Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Yogi May prove To Be Right - "Ain't Over Til It's Over." Wil Racial and Sexual Diversity Win Our Over Competence?


No questions please: ttps://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/11/30/fraud-rand-paul-raises-serious-questions-about-suspicious-data-dumps-in-swing-states-n1181098

And no persuasive evidence:

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% v. Trump 0.6%

Stunning testimony that the media has dutifully ignored.

by PAUL KENGOR <https://spectator.org/author/paul-kengor/>

There are landslides and then there are landslides. There are lopsided votes
and then there are lopsided votes. There are egregious examples of vote
manipulation and then there are really egregious examples of vote
manipulation. What surfaced during hearings in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on
November 25, 2020, may set the standard for electoral outrageousness. An
expert testifying to the Pennsylvania Senate flagged a batch of ballots that
recorded some 570,000 votes for Joe Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump.
Yes, you read that correctly. That would equate to Joe Biden bagging 99.4
percent of that enormous chunk of votes. That one batch alone would have
flipped the state to Biden.

This bombshell was dropped last Wednesday at the Wyndham Hotel in
Gettysburg. The November 25 hearings, which began at 12:30 p.m. and ran for
nearly four hours, were convened at the request of Sen. Doug Mastriano
(R-Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties). It was sponsored by the
Senate Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. David Argall
(R-Berks/Schuylkill). Mastriano has called what happened "unacceptable," and
has called for the resignation of Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy

This particular gem was provided by Ret. Col. Phil Waldren, a former combat
officer with a background in Army information and electronic warfare.
Waldren, who testified along with Rudy Giuliani's team, brought to the
hearing his considerable expertise in analysis of election-data fraud. After
Waldren presented his material, the chair opened the floor for questions.
Rudy Giuliani went first, asking Waldren to clarify what his analytics team
means when they talk about "spike anomalies" in voting patterns. These, as
Waldren defines them, are "events where a numerical amount of votes are
processed in a time period that is not feasible or mechanically possible
under normal circumstances." Waldren showed a chart with a shocking example
of an apparent massive dump of votes for Joe Biden. Giuliani pressed Waldren
for clarification regarding this unbelievable "Biden injection of votes."
Here's the exchange:

Waldren: At the very beginning of the chart, where there's a circle that
says "On Election Day," what that indicates is there's a spike in loaded
votes. 337,000-plus-or-minus-some votes that were added in there in one big
batch. So that was an anomaly in the reporting. Normally you would expect to
see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes, that's kind of what Greg
was talking about, the anomalies of loading and uploading those votes. So
that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting.
Giuliani: And that's [a total of] 604,000 votes in 90 minutes, is that

Waldren: Correct, this is [shows chart] 337,000 votes in that period of

Giuliani: And when you look at this entire curve, with all these spikes, can
you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for for Biden, and how much
for Trump?

Waldren: Close to 600,000. I think our figures were about
570-some-odd-thousand that all those spikes represent overtime.
Giuliani: For Biden?

Waldren: Correct.

Giuliani: And how much for Trump?

Waldren: I think it was a little over 3,200.

That's roughly 570,000 votes for Biden and 3,200 for Trump. Biden scooped up
this enormous batch by 99.4 percent. Incredible. Impossible. Scandalous.
When Waldren said this, the audience in the room gasped in shock. (To watch
the exchange, and the entire hearing, click here

<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSDZkXxFVEU> . This exchange begins at

If what Waldren alleges here is true, then this would constitute one of the
most insidious examples of documented voter fraud in the history of American
presidential politics. This one spike alone would have erased Donald Trump's
600,000-vote lead over Joe Biden late Tuesday night, November 3. Biden has
reportedly won Pennsylvania by about 70,000 votes. This one swing would have
done it. If this is true, then this episode alone might well constitute a
smoking gun affirming a fraudulent election in Pennsylvania.

And yet, this electoral bombshell has been completely ignored by the
mainstream press. The only national sources that I could find reporting it
were RealClearPolitics

> ,

> , and Greg Kelly of Newsmax
TV. The video link that I've provided is courtesy of Right Side Broadcasting
Network, a conservative source, filling a gap vacated by shameless
mainstream "news" sources, which avoided the hearing like the plague.
I ask: Is this accurate? What happened here? Who or what could have flipped
votes like this? Who was responsible? How does this occur? Is this real?
Does this not have the potential to remove Pennsylvania from Joe Biden's
column? At the least, should it make the Pennsylvania vote uncertifiable for
either Biden or Trump?

This was just one of many striking claims by Waldren and others throughout
the nearly four hours of hearings. Another stunner, according to Waldren
(see the 1:32:00 mark), is that a total of 1,823,148 mail-in ballots were
sent out by the Commonwealth, and yet 2,589,242 mail-in ballots were counted
in the final vote tally for the state. Thus, there are allegedly some
766,000 mail-in ballots unaccounted for. Rudy Giuliani observes that these
766,000 ballots "appeared from nowhere." Neither the Pennsylvania secretary
of state nor governor addressed this alleged massive discrepancy. (As I
write, the website of the Pennsylvania secretary of state's office has
information posted <https://electproject.github.io/Early-Vote-2020G/PA.html>
that disputes these numbers. Presumably, Waldren would say that this data
was changed.)

Trump's critics will want to dismiss the hearings as a partisan spectacle
hosted by Pennsylvania Republican legislators. You can't do that. A real
journalist would see enough here to at least merit making some phone calls
or sending a few emails. It's not rocket science, press boys and girls. Do
your jobs!

