Monday, July 19, 2021

Spock's Advice to Parents On Raising Children -Treat The Little Darlings As Grenades - Dare Not Pull The Pin. I prefer The Shock Method! SEMPER FI!

After Tybee our four grandchildren come to stay with us for a week and tennis camp at The Landings.  Lynn decided she was tired of cooking this evening so she wanted to go out to dinner. 

Our youngest grandchild, Max, is a two year old screamer.  He started screaming and I screamed back at him. 

For 8 days I observed the method of asking a 2 year old to be an adult. Logic did not seem to work.

 Wish Lynn had taken a picture.  First Max was shocked, second he quit screaming and third he looked very contrite. 

We did not hear a peep out of him for the rest of the meal and as we were ready to leave I thanked him for being quiet and I praised him.

I believe in and used the "shock method" rather than the "Spock method." Mine works better. 

Often, the fastest way to their little heads is a whack on their behinds but that is deemed cruelty.

Had we raised the last two generations my way,  America might have been a different and better place. 

Spock decided children should be raised where the parent had no authority and this  would produce more sensitive little darlings.  Call them liberals and Democrats.

Max is a delightful, happy kid who loves fire and garbage trucks and cleaning gear. He has beautiful blue eyes and a great smile and is a loving kid. I doubt he will be injured by last night.

I once wrote a pamphlet entitled: " A Conservative Capitalist Offers Eleven Lessons and a Bonus Lesson For Raising America's Youth Born and Yet To Be Born."

Long title about swift punishment.

It is still available through Amazon and I believe is preferable to Spock's nonsense which has led to entire generations being raised as if they were hand grenades  and parent's dare no pull the pin.

Biden must have been raised by Spock and that is why he is a complete idiot, a radical Democrat and has a son who is a pot head:

BREAKING NEWS: White House DEATH Claim Has Media Scrambling - They Can't Believe It!
Wow >>

White House DEATH Claim Has Media Scrambling
Read it Here >>




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