Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Do American Citizens Have The Right Know The Truth?


Elites who control America's technology also want the right to control  free expression.  Potomac swamp creatures also want to retain the reigns of government,  through dark money, and they feel visibly threatened and are serious about protecting themselves.

This is why the power of Twitter and Face Book must be curtailed and certain protective legislation must be re-examined and why "Papa's" election must be rejected,.  

Were "Biden" elected all pursuit of corruption by Durham and the current investigation of "Papa" would cease and the mass media would be in the continued position of serving as shills for those who have engaged in un-American, self-dealing activity. It is as if Biden voters were casting for the RCC and Putin.

 Do American citizens have a right to know the truth regarding Biden's connections and if "Papa" is not what he claims, ie. innocent of any enrichment from foreign nations that happen to be our most determined enemies then, that should be known.







Somewhat parrots my thoughts (previously posted.)

This video is powerful!  Watch and pass it on.


Trump 2020 A Man vs. A Movement


Several years ago Kim Strassel spoke  at our home to well over 70 invited guests  about her book on "Intimidation." Since that time, everything Kim warned us about has come to pass. the mass media has become more biased, technology has been used to cut off expression, radicals have taken over the Democrat party and Congress has reached beyond the law to impeach a president based on illegal documents. Campus free speech has been blocked as conservative guests are constantly harassed if not bodily threatened.  Riots and attacks on police have resulted in destroyed and burned out commercial districts in American cities. Shoppers and customers have been abused.  Those who hold views favoring Trump have been silenced and, if they place bumper stickers on their cars, they know they could be damaged.

This is taking place in the  land of the free and home of the brave. The radicals are winning and their weapon is intimidation, rocks, lead pipes, and filled water bottled all meant to silence and/or maim. 

The Trump haters are complicit by their own silence but what they do not recognize is they are next  because anarchists are not after Trump they are after our republic.  Trump, public statures, classrooms are simply symbols by which the thugs send their message - mess with us and you will become our victims.

They are aided by cowering city hall politicians who cut police funding, district attorneys who interpret laws in ways that intimidate home owners protecting their property and so it goes .

Our republic is sinking and our current president is out busting himself seeking votes while his opponent is hiding in his basement and refusing to answer questions.   That alone ought to cause one pause.

Can it ever be too late to save our republic?
More Hunter Biden Laptops Are Surfacing...and it Doesn't Look Good for Biden
This information is coming out just weeks before the November Presidential election, but will it be too late?
See It Here

Not looking good for Erekat:

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