Thursday, December 3, 2020

More Photos As Promised. Lisa's Edited Book Wins Prize. Trump and Georgia According to Thiessen My Market Thoughts and Need For Third Party.


I threatened, in a previous memo, I would be sending more pictures of our Thanksgiving in Orlando.

Lynn's birthday also falls in that week and the top four pictures are Lynn celebrating with our grand children: Stella Max, Blake and Dagny.

The next five are Thanksgiving pictures of our combined families' kids, Brian's sister, brother in law and Dad in Abby and Brian's backyard. Weather was great so we were able to eat outside.


We toured China with our grandchildren many years ago and one of our side trips was to a grade school. The kids were very disciplined, well versed in their greeting, appreciative of the various school items we brought (erasers, pencils etc.) and genuinely enthusiastic.  You also got the sense they were being programed taught.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Blue Wave turned Red signifying American's still remain centrist at state levels, willingly reject the radical Democrat Party, see through their hypocrisy and remain rational. That said, it would have been a real homerun had Trump won decisively.  

He did engage in an early warning that what has happened could and should have been avoided. Sadly, we still allow the fabric of a unified society to escape us as it continues being rendered.

Biden and his assembled team, in my opinion, are not the solution and will be unable to put together an effective administration. His prospective appointments lack the creative substance demanded and seem ill suited for the challenges we face.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My number three daughter's book she edited won an award and we are proud of her accomplishments.

Lisa is a very talented editor and has sustained herself predominantly through word of mouth

Chicago Writers Association's 2020 Book of the Year Award for traditional non-fiction: 

Author: Jacqueline Saper
Developmental Editor: Lisa Thaler

CWA 2020 Award.PNG
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thiessen has the same concerns others do:

Trump risks a GOP disaster in Georgia

By Marc A. Thiessen


President Trump says he is focusing “125 percent of my energy” on changing the results of the 2020 election. He is fixating on the wrong thing. Not only is this quixotic effort destined to fail, it could very well hand Democrats control of the Senate — and with it unchecked power to enact a socialist agenda that Trump will be hard-pressed to reverse should he win a second term in 2024.

Instead of energizing Republican voters, Trump’s focus on overturning the November election results could depress turnout and put the Georgia runoffs at risk. During a recent rally south of Atlanta, Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) was making the case why he and Sen. Kelly Loeffler were all that was standing between America and a “radical socialist agenda” when a man shouted out: “What are you doing to help Donald Trump and this fraud case?” The crowd broke into applause and cries of “Amen!” Trump is feeding this sentiment. On Sunday, he lashed out at Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, saying, “He’s done absolutely nothing. I’m ashamed that I endorsed him.” One of Trump’s election lawyers, L. Lin Wood, recently called on Georgians not to vote for Perdue and Loeffler. “I choose not to vote in another fraudulent election with rigged voting machines & fake mail ballots,” he tweeted.

This is a disaster in the making. After weeks of criticizing Georgia Republicans from the sidelines, Trump finally plans to campaign in the Peach State on Saturday. If he makes his appearance a grievance session about the last election, he will do more damage than good. His message should be about the future, warning members of his loyal base that their shared legacy is at stake. If Democrats prevail, he should explain, they will reverse all of the progress he made in the past four years, including his tax reform and his judicial appointments. They will pack the courts with activist judges and pack the Senate by granting statehood to the District of Columbia. And they will enact radical legislation on immigration, climate, energy and health care that he will struggle to reverse in four years’ time. He should tell voters: Everything we have worked for is on the line. Because it is.

The stakes in Georgia could not be higher — for the country and for Trump personally. He is the first president in 128 years who has a realistic chance of reclaiming the presidency four years after losing it. But to do that, he has to stop this insanity. It is one thing to root out voter fraud, which undoubtedly exists. It is quite another to have Rudolph W. Giuliani, hair dye dripping down both sides of his face, stand before the media with his legal team and spin conspiracy theories about a “centralized” plot to steal the election. Standing beside him, Sidney Powell — a lawyer Giuliani introduced as “representing the Trump campaign” — claimed the plot involved Cuba, Venezuela, China, the Clinton Foundation and George Soros.

Trump didn’t lose the election because of a Cuban-Venezuelan-Chinese-Clinton-Soros conspiracy. He lost because he alienated millions of voters who approved of his policies but did not vote for him because they were tired of chaos. The facts speak for themselves: In 2016, Trump won suburban voters by two percentage points; in 2020, he lost them by 10. This shift proved decisive in key swing states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. If he had performed in the suburbs this year the way he did four years ago, no amount of fraud, real or imagined, could have denied him a second term.

The president needs to understand: These voters didn’t leave him; his behavior and rhetoric drove them away. And that same behavior and rhetoric since the election have only served to validate their choice. If he wants to win back the White House in four years’ time, he needs to win them back. And that effort starts in Georgia.

If Trump flexes his political muscle and leads the GOP to victory in Georgia, it could be the first step in his political restoration. But if he lets Democrats take back the Senate because he was focused on rooting out some mythical communist conspiracy to steal the 2020 election, he will go down in ignominy — and deservedly so.




