Sunday, October 25, 2020

Biden Rests. Free Parrot Mass Media Fails To Investigate What They Do Not Like. Tough Judges. Zito. Pragmatic Commentary. Warning To China. Rinos/Must Win Senate.

Biden resting up after exhausting debate and Monday the nation  will
sink because a brilliant woman will become a jurist that liberals hate
because they no longer dominate SCOTUS

Morning Briefing:Drooling Biden Resting

Joe Biden Sent Back to Basement Just 9 Days Before Election

Biden's Back In His Happy Place

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Welcome to the week before the storm.

It's difficult to believe that this presidential campaign, which seems as if it's been going on since disco was big, is about to be somewhat over. For those of us who vote legally, that is. Dead Democrats and phantom mail-in ballots will no doubt be voting for a while.

In campaigns past, we've become used to the candidates furiously campaigning down the final stretch, getting very little sleep, and traversing the country to make their final pitches. It's a mad dash for the finish line that usually doesn't end until the wee hours of Election Day.

Well, Joe Biden is having none of that. He's ducking out for more basement time.

Beth Baumann writes at Townhall that Mr. Harris-Biden once again cleared his schedule for whatever the heck it is he does when he calls ...

    Continue reading...    
Since I will be gone a full week and not composing or posting memos for some time after returning I am making this a long one full of varied topics etc.

Today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is about to change.

No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends.

I look at people I have known all my life--so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.

You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!

If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.

It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquiries about it.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.

$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.

And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists”?!

Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility. People are dying of a Wuhan virus, but it is racist to refer to it as Wuhan virus, even though it began in Wuhan, China. We are clearly living in an upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.

Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water, and is sinking fast. The choice is yours to make. What will it be? Time is short, make your choice wisely!


Meanwhile,  we have a free mass media but they do not act free because they do not report what they do not want revealed. I would say they have become  a sick parrot mass media.


How Free Speech Dies

Hyper-intolerance is a familiar path to tyranny throughout Latin America 


Facebook, Twitter and Google chief executives go before a Senate committee this week to face questions about alleged censorship. The tech titans are in hot water with conservatives due to increasing evidence that screeners, assigned to block offensive content, use their power to advance a political agenda.

The hearings may heighten the public’s awareness of the issue. But a cultural sore is festering in America and it cannot be healed with regulation from Washington.

The problem, which is familiar in Latin America and now seems to be coming to a theater near you, is a new “hyper-intolerance” on the part of the upper classes, academics and the media. This is scary because where efforts by elites to silence dissent have succeeded, things haven’t ended well, even for those who instigate them. What starts with canceling an opponent for some heresy almost inevitably leads to gagging civil society.

Full-blown censorship is associated with totalitarian regimes using military enforcement. But dive into the tragedy of tyranny in the Americas and you often find, long before the consolidation of power, insidious support from public intellectuals for controlling thought and speech. Over and over again their role in the “revolution” has been to define virtue and justice, and unleash the mob to denounce and condemn the unrepentant.Fidel Castro didn’t become dictator for life in Cuba without help from island artists, writers and reporters, many of whom were later jailed or exiled. The cautionary tale of the “postscripts” forcibly inserted into Cuban opinion writing and news in the earliest days of the Cuban revolution, with support from journalists, is worth revisiting.

Like America today, Cuba in 1959 had no shortage of intellectuals whose absolutist passions were rivaled only by their self-righteousness. Dictator Fulgencio Batista had been corrupt and authoritarian. But the once-vibrant Cuban press avoided complete annihilation during his seven-year rule. When he was gone, newspapers expected that government censorship would end.

Castro understood that free speech wouldn’t fly in the police state he envisioned, but in his first months in power he continued to pay lip service to democracy and knew better than to march into newsrooms with bayonets and jackboots. He didn’t need to. At his disposal were useful journalists ready to do his dirty work by attacking their own colleagues.

Carlos Ripoll’s 1985 book “Harnessing the Intellectuals” documents the story: On Dec. 26, 1959, the Provincial Association of Journalists of Havana “agreed to impose on all periodicals the obligation to include, in the form of clarifications or footnotes, criticisms of editorials or news items that were not in accord with the official government line.”

