Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Judicial Watch Is A Solid Replacement For The Role Of What The Mass Media Once Did. 11 Imperatives From My Perspective.


Written and posted before the election.


I once was a big TV listener and always caught the evening news when MacNeil-Lehrer and Huntley Brinkley were the rage.  It was my view, you could trust them to report the news.  Over the years I became more and more distrustful as one evening news anchor after the other was found unworthy/unreliable. It began with Walter Cronkite, the nation's most trusted reporter, after he helped lose the Viet Nam War by his doleful . incorrect and biased reporting.

Today, I find Brett Beir's 6PM report more or less as advertised - fair and balanced and Brit Hume, not only insightful and temperate but also a snappy dresser.

Tuesday, in  response to a WSJ op ed I posted October 27, about how the mass media were shills for Democrats and totally unresponsive to the Biden story, Hume, in response to a question about the op ed,  replied  'when Trump was elected the mass media concluded it was their patriotic duty to rid the nation of this president and they  have been relentless in doing so from the time he announced up until today.'

Historically, it has been the mass media's responsibility to act as America's ombudsmen, hold politicians and public officials to their word, investigate corruption and report faithfully.  This no longer seems  their mission.  Apparently, now they believe they have a right to be the nation's conscience and can choose politically who and what we like and trust and who/what not. They have gone too far and no longer are trusted and this is reflected in their 17% or so trustworthy rating. 

This is unhealthy because trust is predicated on truthful un-biased reporting and penetrative investigation and uncovering of facts.  Furthermore, most citizens still receive ad are influenced by news and have their opinions shaped by what they hear and are told. 

The mass media may attribute the nation's divisiveness to Trump and ignore what they have said and done to him and his family but they are due their share of blame because of their unmitigated biased reporting and obvious contempt for the president.

Should Biden win, I have no doubt the mass media's biased performance will only worsen and that will not serve the nation's interests. I now believe Judicial Watch, which I support in a small way, is an organization  I trust and does serve the nation's interests far better than the mass media. Tom Fitton's is a tireless bull dog, as is his staff and are worth supporting.

JUDICIAL WATCH: New Strzok-Page Emails Show ‘Missing’ Meeting Entries During Mueller Investigation

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++During Halloween I saw a mask of Biden and when you pulled it off it was Kamala. Both scary/frightening thoughts but then, Hillary as a SCOTUS Justice incomprehensible.


I believe America faces a whole host of possibly unsolvable problems.  In no particular order, I am listing ten, and a bonus, from my perspective.   If you agree, do you have solutions?

1) Emphasis on a more rigorous curriculum for education and one that rebuilds the concept of love of country, patriotism, discipline, ability to compete, school choice and more charter schools.

2) China's desire to rule the world by controlling trade, the trade lanes, military coercion and theft of intellectual property and cyber warfare.

3) Elimination of radicals controlling our nation's commerce, defiance against law and order and corruption of our way of life. Also, restoration of the family unit and a return to embracing the concept of a higher being.

4) Total disregard of race and color as an element of preference. The only way we achieve the unified society our founders envisioned is through blindness, elimination of destructive profiling and identity politics. King was right when he emphasized the content of character.

5) Narrowing the gap between incomes of management and labor and restoration of America's domestic manufacturing capabilities and the security and growth of the middle class.  Included in this is the emphasis on worker productivity through training.

6) Elimination of the concept of pc'ism and most progressive ideas that have proven to be both failures and dangerous because they create discord rather than unity.

7) The mass media must return to reporting news truthfully and re-embrace its critical role of serving society as ombudsman, including the legitimate investigation of corruption at all levels.

8) Perhaps passing a constitutional amendment limiting congressional service in the hope it will return politician's focus on the nation's needs as opposed to their re-election.  Included in this would be restrictions on money in politics in the hope of making the playing field more even.

9) Re-blinding justice and eliminating the current standard of double justice for elites and powerful.

10) Emphasizing the benefits of capitalism and addressing the excesses it produces so as to strengthen belief in the best economic system man has yet to create and this includes recognizing the abject  failure of socialism and communism.

BONUS and perhaps most important of all

11) Discerning between entitlement and desire and applying economics as to whether affordable and addressing the deficit before it overwhelms our nation and destroys our currency.

What do you think?


Can you imagine this prediction which is both possible and meant to scare the "bejesus out of you:"

Worst Nightmare: Hillary Clinton on Supreme Court if Biden Wins?
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough suggests that, if Biden wins on November 3, Hillary Clinton will become a Supreme Court Justice.
See It Here

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