Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Concerted Views!

It is my concerted view ,what is happening to and in America is attributable to the lack of a critical and solid education. Consequently, when education is weakened all societies and nations become vulnerable and decline.  

A healthy society must rest on a solid core education system, a strong family unit and a political system citizens are eager to support. America had all three and then the rot began. It road in on the back of Civil Rights and the mistaken belief that in order to rectify the wrongs of such we must accommodate the "oppressed."  In essence we "dumbed down America" thinking this would allow the elevation of blacks through reverse discrimination, called affirmative action, when, in essence, it was not only demeaning it was also destructive.

"The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students is a 1987 book by the philosopher Allan Bloom, in which the author criticizes the "openness" of relativism, in academia and society in general, as leading paradoxically to the great "closing" ..

Once America started on the road to imposing dumbness and substituting a core curriculum with worthless nonsense, it became easier to introduce progressive legislation that led to the break up of the black family. America's welfare system made it difficult, if not impossible, for an insignificantly educated black father to compete against Uncle Sam. As the black family disintegrated it's association with the church also eroded. This warning  was presented to liberals by former Senator Moynihan but the elites not only rejected his thoroughly researched and compelling advice but, as they always do, they besmirched him personally.

Once a government program begins it becomes "Topsylike" and  sucks up money like a vacuum. This is particularly the case when the program's benefactors are more likely to become enslaved voters as blacks have proven is the case. In essence, blacks substituted oppressive slavery for another type, ie. dependency, self-degredation, reliance on their baser instincts by turning to drugs and crime all resulting in a permanent third class level of  citizenry..

Obviously, many blacks benefitted from government handouts and changed attitudes of acceptance.  particularly the political elites among their numbers but most blacks suffered and were left permanently behind as played pawns.

Eventually America's black problem festered and provided the basis for the spread of discontent which, in turn, led to attacks on most everything associated with American culture including statuary, history, even its founding documents and eventually encompassing "whitey." 

Radicals are good at embracing the required elements of effective protest. First, they create an atmosphere of intimidation and from there they can do and say just about anything they wish, even burning down entire cities and taking advantage of occasional mis-behaviour on the part of errant members of the police. That many radicals hate this nation, seek it's total demise and because of their Communist backgrounds, and the objects of their derision are weak, misguided and easily cowed and manipulated,  radicals have gained the upper hand.

Add to the above mix a mass media that has become infested with radicals of a similar philosophical and attitudinal persuasion also the radical's cause easily lends itself to the characterization of "do-goodism." What is happening is not unusual. After all, freedoms Americans enjoy are equally available and can easily become reversed weapons in the hands of those intent on evil. Furthermore, Americans have a tendency to support underdog causes because we are, by nature, a charitable people and slow to react

Perhaps the tide is beginning to turn as the rejection of CRT is starting to take hold. That said, I am equally of the concerted view America,  with all it's true racial progress,  will never be the same because  we have  weakened  beyond redemption. 

Tearing down the house to eliminate societal vermin is not the way extermination is meant to work. There is far too much good in America that provides a sound foundation upon which to build rather than tearing down in a disruptive and destructive manner. 

I submit the message of radicals is falsely premised.  America was not founded on systemic bigotry. Our founding documents were not intended to be interpreted as such.  

America was once the greatest hope for the world. I fear we are no longer good for our own selves and much of this is because the Democrat Party seeks to turn citizen against citizen and has allowed itself to be taken over by radicals who despise our nation.  

Biden's policies are the antithesis of what is good for America. His physical and mental weakness and his history of almost 50 years in government leaves little to suggest he has ever been right on major issues. He is being manipulated and thus,  America is consequently in danger.

A HAPPY 4th or whatever our pathetic president has now chosen to call it.

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