Friday, October 16, 2020

Ferocious "Monkey." Twitter and Facebook To The Rescue of Hunter Biden? Last Night's Town Hall Confrontations. Bari Weiss Link. The Virus Sleeping Among The Thorns.

My number two daughter's ferocious dog named " Monkey."



Emails: Hunter Biden Strives for ‘Lasting and Lucrative Arrangement’ with Chinese Nationals


Trump: Biden’s Family Got Rich While Americans Get Robbed

Meanwhile Twitter and Facebook have become America's new gold standard arbiter of what is truth.  I also watched both Biden and Trump's performance last night.  Biden remained awake during a two hour Town Hall performance, answered every question and never experienced his questions being challenged though the moderator did press him a few times for clarification.
Personally I thought many of his answers were full malarkey but at least he lasted the entire program. 

As for Trump, his NBC moderator was a "bitchy" attack dog right from the start and remained combative the entire hour. The questions served up were  the standard dishes pertaining to Covid, Covid, and Covid and Trump 
answered  most of the time but toward the end he  went off on a tangent and did not fully answer the question.

Again the evening was a basic waste of time because the questions were mainly soft ball the answers were softer and America faces far more serious issues than were revealed by the questions and answers.  Throughout the entire evening I kept hoping someone would say to Biden, " you complain about everything being wrong and needed fixing so  where were you during your 8 years?"  Helping your son enrich himself along with your brother and other a members.  No one asked about Biden's source of wealth and yet Trump was pummeled by "miss bitch" regarding his tax return, his alleged debt to various ominous/nefarious sources etc., etc. ad nauseum.

Trump was cordial the entire evening, was constantly interrupted by the moderator who probably spoke/harangued over 20 minutes of the hour program.

At the very least, Trump should get the battered sympathy vote from the undecided, few as they may be.  The man is despised  for beating the haters and for his crude commentary and twitting but I believe nothing he does would  find favor, or be acceptable,  because the hatred and character assassination and identity politics of the haters is deep and pathological..

Patriot Truth News

Biden Campaign Spox: NY Post Story Isn’t True Because Twitter Censored It

Watch: President Trump Goes Savage Mode on Savannah Guthrie


Your FBI Will Entrap You

More commentary:

First look:
  • Tucker Carlson reveals new email in Hunter Biden-Burisma scandal
  • ABC asked Joe Biden ZERO questions about Hunter's emails
  • Biden vows to answer court-packing question before Nov 3rd
  • The FBI is (finally) checking into Hunter Biden's Burisma emails

  • And:
  • +++

Tucker Carlson shares a new email in Hunter Biden - Burisma scandal

HeadlineWATCH: Tucker Carlson Reveals New Email In Hunter Biden-Burisma Scandal: ‘How Could That Happen?’

What's Up: As many were watching last night's dueling debates on NBC and ABC, Fox News' Tucker Carlson shared a new email purported to have come from Hunter Biden's laptop. Carlson shared the contents of the email and broke down how it may prove a larger, more nefarious plot by Hunter Biden to turn his father's position as Vice President into a lucrative situation for himself.

Quote: "'So what did Burisma want exactly? Well, good PR for starters,' Carlson said. 'The executive wanted, quote, high-ranking U.S. officials to express their, quote, positive opinion of Burisma. And then he wanted the administration to act on Burisma’s behalf.'" —

The First take: We prefer to take a skeptical approach to "October surprises" like this one. How can we be certain of the authenticity of the emails? Further investigation is definitely needed and we must have more clarity from the FBI on why the agency appears to have slow-walked its' investigation into the hard drive. As Carlson stated last night, "If these emails are fake, this is the most complex and sophisticated hoax in history."  

ABC asked Joe Biden no questions about Hunter's emails last night

HeadlineBiden doesn’t get one question on Hunter Biden exposé at ABC News town hall

What's Up: The tone of ABC's Town Hall featuring Joe Biden was decidedly different from Donald Trump's contentious exchanges with NBC's Savannah Guthrie. Most surprising to many, there was not a single question about one of the biggest stories of the week, Joe Biden's son Hunter and the emails reportedly exposing questionable connections between the young Biden and international business deals.

