++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Since none of this happened and there are not affidavits to the contrary all is well:
It's impossible to get away with rigging an election. If this election was rigged by way of rigging 3-4 key swing state cities, as Republicans claim, then this election would’ve produced a ton of data anomalies and irregularities. We would expect to see things like:
• bellwether counties would suddenly stop being bellwether counties despite decades of near 100% consistency
• the rigged cities would produce implausibly high urban turnout but demographically identical cities in neighboring battleground states would have normal urban turnout
• you would have an implausibly high number of Biden-only ballots (no down ballot selections) but the same phenomenon would not be seen with Trump ballots
• a forensic audit of the voting machines used in these rigged cities would produce unexplainably high error rates and the edit logs would be nowhere to be found. They would be wiped.
• You would expect to see weird things like Trump winning key bellwether battleground states like Ohio and Florida and win them easily but would lose just enough battleground states (where the rigged cities are located) to put him under 270
• you would expect to see suspicious activity going on in these “rigged” cities... such as; blocking poll watchers... stopping the count late on election night with Trump in the lead but then resume counting hours later with huge statistically impossible spikes for Biden
• If Trump really did win in a landslide but due to vote flipping & corrupted machines ended up losing, you would expect to see a red wave, such as Rs flipping 12 seats & winning all 27 toss ups, while Ds have a dismal election night performance despite Biden shattering records
So obviously, since none of the above was observed in this election, there is no reason to suspect fraud. No reason to suspect that Biden isn’t the legitimate winner of 80 million votes and thus the most inspiring politician of our time. A once in a century politician.
I’m just glad that I was alive to witness his greatness.
Breaking: Fox News obtains texts from Hunter Biden’s former associates asking him to bring Joe Biden into venture with Chinese company
Breaking: Fox News obtains texts from Hunter Biden’s former associates asking him to bring Joe Biden into venture with Chinese company
Meanwhile, "papa Joe" is apparently going to excuse up to $50,000 of college debt so tax payers will pay for others to go to college, a new class of stiffs will become beholden to Democrats until they have to pay for someone else and Biden should include this new category into his Cabinet to keep his diversity effort balanced.
Finally: "Papa Joe" says Republicans are using Hunter to get at him and I mistakenly thought it was the Chinese.
Bless Papa Joe's heart. He seems not to be concerned how his name is bandied about.
Did not work earlier so why now?
There’s No Reason for Biden to Reward Iran
America has become the land of the oppressed. Now the oppressed are Americans who are told they are racists by most everyone who claim to have been oppressed, and still feel that way, that Americans needs to embrace socialism, believe everything progressive scientists say is rationale and cost effective and must immediately be adopted or the world's human population and all wild life will die.
We, the oppressed, have been tagged as deplorables because we did not vote for an elite woman who has spent most of her life lying and feeling superior. We, the oppressed, are currently being intimidated by the former depressed who now feel superior because their demands are being met by those who are being intimidated by former deplorables.
These former intimidated are banding together and giving themselves group names, are rioting, making irrational demands, which will eventually boomerang and harm everyone, but reasoning and facts have been replaced by passion and bullying. These acts of insanity are proving effective because those who govern are feckless. They have been cowed into believing feeding bullies buys peace.
This current phase of tyranny will end in one of two ways. Sanity must eventually return and win or the republic will fall. If the former some positive changes will occur and Americans will be given the opportunity of renewing and strengthening what we were about to lose.
If the latter wins, we will have proven Franklin's warning was prescient and we will have earned the right to all become deplorables.
In my opinion, the 2020 election of Biden is another ominous sign and a Republican loss of the Senate would simply hasten the pace toward our Republic's demise. Not because Republicans are so virtuous but because of the need for balance.
Stay tuned as we either inch toward the precipice or retreat from the plank's end.
In a satiric piece entitled "Biden's Diary," I have given him 78 days to be president at which time Kamala will become Obama's choice for president. Obama , in cahoots with Soros and Holder, chose Kamala because he could manipulate her in order to complete his desire to transform America.
From time to time . at the end of a memo, I will post fictitious entries into Biden's theoretical Diary. The previous memo about Sowell's commentary concerning his "trickle down" theory, available free from The Hudson Institute, I posted entries through day 71.
Now we have another op ed paralleling my own theory:
On Feb 1, 2021 I will post a memo celebrating the 60th year of when I began my career as a stockbroker. I am entitling it "Street Person" and is my own, tongue in cheek, autobiography documenting my "random walk" down Wall Street but all from Peachtree Street, Atlanta Georgia where I began my career , after graduation from Miami University's Law School, with Courts and Company.
Consequently, since it will take time to retrace 88 year's of my life, with focus on 1961 forward. Therefore, publishing "daily" memos will become a sporadic endeavor. I am undertaking this project at the encouragement of my son because he believes it will be beneficial for my grand and great grandchildren who don't really know me that well since our family lives physically apart from each other. I hope reader of my memos will find it of interest as well.
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