending special ice cream to the bereaved  families.

C) We used to have a quiet border and then Uncle Joe decided he needed to embarrass Donald so he showed him how he would manage illegal immigrants.  Thousands were delighted to appear out of nowhere including  Haiti to prove they could defy the Administration's threat about being sent home.  FOX showed some pictures  of the human tragedy that Biden now owns and created.

D) Uncle Joe decided, on his own, that everyone needed to be jabbed a third time so he ordered up a lot of vaccine and made a big thing about how he was going to make everyone a member of the "Biden Booster Shot Club." Apparently he failed to tell some doctors who didn't know enough to agree with Uncle Joe so that balloon fell flat as well.

E) Before Biden took off for the weekend and more ice cream cones our cone head of a president and secretary of state ,Antony Blinken,  pissed off the French. It isn't hard to piss off the French because they have a great deal of misplaced pride because of their culinary abilities.  So how did this happen?  Joe and Antony decided to do a deal with Britain and Australia regarding some nuclear submarines and that torpedoed a deal The French were engaged in with the Aussies.

The French did something very rare among friends. They withdrew their Ambassadors from the U.S and Australia.

I don't knowhow much the Faux Pax will cost us but a lot of Francs and a few bon bon's ought to smooth things over. Stay tuned.

F) A somewhat disconnected event is that attorney Durham finally came forth, before the statute of limitations interfered, and brought lying to the FBI chares against Hillary's favorite, very "coy"  (sp?) lawyer who was allegedly involved in passing along false information on which a Judge relied and issued warrants that he now regrets. The "coy" lawyer obviously denied he lied.

G) Next week we might get a glimpse at whether Democrats can wreck the economy, the dollar and everything else ,of an economic nature, by passing legislation that will raise taxes to pay for a lot of Democrat wants. These wants will complete the wrecking/alteration of America that O'bummer began.  If that is not bad enough, rest assured the projected  $3.5 trillion will surely cost over $5 trillion so the tax increase will fall short of paying for all the threads in this 'afghan.'

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we are back to being energy dependent, inflation  is ratcheting upwards, people are still getting subsidized and can find no logical reason to work since Uncle Sam  continues his role as the national white father who replaced all those black fathers.

H) Speaking of Afghan, have we heard anything about the celebrations taking place in the homes of previous American hostages?  Normally the mass media would be seeking interviews with the Americans who have been lucky enough to be repatriated by our know nothing State Department.

Now here is a very very interesting question...???

Has anyone ever seen any of the 6,000-7,000 Americans that were rescued?   Or any of them reuniting with family or being interviewed?

 Just a short note of something rather major in the grand scheme of things…

We are told by the powers that be – that approximately 6,000 to 7,000 American citizens were rescued by daring efforts of the U.S. State Department and U.S. military in evacuations from Kabul airport.  Okay, fair enough… that’s a good outcome.  Happy to hear it; we can debate the other 116,000 at a later time.

However, it seems a little odd now that there’s no videos of the survivors of the Afghan crisis arriving at airports.   No crowds or families greeting the extracted American residents; no human interest stories and local broadcasted news coverage of relieved Americans, husbands, wives, daughters or sons arriving back in their hometown…. nothing.

Six to seven thousand Americans saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family.     ??????  Something is going on in this country and I think it is a lack of trust in all of Government & media.


A few more choice morsels:

A) Uncle Joe decided Republican Governors in certain states were getting too much drugs that were helping COVID recoveries so he decided to quit sending this medicine to them. This from the president who said he would be everyone's president.

B) The Democrats scored an amazing victory in California where they predominate in registered voters.  Governor Newsom defeated his recall. Californians apparently like street feces, high taxes, closed schools, dictatorial labor unions, early releases of dangerous criminals, high crime rates and home prices and swarms of illegal students filling their schools who have not been vaccinated.

Hypocrisy is just an every day occurrence in La La Land. This victory validates my view that America has become a permanent  bar bell nation: California on the West Coast, New York on the East Coast and most everything else is the land of deplorables and Neanderthals, soon to look more like a mixture of South America interspersed with unvetted Islamist terrorists and  Lyft Camel Drivers.

C) Finally, in a few weeks Uncle Joe is betting Americans will no longer care about the Americans that he abandoned because the plan he never had did not work but at least his intentions were "honorable."   

I suspect we will be back to pre-Trumpian times when N Korea is launching missiles, China is back to intimidating the feckless West and Christmas will be around the corner being called by another name.


Bush Completes His Scummy Betrayal

Kurt Schlichter

Mark Milley Is A Traitor

Derek Hunter


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