Replace “government” in that diktat with the word “party” and you have what looks eerily similar to demands by some American journalists to silence colleagues with whom they don’t agree.

According to Mr. Ripoll, when the Cuban newspaper Avance declined to print one of these so-called clarifications on press-freedom grounds, “it was taken over violently by a group of employees who were sympathizers of the regime.” Two of the paper’s editors fled the country.

In 1974, during Peru’s military dictatorship, something similar happened when leftist journalists helped take over the newspaper La Prensa.

Decades later Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez also strangled free speech with help from public intellectuals. He controlled state television on Day One of his presidency. But the independent media presented a challenge. Here he was blessed by a pro-Cuba intelligentsia convinced of his messianic mission. It wrote in newspapers and appeared on television, applauding his rewrite of the constitution and his sweeping power grab. Its support for Chávez—even while he verbally abused and intimidated dissident voices in his regular, all-channels television appearances—made it complicit in the regime’s assassination of freedom of conscience.

A combination of broad and arbitrary economic and regulatory powers beyond the scope of government in a true democracy were used to force compliance with the regime’s agenda. Those who did not get in line were ruined through the cancellation of broadcast licenses, the denial of newsprint, the collapse of private-economy advertising and the blocking of access to government press briefings.

The last refuge for free thinkers is electronic and social media. In Cuba and Venezuela it is also censored. In dictator Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua, where the media is now mostly controlled by the state or the businesses of the Ortega family and friends, the regime is set to approve new cyber legislation that will criminalize whatever the state decides is fake news on the internet. Journalists working for the regime are defending the gag law.

One is left to contemplate what might have been in any of these countries had open minds been ready to defend open society. And to further contemplate what is to become of open societies where minds close.



Thank God we still have judges who are tough and possess integrity:

Let’s file this under one of the millions of stories the mainstream media is hiding from the American people by not reporting on it. The media has buried this story and gas lighted anyone who has dared to bring it up for months.

A judge has ruled that a case against Bill and Hillary Clinton for tax evasion involving their dubious Clinton Foundation can continue. Bill and Hillary’s friends in the IRS had tried to get the case thrown out, but a federal judge put his foot on the neck of the Deep State’s efforts to help their friends out.

Get all the details on what investigators allege Bill and Hillary did in regards to their family foundation. Finally someone is holding these two criminals accountable!

~ American Liberty Report


Where Trump's 2020 coalition must come from in Pennsylvania

By Salena Zito

Click here for the full story.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More Hunter related material:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A Passionate, Pragmatic Commentary From A Trump Voter To The Progressive Left.

This was posted on the local Nextdoor site. A post was made joking that in the original poster's neighborhood, according to a yard sign count,  Biden was in third place behind Trump and Garage Sales. Well, this elected a barrage of vitriol from a number of trolls.  Some of it going beyond the pale. This person posted this in response to that hatred from the left. 

If you can’t stand Donald Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why anyone would ever vote for him, let me fill you in. It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much. It’s that we can’t stand YOU.

And we will do whatever it takes — even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable narcissist to the office of the Presidency — because the one thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is... YOU.

How is that possible you might ask?

 Well, YOU, knowingly or unknowingly have done everything in your power to destroy this country. From tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders.

From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids, to promoting and glorifying abortion, thug culture, socialism and violence... While demonizing faith, family, decency and normalcy.

From calling everyone racist 24/7 to gaslighting us about 52 genders, grown men sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalizing the sexualization of young children. you simultaneously ridicule anyone for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, or stand for the national anthem.

YOU want to take away the 250-year-old right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government because YOU  can’t get the violence in the cities that YOU manage under control. Or worse, YOU are instigating that violence. YOU want free-speech tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with YOUR opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing. That spoiled children with nose-rings, tats and man-buns who still live in parent’s basement should be allowed to destroy cities and people's livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm.

This is YOUR agenda. And YOU wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump?

 YOUR narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as YOU possibly can. YOU sell “victim-hood” every chance YOU get because it’s such an easy sell, compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures. But YOU won’t do that, because YOU know YOU will lose control over a free and independent people who actually think for themselves.

 This is why we vote for Donald Trump.

 Not because he is the most charming character on the block.

Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office.

Not because he is the most palatable choice, or because we love his moral character, but because we are sick to death of YOU and all of the destructive crap YOU are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.

 YOUR ineffective and completely dysfunctional “leadership” has destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done it’s damndest to rip faith out of people’s lives

 However bad Donald Trump may be, and he is far from perfect, every day we look at YOU and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than YOU.

 We are sick to death of YOUR destructive, ignorant, intolerant behavior and beliefs — posing as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of YOUR hypocrisy.

We are fed up with YOUR unrelenting harping, whining and complaining while living in the most privileged nation on Earth. Making literally zero contributions while focusing on ripping everything down, never building anything up. There is something fundamentally wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi.

IF Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame YOURSELF.

Because YOU are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. YOU are the ones who have created this "monster" that YOU so despise, by YOUR very actions. By YOUR refusal to respect fellow Americans, and the things that are important to them.

 YOU make fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle-class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that YOU dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” YOU have mocked their faith. YOU have mocked their patriotism. YOU have trampled the flag, insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt, hatred and defunding.

YOU have made environmentalism YOUR religion, while trashing every city YOU have taken responsibility for. YOU  scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover YOUR streets in literal shit and garbage, needles and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis YOUR failed social policies have created. YOU leave a trail of depravity and trash wherever you go.

But we’re supposed to

put YOU in charge of 

the environment while


gutting our entire


economy when YOU


can't even clean up a


single city?

We, the quiet citizens see all of this, and we will do our rioting in the voting booth. When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because YOU and YOUR “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for, which YOU have zero respect for.

 How does it feel to know that half of this country finds YOU FAR more despicable than the Donald Trump YOU are endlessly describing as the devil incarnate?

 Let that sink in. YOU are more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump. Maybe allow YOURSELF a few seconds of self-reflection. This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. This election is about Donald Trump vs YOU.

 So, if on the morning of November 4, or more likely January 19, by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on YOUR stupid mail-in ballot fiasco that we are headed towards, and Donald J. Trump is reelected...

 The only people YOU will have to blame is YOU and YOUR media drones .

 Hopefully, when that day comes, Donald Trump will then act decisively and unhindered by the need for re-election, to dismantle all of YOUR institutions of depravity that YOU have been trying to impose on the rest of us.


Trump sends message to China regarding Taiwan deal.

Can a compromised Biden do the same?

Trump Sends Warning to China in Deal With Taiwan
Power move!
Keep Reading →


Had any of Trump's children done what Hunter allegedly has done, do you believe The NYT's and/or WAPO and the various TV Corporations would have remained silent?  If you do then look in the mirror because your nose is growing.


If Republicans do not retain The Senate and should Trump be re-elected it will be for naught.  Without the Senate, Trump will be castrated. This should be on the mind of every voter who casts for Trump.

What I find ironic is Trump is the first truly conservative President since Reagan and  who probably has proven more conservative than even Reagan. Yet, the Rino's like Will, Kondracke, Romney, Murkowski, Collins and their ilk, professed they were conservatives but never accomplished much, because they would not fight, and now don't support Trump.

Trump  has even gotten a black rapper to understand/see the hypocrisy of progressive Democrats who basically have blown smoke in the face of blacks for decades.  As Trump said: "What have you got to lose" and just as the racial vote is reportedly coming his way the Rinos are pulling away because of his unorthodox manners and style. Ice Cube Is Seeing the Light of Liberal Failures.


Rotten Apple? 

Richard Bernstein, RealClearInvestigations
Media Firemen Scramble to Save Biden Candidacy By Jack Cashill
During the Biden stretch run, the firemen on the left have shredded what is left of their reputations as journalists to destroy information the Deep State does not want their audiences to have. More+++
Donald Trump is Poised to Become Among the Most Transformative Presidents in American History By Steve McCann
The nation stands on the cusp of the third and perhaps most notable political realignment in the past 160 years, as those on both sides of the political spectrum recognize that the 2020 election has evolved into a watershed moment in American history.  More+++ By 

Blacks Give Trump 46% Approval Rating in New Poll
The Democrat's stranglehold on the black community may be coming to an end according to a new Rasmussen poll.
See It Here


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