If anyone is truly interested in a good read and explanation of what Israel and Israeli's are all about and from a person who is Jewish, has dual citizenship (American and Israeli) and writes in a very unbiased and straight forward manner I urge you read Israel by Noa Tishby.
A quick summation of some random, indisputable "facts:"
Land called Israel inhabited by Jews for over 3000 years
Land occupied by many empires none ever home to a Palestinian State.
Palestinian also are not biblical Philistines nor Canaanites.
Even after Romans exiled Jews from Israel, many Jews were still living there. All of this historically documented.
Zionist Movement established and encouraged Jews to go to Israel and many did and they bought land from Turks, Christians and Arabs,
UN granted Jews a state Nov. 20, 1947 and same to Palestinians who rejected the offer.
May 1948, day after Israeli Government was established, Arabs attacked and Israelis won. 700,000 plus Palestinians fled. Jews. captured more land and retained and developed because of need for expanded protective barrier. Width of Israel, at that time, was only 8 miles.
Also, during this period, over 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.
UNRWA , a U.N organization, formed to help Palestinians who fled in 1948 and now UNRWA claims there are over 5 Million under their care,
In 1967 Arabs attacked again in what was termed the 6 Day War. Israelis won again and obtained more land, ie. Golan Heights, West Bank. Today over 500,000 Jews live in The West Bank and about 3 Million Palestinians.
Israel attacked again in 1973 and almost lost the Yom Kippur surprise war,
In 1979 Israel and Egypt sign peace agreement and Israel returned Sinai Peninsula they had previously captured. Sadat assassinated.
In 1993 Oslo Peace Agreement began, Arafat refused to sign
September 2005 Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza.
January 2006, Hamas (offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood, terrorist organization and financed by Iran) won election to Palestinian Parliament and a year later took over control of Gaza by force.
1994 Israel and Jordan signed peace agreement
Hamas fires rockets into Israel. Israel defends itself.
Both Egypt and Israel co-operate in trying to prevent Hamas re-arming.
Israel continues to be seen as a pariah nation by Arabs, U.N. and many world nations.
U.N. passes disproportional number of negative resolutions exclusively against Israel and ignores such nations as N Korea, Iran, Pakistan etc.
BDS movement begins and the basis for it has nothing to do with land, peace, justice West Bank. It is predicated on a desire to eliminate Israel's existence.
Israel is a multicultural, democratic nation and all its people have same legal rights.
Anti-Zionist movement equates with anti-Semitism. You cannot attack a nation and exclude the impact on the citizens of that nation. Also, the attack applies to only one nation, Israel.
The discord in The Middle East is largely based on prejudiced religious beliefs.
Abraham Accords broke through some of the previous barriers.
Israel seeks peace, has become a powerful nation in most every aspect, is basically a positive force in the world and one of America's most dependable allies.
The Biden Administration's antipathy towards Trump and his accomplishments recently motivated the administration to suspend funding plans The Abraham Accords initiated to help further the peace effort among the signatories.
Iran calls Israel The Little Satan and America The Big Satan and is developing nuclear weapons.
America is currently governed by a former President who proved a disaster, fomented racial discord and disregarded constitutional restraints and who controls the current president through former key associates who are now in the current administration and this current president is mentally and physically deficient and his party is led by radicals who hate America.
WOE IS US. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now for some humor. No wonder we are in deep trouble:
| | | Fun Stuff
1. *AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package.Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking the intelligence.
CA spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself
inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that
the man was standing beside them in the police line, shouting, 'Please come out
and give yourself up.'
3. *WHAT WAS PLAN B? An Illinois man, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a
motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines,
wherein the kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts.
4. *THE GETAWAY! A man walked into a Topeka, Kansas Kwik Stop and asked for all
the money in the cash drawer. Apparently, the take was too small, so he tied up
the store clerk and worked the counter himself for three hours until police
showed up and grabbed him.
5. *DID I SAY THAT? Police in Los Angeles had good luck with a robbery suspect
who just couldn't control himself during a lineup. When detectives asked each
man in the lineup to repeat the words: 'Give me all your money or I'll shoot',
the man shouted, 'that's not what I said!'