Quote: "As the town hall ended, the former Clinton administration employee thanked voters for their 'really terrific questions,' calling them 'a service to our democracy.'" —

The First take: If you required any more evidence of the bias against Trump and for Biden in the mainstream media, last night's two "town hall" events made the case. In our opinion, Trump had to fight through 20+ minutes of Savanah Guthrie's grilling prior to fielding any voter questions while Biden was lobbed softball questions from a friendly moderator.

Bonus: Savannah Guthrie blasted for hostile behavior towards Trump in Town Hall


Bari Weiss's op ed:


The Coronavirus Experts Were Wrong, Now They Need Scapegoats

It’s not about fighting the virus, but punishing political and cultural enemies.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The problem isn’t just the China Virus. It’s that we adopted the China Model to fight it.

Public health experts adopted China’s draconian lockdowns without knowing how well they really worked and in a country that, fortunately, lacks the power to truly enforce them.

China’s deceptiveness and lack of transparency meant that we did not know how well anything that the Communist dictatorship did to battle the virus that it spawned actually worked. Despite that, our public health experts, and those of most free countries, adopted the China Model.

We don’t know how well the China Model worked for the People’s Republic of China, but it failed in every free country that tried it. Lockdowns eventually gave way to reopenings and new waves of infection. This was always going to happen because not even the more socialist European countries have the police state or the compliant populations of a Communist dictatorship.

Desperate, the public health experts adopted China’s compulsive mask wearing, a cultural practice that predates the virus, as if wearing a few flimsy scraps of fiber would fix everything.

It hadn’t and it didn’t.

But by then the public health experts and the media that had touted them were moving fully into the scapegoat portion of the crisis. The China Model had failed, all that was left was shifting the blame to more conservative and traditional populations, and away from the cultural elites.

In New York City that meant falsely blaming Chassidic Jews for the second wave. From Maine to San Francisco, Democrat leaders and their media blamed conservative Christian gatherings. Their national counterparts loudly blamed President Trump for not wearing a mask all the time.

New York Times headline captured the cynical broad spectrum cultural scapegoating with, "N.Y.C. Threatens Orthodox Jewish Areas on Virus, but Trump’s Impact Is Seen."

The uncomfortable truth was that the lockdowns had failed economically, socially, and medically.

Even blue states and cities were no longer able to carry the impossible economic burden much longer. The Black Lives Matter riots and the onset of summer broke the #StayHome taboos, and medically, the lockdowns had been useless efforts to meet a fake crisis of hospital overflows.

America, like too many other countries, put the experts in charge and they failed. Miserably.

Democrats claimed that they were superior because they were “listening to the science”. They weren’t listening to the science, which is not an oracle and does not give interviews. Instead, they were obeying a class of officials, some of them whom weren’t even medical professionals, who impressed elected officials and the public with statistical sleight of hand. And little else.

The entire lockdown to testing to reopening pipeline that we adopted wholesale was a typical bureaucratic and corporate exercise, complete with the illusion of metrics and goals, that suffered from all the typical problems of bureaucracy, academia, and corporate culture.

The system that determines reopenings and closings is an echo chamber that measures its own functioning while having little to do with the real world. Testing has become a cargo cult exercise that confuses the map with the world, and the virus with the spreadsheet. It gamifies fighting the pandemic while dragging entire countries into an imaginary world based on its invented rules.

When the media reports a rise or decrease in positive tests, it’s treated as if it’s an assessment of the virus, rather than an incomplete data point that measures its own measurements.

The daily coronavirus reports have become the equivalent of Soviet harvest reports. They sound impressive, mean absolutely nothing, and are the pet obsession of a bureaucracy that not only has no understanding of the problem, but its grip on power has made it the problem.

The smarter medical professionals understand that the theories have failed, while the administrators who put the theories into practice confused their system with science. The politicians listen to the administrators and when they tell us to trust the science, they mean the bureaucracy. The medical professionals can’t and won’t backtrack now. It’s too late.

The best and brightest spent the worst part of a year shuffling rationales like a gambler’s trick deck, wrecked the economy, and sent tens of thousands of infected patients into nursing homes to infect the residents, accounting for at least a third of the national coronavirus death toll.

