Saturday, December 12, 2020

What Happened At Davos Is Very Important. The Fix Is In and The Leaks Should Soon Begin. Are Biden's Days Numbered?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My friend, Allen West, suggests states, who prefer to support the constitution, form their own union. I have great respect for Allen and am not sure SCOTUS' made the correct decision when they chose not to hear The Texas case.  That said, Allen's suggestion is not going anywhere either. 
Right or wrong, the Court spoke with unanimity and that is worth something.

In reaction to the Supreme Court dismissing a lawsuit from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to overturn presidential election results in four states, the state’s Republican Party Chairman Allen West posed, “Perhaps, law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law,” West said in a press release published Friday. “Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences.”

The SCOTUS decision “establishes a precedent that says states can violate the U.S. Constitution and not be held accountable,” the Republican said. “This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic.”

“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the Constitution,” posed West.

As reported by The Daily Wire, the unsigned order from the Supreme Court stated, “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Read the full statement from West, below:

Below is Chairman Allen West’s statement regarding the decision by the Supreme Court to dismiss Texas’ constitutionally legitimate and critical lawsuit.

“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 US congressman, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law. Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences. This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US Constitution and not be held accountable. This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

The Texas GOP will always stand for the Constitution and for the rule of law even while others don’t


Now that the (m)ass media has helped elect Biden and defeat Trump they should begin to open up in order to try and restore some semblance of their own credibility.


There’s a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden’s corruption

By Andrea Widburg

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences.  With that principle in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story that spills over onto his father.  The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest.  The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: the leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him.  Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest. 

We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.

Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking.  To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy.  They had to be stopped — and stopped they were.  Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump's press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.

News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family's corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories.  That's not an exaggeration.  It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:

 Likewise, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, who's served as a shill for every tyrannical regime on Earth, insisted that, because she is a real "journalist," it is not her job to investigate stories.  Instead, it was only her job to determine whether the results of other people's investigations met her standards.  The Hunter Biden story did not:

When President Trump tried to bring the story to Americans' attention during the first presidential debate, Biden snapped back that it was Russian disinformation, a lie that the media and tech tyrants enthusiastically disseminated:

Suddenly, though, the media are releasing information about the criminal investigations into Hunter Biden and Joe's brother, James Biden.  As the above tweet notes, these investigations have been ongoing for years.  We also know that a sizable number of voters would have passed over Biden for Trump had they known about Biden family corruption.  So what gives?  Why are Hunter and, by extension, Joe himself suddenly fair game?

It could be that bad things are about to come down from the FBI.  After all, Trump did promise that "a lot of big things" will happen soon.  The sudden flurry of reports about the Bidens could just be the Democrats' way of getting ahead of the story so that, if Hunter is shown doing the perp walk, they can say it's "old news."

However, it's equally likely that the Democrats are making plans to get Biden out of office as quickly as possible — or perhaps sideline him before he's even sworn in (assuming, of course, that Biden hangs onto that president-elect title).  As Monica Showalter pointed out on Thursday, Biden is not making leftists happy.  He's filling his possible administration with corporate insiders, he wants a former military officer to head the Defense Department, and he's continuing to show a rapid cognitive decline.  He's offering Clinton-era politics with a side of dementia, and that is not what the hard left side of the party wants.

In any event, the goal, always, was to get Kamala into the White House.  It didn't and doesn't matter that the voters don't like her — as demonstrated by the fact that even her home state of California didn't like her and her early retreat from the primaries.  What matters is that she, unlike both Hillary and Joe, is Barack Obama's true third term.

Harris is as hard left as they come and willing to do whatever it takes to maintain power.  While Joe Biden, despite his corruption and his shift to the hard left, still cherishes some residual notions about the Constitution, Kamala is not hindered by such old-fashioned ideas:

With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report continues in that vein.  The subtext is clear: leave.  Leave now.

Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House.  Now it's time for him to go.  And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure they'll pressure Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible.  It's The New York Times that gives the game away.  On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution."  The opening paragraph speaks of Biden him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.


