Friday, July 9, 2021

He Was Right In More Ways Than One. That is why They Hated Him. They Always Need A Pin Cushion. Op Eds.

I understand why a lot of people found Trump not to their taste but it becomes increasingly evident  D.C. cares about and protects its own because they do not like having their control over trillions of dollars spent in ways they cannot dictate.

The elite always need a pin cushion to take "we the people's" eye off the ball" so they can keep on doing their nefarious theft.

Politics, money and power to dispense brings out the worst  in far too many and politicians particularly.

If "we the people" cannot retrieve our government from the greedy hands of corrupt politicians who profess they care about our nation we are doomed as a nation.

Congress has allowed too much power to slip into the hands of the occupier of the  Oval Office and this president rules too much by Executive Order as did Obama.

Have you noticed that the Radical Left is now admitting President Trump was right about everything they LIED about before the Election?
Hydroxychloroquine works.
The China Virus came from a Chinese lab.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op.
The “Russian Bounties” story was fake.
We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time I might add.
Blue state lockdowns didn’t work.
Schools should be opened.
Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country.
Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful.
The media and their Democrat partners spent YEARS lying about OUR President to the American People and it turns out he was RIGHT all along.


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