Like most national leadership disasters, it was a combination of misjudgement, understandable mistakes, tragic errors, and acts of incomprehensible stupidity or unmitigated evil.

A lot of people are dead, a lot more are out of work, and the problem is far from solved. Someone will have to be blamed and they certainly don’t want it to be themselves.

The lockdown and the rule of the public health experts has become too big to fail.

Mistakes were made, as the saying goes. Projections were built based on bad and incomplete data. Everyone followed the path of least resistance by doing what China had done. And everyone in the system, from the experts to the administrators to the politicians to the media, is complicit. That makes the massive error the world has been living under too big to fail.

There are only two choices left. Admit the magnitude of the mistake or find someone to blame.

The establishment that touted the experts is blaming its political and cultural enemies, the  people it has been priming the public to see as strange, selfish, irrational, and dangerous. And also the very people who have been the loudest opponents of lockdown culture.

Given a choice between admitting the system was wrong or blaming the system’s failure on its critics, the establishment has followed the same pattern as every authoritarian leftist regime.

The lockdowns didn’t fail, they were failed by conservative Christians and Jews, by President Trump, by people who were too selfish to give up their lives, businesses, and religion for the greater good. And if only they had, the coronavirus would be gone and everything would be fine.

The China Model promised something that its proponents quickly knew it couldn’t deliver. Everything since then has been a scam to cover up the original quackery and hackery. The louder they blame critics and dissenters for the failure, the more obvious the coverup becomes.

Lockdown culture needs patsies to take the fall for why it didn’t work. Like every leftist social and economic experiment, its defenders are left to argue that it was never properly tried. If only it weren’t for Trump, and for the dissenters, for the Chassidic Jews in Brooklyn, for Christian weddings in San Francisco and Maine, for gyms, bars, and beaches, it would have worked.

Yet the simple truth is that the China Model hasn’t worked in any country that isn’t China.

It doesn’t matter who the leader or the ruling party are, whether the public wore or didn’t wear masks, the resurgence is not a political phenomenon, science doesn’t speak, and the virus doesn’t listen. But of all the countries in the world, America was especially ill-fitted to adopt an authoritarian public health model. The sheer size, openness, and diversity of the country makes us unique and should have made it abundantly obvious that no such system would work.
Anyone but an expert or administrator would have understood that these plans were doomed.

But what the system failed to accomplish in battling the virus, it made up for by providing the leadership that had enacted it with a wonderful opportunity to settle its political scores.

The lockdowns don’t exist anymore as a prophylactic policy, but as a political vendetta. The more people die, the more businesses are ruined, the more everyone suffers, the more vicious the vendetta grows as it hunts for scapegoats, political and religious, for the great error of terror.

Leftist regimes turn to political terror as their policies fail. When the idealism dies, and the theories fall apart, the organizers pursue misery for the sake of misery, using fear, deprivation, and hate to maintain their grip on power while crushing the political threats to their rule.

The rule of the experts isn’t fighting the virus. It has become the virus.
My friends, Chuck and Bonnie Berk sum up why they are supporting Trump and I concur in their succinct summation.

Deeds Versus Words: Why Jews Should Support Trump

Trump has a direct style and is a man of action, taking measures that have helped minorities, Jews and Israel.

In 40-plus years in business, I ran into many great talkers who delivered nothing productive and were “empty suits.” Most politicians fit that description: promise a lot and deliver little. Conversely, Donald Trump is a man of action. You may not like his in-your-face style, but he’s been a great president for Israel, Jews and America.

Many Atlanta Jews are social justice warriors, with special emphasis on helping African Americans. No recent president has done more to help the Black community than Donald Trump, not with slogans or marches, but with action. By removing onerous regulations and unfair trade practices, Trump opened the door to the greatest economic growth we’ve seen in decades, especially for minorities.

Trump called out China for its negligence in not warning us about COVID and has been a tough negotiator, making better trade deals benefiting U.S. farmers and businesses. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), which had sucked our manufacturing and jobs over the borders, was replaced with a much friendlier USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement).