6. *ARE WE COMMUNICATING? A man spoke frantically into the phone: 'My wife is
pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart'. 'Is this her first
child?' the doctor asked. 'No!' the man shouted, 'This is her husband!'
7. *NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED! In Modesto, CA, Steven Richard King was
arrested for trying to hold up a Bank of America branch without a weapon. King
used a thumb and a finger to simulate a gun. Unfortunately, he failed to keep
his hand in his pocket. (hellooooooo...!!!)
8. *THE GRAND FINALE! Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high
desert, an hour east of Bakersfield, CA, some folks, new to boating, were
having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get their brand
new 22 foot boat, going. It was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no
matter how much power they applied. After about an hour of trying to make it
go, they putted into a nearby marina, thinking someone there may be able to
tell them what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything in
perfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out-drive went up and down,
and the propeller was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys
jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water, he was
laughing so hard. Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the
*Now remember, these are all true stories and these people vote and have
children! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOOVER WEEKLYCOMMENTS (edited.) I seriously doubt the authors are correct about Taiwan being defended. In my opinion, China would be capable of taking Taiwan because of proximity to their shores and their military might and capabilities would overwhelm .western and Taiwan forces.
US Defense of Taiwan Featuring Joe Felter and Gary Roughead via Strategika no. 73In a new issue of Strategika, scholars offer strategies for defending Taiwan against a possible takeover by mainland China. In the essay “Realism and Deterrence in Cross-Strait Relations,” Joe Felter writes that Taiwan should rely on its own deterrence capabilities, as well as those of the United States and other allies, to make Beijing realize that an attempted cross-strait invasion would certainly fail and come with staggering costs. In another essay, Gary Roughead analyzes the geopolitics and the force composition of the Indo-Pacific, both of which he argues favor Beijing. He advocates that in defense of Taiwan, US-led forces must address and reshape the dynamics of power in the region. He maintains that an American strategy should feature not only military contingencies but also a plan to confront China’s current “gray zone” activity—including cyberattacks, operational pressure on Taiwan’s military, the blocking of essential imports, and other disruptive elements that have consequences on the economic and political life of the island nation. |
The Case for Unabashed Black Patriotism By Glenn Loury via Fox NewsGlenn Loury argues that despite the horror and injustice of slavery, the full incorporation of Blacks into the body politic of the United States of America is an unprecedented achievement. He writes that today, Black Americans have attained extraordinary influence in the cultural, economic, and political life of the nation and are the most powerful and prosperous people of African descent on the planet. |
Meet Joe Biden’s Entitlement State Featuring John F. Cogan via Journal Editorial ReportJohn Cogan explains that unlike other entitlement programs, which have historically been directed to the poor, such as President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society initiatives, President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan is largely targeted to the upper half of the income distribution. He argues that this plan would undermine incentives for self-sufficiency among the middle class, the economic backbone of the nation. Cogan advocates that the best way to rebuild and strengthen an economy is for government to get out of the way and let families provide for themselves. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After 18 years and two trees falling on our roof it needed replacing.. We finally gave the job to Daniel Shambayati whose father, Iraj, is the proprietor of Flying Colors who do extraordinary re-paintingf and touch up work on cars. Daniel owns Designer Roofing and Restoration. ad is resonsible and trustworthy. He has two crews and the one doing our roof were mostly Mexican. They were pleasant, professional ad worked hard and long. It is a blight on both party's that they cannot come together and pass a responsible immigration law that allows current illegals who have been here for decades to earn their way to citizenship and work permits be granted to those who legally come here seeking work.. All those here illegally and with criminal charges or who engaged in criminal activities should be jailed and/or re-delivered to their original home nation. Future legal applicants should be based on America's employment needs with emphasis and priority on trained, educated professionals. We cannot change governments in South and Latin America and we cannot keep sending ta dollars to allow corrupt politicians to enrich themselves. We already have that happening in our own country. And while we are at it we need to quitfunding the U.N. Agencies that suck up our money, go against everything we believe in and the reason the U.N was founded and tell WHO, as a starter, to kiss off along with UNWRA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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