I noted in a previous memo Trump was reluctant to go to Davos because he thought it would be a waste of time but he was persuaded to do so and we now know  he went and told Globalists what he thought of them. In essence, his speech, at Davos, was a declaration of war against those who were already plotting his presidential defeat in the upcoming 2020 election which, we also now know, was heavily funded by Soros who was in cahoots with  technology billionaires, China and The (M) ass media among others like Pelosi etc. 

This video tells the story and you can believe it or not. I do.

This from a dear friend and fellow memo reader.

Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, you should read this and try to actually dispute the good that came from it. Keep this piece in file and bring it out in a year or two and compare it with the current events then and see if you can notice any changes. No changes means Biden’s election wasn’t as damning as some say. If there are changes, it might just be a good bench mark for your judgment of his presidency….


The clown in the White House just brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.

The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.

The clown in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever

The buffoon in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

The buffoon in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.

The clown in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.

The clown in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello!

The clown in the White House has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.

This same clown in the White House lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400, and caused your stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.

The clown in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine - it will be available within weeks - we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.

The clown in the White House rebuilt our military, which the Obama administration had crippled, and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.

This clown in the White House uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing world wide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.

The clown in the White House works for free, and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving - and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened, because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected.

I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you, and ALL the American people. What are you doing, besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus?

And please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office?

I’ll take a ‘clown’ any day, versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical, corrupt liar. Please let it be known, I am not sure I would want to have a beer with him (if he drank, which he doesn't), or even be his friend. I don’t care if I even like him. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some ass when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure - I already have one. I don’t need a liar - that's what Hollywood and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.

I don’t need someone to help me, but I also don’t want an obstacle or a demented, senile washed-up Swamp Monster.

God bless Donald Trump - the most unappreciated President in history. And, in the immortal words of Yosemite Sam, "Forget Hell."


This from another good friend and fellow memo reader. It is obvious to me, Biden has always been a pawn and it is only a matter of time before there will be leaks that will destroy him so Kamala becomes president. I know this is a stretch and for the Trump Haters they will never accept this possibility.  However, a large number of Biden voters are beginning to have second thoughts and re-consideration about their votes and their numbers will grow over the ensuing weeks.

The final step in the Globalists' plan is the defeat of the two Senators in Georgia and this is why Georgia has been flooded with money, ie. to the tune of over $400 million.  Once the Globalists and radicals get control of The Senate their goal will have been accomplished.

We have begun to lose control over or own lives, we no longer control the destiny of our nation and no longer does our republic answer to we  the citizens.


My friend wrote:

"Whether any of this can be done legally, we know that the election was stolen. Not so much from DJT, but from the American people. We always believed our constitutional checks and balances would keep the power in the hands of the American people. But we have been witnessing an insurrection, a communist style take over that has perverted those checks and balances, giving us little if any recourse against it.  Not even the Supreme Court is willing to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.

The ebb and flow of American politics has always been dirty, as the power has gone back-and-forth between two political parties, whose existence is not established by the Constitution. They were satisfied in sharing the power to gain the financial advantage that was their primary motive. So in a sense, the American people have always been subordinate to those two political parties. Voting laws are created by those two political parties. The Congress is controlled by those two political parties. The rules of legislation are made up by those political parties. Far too much of what they have done has cost us American lives, treasure, and even our freedoms.

But in the back-and-forth between them, they have always stopped short of taking away all of our constitutional rights. If we are to believe what the communist Democrat Party says they intend to do, the Constitution will be shredded. Our Constitution is America’s holy book, just as the Bible is to believers.

I would hate to see bloodshed, but the thought of a communist takeover without fighting back bothers me. The thought that too few Americans would fight to defend it also bothers me.

If the Supreme Court can’t stop the communist takeover, maybe they can’t stop Donald Trump from taking the suggestions above seriously. R--"


Another nation has just announced stablishing relations with Israel:


Will Trump leave this problem to Biden?


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