So it goes:


"The More Data Comes Out On Vote Anomalies That Clearly Are Not Legitimate The More It Looks Like 2020 May Be The Biggest Presidential Theft Since Adams And Clay Robbed Andrew Jackson In 1824." -Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich!

Here's The Bottom Line. If Senate Republicans Stand Firm, President Trump Wins. If They Don't, He Loses. It's Really That Simple.

       What you are not being told is that the 12th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and Title 3 of the U.S. Code give Congress the CLEAR AUTHORITY to get to the bottom of the allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election and determine exactly who the American people LEGALLY chose to be the next President of the United States.


I believe we need it but it will , most unlikely , never happen.

The best thing you can say for our current toxic political environment is our democracy allows for fluidity and thus, change. I believe, post Trump, the attraction of voters to either party is changing.  Trump opened up the Republican Party to broader participation from the middle and working class and , Hispanics and Blacks. Democrats seem to appeal to to suburbanites, the better educated and have deserted their previous voter blocks because of the embrace of radicalism.

Trump's win in 2016, in my opinion, was based on both a dislike of Hillary and the intuitive belief we needed to move in a different direction. Putting America First captured the mood.

Should Trump not be re-elected it will be because of his abrasive personality and unnecessary unorthodox presidential style. It will not be because of his policies. Election shenanigans may also play a part but will not be the primary reason unless his appeal gets to The SCOTUS and believable evidence of such is proven to be the case.

Post Biden I expect radicalism will fade as a vote getting strategy and seems to be one of the reasons The Blue Wave petered out before reaching shore.

As I noted in a recent memo, I fear 2020 validated a number of permanent changes in what our society will tolerate and likely be buffeted by in ensuing years.  This brings me to my third observation but unlikely to happen quickly, if at all. I believe it would be beneficial for a strong third party, comprised of centrists from both existing parties, to rise  that would provide a serious challenge to the two existing parties and which would cause them to reign in their fringe. 

Time is not on or side. The threats from adversaries mount as our ability to confront them weakens. Our republic must re-unite so as to form a cohesive response to these challenges, external as well as internal. We must stop our fiscal hemorrhaging, we must maintain the military capability of thwarting China and others who threaten not only our own safety and commerce but that of the world's. Democrat and Republican food fights serve no one's interests.

I envision a third party whose aspirations would be to rebuild patriotism, the meaning of good citizenship and whose specific goals would be:

a) True fiscal responsibility.

b) Rebuilding our internal manufacturing base as well as our nation's infrastructure.

c) A commitment to remain energy independent.

d) Making a solid educational curricula mandatory in all public schools that emphasizes America's greatness and sets forth our history honestly and realistically.

e) A justice system that is truly blind and holds all accountable.

f) An immigration policy that balances the needs of our nation while recognizing America remains a refuge for the truly oppressed.

g) Language that would lead to legislation curbing the power of technology used to abridge those God given persona rights as set for in our Bill of Rights.

h) Rejection of anything pertaining to Political Correctness.

i) Finally, a statement re-affirming our adherence to The Constitution and embracing the dictates of our Bill Of Rights.

There can always be additional stated goals but they should be limited in number and only those that attract citizens seeking unification and rejecting identity politics and other such tenants which appeal to fractioned voting blocks etc.

In essence it would be a third party seeking to create a united nation within  what has become a disunited one.


Market thoughts:

The disparity between growth and value investing recently reached an unsustainable level and is in the process of correcting . Growth has begun to recede and value has begun to climb thus, narrowing the difference. This disparity has lasted for over 5 years and there is no doubt growth is entitled to a premium but at what price?  Even Apple is over 30 times projected earnings and AAPL's growth rate has slowed simply because of size.. 

As Covid 19 vaccines begin to proliferate the world economic picture should brighten. Consequently, I suspect market interest will broaden and many undervalued stocks, that pay reliable dividends,  will begin to attract attention.

The one area which suffered disproportionately is energy and even that sector should show improvement as demand improves.  I mistakenly over invested in this sector and it has harmed performance because, not only did the companies underperform they also were forced to cut dividends. The same can be said for the raw material sector as manufacturing slowed.

Historically, lower multiple stocks that pay dividends perform slightly better than growth over a sustained period. This is a recorded fact noted  in Yale Hirsh's Almanac.

As the world economy relinks, I believe financial, health care and selected consumer and cyclical stocks should outperform their previous results of the past few years. Technology will also do well but I believe interest will shift to better valued stocks within the sector like Cisco and Intel.

There are always negatives, for instance:

Interest rates could rise but not likely in the next 6 months, inflation could rise and already has begun but government metrics are politically designed  to avoid capturing the true picture, Democrats could re-capture the Senate and Biden, therefore, could become subject to intense pressure from radicals within his party and of course, China, Russia, Iran and N Korea could become more belligerent in order to test Biden and his new team.

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