Monday, October 5, 2020

Welcome To America 2020. Megyn and Bo. More From Zito. Camping Experience. Is That Too Much To Ask? My Vote!

Woman’s Life in Three Pictures:








Men’s Life in Three Pictures:






ANY QUESTIONS?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

We just returned from our camping trip.  This is Lynn's commentary:

Off we went with Abby and family to a campsite in Hollywood, FL near Daniel and was a lot of trial & error and certainly a new experience for us...we arrived at campsite and unbeknownst were not allowed in after 5:00...that did not work for our 7:00 arrival! So off to Daniel’s...luckily the camper was allowed in their gated community and there was a place to park! Succot dinner was prepared by Tammy and was terrific. However,  because of the rain, we couldn’t enjoy dinner in the Sukkah. Tammy had already offered me the guest bedroom in case the camper didn’t work so I invited Dick to join me...the kids had also planned to spend the night with now to get Abby & Brian situated ...luckily, Tammy’s brother in Law and family joined(along with Anica & David) for dinner and offered them a bed....the next morning Brian set up camp...not exactly what they expected but the day was dreary so we spent it at Daniel’s...breakfast, lunch and dinner included! Lucky us to have such great food! Then we headed to campsite.... and some pictures.

Time for bed in our “pop out” room, Blake in the couch turned into bed, 2nd pop out closet and bedroom, Dagny with Mom on the dining table turned into bed and us and the grandkids.

Fun & lots of laughs!

Next morning breakfast and walk around camp which also had slips for beautiful and ocean going large yachts...many campers looked as if set up for “the season” or permanent park living

... lots of wildlife To be seen....Brian closed it all up then off we went!

Here’s to next time after a great learning experience!💕

The next few comments were written before we left for our camping trip and then the rest of this memo's posting are items sent to me while I have been away.  I know this memo is long and I am not going to be doing much by way of writing additional memos this week because I have a ton of mail, bills and reading. UGH!


I know very little about propaganda though I have read several books on counterintelligence and did attend a class on same by one of Israel's top Professors in that field.

I do know, when I entered the service, a Captain gave a lecture and as I listened I knew it was all BS but, being an officer, the entire audience felt intimated sat and sucked it up.  At the end he revealed who he was and what he was doing. I assume the key to propaganda is reverse the truth or what is an established fact then repeat the hell out of it. If you can do so in a menacing environment or method all the better.

This is why I found a recent article interesting. It told about Seattle teachers telling students to call rioters "freedom fighters."  

America's soft-underbelly has always been education.  Minds are there to be molded and influenced. Feed them a mush curriculum and you get mushy thinking and that phenomena has extended from grade school all the way up the ladder through college and graduate studies.

What is a better intimidating environment than the class room full of  students paying enormous sums to make good grades so they can get even better jobs. They are given those grades by professors who are more interested in getting them to regurgitate than reason.  The liberal arts are more conducive than say engineering because, structurally speaking, propaganda will not provide the  basis for sustaining a foundation. 

Once you have a nation that has supped generously on propaganda, and  for an extended period, you basically have that society by the scrotum and it becomes increasingly pliable. Add intimidation and/or physical threat and you still voices even further.

Another key/useful ingredient is students who tend to be guilt feeling tender hearts (liberally inclined, progressive in posture) and the wealthier the better because they have something to give and still have a pile left over.

In America, a superb  combustible is our economic success interspersed with a history of racial abuse which Marxists, like BLM, can manipulate.  

Second, America's societal freedom allows those of wealth to finance their evil intent using the very laws they wish to destroy as fuel. Use free speech to destroy free speech.  Use the right to freely  protest to spread chaos.  Take an incidence, portrayed by the mass media, of a questionable police occurrence, before  facts are revealed, and you can defy law and order and eventually seek the  defunding  of those who serve and  protect. 

Finally, the more gullible, insecure and unknowing the society the more intimidation works. This is why the destruction of one's history, the counter culture crap, is so relevant and fits hand in glove with the goals of the anarchists.

Welcome to America - 2020. Welcome to Biden's world. Welcome to the Democrat Party.


Here are  other observations for their prurient interest.

I used to think Megyn Kelly was drop dead gorgeous. Then I witnessed another side of her when she was a debate monitor.  My entire view of her physical beauty changed and yet, I know, she is still beautiful. Is that another version of the influence of propaganda or does it have anything to do with the word?

When she did something I deemed unfair, I concluded her motive was purposeful so,  I replaced her physical beauty with something of verbal substance. 

Conversely, when I see someone less endowed with beauty say something beautiful that person becomes enhanced in my eyes.

I guess imagery relates to the whole package.

Finally: I once had the opportunity to go to the San Diego Republican convention and sit in a private box of the friend who helped arrange/plan it all. At the time, I was smitten with Bo Dereck.  Lynn wanted to go but I felt it would be inappropriate because we were not big deals and it would be a lot of free loading among people I don't necessarily relate to so we stayed home and watched.

Lo and behold, we would have been sitting , the entire time, with Bo and when I found out she was conservative I moved her to an11.

She also is tiny, 5 feet and now in her 70"s I believe.  Still lives on Dereck's ranch, loves horses etc.


More from Zito:

Top Republican in Pennsylvania Senate shoots down 'false' theory that legislature would rig Electoral College for Trump 

By Salena Zito

Top Republican in Pennsylvania Senate shoots down 'false' theory that legislature would rig Electoral College for Trump

Click here for the full story.


Not all suburbs are created equal

By Salena Zito

“Often these voters are diluted in national polling data because of the different kinds of suburbs in this country; reporting a single number of the suburbs nationally masks a lot of variations across the suburbs.”

 Click here for the full story.


Pennsylvania Manufacturer Thrives

By Salena Zito

FAIRVIEW, Pennsylvania — The instant you walk into the massive, 750,000-square-foot PHB Industries tool and die plant, the smells and sounds of the buzz and hum of machines and people making things engulfs your senses; instantly, you are aware you are in a place where man, woman, technology, natural resources, and robotics all collaborate for a multitude of product creation and assembly.
If you are looking for a place that makes things; that allows you to buy American in a place that is hiring Americans, 

You need to look no further than here.

Click here for the full story.


My interview with Scalia 

By Salena Zito

Click here for the full story.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From this point forward are  e mails received while I was away and I have chosen what I deem the best of the lot.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nice to know there are a few coaches out there who get it:


When The New York Times comes out with a "gotcha" story and then stops dead in their tracks with no attempt to explain you know there is something fishy.  They do not know how to spell "retraction."


It just keeps getting better and better:


More movement:


Biden is a sleaze who accuses others of doing what he does. He is a typical establishment swamp rat and will stop at nothing. He belongs in the Democrat Party and should feel very much at home there and recently admitted he is the party:

Biden Emerges as a Country-Club Snob, Hypocrite


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