He strengthened NATO with European allies finally paying their fair share so U.S. taxpayers wouldn’t have to disproportionately pay for Europe’s security. The U.S. became energy-independent, with 50 percent more production than Saudi Arabia. Biden promises to implement the unaffordable Green New Deal, which would decimate our energy sector and significantly raise utility prices.

Trump imposed the “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign on Iran, depriving the mullahs of the resources to pursue their nuclear dreams and limited their aggressions as the largest state sponsor of terrorism. Obama-Biden “played nice” with Iran, sending it about $150 billion in cash, which Iran used to fund terrorism, not to help its people. Iran continues to state its goal of annihilating the U.S. and Israel, while Biden pledged to re-enter the disastrous JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) deal, a badly conceived effort that let Iran continue to cheat its way toward nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles.

How about the U.N.? For years, we’ve been paying the lion’s share of the U.N.’s expenses while the member nations continuously vote against us. America’s U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Trump said, “no more.” The U.S. cut its U.N. contribution, all aid to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency), signed the Taylor Force Act prohibiting aid to families of terrorists and dropped membership in the U.N.’s Human Rights Council, which condemns Israel while ignoring real human rights violations worldwide. Before leaving office in December 2016, the Obama-Biden administration betrayed Israel by orchestrating the U.N. resolution 2334 vote, falsely claiming the Old City of Jerusalem “illegal” and “occupied Palestinian territory.”

If that wasn’t enough, Obama-Biden humiliated Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon by having every Security Council member stand and applaud the resolution’s passage as Danon sat.

Jews desperately need respected local police forces to protect us in synagogues and on the streets. Trump is a law-and-order president who supports our military and police. And he’ll protect private health insurance and coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Maybe most important for Jews, the State of Israel has not had a better friend in the White House than Trump since its founding in 1948. Many U.S. presidents promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. He recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Trump’s policies implicitly called on the Arab world to recognize the State of Israel’s legitimacy and permanency, strengthening the U.S.-Israel alliance, leading to incredible diplomatic successes and producing agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain – truly historic progress for the first time in 25 years.

Biden’s record has not been supportive of any of these issues. Further, it was his threat to halt aid to Israel nearly four decades ago that led then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin to remark: “I am not a Jew with trembling knees.” It would be a shande [shame] to replace the rock-solid pro-Jewish, pro-Israel Trump with Biden.

Chuck Berk is local co-chair of the Republican Jewish Coalition with his wife, Bonnie.


Norman Podhoretz wrote a book entitled "Why Jews Are Liberal" many years ago and his message can be  summed up by saying liberal Jews have little knowledge of the true meaning/underlying message of their religion and thus, have substituted/embraced liberal politics.  Tobin sort of agrees.

As for myself,  I believe liberal Jews are emotional, insecure, always fear they have to walk on tip toes and believe if they side with the underdog they will feel more secure/ at home emotionally  and be safer. If they contribute to good civic causes this will also protect them.  

The tragic side  is liberal Jews do not realize the donkey they were riding threw them off along the way and has become a radical bucking bronco in the guise of socialists, anti-Semitics and  rioting blacks embracing BLM seeking retribution as a way of shaking down America.

They need to wake up and smell the roses and quit thinking they can sleep safely among the thorns. 

Two different Jewish tribes choose different candidates

It’s no surprise that Israelis want Trump while American Jews back Biden. The split isn’t so much about Middle East policy as it is about the nature of the two societies.

Among the least surprising poll numbers to be published recently were the results of the Pew Research Center survey that reports a sizable 70 percent of American Jews say they are voting for former Vice President Joe Biden, while 27 percent are planning to cast their ballots to re-elect President Donald Trump. Those figures show that despite all that has happened in the last four tumultuous years, none of it has changed the minds of Jewish voters; in 2016, the exit polls produced similar results with 71 percent backing Hillary Clinton and 24 percent choosing Trump.

Equally unsurprising were the results of two other polls. One was an Ami magazine poll that showed that American Jews who identify as Orthodox backed Trump over Biden by a whopping 83 percent to 13 percent. Another, from I24News showed that 63 percent of Israelis preferred Trump while only 19 percent wanted Biden. That last number could be seen as a matter of self-interest on the part of Israelis. But about half of the respondents also made it clear that they thought their American cousins were mistaken with 48 percent saying that U.S. Jews were wrong to embrace the Democratic Party and 35 percent saying they were right to do so.

