Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The New San Fran Earthquake. Trump Does Neanderthals ,Deplorables And America Another Amazing Favor. Putting Toothpaste Back? Insight Into Poverty?

The new earthquake to hit San Fran comes by way of progressive ideas which have led to increased crime, theft, and  homelessness.

The new Huggies should be required head gear for all Liberal politicians governing cities in decline enjoying the benefits of Democrats defunding their police departments..

Learn more about Revenue Stripe...
As San Francisco CRUMBLES, this Poll about People Fleeing the City Says EVERYTHING

Joseph Curl from The Daily Wire reports, San Francisco residents have finally had it. Out-of-control crime and homelessness..

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Is Biden America's Chamberlain?

Iran Enriches Uranium as Biden Talks...

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For Americans who believe one of the greatest rights is that of free speech, Donald Trump is doing America another amazing favor by by bringing  his class action  law on behalf of Neanderthals and deplorables.

Liberals have to be upset because they only favor what they say and have little desire to hear what others think.

What Trump is about is protecting Free Speech which, given the opportunity, is slowly spreading and returning to it's rightful place in our society.  If we are able to restore this right to it's rightful place in society we will have proven you can put toothpaste back in the tube:


The Pro-Human Movement Grows

And Other News

Welcoming New Board of Advisors Members


This week, we welcomed our newest members to the FAIR Board of Advisors: Yiatin Chu, Alan Charles Kors, and Angel Eduardo.

An immigrant from Taiwan, Yiatin Chu has worked tirelessly to advocate for the implementation of pro-human values in education. 

Alan Charles Kors is a distinguished historian of the Enlightenment and co-founder of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) with a lengthy track record of standing up for pro-human values.

Angel Eduardo Angel is a writer, musician, and visual artist committed to fostering a productive, compassionate, pro-human approach to discourse on difficult topics. He has written for Newsweek, Areo Magazine, and the Center for Inquiry, where he contributes a monthly column called Searching for Better Angels. Read his work here.

See our full list of Board of Advisors members here.


A Pro-Human Alternative to CRT


Two weeks ago, FAIR released the first draft of our Pro-Human Learning Standards. Since then, we have received feedback from our supporters and released a new version.

The FAIR Pro-Human Learning Standards provide essential guidance for teaching and learning about the histories, experiences, and contributions of people of different cultural and ancestral backgrounds in the U.S. These standards can be used to inform and guide curricula in Ethnic or Racial Studies, History/Social Studies, and Civics. Existing standards in these subject areas provide either cynical or triumphal views; the FAIR standards avoid both mistakes. While honestly acknowledging the injustices and failures of the American past, our standards emphasize constructive principles that inspire optimism for the American future.


Read the Pro-Human Learning Standards here.


Other News


Last week, the 5th Circuit issued an important decision relating to compelled speech in public schools. In that case, Oliver v. Arnold, the teacher instructed students to transcribe the Pledge of Allegiance. A student who disagreed with the Pledge declined to complete the assignment and instead drew a squiggly line. The teacher penalized the student and she filed suit, claiming violation of her First Amendment right against compelled speech. The district court denied the teacher’s motion for summary judgment, and the teacher appealed. The 5th Circuit dismissed the appeal, holding that a school assignment can constitute unlawful compelled speech if it requires a “written oath of allegiance” from students.


Read the opinion here.



For Arc Digital, Cathy Young wrote a piece dissecting how the term “white privilege” is inherently regressive when applied in discourse, especially when issues of class are considered.

“... it’s possible to recognize that racism (the ‘old-fashioned,’ not ‘woke’ kind) exists in America and to believe that the ‘white privilege’ framework is an extremely misleading and even counterproductive way to talk about it.”


Read the full article here.



For her Substack, Katherine Brodsky wrote an insightful essay on the practice of redefining words for political purposes and its detrimental effects on discourse.

“This phenomenon occurs when groups of people pillage a particular word or term, declare their own definition of it and then insist that the rest of us accept that very definition and all the beliefs systems that follow it.”


Read the full article here.



For The New York Times, Ross Douthat wrote an op-ed on the pitfalls of teaching about “systemic racism” yet why there is a necessary discussion to be had on its implementation.

“What’s really inflaming today’s fights, though, is that the structural-racist diagnosis isn’t being offered on its own. Instead it’s yoked to two sweeping theories about how to fight the problem it describes.”


Read the full article here.



FAIR Advisors Thomas Chatterton Williams and Kmele Foster teamed up with David French and Jason Stanley to write an op-ed for The New York Times about their unified opposition against the effort to ban CRT in education, despite their opposition to neo-racist practices unfolding in K-12 schools across the country.

“Even if this censorship is legal in the narrow context of public primary and secondary education, it is antithetical to educating students in the culture of American free expression.”


Read the full article here.



In a piece for  The Atlantic, FAIR Advisor John McWhorter draws upon  his background in linguistics to criticize the policing of language from Brandeis University’s Prevention, Advocacy & Resource Center.

“In the end, working to change conditions is much more important than obsessively curating the words and expressions we use to describe them.”


Read the full article here.



For the Center for Inquiry, FAIR Advisor Angel Eduardo wrote a heartening essay on how his life story is living proof that the “American Dream” is real and something we must continue to strive for.

“Much like its founders, and much like ourselves, our country falls short in many ways. We are too often arrogant and infantile, petulant and obtuse, myopic and solipsistic. We have often failed to live up to our ideal, and we will continue to for as long as we are here. But the beauty of the American project is its capacity for self-correction.”


Read the full article here.

For her podcast Honestly, FAIR Advisor Bari Weiss sat down with Winston Marshall, a former member of the band Mumford & Sons. Marshall departed the band after facing an online mob for his endorsement of journalist Andy Ngo's book covering the inner workings of ANTIFA.

“I could remain and continue to self-censor but it will erode my sense of integrity. Gnaw my conscience. I’ve already felt that beginning.”


Listen to the podcast here.


An insight into what poverty really means:

Some Things That Most People Don't Understand About Poverty

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