Thursday, July 1, 2021

Is The Golden Age Over?

It was Hillary
Jane Fonda made a mistake when she was 19 by performing a seditious act and her passport should have been taken away as well.


From a friend and fellow memo reader:

Subject: Re: teacher's unions accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing

It's outrageous but it's not surprising. Hate of Israel and hate of Jews have now become almost one and the same. Accepting this hateful dogma is also now a ticket of entry into Leftists circles. Since these self-hating Jews care more about their Leftist religion than they do about their own people, they are now faced with a choice; support the Jew-haters or be excommunicated from their chosen religion.

Throughout our history there have always been Jews for whom acceptance into the dominant culture has required them to abandon their Judaism and join ranks with the Jew haters, and in the long run this has never turned out well for them. In Hellenistic times there were Jews who identified with the dominant Greek culture adopting idol worship, defiling the Temple, and killing fellow Jews. During the Middle Ages there were Jewish converts to Catholicism, who became the executioners of the Inquisition. In the 20th century there were Jewish communists who supported Stalin until he had no more need for these " Useful Idiots".

The "woke" Leftist Jews of today are no different. Hopefully this ideology can be defeated before we all become its victims.


If the "Golden Age" of America is over then the same is true for Jews and other minorities who have flourished by being Americans and benefitting from our glorious nation's Constitution and goodness of it's citizenry:.  I fear it might be the case and that is sad for all indeed.

This is an important link!

'The golden age of American Jewry is over'

The unprecedented uptick in antisemitism in the United States is forcing even the most ardent American Jews to reconsider whether the future that awaits them is as prosperous and safe as they thought it would be.


The Press That Can't Shoot Straight and Doesn't Even Try
by Yonoson Rosenblum and Yated Neeman

The American mainstream media (MSM) continues to hurtle from one embarrassment to another (albeit while manifesting little embarrassment). Writing in the June 14 National Review ("The Fall of Saint Anthony Fauci"), Michael Brendan Dougherty notes that the story of the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the likeliest source of COVID-19 is but the most recent "'conspiracy theory' and disinformation campaign to become transformed into the accepted wisdom," in short order.
In late April, the MSM had to walk back its earlier account of how the mob that converged on the Capitol had bludgeoned officer Brian Sicknick to death with a fire extinguisher, when the District of Columbia's chief medical examiner released his findings: no external or internal evidence that Officer Sicknick had been struck with a blunt instrument.

For a year and a half, the MSM trumpeted the story of how President Trump ordered the U.S. Park Police (USPP) to clear Lafayette Park, near the White House, with teargas, to allow a presidential photo-op of him holding up a Bible in front of historic St. Johns Church. Democratic politicians from Speaker Nancy Pelosi to then senator Kamala Harris expressed their revulsion at Trump's "banana republic" tactics in gassing peaceful protestors.

In early June, the Inspector-General of the Interior Department, Mark Lee Greenblatt, an Obama appointee, issued a thorough report on the incident. The conclusion: "The evidence did not support a finding that the U.S. Park Police cleared the park on June 1 2020 so that then President Trump could enter the park. . . [T]he USPP cleared the park to allow a contractor to safely install anti-scale fencing in response to destruction of Federal property and injury to officers that occurred on May 30 and May 31. . . . USPP officials had made those decisions and had begun implementing the operational plan several hours before they knew of a potential presidential visit to the park, which occurred later that day."

Sometimes the MSM's derelictions take the form of studiously avoiding stories that reflect negatively on their political team. Hunter Biden's laptop provides a classic example. Beyond the videos of the younger Biden engaged in all sorts of illegal and depraved activities, the laptop contained a political bombshell: an email detailing Hunter's agreement with a Chinese outfit closely connected to the ruling CCP, in which 10% of the profits from contemplated deals were set aside for the "big guy." Even when Tony Bobulinski, Hunter's business partner, identified the "big guy" as presidential candidate Joe Biden, the MSM could not contain a yawn.