That Israelis like a president who likes them so much is hardly a shock in much the same way that most citizens of the Jewish state didn’t like President Barack Obama, despite the fact that most American Jews loved him.

But once we go beyond that obvious conclusion, how do we explain these clear differences? The glib response is to merely put it down to most American Jews being liberals, while the Orthodox and Israelis lean to the right. There’s truth in that, but the answer goes much further. The results say relatively little about the issues or the merits of the candidates and everything about the differences between the Orthodox and the non-Orthodox, as well as the contrasting nature of American and Israeli societies and their political cultures.

The only interesting thing to note about the Pew results is that many Biden and Trump supporters have a hard time understanding the people on the other side. To the majority who are generally liberal and loyal Democrats, the election isn’t so much about Biden as it is in opposing Trump, whom they believe isn’t merely wrong but the epitome of evil.

Biden supporters simply don’t understand how Jews could support Trump, whom they regard as a threat to their safety. While they oppose his conservative policies, they also see his style, manners and speech as embodying the worst elements of American society, in addition to an expression of hate that they link to violence against Jews and fear that another term will lead to an authoritarian fascist regime. It’s not for nothing that the Jewish Democratic Council has produced ads that more or less accuse Trump of being a Nazi despite the offensive nature of these deeply inappropriate analogies.The Jews that support Trump are just as befuddled. They look at the president’s record and wonder why any Jew would oppose him. They see the most pro-Israel present America has ever had, as well as one who has taken more action against anti-Semitism, especially on college campuses, than any of his predecessors. They also trust someone with the kind of close personal connections to Jews that Trump has in the form of a daughter who converted to Judaism, Jewish grandchildren and close Jewish associates who have played roles in shaping his policies.

But these talking points don’t really explain the way the votes break down.

At the heart of the difference between Jewish Biden and Trump voters is faith. Liberal Jews who see voting for Biden as a no-brainer are in many instances the product of a culture that is far more interested in the universalist aspects of Judaism and Jewish identity than its more parochial ones.

For the overwhelming majority of non-Orthodox Jews, the liberal social-justice agenda of the Democratic Party is what they consider to be the core of Judaism. The old and somewhat unfair joke that holds that non-Orthodox or Reform Judaism is the Democratic Party platform with holidays thrown in remains apt here. Though a growing number of Jews on the left have embraced anti-Zionist groups, many liberal Jews still care deeply about Israel and its security. Nevertheless, it is not anywhere close to being their top priority.

By contrast, Orthodox Jews and the small number of non-Orthodox who identify as politically conservative do regard support for Israel as a litmus test issue. Trump’s stand on Israel seals the deal for them. It’s also true that many Orthodox Jews simply don’t identify with the sort of tikkun olam Judaism that liberals embrace.

American society is, by definition, avowedly nonsectarian, rather than a nation-state whose purpose is to provide a home and security for one specific people that had been persecuted for 20 centuries. The American ethos is rooted in universal values that seek to break down the barriers between peoples and faiths. Like most other nations on the planet, Israel is an expression of particularism. Its priority is to reconstitute and defend Jewish sovereignty in the ancient homeland of the Jews and not to be the last and best hope of the world.

The Orthodox and most Israelis don’t necessarily reject universalist values. Yet they see the necessity for preserving Jewish life and the Jewish state as being just as important, and Trump’s sympathy helps tip the balance.

There are all sorts of reasons that motivate Jewish voters, including the president’s flaws, as well as the illiberal nature of the increasingly influential left wing of the Democrats. However, the stark split about the election also points out something that was long denied by those who have, for all the best reasons, sought to portray American Jews and Israelis as members of a close-knit family.

The “we are one” slogans that were once used to promote Jewish philanthropic giving were always more aspirational than descriptive. Americans and Israelis are part of the same Jewish people, but they are also two very different tribes with mindsets and priorities that, while not always in conflict, are also distinct. The same is true of the Orthodox and the non-Orthodox. Those who seek to explain why it is that these groups view the election through contrasting prisms must first acknowledge that what we are looking at is not a family split but a tribal one.


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