Monday, December 14, 2020

Merry Christmas- Happy New Year!!!! Twelve Hate Trump Events That Could Result In A Not Good Scenario. I Am Referring to "Hunter The Hunted."

To my wonderful Christian friends who also are loyal Memo fellows, I wish you and yours the
Merriest of Christmases, Happiest and Healthiest of New Years. Stay well, be safe. 
First, Democrats and their Media protectors could not believe or accept Trump won over their anointed.

Second, they began spying on the Trump Campaign staff and after his election they began to investigate some of his cabinet choices.

Third, Hillary arranged, through a loyal law firm, to seek a dossier connecting Trump to colluding with Russia.

Fourth, the FBI, under Comey, and some of his top officials, were in cahoots to see that Trump and his people were indicted on false charges obtained through false warrants. 

Fifth, the House investigated Trump based on spurious documents and false claims and Rep. Scheer lied to the American people.

Sixth, the House set about to impeach Trump and concurrently  Pelosi arranged for legislation to change state voting patterns using the pandemic as an excuse unsolicited ballots.

Seventh, an independent counsel was hired to investigate Trump .

Eight, the House impeached Trump and the Senate would not affirm the House's impeachment 

Ninth, the Mueller Investigation team exonerated Trump of collusion and in testimony regarding  their investigation methods it became evident Mueller, the former head of The FBI, had allowed Weissmann to basically run the Investigation.  Weissmann was a long time Senior Attorney with the DOJ, has a very sordid/checkered record having been involved in the Sen. Stevens debacle which was overturned and the Arthur Andersen/Enron Corp. Suit, most of which was overturned. It was determined, in both suits,Weissman and his team flaunted rules pertaining to evidence they were obligated to turn over to plaintiff''s attorney's.

In Sidney Powell's book, I am reading, she excoriates those from the DOJ for seeking a verdict at any cost and breaking established laws and ethics attorneys are instructed to follow according to DOJ policies. The DOJ  became one of the most corrupt agencies of our government during the Obama Administration  and also oversees the FBI which has achieved a similar reputation.

The government has unlimited resources and power and when these two agencies pursue you they have the ability to destroy you and in one of their more recent cases  they accomplished this against Gen. Flynn.  Sidney Powell successfully represented Gen. Flynn and he was recently pardoned by Trump because Judge Sullivan chose not to follow the dictates of Atty. Gen. Barr who concluded Gen. Flynn had been entrapped by The FBI etc. I recently posted the op ed piece by Kim Strassel attacking Judge Powell for his atrocious, high handed behaviour against Gen. Flynn

Tenth, in the November Elections there were concerted efforts by Pelosi and the (m)ass media to continue their desire to defeat Trump.  Pelosi sought to block legislation beneficial to the unemployed caused by the pandemic whereas, the media delayed and covered up stories unfavorable to the Biden Campaign and when they interviewed him, as he rose from his self imposed basement grave, they served him soft "matzoh" balls. The kind you hope to find in chicken soup.

But it does not stop there.  It seems Pfizer delayed announcing positive information about their COVID  vaccine  until after the election because Trump has criticized the drug industry for their pricing mechanisms. 

As for the media they ignored, as unworthy, stories about Hunter Biden's various foreign exploits to profit off the family's name. Specifically, NPR, which is significantly funded by tax payer money, and why I will never know.  NPR stated the Hunter Biden story was not newsworthy and thus, they refused to comment. This provided cover for MSNBC, The NYT's, NBC, CBS, CNN etc, to lay low in the weeds of the swamp where D.C elitists like to hang out as they plot and plan their nefarious activities against those they hate and who seek to reduce their power and influence against We The People . Namely, President Trump our former Big Game Hunter soon to be a citizen defending himself  against spurious law suits brought by his antagonist, The NY Attorney General.  This office has been in pursuit of Trump for years and somehow blindly avoid the corruption around them pertaining to politics, funding of campaigns and fraudulent voting etc. among other daily occurrences by their Governor.  

 Now we come to the election itself and the raft of mis-deeds, perhaps fraudulent practices and certain peculiar results brought about possibly by vote tabulating machines (Dominion) 
Ah, but I am not finished. There were other alleged occurrences that did not allow proper inspection of counting procedures,  suspension of vote counting while Trump was ahead only to end shortly thereafter, with the restarting of counting and Trump way behind.

Finally, we come to the end of this programmed "hate Trump" saga. Biden is soon to be declared the victor because every court in the nation, state and federal, where petitioned,  have ruled against Trump and his legal team(s)  choosing to do so for a variety of reasons.  Concurrently, we now have the beginning of an outpouring of newsworthy stories that were unworthy prior to the election. They suggest our soon to be president may be up to his arm-pits in collusion himself as the recipient of dollars his son, "Hunter the hunted," received and passed along as he arranged the Biden Family Name to be used as a key to unlock access for which he was paid munificent sums of money and may, also, have  failed to declare as income.
In essence, Hunter may be charged and possibly guilty of money laundering and tax evasion. We also have been told well over 10% of Biden voters might well have changed their vote, or not voted for Biden,  had they known about all of this alleged skullduggery.

Eleventh, what is most egregious is the fact that, soon to be elected "Big Man" has denied he even knew what his son was doing while they both were flying on a government plane to China and "papa" was VP.. We also have a public video where VP Biden brags about having a Ukraine Investigator is taken off the case where he was looking into charges against "Hunter the hunted" pertaining to his involvement in a major Ukrainian oil company on whose board he sat on though he knows nothing about oil.  Nor have I mentioned some millions slipped to "Hunter the hunted" by the wife of a Russian Mayor, allegedly a "Billion Bucks" from China for a hedge fund he is involved with and possibly other sums yet to be discovered and/or reported upon.  Finally, we have a public video of a former Naval Officer who was interviewed by FOX's Carlson who was going to be an employee of one of "Hunter the hunted's" energy companies.  The deal turned sour and this former Naval Officer was upset Biden's had used him and besmirched his name.  He was not a happy camper and he revealed information that included tapes he turned over to The FBI which claims to be investigating "Hunter the hunted" along with his Uncle, Joe's brother, Jim, who also ducks answering reporter questions. This all began when a computer "Hunter the hunted" had repaired and failed to retrieve. The repairer either turned it over to Giuliani, I believe, who gave it to The FBI. (Frankly not totally sure how it got to the FBI or how Giuliani got involved.)

So we have a potential president elect possibly having lied to We The people about his knowledge of what his son was doing, possibly being a beneficiary of laundered money coming from various sources, some of which involved transactions while he was VP and now the president elect could have a cloud hanging over his head as a result of all of these activities. The cloud I refer to is red, comes from the same nation that brought us COVID 19 and is our most serious and dangerous adversary. Second, the incoming president could be what Democrats charged Trump with, ie. possible collusion or worse, the indirect recipient of questionable money obtained when he was formerly the VP. Third, we could have an incoming president possibly subject to pressure from our most dangerous enemy.

12th, The FBI has been investigating this matter since 2018, obviously working with the DOJ which could place before a paneled  Grand Jury if there is sufficient evidence.  The problem/fear is any incoming president can fire all of the DOJ attorney's at his pleasure. If Biden chose to do so, it is highly likely the "Hunter the hunted" investigation could go the way of all flesh and WE THE PEOPLE would be left hanging. Not a good scenario.

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