All these stories pale compared to the Trump-Russian collusion story that dominated news coverage for the first two years of Trump's presidency. Every night, the MSM breathlessly recounted how the "walls were closing in on Donald Trump." Then the Mueller investigation turned up not a shred of evidence of collusion, even with the most partisan prosecutorial team ever assembled and the expenditure of tens of millions of dollars.

Throughout the ballyhooed investigation Rep. Adam Schiff, who as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was privy to most of the information available to Mueller, was the MSM's go-to guy. He and the senior minority representative on the committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, filed diametrically conflicting reports. And the MSM dutifully reported how the Harvard-law trained Schiff had made a fool of the country-rube.

Until the report of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, also an Obama appointment, came out and revealed that Nunes had been right on every point of dispute and Schiff not only wrong but a "pathological liar," in the words of left-wing journalists Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone and Adam Mate of The Nation. Another left-wing journalist, Glenn Reynolds wrote that Horowitz had "unearthed a scandal of historic magnitude, not only for the FBI but also for the U.S. media."
THE STRIKING THING about the above mentioned examples is how uniform were the "mistakes" across the MSM, and how little actual journalistic work went into ascertaining the truth of the stories. The MSM easy acceptance of the Chinese narrative that the origin of COVID-19 was in the "wet markets" of Wuhan, where the carcasses of many species, including bats, are sold for human consumption was not altogether implausible. Both SARS1 and MERS, were the result of coronaviruses "jumping" to human beings via intermediate species. Such things do happen.

But to label the alternative theory that the virus might have leaked from one of the two virology labs in Wuhan "debunked" and a "conspiracy theory," as the MSM almost unanimously did, was jumping the gun just as bit. As comic Jon Stewart noted last week, the proximity of the outbreak to a virology institute in which research was being carried out on the enhancement of bat viruses to make them lethal to humans seems a rather unlikely coincidence.

Moreover, the Chinese government's extreme secretiveness about the Wuhan Instittute of Virology and the disappearance of Chinese researchers who had originally pointed to the WIV as a possible source should have raised suspicions. On the same evidence available to all, Jim Geraghty of National Review identified the WIV as the most likely point of origin more than a year ago.

Similarly, Mollie Hemingway in the Federalist managed to get the story of President Trump's alleged teargassing of demonstrators in order to create a photo-op right from the start. How? By acting like an old-fashioned reporter and actually speaking to the relevant decision-makers in the USPP – something no one in the MSM chose to do. The Washington Post's fact-checker, Phillip Bump, declared the debate closed, and mocked Hemingway's denials of Trump's guilt.

As soon as the New York Times published on January 8 the story of how officer Brian Sickwick was bludgeoned to death, the MSM conversation switched to whether President Trump might be criminally liable for the actions of the mob. But Sicknick's parents had from the first asked that the story of their son being beaten to death not be reported for a simple reason. They knew it was not true. He had called them after the January 6 riot to tell them that he was fine – which presumably was conclusive proof that he had not be bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. But the narrative of heartless, savagery of the Trump supporters was too good to let go simply because it was false.

Perhaps most implausible of all was the MSM's studied silence on Hunter's laptop on the grounds that it bore the markings of Russian disinformation. There was not a scintilla of evidence to support that claim. Not only was the chain of possession of the laptop established, but Hunter Biden never denied the laptop was his or that he had brought it to a Wilmington, Delaware repair shop for repair. Rather candidate Biden left it to the MSM, in conjunction with the major social media platforms, to suppress the story. In an election ultimately determined by 43,000 votes in three states, the selfie videos of the president's drug-addled son and, even more important, the emails suggesting that his father was a direct beneficiary of all Hunter's influence—peddling schemes might well have changed the outcome.
INTERESTINGLY THE SHARPEST CRITICISM of the MSM's abandonment of truth as a desideratum in reporting has come from a handful of left-wing journalists, most notably Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald. The crucial dividing line in journalism today is not between left and right but between honest people and fully engaged partisan warriors.