For the record, likewise egregious voter spikes have reportedly occurred in
Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. One analysis
<https://votepatternanalysis.substack.com/p/voting-anomalies-2020>  has
targeted these four incidents of "voter updates":

1. An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th,
2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald

2. An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42AM Central Time on November 4th,
2020, which shows 143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald

3. A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time on November 4th,
2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald

4. An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th,
2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald

Likewise, these incidents could have flipped the respective state into Joe
Biden's win column. I could go on and on. See the affidavit

/>  of Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Systems detailing the numerous
instances of "physical improbabilities" in the voting tabulations (and
election results) in Michigan. If your mind and heart is open, you can't but
be shocked by this.

But back to Pennsylvania, which is my focus here.
Could some reporter at some mainstream media outlet - one with a modicum of
journalistic integrity and decency - pause to take some time to try to
determine if these claims are accurate? Could just one "journalist" with
access to Joe Biden ask for his reaction? How long would it take for Donald
Trump to be grilled by a pack of ravenous reporters if Joe Biden had been
potentially victimized like this?

And given that the media will not give these claims a hearing, could the
U.S. Senate give them a hearing? There's enough here that demands

Whether you like Donald Trump or not, whether you voted for him or not, this
should concern every American. If this were Joe Biden being victimized, I
would likewise protest. The media sure as heck would. This is not right.


Is there a functioning legal system that works, is unbiased and acts in a timely fashion?


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Send to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader (slightly edited.)

Obviously, the ending sentences are no longer valid regarding Trump's political  status.

The  IMF is warning that “ economies” will contract by $455 billion next year due to the ongoing trade conflict between the U.S., China, the EU and to a lesser extent, Japan. 

President Trump will cost the “Global Economy” $455 billion…. because that money will be transferring back to the America First economy.  That’s what happens as MAGAnomics reverses the IMF trade (wealth distribution) model.
China and the EU have devalued their currency in an effort to block the impacts from President Trump and the ‘America First’ trade policy.   Because those currencies are pegged against the dollar, the resulting effect is a rising dollar value.  In essence, the globalist IMF is now blaming President Trump for having a strong economy that forces international competition to devalue their currency.
In the bigger picture is why President Trump is the most transformative economic President in the last 75 years.   The post-WWII Marshall Plan was set up to allow Europe and Asia to place tariffs on exported American industrial products.

Those tariffs were used by the EU and Japan to rebuild their infrastructure after a devastating war.  ..However, and here's the kicker..  There was never a built in mechanism to end the tariffs….   That is until President Trump came along and said: “it’s over”!
After about 20 years (+/-), say 1970 to be fair, the EU and Japan received enough money to rebuild.  ...But instead of ending the one-way payment system, Asia and the EU sought to keep going and build their economies larger than the U.S.  Additionally, the U.S. was carrying the cost of protecting the EU (via NATO) and Japan with our military. The EU and Japan didn’t need to spend a dime on defense because the U.S. essentially took over that role.   But that military role, just like the tariffs, never ended.  ....Again, until Trump.
The U.S. economy was the host for around 50 years of parasitic wealth exfiltration, or as most would say “distribution”.  The  term *exfiltration* better highlights that American citizens paid higher prices for stuff, and paid higher taxes within the overall economic scheme, than was needed.
President Trump is the first and only president who said: “ENOUGH...”, and prior politicians who didn’t stop the process were “stupid” etc. etc.  ...Obviously, he is 100% correct.
For the past 30 years the U.S. was a sucker to keep letting the process remain in place while we lost our manufacturing base to overseas incentives.  The investment process from Wall Street (removal of Glass-Stegal) only made the process much more severe and faster.  Wall Street was now investing in companies whose best bet (higher profit return) was to pour money overseas.  This process created the “Rust Belt”, and damn near destroyed the aggregate manufacturing industry.
Unfortunately, putting ‘America First’ is now also against the interests of the multinationals on Wall Street; so President Trump has to fight adverse economic opponents on multiple fronts….    and their purchased mercenary army we know as DC politicians.
No-one, ever, could take on all these interests.  Think about it…  The EU, Asia, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, China, Russia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Iran, U.S. Congress, Democrats, U.S. Senate, Wall Street, the Big Club, Lobbyists, Hollywood, Corporate Media (foreign and domestic), and the ankle-biters in Never Trump…. All of these financial interests are aligned against Main Street USA and against President Trump.
Name one individual who could take them on simultaneously and still be winning..  Probably the ONLY person in America. ...DONALD J. TRUMP!!!!
They say he’s one man.  They say they have him outnumbered.  Yet somehow, as unreal as it seems, he’s the ONE who appears to have THEM surrounded.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." 
~ ~Abraham Lincoln    ( the 1st, 2nd,4th & 6th  amendments are currently under assault )
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Does racial and sexual diversity instead of competence drive Biden's Cabinet decisions:

Biden's Corrupt Family Brings in a Corrupt Cabinet

Surprise! Biden's Corruption Leads to a Corrupt Cabinet

Read More Here


I believe The SCOTUS has every right to demand states unify their election laws with the dictates of the constitution when it involves a Federal election. The integrity of elections is critical and must be restored.

If the path to The Scotus is actually a reality then one must conclude Yogi Berra was right.  "Ain't over til it is over."

Georgia’s Raffensperger Suddenly Concerned About “Illegal” Out Of State Votes


Path to the Supreme Court Just Opened Wide

Off to the Supreme Court We Go

Read Here


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