Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Better To Defeat Manchin And End The Back and Forth Nonsense . Link For Those Who Missed Monday's Zoom Video.

Has Manchin turned out to be a typical snake of a politician nd and thus stabbed  Kim Strassel  in the back?

It would make more sense to defeat Manchin and be done with the "will he or won't he" nonsense.

Joe Manchin Makes Announcement on Election Overhaul Bill

Moderate Democrat Joe Manchin has reportedly worked out a deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to gain his support for Democrat’s partisan election bill, the For The People Act. Manchin who previously said he would oppose the partisan push to federalize elections has reportedly been swayed and will now vote yes after striking a deal with the top Senate Democrat.

The Hill reports:

“We worked it out,” Schumer told reporters.

In exchange for voting “yes” on Tuesday, Schumer said if Democrats are able to advance to floor debate on the bill, something they won’t be able to do because of across-the-board Republican opposition, he will give Manchin a vote on his proposal as an amendment.

“Over the past month, I have worked to eliminate the far reaching provisions of S.1, the For the People Act – which I do not support. I’ve found common ground with my Democratic colleagues on a new version of the bill that ensures our elections are fair, accessible and secure,” Manchin said in a statement.

“Today I will vote ‘YES’ to move to debate this updated voting legislation as a substitute amendment to ensure every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot and participate in our great democracy,” he added.

Though Machin has changed his mind and plans to vote to move the bill forward it will still fall short of the required 60 votes due to opposition from all Republican senators.


Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is blasting the plan by Democrats in Congress to give over control of elections to the elites in Washington, describing it as an assault on America’s democracy.

“We all know who this bill is ‘for,’ and it certainly is not ‘the People,'” he wrote in a commentary at the American Center for Law and Justice, where he now is senior counsel for global affairs.

His comments are about H.R. 1, which the Democrats claim is their “For the People Act.”

But, Pompeo warned, it would give the power in the country to “the unelected, unaccountable federal bureaucracy at the expense of the American people.”

While Democrats have said it is one of their most important agenda points in Congress now, Pompeo revealed it actually would “strip individual states of their ability to manage their own voting laws and practices and instead give this responsibility to the federal government.”

Then it would use taxpayer dollars to finance congressional campaigns and take away from state legislatures their responsibility to determine congressional districts. It also would allow Congress, with its own ethical challenges, to write an ethics code for the Supreme Court, and would ban states from confirming that voters are, in fact, legitimate voters.

Still worse, he warned, it would abolish the “Lois Lerner Rule” enacted by the Trump administration to ensure the Internal Revenue Service could not unfairly target conservative groups.

It’s named for the now-former IRS official who, during the Obama administration, targeted conservatives to hinder or handicap their work.

While that practice was stopped back then, it would return if the Democrats get their way, he said.

“This bill is for power-hungry politicians and unelected elites in Washington. It would not expand voting rights. The only thing it would expand is the size, scope, and power of the federal government. That means more bureaucracy, more unelected officials being given control over the American people, and less power for every American voter,” he warned.

“The ultimate result of going down the path of elections minus integrity is found in places like China, Venezuela, and Russia. Every failed socialist government that has existed around the world in the past 100 years has grabbed power through delegitimizing their elections. They all disregarded their people’s rights and centralized power in the hands of the few,” he said.

Under the category of “more damage,” he said, it also would make voter fraud easier to commit and harder to prosecute.

“Mass mailing ballots without requisite voter ID encourages voter fraud. Your right to vote being dependent on your proving you are an American citizen, and are who you claim to be, is not voter suppression. The sanctity of the ballot box is the cornerstone of American democracy; one vote for one person. And it has been an essential part of secure, trustworthy elections in America for decades. H.R. 1 would do away with such wisdom, granting the federal government the power to mandate nationwide acceptance of mass mail-in voting. Such an outcome would only serve to harm the integrity of our elections and undermine our people’s faith in their outcomes,” he said.


The End Of The Islamic Republic by Abbas Milani via Project Syndicate

Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi’s victory in Iran’s presidential election places all of the country’s levers of power in the hands of regime hardliners for the first time in decades. But behind the apparent consolidation of power, domestic turmoil looms as the country's structural challenges worsen.


For those who missed the ZOOM presentation. Monday evening Me

Subject: Thank you for attending "Legends, Lessons and Legacies: The Birmingham Jewish Community's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement"

To: <berkobroker@gmail.com>

Hi Richard Berkowitz,

Thank you for attending "Legends, Lessons and Legacies: The Birmingham Jewish Community's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement". We hope you enjoyed our event.

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You can access a recording of "Legends, Lessons and Legacies: The Birmingham Jewish Community's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement" on YouTube at https://youtu.be/dV5fe-Uaax4 and Facebook at https://fb.watch/6hIzWjsTOq. Please feel free to share this link with friends and family.

This Zoom webinar features author TK Thorne and is sponsored by Southern Jewish Life/Israel InSight magazines. We hope you enjoyed our event and will read Thorne's fascinating book, "Behind the Magic Curtain: Secrets, Spies, and Unsung White Allies of Birmingham's Civil Rights Days."

We thank our co-sponsor, the Atlanta Israel Coalition. Based in Atlanta, this outstanding organization is a highly respected and effective Israel education resource regionally and nationally. Join AIC this Sunday, June 27 at 10 am EST for "The Golan Heights" Virtual Tour - Re-Discovering the Land of Israel with AIC. Register at https://bit.ly/TourIsrael-AIC. To learn more about the Atlanta Israel Coalition, please go to https://linktr.ee/AtlantaIsraelCoalition or https://www.facebook.com/AtlantaIsraelCoalition.

Southern Jewish Life (https://sjlmag.com), now in its 30th year, is an award-winning publication serving Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Northwest Florida. Israel InSight (https://israelinsightmagazine.com), a sister publication, is a new magazine/website dedicated to educating about Israel, particularly those in the Christian community.

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TK Thorne's book is available through NewSouth Books. http://www.newsouthbooks.com/bkpgs/detailtitle.php?isbn_solid=1588384403

You can obtain a signed copy through The Alabama Booksmith. https://www.alabamabooksmith.com/signed-copies/behind-magic-curtain-secrets-spies-and-unsung-white-allies-birminghams-civil-rights

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