"Information that is true but doesn't cut the right way politically is now routinely either non-reported or actively misreported," writes Taibbi. He laments the loss of the liberalism of his youth that "valued the free exchange of ideas among other things because a central part of liberal's identity was skepticism and doubt." In "Congratulations, Elitists: Liberals and Conservatives Do Have Common Interests Now," Taibbi identified that common interest as the preservation of "the traditional liberal approach to the search for truth, which stresses skepticism and free-flowing debate, [and which] is giving way to a reactionary movement."

At the center of that reactionary movement stands a trinity of "the Democratic Party, its media cheerleaders, and the social media platforms who increasingly act to silence its opponents."
Glenn Greenwald resigned from The Intercept, an on-line magazine of which he was one of the founders in 2013, just before the 2020 election. The editors refused to publish his criticisms of Joe Biden for partnering in Hunter Biden's schemes in the Ukraine and China based on the information on Hunter's laptop. The editors rejected his suggestion that they publish his piece together with others critical of his positions. "Modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it," he wrote in his resignation letter.

The "pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality" manifest in that censorship, "have contaminated virtually every mainstream center-left political organization, academic institution and newsroom," according to Greenwald. His goal in founding The Intercept, he wrote, was to create a forum for independent, truth-telling journalists like himself "endeavoring to be as honest as possible about what I was seeing, and always curious about the wisdom of seeing things differently."
His hopes were dashed as The Intercept morphed into "just another media outlet with mandated ideological and partisan loyalties, a rigid and narrow range of permitted viewpoints . . . always anchored in support for the Democratic Party." The fear of "alienating the guardians of liberal orthodoxy, especially on Twitter" and "an overarching need to secure the approval and admiration of the very mainstream media outlets, we created The Intercept "to oppose, critique and subvert" now characterized the senior editors, Greenwald charged.

The crisis of The Intercept, was just one an example of MSM journalism "forced to conform to tribal, groupthink narratives that are often divorced from the truth." MSM journalists are increasingly pushed "to conform to highly restrictive, artificial cultural narratives and partisan identities." The result is "a repressive and illiberal environment in which vast swath of news and reporting either do not happen or are presented through the most skewed and reality-detached lens."

A classic example of how MSM journalists have become mobilized partisans – and one of immediate concern to the Jewish community – was an Open Letter signed by 500 journalists, including employees of the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Gloe, the New Yorker, TIME, NPR, NBC and ABC. Others signed anonymously, listing only their media affiliations, including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, and NPR."
The signatories, including NiKole Hannah-Jones, author of the 1619 Project, objected to news stories about the actions of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in firing over 4,000 rockets at Israeli civilians. The entire focus, they urged, should be on Israel's immense military superiority, employed in the service of an "apartheid state," which persecutes people in the name of "ethnic supremacy."

But Israel's military superiority is only relevant so long as Hamas makes it so by launching hundreds of rockets at Israel. If Hamas stopped firing rockets at Israel, with no political goal, other than the killing of Israelis and the creation of Palestinian victims for propaganda purposes, Israeli military superiority would be irrelevant because that military would never be employed. Hamas's rocket attacks are not in pursuit of any political goals.

When truth is no longer the goal, the Jews will always be the first victims.
She has no desire to learn because she will not accept what she does not want to believe:

Bassem Eid: It's Time Ilhan Omar and "the Squad" Learned the Truth About Israel and Hamas
by Bassem Eid

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" Tuesday, and was asked by host Jake Tapper about her long record of virulently anti-Israel comments (which included her comparison earlier this month of Israel to Hamas) and why some of her Jewish congressional colleagues had called her out for again issuing anti-Semitic tropes.

As Omar has done so many times in the past, she blamed her critics rather than take responsibility. "I've welcomed any time my colleagues asked to have a conversation to learn from them [and] for them to learn from me," said Omar, D-Minn. "I think it's really important for these members to realize that they haven't been partners in justice."

I'm a Palestinian who grew up in a UNWRA refugee camp outside of Jerusalem, and been a human rights activist all my life. Let me say this as directly as I can: Rep. Omar does not know what she is talking about. Worse, for years, Rep. Omar has been engaged in not arguing any facts, but simply throwing out dirty anti-Semitic epithets, a mirror image of the anti-Semitism by "white supremacists" she claims to decry.

Politicians like Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spend a considerable amount of time attacking Israel for the supposed harm it inflicts on Palestinians. If they truly care about the wellbeing of Palestinians, they ought to focus their attention elsewhere. These days, the vast majority of suffering Palestinians experience is the direct result of the corruption of the Palestinian Authority and the influence of the terrorist group Hamas.

Corruption affects every aspect of life for Palestinians. It cripples our economy, which in turn makes government jobs among the most highly prized. However, those jobs are awarded based on connections rather than qualifications, which perpetuates the cycle of corruption. No announcements are posted for new government jobs. This lack of transparency is pervasive throughout the West Bank and Gaza.

The vaccine distribution process is one recent example of this corruption. A number of Palestinian human rights and civil society groups recently alleged that wealthy government officials were taking vaccines intended for medical workers. The Palestinian Health Ministry eventually admitted that many of the doses it received were administered to government ministers. Until this corruption is addressed, Palestinians will continue to suffer.

Hamas has been designated a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. Hamas originated with the goal of destroying Israel and killing all the Jews. It continues on this mission today. Hamas also rules Gaza and has a tremendous following among West Bank residents, especially after instigating the recent bloody conflict with Israel and showing off its relative competence compared to the pathetically inept Palestinian Authority.

Hamas continues to recruit and use child soldiers. According to The Jerusalem Post, more than 30 Palestinian children and teens were enlisted in stabbing attacks against Israelis from 2015-2016, another 30 Palestinian children have been successfully used as suicide bombers (many more unsuccessfully attempted), and more than 17,000 Palestinian children were recruited into Hamas child militia programs in 2019. At least one of the children that authorities claimed had been killed during the recent war in Gaza was a Hamas member. The use of child soldiers is always abhorrent and unethical. Hamas will continue to make life worse for Palestinians as U.S. media and politicians continue to focus on criticizing Israel.

Calling for boycotts, sanctions, and the destruction of Israel does not create real positive change for Palestinians. There are some brave leaders, like Mansour Abbas, who are working for real positive change. Abbas is Palestinian Arab by culture and heritage and an Israeli by citizenship. He is a devout Muslim. He also recently joined the new Israeli government as a deputy minister and secured an impressive list of benefits for his constituents.

Abbas's Ra'am Party is the first exclusively Arab political party to fully join an Israeli government. He has said he will work to negotiate large increases in government spending and improve social services in Arab communities. The coalition agreement already included the allocation of over 53 billion shekels ($16 billion) to combat violent crime and improve infrastructure in Arab towns. This is how you improve the lives of the Palestinian people – not through violence, corruption, and terrorism.

In this same spirit of willingness to come together, I invite Representatives Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to meet with me, a Palestinian living in the West Bank, to discuss the problems of the Palestinians and the best solutions to address them. These congresswomen say they are willing to listen and learn, Well, if they really are, here's their chance.

Bassem Eid is a Jerusalem-based Palestinian political analyst, human rights pioneer and expert commentator on Arab and Palestinian affairs. He grew up in an UNRWA refugee camp. Follow him on Twitter @eid_bassem

Related Topics: Bassem Eid, Ilhan Omar, the Squad, anti-Semitism, Jake Tapper, Hamas, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Palestinian Authority corruption, child soldiers, Mansour Abbas, Ra'am Party

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